1.1 Background of the Problem
English is the first foreign language in our country, which is taught from
Elementary level to University level. English is also intensively used in
international communication, in written as well as in spoken communication. In
addition, many books of science, technology, art and other published issues are
written in English.
In English language, there are integrated skills to be mastered such as:
Speaking, listening, reading, and Writing. As Haycraft states (1978:8) that there
are various skills in mastering of language: respective skill, listening
(understanding the spoken language), reading (understanding the written
language), and productive skills-speaking and writing.
The researcher chooses student’s composing narrative writing as a material
of narrative writing. By assumption that the composition is the result of
students’ product that can be known clearly. Sofyan (1999:86) stated that
Narrative is a story which is connected with events based on the plot. Then why
the teachers use narrative text, it is because the narrative as a story of human
experience, so that the students arrange easily the composition. As Keraf
(1991:136) states that “Narrative as a story tells or describe an action in the past
time clearly, so narrative is tried to answer the question: what had happened?”.
Narrative as a story, so it is should have the element that can make story more
interesting to the reader such as a conflict and conclusion of the story.
The students must have good communication in both oral and written form.
Oral form is that speaking and listening, and written form is that writing in
reading. The students have difficulties in composing narrative writing. Some of
them feel difficulties in composing narrative writing such as: stuck to get
diction, getting idea, and ordering the words.
Based on the problem above, the students must know some strategies in
composing narrative writing such as: making outline, using picture, using
dictionary, sharing with friends, using the tools (audio, audio-visual) or
learning’s aids( a guide),. As Brown (2000:113) stated that strategies are
specific methods of approaching a problem or task, modes of operation for
achieving a particular end, planned designs for controlling and manipulating
certain information. Because of that the students should choose a good strategy
to compose narrative writing. As Chamot in Masdari (2005:5) says learning
strategies are techniques approaches, or deliberate the learning and recall of
both linguistic and contains information.
From the above explanation, we can infer that each student has certain
tendency and capability in using certain learning strategies, therefore the use of
various learning strategies influenced by their family background, experience,
and character. In order words, strategy that is useful to student might not be
useful to others. Since students have their own strategy characteristic, they will
have different learning strategies that are useful and comfortable for them.
From the above explanation, the researcher will discuss about “the students’
strategies in composing narrative writing” which is conducted at the second
year of SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa Tangerang.
1.2 The Identification of Problem
Based on the background above, the research identifies the problem as
1 The students get difficulties in composing narrative writing.
2 Inappropriate learning strategies and teaching techniques.
3 There are many kind of strategies which have done.
1.3 The Limitation of Problem
In this research the researcher limits only on strategy in composing
narrative writing done by students at second year of SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa
1.4 The Formulation of Problem
Dealing with limitation of the problem, the researcher would like to
formulate the problem as follow:
1) What strategies are used by the students in writing narrative at second
year of SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa?
2) What are the students’ reasons in choosing strategies at second year of
SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa?
3) How do the students’ compose narrative writing at second year of SMK
PGRI 13 Cikupa?
1.5 The Objectives of the research
The objectives of the research could be formulated as follow:
1) To find out strategies used by the students at second year of SMK
PGRI 13 Cikupa.
2) To know the students reasons in choosing a strategy at second year
of SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa.
3) To know the students ability in composing narrative writing at
second year of SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa.
1.6 The Uses of the Research
1.6.1 Theoretically:
1. As the references for other researchers who are interested in
investigating the teaching writing ability by using composing narrative
writing to students’ composing narrative writing.
2. As the support for the theory which states that composing narrative
1.6.2 Practically:
1 As the answer of the writer’s curiosity on the teaching by using
composing narrative writing to the students’ and the English teachers.
2 As the information for all the teachers and the students to use strategies in
composing narrative writing.
1.7 Clarification of terms
1.7.1 Writing Strategies
According to Collin (2008) state that writing strategies are deliberate,
focused ways of thinking about writing.
Based on definition above, writing strategies are some of technique it can be
a formal plan to write a book report, or it can be something as simple as a trick
to remember how a word is spelled.
1.7.2 Strategy
According to Brown (2000:113) Strategies are specific methods of
approaching a problem or task, modes of operation for achieving a particular
end, planned designs for controlling and manipulating certain information.
Then strategy is as a remedy the teacher in making system area that
happened to process teaching learning. (Ahmadi:2005: 32).
According to Chamot (1987) strategies are often more powerful when they
are used in appropriate combinations.
Based on those definitions above, strategies are any tools or tactics that
learners employ to learn more effectively and more autonomously.
1.7.3 Learning Strategies
According to Chamot (1987) learning strategies are techniques approaches,
or deliberate the learning and recall of both linguistic and content information.
(Cited from Masdari, 2005:5)
Then learning strategies are intention behavior and thoughts used by
learners during learning, so as to better help them understand learn or remember
new information. (Richards. 1992:209)
Based on definition above, learning strategies are technique approaches,
intention behavior used by learner during learning, so as to better help them
understand learn or remember new information.
1.7.4 Narrative writing
As Semi in Hasani (2005:22) stated that narrative is conversation or writing
with the purpose tells about action or human experience based on the
development of time.
Then according to Keraf (1991:136) states that “Narrative as a story tells or
describes an action in the past time clearly, so narrative is tried to answer the
question: what had happened?” Narrative as a story, so it is should have the
element that makes the story more interesting to the reader such as a conflict
and conclusion of the story.
Referring on the definitions above we conduct that narrative is a story
telling about the event consist of conflict and conclusion.
1.8 Organization of the paper
Chapter one discusses about introduction that consists of background of
problem, identification of problem, limitation and formulation of problem,
objective of the research, uses of the research, clarification of terms and
organization of paper
Chapter two discusses about frame of theories that consist of the definition
of strategy, the kinds of strategies, definition of learning strategies, the
categories of learning strategies, definition of narrative, the characteristic of
narrative, the kinds of narrative, the different between narrative and recount,
definition writing strategies, plan for writing.
Chapter three discusses about methodology that consist of research
design, place of the research, data collecting technique, data analysis technique
and analysis of the instrument.
Chapter four discusses about research result and discussion of the
Chapter five discusses about conclusions and suggestion.
2.1 Definition of Strategy
Everybody has strategy in learning everything. It is conscious or
unconsciously. It is natural for learners to use strategy in learning process,
because learning is not an instantaneous process for every learner, it is one of
their development process. Sometimes strategy can help the students, so the
teacher helps the learner. As Ahmadi (2005:14) states that strategy is as a
remedy for the teacher in making system area that happened to process of
teaching learning.
According to Brown (2000:113) Strategies are specific methods of
approaching a problem or task, modes of operation for achieving a particular
end, planned designs for controlling and manipulating certain information.
Moreover, Mintzberg (1991: 5) says that strategy is the pattern or plan that
integrates an organization’s major goals, policies, and action sequences into a
cohesive whole.
Then, Chamot (1999:32) stated that strategies are often more powerful
when they are used in appropriate combinations. Based on the statement above
strategies are any tools or tactics that learners employ to learn more effectively
and more autonomously.
2.2 The Kinds of Strategy
There are kinds of strategies. As Brown (2000:122) states that the strategies
divide in to two are
2.2.1 Learning Strategies
Chamot in Masdari (2005:5) stated Learning strategies are techniques
approaches, or deliberate the learning and recalls of both linguistic and content
are information.
Strategies were divided into three main categories, are:
a) Metacognitive strategies
Metacognitive strategies is a term used in information-processing theory
to indicate an “executive” function, strategies that involve planning for
learning, thinking about the learning process as it is taking place,
monitoring of one’s production or comprehension, and evaluating
learning after an activity is completed.
b) Cognitive strategies
Cognitive Strategies are more limited to specific learning tasks and
involve more direct manipulation of the learning material itself.
c) Socioaffective strategies
Socioaffective strategies have to do with social mediating activity and
interacting with others.
Referring to the explanation above there are many categories of
learning strategies are metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, and
socioaffective strategies.
2.2.2 Communication Strategies
Faerch and Kasper in Brown (2000:127) defined communication
strategies as “potentially conscious plans for solving what to an individual
presents itself as a problem in reaching a particular communication goal”.
There are several categories in communication strategies. According to
Brown (2000:127), such as:
a. Avoidance Strategies
Avoidance strategies are a common communication strategy that can be
broken down into several subcategories.
The types of avoidance strategies are:
1) Message abandonment: leaving a message unfinished because of
language difficulties.
2) Topic avoidance: avoiding topic areas or concepts that pose
language difficulties.
b. Compensatory Strategies
Common compensatory strategies are a direct appeal for help. Learners
may, if stuck for a particular word or phrase, directly ask a native speaker
or the for the form.
The types of compensatory strategies are:
1) Circumlocution: describing or exemplifying the target object of
2) Approximation; using an alternative term which expresses the
meaning of the target lexical item as closely as possible.
3) Use of all-purpose words: extending a general, empty lexical
item to contexts where specific words are lacking.
4) Word coinage: creating a none existing.
5) Prefabricated patterns: using memorized stock phrases, usually
for “survival’ purpose.
6) Nonlinguistic signal: mime, gesture, facial expression, or sound
7) Literal translations: translating literally a lexical item, idiom,
compound word, or structure from L1 to L2
8) Foreign zing: using a L1 word by adjusting it to L2 phonology
9) Code-switching: using a L1 word will, Li pronunciation or a L3
word with L3 pronunciation while speaking in L2.
10) Appeal for help; asking for aid from the interlocutor either
11) Stalling or time-gaining strategies: using files or hesitation
devices to fill and to gain time to think.
2.3 Definition of learning Strategy
According to Chamot in Masdari (2005:5) state that Learning strategies
are techniques approaches, or deliberate the learning and recall of both
linguistic and contains information. Then Richards (1992:209) says that
learning strategies are intention behavior and thoughts used by learners during
learning, so as to better help them understand learn or remember new
From the statement above we can infer that in order to be a successful
language learner student should be able to decide which learning strategies that
one suitable for them. Thus, they can optimize and enjoy they learning by using
learning strategies, students can facilitate their quality of learning respond to
their learning needs and acquire knowledge better than those who do not know
and use learning strategies.
2.4. The Categories of learning strategies
There are several categories. According to Brown (2000: 124), categories of
learning strategies are:
2.4.1 Metacognitive strategies
Metacognitive is a term used in information-processing theory to
indicate an “executive” function, strategies that involve planning for learning,
thinking about the learning process as it is taking place, monitoring of one’s
production or comprehension, and evaluating learning after an activity is
completed. Brown in Purpura (1997).
According to explanation of metacognitive strategies, we can conclude
the characteristic of metacognitive strategies, are:
a) Advance organizers: making a general but comprehensive
preview of the organizing concept or principle in an anticipated learning
b) Directed attention : deciding in advance to attend in general to a
learning task and to ignore irrelevant distracters
c) Selective attention: deciding in advance to attend to specific
aspects of language input or situational details that will cue the retention
of language input.
d) Self management: understanding the conditions that help one
learn and arranging for the presence of those conditions.
e) Function planning: planning for and rehearsing linguistic
components necessary to carry out an upcoming language task.
f) Self monitoring: correcting one’s speech for accuracy in
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, of for appropriateness related to the
setting or to the people who are present.
g) Delayed production : consciously deciding to postpone speaking
in order to learn initially through listening comprehension
h) Self valuation: checking the outcomes of one’s own language
learning against an internal measure of completeness and accuracy.
2.4.2 Cognitive strategies
Cognitive strategies are more limited to specific learning tasks and involve
more direct manipulation of the learning material itself.
According to explanation of cognitive strategies, we can conclude the
characteristic of cognitive strategies, are:
a) Repetition :imitating a language model, including overt practice
and silrehearsal
b) Resourcing : using target language reference materials
c) Translation: using the first language as a base for understanding
and/or producing the second language.
d) Grouping : reordering or reclassifying, and perhaps labeling, the
material to be learned based on common attributes
e) Note taking : writing down the main idea, important points,
outline, or summary of information presented orally or in writing
f)Direction: consciously applying rules to produce or understand the
second language.
g) Recombination: constructing a meaningful sentence of target
language sequence by combining known elements in a new way.
h) Imagery : relating new information to visual concepts in memory
via familiar, easily retrievable visualizations, phrase, or longer language
i)Keyword : remembering a new word in the second language by (1)
identifying a familiar word in the first language the sounds like or
otherwise resembles the new word and (2) generating easily recalled
images of some relationship between the new word and thee familiar
j)Contextualization : placing a word or phrase in a meaningful language
k) Elaboration : relating new information to other concepts in
l)Transfer : using previously acquired linguistic and/or conceptual
knowledge to qqqq new language learning task
m) Inferencing: using available information to guess meaning of
new items, predict outcomes, or fill in missing information.
2.4.3 Socioaffective strategies
Socioaffective strategies have to do with social mediating activity and
interacting with others.
According to explanation of socioaffective strategies, we can conclude
the characteristic of socioaffective strategies, are:
a) Cooperation : working with one or more peers to obtain
feedback, pool information, or model a language
b) Question for clarification: asking a teacher or other native
speaker for repetition, paraphrasing, explanation, and/or examples.
Base of explanations above, the characteristic of socioaffective strategies is
more conclude to social activity or always met people to interaction with others.
2.5 Definition of Narrative
The students are learning many texts. One of texts is narrative text. It is
related to the experience or story of past time. Marahamin (1999:96) defined
“Narrative is a story based on the plot, and plot consists of event, person, and
As semi (2003:29) in Hasani (2005:22) stated that narrative is
conversation or writing with the purpose tells about action or human experience
based on the development of time. Keraf (1991:136) stated that “Narrative as a
story tells or describes an action in the past time clearly, so narrative is tried to
answer the question: what happened”. Narrative as a story, so it is should have
the element that can make the story more interesting to the reader such as a
conflict and conclusion of the story.
2.6 The Characteristic of Narrative
According to explanation of narrative, we can conclude the
characteristic of narrative, are 1) it is a story or it is usually human experience;
2) it has a conflict and solving problem, 3) systematic. As Keraf (2000: 136)
states that the characteristic of narrative are 1) concern to actions, 2) set in the
time sequences, 3) try to answer the question, what happened? 4) It has
conflicts. Semi in Hasani (2005:27) states that, the other characteristic of
narrative, it has aesthetics; it should have imagery to increase the reader’s
2.7 The Kinds of Narrative
Keraf (1991: 136) defines those kinds of narrative:
2.7.1 Expository narrative
Expository narrative is usually tells the information about the event based
on factual data. It also tells about the steps of the event to the reader. The object
in expository narrative is beginning the first until the end; it means that the
writer tells the story from the first until the end. The purpose of narrative is to
make the reader’s knowledge about object of story is deeply.
2.7.2 Suggestive narrative
Different from expository narrative, suggestive narrative can be unsuitable
with the factual data, because it emphasizes the suggestive sense. So, the
purpose of suggestive narrative is to increase the reader’s imagination. Hasani
(2005:290) Says “narrative suggestive is narrative that tried to give a certain
purpose tell an explicit message to readers or listener so they fell that they are
involved in the story”.
Referring to the explanation above, the narrative is tells the story based
on the human experience in the first until the end to give a certain purpose tell
an explicit message to readers about object of story deeply.
2.8 The Different between Narrative and Recount
According to Pardiyono,M.Pd.(2007:63), recount is as a kind of the text
that have purpose to gives the information about the activity in the past.
Pardiyono (2007:94) defines the different Narrative and Recount:
· Narrative is a kind of text about the activities that happened in the past
time. It is appear about problematic experience and resolution, it purpose to
amuse and sometimes it can be have to give the moral education to the
reader. Narrative text is very general than short story, novel, film text,
legend, tales and other that tell about the experience in the past time which
is it has the conflict and resolution.
· Recount is a kind of text about the activities that happened in the past time,
the main purpose is just to explain or give the information to help the
Based on the explanation above, narrative is tells story about
problematic human experience and resolution in the past time, but recount is
tell story about the activities that happened in the past time, end the purpose just
to explain or to give information to the reader.
2.9 Strategies in Composing Narrative Writing
According to Collin (2008) state that writing strategies are deliberate,
focused ways of thinking about writing. A writing strategy can take many
From the definition above, writing strategies are some technique it can
be a formal plan a teacher wants students to follow to write a book report, or it
can be something as simple as track to remember how a word is spelled.
30. A plan for writing
Preparing a writing plan for a specific text type from this they can put a plan
for writing a descriptive report in the future, for example: (Department of
education and early childhood development)
1. Title of the narrative
2. Setting of the narrative
3. The main characters of the narrative and how they develop
4. The main background of the narrative
5. The events that lead up to the problem or challenge (the complication)
6. The events that lead up to the problem/challenge being solved (the
7. The ending (the conclusion)
Students use a range of strategies including the following:
Students describe their action plan for writing, and the actions
they will use to achieve their goals or purpose for writing.
Students use idea generation and collation strategies, orientation
strategies, and idea organization strategies, for example, brainstorming
and semantic mapping (including computer and graphic organizer in
planning and collecting knowledge for writing different text types) and
strategies for narrative or expanding a topic prior to drafting.
Students use drafting strategies in which students; 1) use the
idea and perspectives generated to write a first draft; 2) elaborate initial
ideas and identify subordinate ideas; and 3) focus on developing ideas,
details and organizing them.
Students use revising strategies such as rereading the draft to
check that there is consistency of learning and main ideas, language use
and style, and modify the draft accordingly.
The students use editing strategies to check the use of spelling,
punctuation, grammar, and capitalization; students use several resources
such as a dictionary, computer and style guides.
Students use publishing strategies such as; 1) selecting a format
for publication appropriate for the audience for example a letter, a
poster, an essay, a report); and 2) using technology to support the
publishing process.
From the above explanation, we know that by knowing the plan of writing,
the students’ can be good written if their use strategies in make composing
narrative writing.
3.1 The Research Design and Method
In this research, the researcher used Descriptive Qualitative. Qualitative
research is descriptive research. Borgan and Taylor (1990:3) in Margono
(2005:36) defined that qualitative research is “the research procedure which
produces descriptive data such as word written or speed from the population
people and attitude which can analyze”. In line with that, Sugiono (2005:9)
states that Qualitative research is descriptive, the data collected is in the form of
words of pictures rather that number: Qualitative researches are concerned with
process rather than simply outcomes or products: qualitative researches tend to
analyze their data inductively.
The writer used this method to examine the events or phenomena of
students, especially in students’ strategies in composing narrative writing.
Sukmadianata in Sugiono (2005:60) states that qualitative research is a research
that is used to describe and analyzed phenomena, event, social activity, attitude,
belief, perception and people thinking either in individual or in a group.
3.2 Place of Research
The research is about the analysis of students’ strategies in composing
narrative writing at second year class of SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa, Tangerang. It is
a formal education institution located in Cikupa kabupaten Tangerang. SMK
PGRI 13 Cikupa has facilities that support students in teaching and learning
process such as library
3.3 The Research Instrument
Arikunto (1997:136) stated that Research instrument is the tools or
facilities used by researcher in collecting the data, hope the result of research is
more accurate, complete, and systematic, so the process is easier. Based on that
explanation, the writer used research instrument in collecting data to support the
As human instrument, the writer should make to focus of the research,
choose the informant as source of the data, analyze the data and make
conclusion. Moreover Licon and Guba in Sugiono (2005:60) state that the
instrument of choice in naturalistic inquiry is the human. We shall see that other
forms of instrumentation mat be used a tear phrases of the inquiry, but human
instrument has been used extensively in earlier stages of inquiry, so that an
instrument can be constructed that grounded in the data that the human
instrument has product.
From the statement above, the writer concluded that in qualitative
research, there is no other opinion that to use human as the main research
instrument because the problem, research focus, research procedure hypotheses
and event the result in qualitative research are still unclear, so that there is no
choice than to use the researcher as the main instrument.
3.4 Time of Research
The research held on 15 – 29 August 2008. it consist three meeting.
3.5 The Research subject
Related to the research subject, the writer conducted her research in
SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa at Second year, which consists of three class and 102
students. Then, the writer used purposive sampling in deciding the students as
research subject. So, the writer took the students as research subject
purposively. They are 102 students.
According to Linclon and Guba in Sugiono (2005:54) the characteristic
of purposive sampling:
a) Emergent sampling design
b) Serial selection of sample unit
c) Continuous adjustment of focusing of the sample
d) Selection to the point of redundancy
3.6 The Data Collecting Technique
In collecting the data in the students’ strategies in composing narrative
writing the writer used observation, interview known as triangulation and
3.6.1 Observation
In the instrument, the writers will observation about student’s strategies
in composing narrative writing at second year of SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa.
In this observation the writer as an observer, just only observed and was
not involved in the teaching process. Furthermore, the writer only used
checklist as the instrument in the observation. Besides observing student’s
activities, the writer also observed teacher’s roles, teaching aids and students’
achievement in order to know how the process of students’ strategies in
composing narrative writing is and how is the result of students’ strategies in
composing narrative writing.
Observation used as data collecting technique have specific type if
compared by another type such as interview and questioner.(Sugiono,2005:65).
As far as the writer conducted a observation in the second year at SMK PGRI
13 Cikupa.
3.6.2 Interview
This instrument is the way on the method of data collection in which the
writer asks the information directly. The writer interviewed the English teacher
and students to knowing some information from her/him how the teacher give a
material narrative writing and how the students’ using strategies in composing
narrative writing at second year (management) of SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa
3.6.3 Questionnaire
In this research, the writer was given questioner to the students’ at
second year of SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa cause the writer want to know more
deeply how does the students’ strategies in composing narrative writing.
3.7 The Data Analysis Technique
Muhajir (1996:104), data analysis is a process to find out and set result data
from observes, interview, and other to increase the researcher about the study
and make easy to understand by our self and other. In this research the writer
conducted her research at second year of SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa in dividing into
three classes (Management I, and II) consist of 102 students. Then, to find out
the data, the writer used the method by L.R. Gay and Arikunto
The writer used the following technique to measure the data:
Agreement x 100%
Σ Items
(Taken from L.R. Gay, 1992:248)
The following are the standard in measuring the data:
1. Good : 76-100%
2. Enough : 51-75%
3. unsatisfactory : 40% - 55%
4. Worst : < 40%
(Taken from Arikunto 2002:244)
To analyses the data the writer as follow:
3.7.1 Reduction of data
Data reduction use for collecting the data from observation, interview,
and questionnaire. In data reduction, the writer will summarize and focus on the
important data that could eases the writer in collecting the next data.
3.7.2 Display
In data display, the writer will analyze the result from observation,
interview and questionnaire. Then the data were organized and arranged in a
pattern, so that they would be understood easily.
3.7.3 Conclusion drawing/ Verification
According to Miles and Huberman (1992), the third step in analyzing
data in qualitative research is conclusion drawing or verification. It was used to
describe all of the data which were still unclear in the beginning.
3.8 Research validity and Reliability
To determine the validity of the data, it is needed a checking technique of
the data. According to Moleong (1993:173), there are four terms used:
a. Credibility
The validity concept mentions that generalization of a finding can be valid
or applied on all contexts in the same population based on the finding obtained
in the sample which resent the population it self.
b. Transferability
Transferability as empiric matter depends on the equity between sender and
receiver contexts. To do the transferability, a researcher should find and collect
empiric event of the context equality. Therefore, the researcher is responsibility
for providing efficient descriptive data if she wants to make a decision about
the transferability. To do this thing, a researcher needs to conduct a researcher
to ensure an attempt of verifying it.
c. Dependability
Dependability term is reliability substitution term in qualitative research.
The reliability is achieved if the result is equal when two or several times
conducted repetition of a study in the same condition and essentially.
d. Conformability
A conformability term derives from “objectives” concept according to non
qualitative research. Non qualitative states the objectivity of agreement side
between subjects. To make sure that something is objective or doesn’t depend
on several people’ agreement toward view, opinion, and someone’s finding. So,
in this case, the objectivity of something depends on the people opinion.
Beside that, As Scriven (in Moleong, 1999:174), there is another
“qualitative” element which sticks on the objectivity, it should be trust able,
factual, and can be guaranteed. In other word, subjectivity means vague.
From the above explanation, if qualitative research emphasizes on
“people”, whereas, non qualitative emphasize on the data. In this case, to
determine the validity and reliability, with a consideration that qualitative
research with its naturalistic paradigm is completely unable to use validity and
reliability terms. Based on those descriptions, the naturalistic paradigm
qualitative uses the term in which certainly adjusted to inquiry force, so that the
redefine term is a demand that unavoidable.
Based of the techniques mentioned above, the writer used
conformability of the data.
3.9 Checking Technique of Data Credibility
Lincoln et al (Moleong, 1999:175), there are eight checking techniques
of data credibility suggested namely:
3.9.1 Prolong Observation
Prolong observation means that the writer should back to the field
research again, then do observation and interview again to the participants in
order to recheck whether the data, that were given before, are true or not. When
the data, that were given, are true means that the data are credible and the
prolong observation can be ended. Furthermore, by using prolong observation
the relationship between the writer and the participants can form rapport.
3.9.2 Persistent Observation
Persistent observation means that the writer should do observation more
accurately and continuously. By using persistent observation, the writer could
give an accurate and systematic data description about the thing that is
observed. In this case, the writer observed the English teacher when her/him
teaching narrative writing.
3.9.3 Triangulation
Triangulation data is a checking technique of data credibility by making
use of another thing which out of data to check the necessity of the data or as a
comparison of the data. The most triangulation technique often used is checking
trough available source.
Denzin (in Moleong, 1999:178) defines types of triangulation as
checking techniques, are: 1) triangulation of source, 2) triangulation of method,
3) triangulation of investigation, and 4) triangulation of theory.
3.9.4 Colleague Checking Through Discussion
It is known as inter-rater. This technique is conducted to know whether
the writer and the other experts find the same data. When the writer and the
other research find the same data means that the data are credible.
3.9.5 Negative Case Analysis
Negative analysis means that the writer should search another data,
which are different and even contradiction with the data that had already found.
When the writer does not find the contradiction data means the data are
3.9.6 Available Reference
Available reference is a device to cope and adopt with written critics for
evaluation necessity. Film or video tape for example, can be used to record and
compare with the result gained with the critics collected. If those mediums are
not existed, other devices can be used as a comparison critic, for example
information that can be used during checking of the data.
3.9.7 Checking Member
Checking with the members involved in the process of collecting data is
very important to check credibility of the data. What will be checked with the
members involve are data, analytic category, assumption and conclusion. The
member involved who represent their colleague have function to give reaction
from their view sight and situation towards the data which organized by the
3.9.8 Detail Description
Detail description technique which demands the researcher to describe
the result of the research as accurate as possible which draws the research place
carried out. The description should be revealed in detail to give what the readers
needed so that they are able to understand the findings obtained. Auditing
technique is a technique in business concept, especially in fiscal field which is
used to check the dependency and credibility of the data.
As Setiyadi (2002:206) states that there are five checking technique of
data credibility are, 1) Observation, 2) Interview, 3) Triangulation, 4)
Documentation, and 5) Field note.
From all of the technique mentioned, researcher uses triangulation of
source to display that the data is credible.
3.10 Research Procedures
The following are the procedure used in this research:
1. Determining the subject of the research.
2. Providing the instruments of data collecting such as observation form,
interview guide, interview students and questionnaire guide.
3. Doing observation in the class.
4. Interview the English teacher and interview students.
5. Giving questionnaire to the students.
6. Analyzing the result of observation, interview and questionnaire by using
data display.
7. Explaining the result of data descriptively by making conclusion drawing
or verification.
8. Identifying the credibility of the result of the observation, interview and
questionnaire by using colleague checking or inter-rate and member
check technique.
4.1 The Result
1. Result of observation
After observing students’ strategies in the process of composing narrative
writing in the classroom, the writer measured the data, which had been
collected, so that the writer gets the result that was observed. In this research,
the writer observed four components in the teaching process, such as, students
learning activity, teacher’s participant, teaching’s aids and students’ learning
achievement. (See table 1).
To know what is of students’ strategies in composing narrative writing
at second year (management) of SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa, the writer observed the
students’ learning to compose narrative writing. It takes 90 minutes to observe
the process of composing narrative writing. The writer got students’ strategies
used to compose narrative writing.
There are four components to get the data by observing the process of
composing narrative writing. The first component is activities of students. The
writer got the data which has result seventy five percent it means the students’
are enough to do four activities. They are: the students listen to the teacher’s
explanation about narrative writing, the students do assignment to compose
narrative writing, the students make the outline before writing, and the students
find difficulties in composing narrative writing. Actually one of four activities
was not done, it was the students make outline before writing, example the
students can not make outline before writing. While doing observation, the
writer found that the activities of students, such as : 1) the students listen to the
teacher’s explanation about narrative writing, the students make a group to
discuss narrative writing. 2) The students do assignments to compose narrative,
3) the students make the outline before writing, and 4) the students find
difficulties in composing narrative writing, the students find difficulties in
composing narrative writing such as: ordering the word, stuck to get diction and
The second component was teacher’s participant. The main reason why
the writer observed the teacher’s participation because the teacher got the
important role in helping the students to learn narrative writing, such as: the
teacher gives explanation clearly to students in narrative writing so the students
will understand about the material and the teacher can help the students by
answering their question from the students about narrative writing.
The result for teacher’s participation was good because it reaches eighty
percent, from five aspects the teacher did four activities such as: teacher gives
motivation to the students, teacher explains about narrative writing, teacher
answers the student’s question and the teacher solves their own problem in
composing narrative writing and one activity again the teacher can not prepare
learning’s aids. While doing observation, the writer found that teacher had done
some roles, such as: 1) Teacher gives motivation to the students, for instance I
saw the teacher gives rewards to students in learning narrative writing, 2)
teacher explains about narrative writing clearly, the teacher make groups of
students to discuss about narrative writing, 3) teacher prepared learning’s aids,
the teacher gave works sheet, hand out or picture to helping the students in
learning, 4) teacher answered the student’s question, the teacher could answer
students question directly and indirectly, example the teacher answered directly
students question or the teacher answer the question in the students paper, and
5) the teacher solved their own problems in composing narrative, the students
found stuck to get diction, finally they found dictionary.. Unfortunately, while
explaining and conveying the material, the teacher only focused on the teaching
aids a book, for supporting the teaching learning process.
The third component is about students’ aids was enough. Because it
reach seventy five percent, from four aspects the students used three students’
aids such as: students used a guide, students used dictionary, and students
shared among their friends, one again the students did not use picture to
compose narrative writing. It means that the students used the aids when they
compose narrative writing. The writer found that the students aids, such as: 1)
Students used a guide, the students used the hand out or work sheet in learning
process. 2) Students used dictionary, students founds stuck to get diction,
finally they used dictionary. 3) Students used picture to compose narrative
writing, the students used picture sequence or picture card to compose narrative
writing, and. 4) Students share among their friends, for example the students
asked with their friend about the ordering the words into good sentences.
The fourth component or the last component is students’ learning
achievement. The result of the data is good. The students’ could do the aspects
about one hundred percent. The aspects are: 1) Students make their own
experience orally, the students can compose narrative writing based on their
experience in the last time. 2) Students are able to compose narrative writing,
the students can composing narrative writing because the students use some of
strategies in compose narrative writing, and 3) Students use strategies to
compose narrative writing, students know some techniques in composing
narrative writing, such as: make outline, use picture, use learning’s aids or
sharing with friend.
The result of students’ strategies in composing narrative is the first
component is seventy five percent, the second is eighty percent, the third
component is seventy five percent and fourth component is one hundred
percent. ( see appendix 1). So the average of table 1 is good. It can achieve
eighty two percent that doing activities of the students and teacher activities
during observation, and eighteen percent of the activities can not doing.
2. Result of interview
After analyzing the data, the writer interview was given to the students
to know their learning strategies especially in composing narrative writing at
second year (management) of SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa.
The writer interviewed the students at second year (management) of
SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa. The writer got the result that most of the students
always use strategies such as: 1) sharing with their friends, because some of
students do not believe themselves. 2) Using outline, because their stuck idea
and the result do not coherence. 3) Using dictionary, because the students lack
of vocabulary. 4) Using picture, they said that it is easy to compose narrative
writing and help them in writing, because the picture can remind their
experience. 5) Using tools (audio, audio-visual), the students seldom used this
strategy because it doesn’t work.
The writer saw the students could compose narrative writing well
because some of the students used metacognitive strategies such as: making
outline, using picture , using learning’s aids, using dictionary, sharing with
friends and using tools(audio, audio-visual) to help them to compose narrative
3. Result of questioner
After analyzing the data the writer was given questioner to the students,
and it has been done in order to know the students’ activity in composing
narrative writing. It consists of ten items, there are: 1). Do you like writing? 2)
Do you write your experience in writing? 3). Do you determine outline before
compose narrative writing? 4). Do you make outline before writing? 5) Do you
use the tools to help you in writing? 6). Do you use dictionary in learning? 7)
Do you always share with your friend? 8). Does the teacher give explanation
clearly? 9). Do you find difficulties in composing narrative writing? 10). could
you get idea in compose narrative writing?. Students can answer the questions
by choosing the options yes, seldom, no and sometimes
Based on the questioner above, the result of the questioner are:
1) Do you like writing?
From ten students, there were three students who answered yes.
According to those students, they like writing because they often write their
past experience on their diaries. Then, there were five students who answered
sometimes, because, they only compose if they get the task from the teacher.
There were two students who answered no because they don’t like writing,
because they stuck idea to composing narrative writing
2). Do you write your experience in writing?
From the ten students, there were seven students who answered yes,
because they said it is easier to write experience their own, because writing
experience is something experienced or felt by them at past. There was one
student who answered sometimes because he only can memorize a little bit of
his past experience. The last, there were two students who answered no because
they didn’t like writing therefore they seldom write their experience.
3) Do you determine the outline before composing narrative writing?
From ten students, first, there were six students who answered yes, they
said that the outline can help them in composing narrative writing. Second,
there were two students, who answered sometimes, because according to them
determining the outline can save the time. Third, there was one student who
answered no, she said determine the outline is difficult then compose. The last,
who answered seldom, because they seldom write by determine the outline.
4) Do you make outline before writing?
From ten students, there were five students who answered yes, they said
making outline make them easier to composing narrative writing, and there are
2 students who answered sometimes, because based on their opinion, making
outline can help them in writing. The last, there were three students who
answered no, because they never make outline in composing narrative writing.
5) Do you use the tools to help you in writing?
From ten students, who answered yes there were seven students, they said
by using the learning aids such as: picture, book that make them easier, because
with the picture can express their idea in composing narrative writing. There
were three students, who answered sometimes, because learning’s aids
sometimes can help them in learning narrative writing.
6) Do you often use dictionary in learning?
From ten students, there were three students who answered yes, because
they said they could find the meaning of difficulty English words, and there
were five students who answered sometimes, according them dictionary doesn’t
help them much. There were two students who answered seldom, because they
said by opening dictionary to make confused than to share with friends.
7) Do you always share with friends?
From ten students, there were eight students who answered yes, because
they said sharing with friend could give idea or share the idea if their found
words difficult. There were two students who answered sometimes because
they liked writing theirselves, they enjoy writing what they like to write.
8) Does the teacher’s give explanations clearly?
From ten students, there were four students who answered yes, because
the teacher explanation was simple and clearly, and who answered sometimes
there were five students, because the teacher voice couldn’t be listened clearly.
There was one student who answered no, they said the teacher explanation
make them confused and He could not understand.
9). Do you find difficulties in composing narrative writing?
From ten students, there were five students who answered yes, they said
they found difficulties in ordering the words and they stuck to get the diction,
then there were three students who answered sometimes, because they
sometimes sharing with friends if they find difficulties in composing narrative
writing, and the last who answered no there were two students, because they
made outline before composing narrative writing.
10) Could you express your idea in composing narrative writing?
From ten students, there were eight students who answered yes, they
said in the composing narrative writing they could express their idea in writing
by memorizing the experience by looking at the picture, and who answered
sometimes there were two students because they said sometimes they got stuck
when they were writing narrative.
Based on the result of questioner the writer got the data, strategies that
used by students in composing narrative writing are sharing with friends it is
fifty percent of the student, because most of the students thought that share with
friends is easier and they don’t have to open dictionary if they find difficult
words, seconds, making outline. Those who use this strategy is about thirty
percent of the students, making outline make them easier than using dictionary,
because the students can not combine the words into good sentences. The third
strategy is using learning’s aids (picture, book, audio or audio-visual), those
who use this strategy was about twenty percent of the students, they said by
using learning’s aids they were able to arrange their ideas.
4.2 Discussion
Based on the description above, the writer can discussion:
Strategies are specific method to help the students in learning narrative
writing. Strategies can be used by the students to make them easier in
composing narrative writing, because strategy is one of technique to helping the
students in learning narrative writing and also express their idea. Strategies that
used by the students are: sharing with friends, make outline, using dictionary,
using picture, and using the learning aids (book, audio, or audio-visual).
The students’ difficulty in composing narrative writing is in ordering the
words. They still confused to combine the words into good sentences. In this
case, there were two causes in composing narrative writing. They were seldom
composing narrative writing and practiced their English. The students seldom
practice to write at home. They only practiced to write narrative writing in the
class, when teacher asked them to practice. So that, they must know some
strategies in composing narrative writing. Another cause is lack of facilities
which support them, such as there is no a guide, therefore, they only wait for
the teacher’s explanation about the material.
5.1 Conclusion
After conducting the research and analyzing the data, the writer
proposes the conclusion as follow:
1. There were some strategies that used by the
students’ in composing narrative writing, those strategies choose by the
students to facilitate them in composing narrative writing.
2. The strategies that used by the students in
composing narrative writing are: sharing with friends about fifty percent,
making outline about thirty percent, and using learning aids (picture,
book, audio, or audio-visual) about twenty percent.
5.2 Suggestion
After having the research in SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa, the researcher
would like to give some suggestions, based on observation
For the Teacher:
· The teacher should give motivation to students in learning especially in
composing narrative writing.
· The teacher should explain clearly the material narrative writing
because the students can be understood the material.
For the Students:
· The students should use effective strategies in learning English
such as: sharing with friends, making outline, using dictionary, using
learning aids (picture, book, audio, or audio-visual) or ordering the
words in compose narrative writing.
For the school:
· As a formal education institution, school provides facilities
(have a library and language laboratory) to support and increase the
student’s ability especially in composing narrative writing.
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List of Appendices
Appendix 1 Observation
Appendix 2 Interview
Appendix 3 Questionnaire
No Komponen yang
Aspek setiap komponen Ya Tidak
1. Kegiatan Belajar Siswa a. Siswa
mendengarkan penjelasan
guru mengenai narrative
b. Siswa
mengerjakan tugas membuat
karangan(narrative writing).
c. Siswa
membuat kerangka
karangan (outline) sebelum
d. Siswa
menemui kesulitan dalam
membuat narrative writing.
2. Peran Guru a. Guru memberikan
motivasi kepada siswa.
b. Guru menerangkan
materi narrative writing
dengan jelas.
c. Guru memberikan alat
Bantu ketika memberikan
d. Guru menjawab
pertanyaan siswa.
e. Guru membantu
mengatasi kesulitan siswa
dalam membuat karangan
narrative writing.
3. Alat Bantu Belajar a. Siswa
menggunakan buku paket
sebagai panduan dan
b. Siswa
menggunakan kamus untuk
membantu menterjemahkan
kata-kata yang sulit.
c. Siswa
menggunakan gambar
sebagai media bantu
membuat karangan.
d. Siswa
bertukar pikiran dengan
teman sebagai masukan
dalam membuat karangan
(narrative writing)
4. Pencapaian hasil
Belajar Siswa
a. Siswa
mampu memahami narrative
writing dengan bercerita
tentang pengalaman pribadi
b. Siswa
mampu membuat karangan
(narrative writing)
c. Siswa
mengetahui taktik/cara
mudah dalam membuat
Jumlah 13 3
Component 1 : 75%
Component 2: 80%
Component 3: 75%
Component 4: 100%
Average percentage: 75% + 80% + 75% + 100% = 82,5%
Identity of interview : 29 August 2008
Name : Yulianti, S.Pd
Place and Date of Birth : Tangerang, 24 August 1981
Background of Education : English Teacher of SMK PGRI 13 Cikupa
Teaching Experience : 6 years
1. How long have you been teaching? I have been teaching for 6 years
2. So far, what difficulties faced by you in teaching English subject in SMK
PGRI 13 Cikupa? The students are not interested in studying English, they
never bring dictionaries
3. What is your technique to increase the students’ ability in narrative
writing? Make outline, let them use Indonesian language and then translate it
into English.
4. Have you found the difficulties in teaching narrative writing? Yes, I have
5. What strategies used in teaching narrative writing? Make outline or give
some pictures then ask them to make narrative writing based on the pictures
6. How is the student achievement in English Subject? It is not as good as I
7. What is the method used to increase the students’ ability interest in writing
English? Always support them, give them more exercises
Interview of Student
Name : Irham Maulana
Class or major : II PJ I
Date of interview : August, 25th 2008
1. Do you like writing (diary)? What story do you like to write? Yes.
I like, usually I write story about my experience in the last.
2. Before writing, did you make out line, using tools (audio or audiovisual)
or ordering the words? Yes, I did. I make out line and ordering
the word to help me in writing the story.
3. What the tools (picture, book, audio or audio-visual) are uses if
you want to writing? Why? No, because it is can not help me in
4. Have you ever share with your friend? Yes, sometimes
5. Do you find any difficulties in composing narrative writing? Why?
Sure! My difficulties in make story is ordering the word
Interview of Student
Name : Aan Angraeni
Class or major : II PJ I
Date of interview : August, 25th 2008
1. Do you like writing (diary)? What story do you like to write? Yes.
I like, usually I write story about my activity
2. Before writing, did you make out line, using tools (audio or audiovisual)
or ordering the words? No, I did not
3. What the tools (picture, book, audio or audio-visual) are uses if
you want to writing? Why? Picture, because can easy to helping
me writing the story
4. Have you ever share with your friend? Yes
5. Do you find any difficulties in composing narrative writing? Why?
Yes, ! because I always difficulties in writing especially in
ordering the words
Interview of Student
Name : Asep Supriadi
Class or major : II PJ I
Date of interview : August, 25th 2008
1. Do you like writing (diary)? What story do you like to write? No, I
don’t’ like
2. Before writing, did you make out line, using tools (audio or audiovisual)
or ordering the words? Yes, I make outline before writing
3. What the tools (picture, book, audio or audio-visual) are uses if
you want to writing? Why? Picture, because make easy and
helping me to writing.
4. Have you ever share with your friend? Yes
5. Do you find any difficulties in composing narrative writing? Why?
Yes, ! because I can this to find ordering the words
Interview of Student
Name : Citra Cahya Lestari
Class or major : II PJ I
Date of interview : August, 25th 2008
1. Do you like writing (diary)? What story do you like to write? Yes.
I like, usually I write story about my experience
2. Before writing, did you make out line, using tools (audio or audiovisual)
or ordering the words? Yes, because I can writing well if I
make outline before.
3. What the tools (picture, book, audio or audio-visual) are uses if
you want to writing? Why? book, because with the look of book I
can write the story
4. Have you ever share with your friend? Yes, I ever share with my
5. Do you find any difficulties in composing narrative writing? Why?
No, because I ever share with my friend
Interview of Student
Name : Atika Sari
Class or major : II PJ I
Date of interview : August, 25th 2008
1. Do you like writing (diary)? What story do you like to write?
Sometimes, usually I write my experience
2. Before writing, did you make out line, using tools (audio or audiovisual)
or ordering the words? Yes, I did, before write I make
3. What the tools (picture, book, audio or audio-visual) are uses if
you want to writing? Why? I use the picture, because it can help
me in writing.
4. Have you ever share with your friend? Yes
5. Do you find any difficulties in composing narrative writing? Why?
Yes, ! because I difficulties in ordering the word
Nama : ......................................................
Kelas/jurusan : ..........................................................
Berilah tanda ( ) pada salah satu pilihan jawaban berdasarkan pendapat anda!
NO Pertanyaan Ya Kadang
Tidak Jarang
1. Apakah kamu suka menulis?
2. Apakah yang kamu tulis tentang
pengalamnmu sendiri?
3. Apakah kamu menentukan tema dulu
sebelum membuat karangan?
4. Apakah kamu membuat
outline(kerangka karangan) sebelum
5. Apakah dengan menggunakan alat
bantu dapat membantumu dalam
menulis/membuat karangan?
6. Apakah kamu sering menggunakan
kamus ketika menulis?
7. Apakah kamu sering bertukar pikiran
dengan temanmu?
8. Apakah penjelasan guru tentang
narrative writing mudah di pahami?
9. Apakah kamu menemukan kesulitan
dalam menulis/membuat karangan?
10. Apakah dengan menulis dapat
menyalurkan ide atau gagasanmu?