(The short version from Estonian “Tervis looduslikul teel” )
Breathe yourself healthy and live a long life
Relax yourself healthy
Move yourself healthy
Cure yourself with water
...And other useful things
Tallinn 2006
Toivo Räni
"... what we have to prove to others has little value.
No matter whom we should prove it to. Valuable is that, what we can
Gunnar Aarma
What road is correct…….?
It is of common knowledge that the roots of modern as well as traditional eastern
medicine can be traced back to distant history and that it has attained a high level nowadays.
Vast amounts of curing methods, gadgets and medicines have been developed. Literature
from thousand of authors can be found. Internet, especially RUNET is also full of whichever
materials; the most important thing is to know which keywords to type into search engines.
However... all of them are too scientific, too capacious or too complex. Fast life pace and all
kinds of endless problems do not let ordinary people delve into them.
At that people are very cautious when choosing curing methods and possibilities. New and
unknown medicine, exercise, method of self-cure - all that evokes discredit not to mention
that the first reaction from most people is ACTIVE OPPOSITION. But why should there not
be opposition as adequate usage of medicines has become one of the biggest problems
nowadays. On the other hand especially those who already have serious health issues secretly
preserve the hope to find a medium that would eliminate the problems and be of small cost. In
relation to that an interest towards curing without medicines and ways as well as possibilities
of prophylaxis has slowly risen.
So I am hoping that maybe the following piece of literature would help to forget everyday
problems for just a moment to think about health. We are living in urban areas deprived from
nature and our children are forced to be born in ecologically unhealthy conditions.
Of factors that are considered the reasons behind bad health and the process of aging:
1. SMOKING (scientist think that a person who smokes two or three packs of cigarettes a day
loses 8,3 years of life expectancy);
2. ALCOHOL (spirit drinks themselves do not shorten life, but a couple of shots a day open a
door towards other reasons of self-destruction: cirrhosis of the liver, accidents at work and
with means of transportation);
3. BAD ECOLOGY (it has been identified that death rate in areas with polluted air is
significantly higher than in areas with clean air. If we reduce air pollution two times the
frequency of bronchitis decreases 25%-50%, heart diseases 20% and cancer 15%);
4. OBESITY (various researches have shown that 4 kilos of extra weight make our lives one
year shorter and obese people in three point five times greater danger of getting a heart-attack
or a stroke);
5. WRONG DIET (specialists think that a wrong diet, which includes too much cholesterol in
meat, butterfat, greasy cheeses; reduces life-expectancy by 6 to 9 years);
6. HYPODYNAMIA (it is believed that regular physical exercise according to age can
prolong your life 6-9 years);
7. CHANGES, STRESS (researches conducted in Germany have shown that one year as
unemployed can shorten life by 5 years; at the same time another important factor -
complacency with one's life - gives the opposite result. It is also known that lonely people live
a shorter life when compared to those people who have an "other half.");
8. INDIFFERENCE TOWARDS ONE'S HEALTH (it has been proven that if a disease is
discovered at an early stage we can live a longer life; men who have passed the doorstep of 40
years can live approximately 2,5 years longer if they do checkups annually; but women over
30 can add even 4 years).
Some scientists think that if we eliminate 10% of the mentioned factors and amend 10% of
the mistakes already made the average life-expectancy can be increased up to 120-280 years.
Let's see which of these factors can be reduced with the help of this piece of
We are told about the harmful nature of hormonal medicines even by the doctors who
prescribe them and by all information sources of the given subject. But when talking about
other medicines - for example antibiotics and analgesics - we encounter total silence.
Although they are less dangerous than hormonal products they are deeply rooted into our
everyday life. Indisputably, during first hours, days or even months their curing effect is
visible, but what might be the outcome on us or on our offspring after a year, several years.
How will the new mutant cells created by the use of these medicines work in our body? How
can we normalize or restore the normal micro flora in our digestive system?
A living organism is flexible, however it is not plasticine. The plastics of an organism -
it is an element of harmony related to nature one part of which we all are. Nature does not
forgive inconsiderate activity to us.
In this book I will introduce four different directions for restoring and maintaining health.
Directions that are free of medicines and do not demand special conditions, prior knowledge,
too much time or big investments are simply based on the very effective inner and hidden
capabilities of a human organism.
I offer breathing as the most important. This way of curing includes rich factual material,
which has been collected through folksy and scientific medicine and where all verifies the
importance of breathing in preserving and developing health. The methods of breathing
exercises follow physiological principles, they are the most effective, they are safe,
ecologically clean and contraindications are practically nonexistent.
Mister Levšinov from St. Petersburg, the most famous modern healer in Russia, adds:
"Hey, lazybones, this writing is just for you." But the common lazybones do not realize it
because of what laziness can we talk about if we labor around from dawn to dusk at work, at
home or when visiting friends. However, as soon as we start talking about caring about
health the hands will fall and the initiative ends there. So here we see the true nature, which is
lazy. That kind of lazy person does not want to do anything to benefit health. At best this
person would scoff a couple of bills or eat some kind of "food additives" and that's it. A bit
more educated lazybones would maybe read a couple of wise books and visit a few health
lectures but reasons behind health problems are still "bad karma" or "a curse" or "too high
age" when the person is really barely 30. Some people might go through a health program at
some SPA type of enterprise or even join a crash course of yoga; however one should avoid
teachers who do their jobs to get rich.
When in oriental countries a person is looking for mental or physical development he or she
will find a personal teacher (guru) to whom one turns from time to time to acquire valuable
knowledge then to most people nowadays the guru is still a
Continue reading maybe there is sense and willpower in you to struggle out of this status of
laziness and start caring for YOUR health by YOURSELF.
This is a short summary or a reminder of all that the important part of which has been
heard by every medicine student during physiology lectures. However for some reason
this knowledge has deserved little attention in later practical life.
But for those who have not heard the lectures: Breathing - it is one of the most important
processes that affect physiological functions; it is a set of processes, which guarantees oxygen
and removal of carbon dioxide (external breathing), but also the use of this oxygen to free
energy needed to get energy through acidifying organic substances (the so called cell
breathing). Breathing system is interrelated with all organs. Breathing only starts in lungs as
every cell in the organism also breathes separately. Breathing - it is not just oxygen entering
blood and carbon dioxide entering atmosphere. Breathing - it is the conveyer of life, which
includes the most complex processes the activity of which determines the effectiveness of the
work of all the systems of an organism.
We know unforgivably little about our body, the peculiarities of our organism and because of
that we make many mistakes, which could actually be avoided. And one of the most severe
and clear mistakes is the mistake in our breathing system, in its pace and depth. Long ago
people believed that slow breathing prolongs life.
Very simply but figuratively our organism could be compared to a bonfire - the faster and the
more it uses oxygen, the faster it will burn and go out.
HOMO SAPIENS - not more than a primate among mammals.
Firstly one has to mention the sad fact that biological species of primates among mammals
called Homo sapiens is not the crown jewel of nature.
Au contraire it is the most imperfect creation of nature. Nature has still not forgiven it the fact
that about 10 million years ago it got the chutzpah to stand on two feet to. Because of that
many people nowadays are punished by numerous unpleasant circumstances and pains
especially in the back area as walking on two feet puts great pressure onto the vertebra.
1. Considering the fact that after the age of 25 the plates between vertebras only get oxygen
through diffusion from the muscle tissue surrounding them it is no miracle that a young 30
year old woman gets a sudden ache from just a slight wrong movement or a 35 year old young
man hurts himself by lifting furniture at home.
2. Standing is one of the known reasons behind constant high blood-pressure, which is a
starting point for hypertension.
3. Nature has not made necessary changes in our body constructions during these millions of
years. Human blood vessels still have the same structure as in animals that walk on four feet.
Animals have the so called back-flow flaps in their veins that reduce blood pressure and do
not let the pressure get too high. Those flaps are only in limbs. There is simply no need for
them in horizontal body parts. The same construction works in humans. There are 23 backflow
flaps in feet and 17 in hands. But this vast area from hips to the heart does not include
any flaps. Now imagine how big is this pressure from the enormous blood mass that expresses
itself on the flaps in the feet and blood-vessels (veins) in general as a result of which we often
get expansion of blood vessels and phlebitides.
And to prove all this we do not need anything more than hundreds/thousands of years long
experience: one and only advice for curing diseases - lie down and take the position that
nature has prescribed to you. Give blood the opportunity to move normally but stay on your
Let's think of something else for a while.
Various quacks teach different methods to "clean" your organism on the basis of stories from
eastern (Chinese) medicine through yelling, meditating etc. It is fun to teach but firstly one
should understand what is related to what and why. Here I will introduce what are those
infamous "slag" from which we all want to clean ourselves. When somebody says "slag" we
imagine something hard, sintered, and difficult to understand.
But if we look at it closely then there are only two representatives of this substance in our
organisms: WATER and CARBON DIOXIDE. As some of you might remember from
chemistry lessons the result of a reaction is almost always some salt or WATER or some
substance/gas + CARBON DIOXIDE. These are the most common side products. This also
applies for the reactions of metabolism/acidification/combustion in human organism.
The first slag - WATER H2O will be peacefully utilized already there where it was made -
inside cells.
The second slag - CO2 has the tendency to "fly" out of the organism because its molecules
have 25 times faster diffusion speed than oxygen molecules. But there are special anatomical
and reflex mechanisms that keep or at least try to keep the level of carbon dioxide - 200 or
215 times higher than in the surrounding air. A reminder - there is 0,03% of carbon dioxide in
the air surrounding us but 4,5% in the air we breathe out.
But this CO2 is very important for human organism as it is the only humoral ie
chemically working factor in arterial blood that opens capillaries and micro-cores to let
oxygen get to the cells.
It seems the slags as side products mentioned above are not something that would be harmful
to the organism.
So what is that, that is non-existent when you're young but after 35, 45, 55 years is already
present. Let's analyze. When you're young your organism has maximal metabolism level - it
has maximal oxygen supply and at the same time as a result of acidification process high
concentration of CO2 in arterial blood. So the circle is closed - one side helps the work of the
Hundreds of milliards cells produce CO2 and H2O supported by biocomplete metabolism. But
the water is immediately utilized into cells and carbon dioxide heads for the capillaries
opening them again to let oxygen through and feed cells.
If it now seems like a young person does not have any slag’s you are a bit mistaken. There is
something. There is lactic acid that fills the working muscles. But the amount gets too big
only when the work of the muscles crosses one so-called physiological limit - the limit of
maximal aerobic metabolism. Only when this limit is crossed there will be a big lack of
oxygen in cells and they will switch to another form of metabolism - glycolysis (fission with
the support of ferments) during which in addition to water and carbon dioxide we also get
lactic acid that has enormous molecular weight when compared to carbon dioxide. However,
this lactic acid also diffuses through the liquid between cells (tissue lymph) towards
capillaries. But this diffusion speed is many times slower than for carbon dioxide and this
causes the well-known pain. The reason is again simple and logical. Training increases the
oxygen supply in muscles and the more it increases the less we get lactic acid and the less we
have to push it through tissue and the less pain we get.
Explanation of slag’s in old age:
If we look at the organism of an old person we see that metabolism and energy have
significantly decreased. This also means that the oxygen supply in cells is not optimal
anymore. This in turn is caused by the lack of carbon dioxide in arterial blood. As too small
amount of carbon dioxide cannot take the needed amount of oxygen to cells the needed energy
to make carbon dioxide cannot form - the circle has closed again. There are other changes in
the organisms of older people which also increase the deficiency of carbon dioxide. This low
or very low level of CO2 leads to the fact that the access of oxygen to hundreds of milliards
cells is strictly limited - these cells cannot conduct metabolism with oxygen to produce CO2
and water. So the deficiency of carbon dioxide will rise even more causing a famine of
oxygen. But it has been installed into the genetic program of human body that like mentioned
earlier in case of a lack of oxygen cells will switch to another program of metabolism
glycolysis and start making lactic acid out of glucose. And so we have yet again reached the
"slag’s" of an old person - lactic acid.
As this lactic acid is now constantly thrown out of the cell into the fluid between cells it will
turn the fluid into acid. This in turn is a complementary interruption to normal metabolism.
Lactic acid entering the blood flow on regular basis can change the reaction of blood towards
acidic. That is called acidosis and it can threaten the whole organism. To illustrate the fact a
shift of 0,3 units from 7,4 to 7,1 pH is fatal.
The organism will naturally start a battle against it by trying to balance the relationship
between acid and basic. Blood has a buffer system that is necessary to keep the acid level at
7,4 pH. However this system needs bicarbonates, which usually are a natural part of a human
organism but to produce them the arterial blood also has to have a high consistency of CO2
and our problems started from the fact that there was a lack of carbon dioxide.
To conclude - the degradation spiral towards death has formed or like they say - our body fills
with slags and increasingly destroys our health.
When talking about blood one has to mention a fact that becomes clear after comparing blood
samples from young and old people. Whereas all other indicators are quite similar then the
consistency of carbon dioxide can be 1,5 to 2 times smaller in the blood of older people. This
constant lack of carbon dioxide is called hypocapnia and it is a basis for many chronic
Why do we have dizziness, headache, chest pains, insomnia, migraine, memory problems,
changes in blood pressure and so on?
The main reason behind cerebro-vascular disorders is narrowing of the micro vessels of the
brain. This is behind the disorders mentioned above.
A spasm of cardiovascular micro vessels causes ischemia - the cardiac muscles do not get
enough oxygen to work properly.
The whole narrowing of bodily vessels increases peripheral obtrusion. This in turn increases
arterial pressure (hypertension), a bigger pressure on heart implements chest pains
(steno cardiac). If we add the additional (blood) vessel spasm that results from stress to this
we get heart attacks and strokes.
How to cure all the diseases mentioned above? The medicines prescribed by doctors can make
the patient healthier only partly and temporarily (as long as you take the medicine) as they are
all somewhat capable of decreasing the spasms in micro vessels and smooth muscles. The
arsenal of modern medicines is vast, but they are only…….medicines and their aim is to
lessen or cure spasms. They only differ in the way that some of them are good for your head,
some for you heart, some for your intestines, some for your internal organs etc.
Sad but true is the fact that Homo sapiens is so arrogant that it considers itself the only
creature capable of thinking.
Yes, it does think in some sense but its thoughts are not useful for preserving the species.
Let's imagine that someone from space will come to earth and find Homo sapiens. And this
someone will think that it would be fun to put Homo sapiens into little cages for others to see
like we do with animals at zoos.
Just like we try to create physiologically reasonable living conditions for animals to preserve
their health so would these space creatures create necessary optimal conditions for us. And I
am sure that these conditions would not be anything like the conditions modern people
currently live in.
The result is that modern civilized people cannot struggle free from diseases like ischemia,
hypertension, constipation, bronchial asthma, osteocondrosis, chronic bronchitis, migraine,
insomnia etc.
But it is no miracle because regardless of the great achievements of modern medicine we do
not have a simple thing called theory of health instead there is the international classification
of illnesses. The whole industry of medicine is not for creating health it is for relieving
Another example of the peculiar world of humans would be the vast amount of books
dedicated to food and water talking about their sorts/styles, consumption amounts and also
quality. However an average person eats 1 to 2 kilos of food a day and drinks water between
2,5 and 4 liters. But we cannot read practically anything about the substance humans consume
the most. This is just common air, 15 kilos of which pass through our lungs every day. If
we now watch the importance of these substances then a human being can live 70 days
without food (with water), up to 18 days without water, but only 5 minutes without oxygen.
Minimal need is 0,4 liters oxygen (2 liters of air) per minute.
If we think about the ecological effect of these three groups then 2 to 4 liters of water we can
boil or clean through filters, we can choose 1 to 2 kilos of ecologically clean food but we have
to breathe the air that surrounds us be it clean or not. We are surrounded by carbon
monoxide as well as nitro compounds and we cannot do anything against it. You can't live
with a gasmask on.
There are three threats to Homo sapiens as a species.
Firstly with our activities we have managed to pollute the environment almost entirely.
Secondly - humans have become lazy from physical load point of view. It is convenient to sit
behind a beer glass/coffee cup and watch car races or football or "soap operas" from TV. It is
pleasant to sit behind the computer and type comments to various websites or sit in Yahoo
chat-rooms. It is popular to be the text person and send logos, ring tunes and text-messages to
each other instead of actually visiting someone and doing anything remotely related to
moving yourself. The deficiency of physical load in young people has sporadically already
risen to 98% which means that organism has got only 2% of the needed physical load to
Thirdly - giving up the point of natural selection was a big mistake. If in ancient times our
distant relatives had 8 to 12 children but only 1 to 3 of them grew up and they were the
healthiest from physical and mental point of view. Modern medicine is able to grow up a
person practically profoundly ill and crippled and no law restricts this person from making
children with yet another of its kind producing a vast amount of even more fraught offspring
who then in turn will...
How unfavorable ecological factors affect us:
If the air that we breathe contains gases like carbon monoxide, nitro dioxide etc our
hemoglobin will unite with these gases and lose the ability to carry oxygen to cells.
Benzopyren (found in cigarette smoke) invokes spasms in vessels including in coronary artery
and in brain. It is the genetically programmed reaction of the organism against substances that
should not be there.
The effect of hypodynamia or lack of physical load:
It is harmful to the oxygen flow system (relatively unknown) by invoking the following
negative result: the amount of functionally active erythrocytes decreases significantly. At that
like for hemoglobin the total sum does not decrease but it loses the ability to transport oxygen.
If the organism does not need much oxygen as in case of small physical load many
erythrocytes do not take part in the transportation function and they stay calmly in the blood
"depot." However, by staying there and not doing anything they start to lose their functional
abilities. Round-shaped form changes into spherical and as a result they do not only lose the
ability to go through capillaries but they do not even reach them. They miss the capillary
network through special shunts (parallel paths).
It is unknown for many but this phenomenon has a name - oxygen shunting, which leads us
again to the chronic oxygen deficiency in cells.
All of this has taken the organism of a modern person into the situation of destructive stress.
The stress can be physical, emotional or psychical - usually all of them. Stress has
accompanied humankind since prehistoric times and the creator has given us the adequate
reaction to that. This genetically reasoned reaction to stress has unfortunately remained
unchanged during millions of years and so has become inadequate for the modern civilized
human organism. What happens in our organism during stress?
1. Various hormones and biologically active substances like adrenaline are directed to
the blood flow.
2. The diameter of peripheral arteries decreases, spasm in micro vessels follow.
3. Arterial pressure rises (up to 150%)
4. Blood sugar level rises (2-3 times)
5. The work load of myocardium increases
6. Breathing becomes more frequent
7. Fermentative activity for demulsifying extra hormones increases
Our distant relative reacted to stress situations with colossal physical activity - fight or flight -
in the process of which arterial blood was enriched with carbon dioxide. Because of that, two
factors affected peripheral arteries at the same time: firstly contracting supported by
adrenaline and secondly expanding supported by carbon dioxide. To conclude - those two
processes were almost completely balanced and because of that the big oxygen famine in cells
could not form.
But what happens currently? The consistency of carbon dioxide is already insufficient and so
the capillary network is almost closed and the openings of micro vessels minimal. Now, in
stress situations only one-way reaction will take place because there is no reaction that would
expand the vessels. Depending on the length and strength of stress oxygen famine will be
present in cells during the process of which the cells of our organs or organ systems will be
damaged. At the same time the cells cannot produce as much energy as before not because
they cannot fulfill their functions but because they just can't survive. If a small amount of
cells die during stress connective tissue will fill their place but if a bigger amount of cells die
we are already talking about a infarct in some organ.
There is one short-term exception at the beginning of stress - the brain vessels and coronary
artery will expand temporarily. Nature is giving you one last chance - find a solution, do
something to save the situation. However, if that does not happen...
What ever Homo sapiens might like to be it is still a living being and consists of
approximately 1014 cells and to preserve good health these cells should be taken care ofguarantee
all necessary for their existence. The need for oxygen is the most important and
inevitable for cells - it should come constantly and in suitable amounts. Without the needed
oxygen the gentlest cells in the brain shell will die after 5 minutes. This proves that there is no
O2 "storage" no "battery" no "generator" in our organism.
To get the needed oxygen we have lungs, which are managed by the so-called breathing
center but to regulate it we need carbon dioxide.
So we have again come to the reason why we need to learn breathing.
We have to know how to get the right concentration of carbon dioxide into our blood or how
to reach the normal amount of breathing
two to four liters of oxygen per one minute.
This amount would guarantee the consistency of 6,5% carbon dioxide in the arterial blood.
The ratio between the amount of air and carbon dioxide:
Air per one minute
Air per one minute
6,50 3,90 4,80 6,50
6,20 4,10 4,60 7,10
6,00 4,30 4,40 7,80
5,80 4,90 4,20 8,70
5,60 5,0 4,00 9,80
5,40 5,20 3,80 11,10
5,20 5,60 3,60 13,00
5,00 6,00
The health of a civilized Homo sapiens has already decreased to a level where the average
breathing amount is 8 to 10 l/min. However, this means that there is too fast ventilation in our
lungs and arterial blood does not have the possibility to be enriched with carbon dioxide and
so starts the constant oxygen famine in tissues/cells. Tissue hypoxia is not only the pathogenic
basis for heart ischemia or stroke of myocardium but it plays an important role in about 150
different diseases.
It has been clinically proven that every per cent below the norm (6,5%) makes micro vessels
narrow by 20 to 25 per cent.
So our regular breathing amount 8 to 10 l/min keeps them 50% closed.
Now a logical question will arise - how can we know what our breathing amount and carbon
dioxide consistency is? It is easier with blood - you have to order a blood test to measure
blood gas and the consistency of carbon dioxide.
But the device needed for measuring breathing amount can be constructed at home. I will
offer a small sketch about one possible variant:
This construction is extremely simple. It would be best to use plastic utensils with screw caps,
one slightly bigger than the other. We will use the smaller one as flap chamber (1) in both
ends of which openings for flaps (3) have been made. Absolutely everything can be used for
flaps. Here the most common respirator flaps on sale have been used but gasmask flaps etc are
also suitable. Storage chamber (4) consists of: Tougher part - the bigger plastic utensil with its
bottom cut off, a thin plastic bag will be attached to it to collect air. An opening has been cut
into the cap for flap chamber. A 15 to 20 cm long part of a regular 10-15 mm PVC tube has
been inserted to the flap chamber as breathing pipe. Actually the tough part of this storage
chamber (the bigger plastic utensil) is not absolutely necessary and the bag can be attached
directly to the flap chamber but then there has to be an opening to let air out.
Probably there is no need to mention that all the parts are connected hermetically. You can do
that with clue or tape.
Squeeze air out from the storage chamber through the exhaust opening (5). Then close the
opening with tape. Put the breathing pipe into your mouth and close your nostrils, turn on the
timer and start breathing slowly. When the bag is full see how much time it took. If you have a
20 liter bag and it took two minutes then your breathing amount is 10 liters per minute. If it
took 5 minutes then your breathing amount is 4 liters per minute. Although the result is not
very accurate it can still be used to practically measure your health.
Breathing regulation and metabolism regulation are directly linked to each other in the
organism. The connecting link is the consistency of carbon dioxide in arterial blood
headed towards capillaries.
On one hand the carbon dioxide in the "depths" of the organism opens the capillaries that
were closed before and the number of the cells that will get enough oxygen will increase
remarkably and so the metabolism process will increase as well.
On the other hand the carbon dioxide in arterial blood irritates the breathing center through
chemoreceptors (cells that receive chemical irritations) and that will increase ventilation in
lungs, when concentration of carbonic gas more than "set", but unfortunately for people they do
not react, when concentration of carbonic gas in blood is below norm.
So we see that CO2 is a substance that is produced by the organism and partly
preserved for usage and it is as important as oxygen the flow of which it regulates in
cells. This genetically programmed vital mechanism is specially regulated according to the
concentration of carbon dioxide. Nothing more than CO2, which is produced by our own
organism is used in this biological mechanism.
What is the breathing center guided by when guiding the work of lungs? What is its
assignment and ultimate purpose? The answer seems to be simple - guarantee oxygen to the
arterial blood. It seems to be like that but in fact arterial blood is always maximally enriched
with oxygen (20-21 ml in 100 ml of blood) regardless of the breathing regime, its frequency or
depth. So the needed oxygen is always there.
A logical question arises here - then WHY does the breathing center regulate the frequency
and depth of breathing? To answer that lets see what are the differences between breathing
when you're asleep and when you're running. When you are running the need for oxygen
increases significantly but your organism will also produce much more carbon dioxide and
we have to get rid of that. As there is never a lack of oxygen we can conclude that the
changes in breathing depth and frequency are necessary to eliminate CO2. To rephrase it - the
main phase of breathing cycle is breathing out. Inhalation will be simply automatically the
same volume and intensity.
When nature "constructed" Homo sapiens it probably took the example of regular primates
whose life included the needed amount of physical load. So the breathing center got "the
assignment" to regulate the depth and frequency of breathing so that the consistency of carbon
dioxide in bloodstream would not exceed 6,5% for long periods. This is the optimal
consistency for cells. Such consistency would be guaranteed if we would walk or run 20
kilometers on daily basis.
However, as the "civilized" Homo sapiens sits on a chair or lies on the couch its organism
produces too little carbon dioxide for the breathing center to do its "normal" work. This in
turn leads to the fact that the breathing center will slowly decrease its CO2 "etalon" or "lower
the stick" - below the norm needed for normal metabolism.
This will cause spasms in the micro vessel network, the capillary network will close and
chronic hypoxia will arise in hundreds of milliards of cells.
So chronic hypoxia is one of the most massive and dangerous enemies of human health. And
as enemies tend to be sneaky, so is hypoxia.
HYPOXIA causes bigger or smaller loss in sensing pain and the person
would not be capable of sensing how ill he/she really is!!
Here's an explanation for you if you have heard of a completely healthy
person who suddenly died of a heart attack.
Modern medicine can only cure the consequences of hypoxia not its original
All people should understand that although such work is acknowledgeable,
it still lacks perspective.
To make it short and clear: There are no medicines for hypoxia, it can
and has to be cured by yourself.
Now we have again reached the reason WHY WE HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO
BREATHE and how to get the right concentration of carbon dioxide in our bloodstream
or how to organize it so that the normal breathing amount would be close to the amount
from two to four liters per minute, which is needed to exclude hypoxia.
One can reach the breathing amount if:
1. one moves to the mountains where air is more sparse
2. one runs at least 20 km each day
3. one follows special breathing exercises
How to characterize the possibilities:
1. Moving to the mountains. This is unattainable for most people.
2. Physical load equal to running 20 km each day. That would be the best solution if it
could be a constant process starting when you're young. But if there's a pause of
twenty-something years it can still be reached with enough willpower though it has a
big internal defect. Even if our body would be capable of starting with it I would like
to bring out an example of everyday life. It's like living on a bank loan. That way we
get what we want but we have to pay toll to the bank in the form of interest
percentage. The same thing applies to physical load in old age. The situation is similar
- we force tissue to produce the needed carbon dioxide before we have given the
necessary oxygen supply. Because of that we have to be careful with physical load.
Although finally it would all stabilize and everything would be OK there is a long
painful period of a couple of years before that. The length of this period is the main
reason behind not choosing this possibility.
3. Special breathing exercises. Through training we can change the usual breathing style
from breast to stomach, from shallow to deep. And eventually we attain the breathing
that Chinese masters of Chi (Qi) Qong called "dantjan" breathing. Lung capacity will
increase, metabolism will better, bloodstream, internal organs will be "massaged,"
digesting will get easier. All that will make our health stronger and cure illnesses. Our
lungs will reach the capacity of which daily we will only need 20-25% and running to
the 5th or 6th floor will not make us pant.
Eastern sages of ancient times were convinced that if one human
generation would want and be able to breathe correctly most of the
diseases would be lost from Earth.
Breathing can be characterized as follows:
a) Natural breathing. This is physically innate breathing that does not obey our will. Its
originality is in the fact that after being born humans will breathe in a natural, soft and
uniform way;
b) Regular breathing. Diaphragm will lower and stomach will move forward when we
breathe in. When we breathe out diaphragm will rise and stomach will move inwards;
c) Contrary breathing. This breathing type is the exact opposite of the previous one
which means that when we breathe in the diaphragm will rise and stomach will move
inwards and the opposite will happen when we breathe out. If we compare it to normal
breathing then the amplitude and pressure of the diaphragm are significantly bigger;
d) Fragmental breathing. This in turn divides into two subtypes. In one case the phase of
breathing in will be intentionally elongated and a small pause will follow. The other
subtype is intentionally delaying the phase of breathing out at the end of which a small
breathing pause will again be made.
e) Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Normally people breathe
both in and out through the nose. However, in case of respiratory illnesses it is
recommended to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
f) Insensible (secret) breathing. This is one of the breathing types that are achievable
through practicing natural or contrary breathing. It is original because breathing in is a
slow and persistent process and breathing out is very silent and insensible. If you put
your hand in front of the nose of someone who is breathing like that then you
practically cannot feel the air coming out.
g) Real breathing. Ancient sages said that when regular breathing stops the real
breathing will start. The expression "breathing stops" does not mean that
breathing will be switched off using force. You have to be totally relaxed,
ignoring the surroundings but still keeping a clear mind. Then your breathing
will become so slight that it is hardly noticeable externally but you are still
breathing and it is called stomach breathing. This is already the result of bigger
training and that we are trying to reach.
Schema of stomach breathing
1. Anus
2. Coccyx
3. Spine
4. Diaphragm
5. Abdominal cavity
6. Dantjan- the base of energy
(a term from Chi(Qi) Qong)
7. Skin on stomach
8. Urethra
Regular stomach breathing. Breathing in: the tip of the tongue is pressed against the palate,
diaphragm descends, and abdominal cavity expands and stomach chubs up slightly.
Breathing out: diaphragm rises, abdominal cavity contracts and stomach relaxes.
Contrary stomach breathing. Breathing in: the tip of the tongue is pressed against the palate,
diaphragm descends, and stomach as well as anus and urethra are pulled back (starting from
the bottom). Breathing out: diaphragm rises and stomach as well as the anus and urethra are
relaxed. In this breathing style you have to fully harmonize your body and soul. To do that
attention is concentrated on the bottom part of stomach (that is where "dantjan" is located),
then breathing out follows, the tip of the tongue automatically goes against the bottom gum
and at the same time the abdominal cavity expands. When you breathe in the tongue touches
the upper gum (slightly without pressure) and the abdominal cavity contracts - a slight
"closing" on the anus and urethra takes place.
The above mentioned breathing styles have different functions like:
- regular breathing has an effect on cardiovascular bloodstream and brain
- fragmental and contrary breathing are good for curing internal organs
- type - in through the nose, out through the mouth - is good for the breathing
But in the beginning one should be rather careful. After 10 to 20 minutes of training regular
breathing has to follow because otherwise the breathing muscles are strained and that can
induce suffocation or other dangerous consequences.
If you do reasonable breathing exercises you can get rid of many illnesses however if you do
not sense your limits you can get illnesses like cough, pertussis, asthma, headaches, painful
ears or eyes etc as well as other damages to your body. For example one of the possibilities -
your neck will start swelling from the bottom like it was growing "gills."
Normal neck Forming “gills”
Phases of breathing
First phase: Trainers start changing breast breathing to stomach breathing, shallow breathing
to deep breathing, free breathing to controllable breathing. During this phase - although you
should always try to do it softly, naturally and suavely - you will still breathe unevenly. Your
heart will start beating stronger but the number of beats will not increase. This phase lasts
about 3 to 5 minutes.
Second phase: Thanks to regulating your breathing will become more and more natural, free
and even. The number of breaths in and out per minute will decrease. You can already feel
your heart beats slightly. You feel relaxed and comfortable. This phase starts about 10 to 12
minutes after starting the training session.
Third phase: You breathe in smoothly and without pauses and out delicately and insensibly.
Breathing in and out is very free and enjoyable. The number of breaths decreases even more.
Heart beats are hardly noticeable. Soul feels spacious and happy. This phase starts about 30 to
40 minutes after starting the training session.
Fourth phase: Breathing and heart beats are synchronized. You won't even notice when you
are breathing in or out. This phase will start about 50 to 60 minutes after starting the training
Of course the timing for the phases is relative - for some people it will all start earlier and for
others a bit later.
Toughening the breathing muscles
I period: After 1 to 2 months of training. During this period the role of the muscles between
the ribs is still noticeable. Diaphragm is just helping.
II period: After 3 to 4 months of training. Diaphragm can already be lowered to the navel
the muscles between ribs and the diaphragm are working equally.
III period: After about a year the breathing muscles have already become active and attained
natural movement. When you breathe in your diaphragm already lowers to the center of your
stomach and gives pressure to the internal organs in your abdominal cavity. The pressure
rises. When you breathe out the internal organs will rise to their place and force diaphragm to
move. The pressure drops. During this period the most active part is the diaphragm - the
muscles between ribs are just helping.
IV period: After 1 to 2 years of training your body will automatically switch to
deep breathing with small amount of air when resting.
For already 200 years scientists and doctors have tried to create healthy air mixtures and
machines to make them. However, as they knew nothing about the importance of carbon
dioxide in human organism they did not succeed. To illustrate the fact: even Soviet norms
said that if the consistency of carbon dioxide was more than 0,1% in working areas then the
room should be ventilated. Based on modern knowledge the consistency of carbon dioxide
should instead be increased to 0,5 - 1,5%. That would guarantee the oxygen supply for cells
and at the same time eliminate all the dangers originating from stress.
Such devices which help to train breathing in an environment with increased carbon dioxide
levels are called hypercapnicators.
In Russia they have been produced for many years.
These devices have been elaborated by the Academy of Medicine-techniques in Russia under
the supervision of professors Frolov and Nenašev to apply the findings (which were based on
the breathing theory by Dr. Buteyko) of "Endogenous breathing" and "Method for reducing
chronic hypoxia in tissues."
The breathing training device is an original portative apparatus that is made to train the human
organism - it imitates physical load. The example is the earlier produced TDI-02 but the new
devices are practically the same (all devices come with user manuals).
The breathing training device consists of two cylinder-shaped containers that are put into each
other and connected with the breathing tube. The inner container has a hoop with slots, which
regulates the physical load. This construction is located in the external container, which is a
standard glass jar of 500, 700, 1000, 1500 or 2000 ml, which can be closed with a special cap
that comes with TDI-02. The external container is necessary to increase the consistency of
carbon dioxide in the air that you breathe in. Note: If you practically use the device TDI-02
one of the holes in the cap should be closed.
The training session with TDI-02 is equal to one hour of constant walking, fast walking,
jogging or fast running depending on how big the external container is. Training with TDI-02
helps getting rid of many diseases including the illnesses of breathing organs, heart, internal
organs etc that are the result of tissue hypoxia.
1. Breathing tube
1a. Mouthpiece
2. Cap of the glass jar
3. Internal container
3a. The bottom hoop of the container
4. Cap of the plastic jar
5. Plastic jar
6. Ferule for nose breathing
7. External glass jar
The training device will be put together according to the sketch.
5.1. The internal container 3 with the hoop placed onto it 3a will be dropped to the bottom of
the plastic jar 5.
5.2.The tube 1 will be put through the opening in jar 2, after that through the opening in jar 4
and then pushed on the neck of container 3. Cap 4 will close plastic jar 5.
5.3.The construction will be dropped to the bottom of glass jar 8, the jar will be closed with
cap 2.
5.4. Ferule 6 is used for breathing through nose or closing the nose when breathing through
mouth. Water will only be poured to the plastic jar 5. Do not pour water into the glass jar
unless the 1,5 liter jar is replaced with a 2 liter jar - to get 1,5 liters of air consistency pour 0,5
liters of water into the 2 liter jar.
The training device can also be used for inhalation. In fact the first version was called
Frolov's inhalator. For inhalation pour 3 tablespoons of inhalation liquid into glass 5 and
warm water (60 C) into the glass jar. Use ferule 6 for nose inhalation. Place ferule 6 to the top
part of tube 1.
As the devices have patents elsewhere as well (for example USA) and they can be sold
outside of Russia, the production of TDI-02 was stopped and the so-called export version
(TFI), which is prettier and more convenient to use, was taken into use. A little device for
measuring the amount of air per minute can be bought with TFI device.
Both this TFI device and the mentioned Frolov's inhalator can be bought in Estonia with a
price below 500 EEK.
Basically it is not hard to make the device at home. You just have to know what you need.
That would be regular glass jars of 0,5; 0,75; 1,0 2,0 liters. Also a cap for them (plastic if
possible) and a part of regular PVC or medical tube with a diameter of 10 mm. To be able to
change load properties there has to be a tap.
We will make an opening into the cap so that the tube fits in there tightly and next to it two or
three smaller openings to let air out of the jar. What's the idea?
The air you breathe out contains carbon dioxide, which is heavier than regular air and remains
inside the jar. With every breathing cycle you will use this carbon dioxide again and so
increase the concentration of it. The deeper the tube is in the jar the more carbon dioxide you
will get.
If you breathe slowly and calmly you can train breathing with an environment of 0,5% carbon
dioxide in a 0,5 liter jar. Using a 1 liter jar it would be 1,0% and with a 2 liter jar 2,0%.
Actually it is possible to train lung muscles with these simple means. For that you have to
create an artificial obstacle. The easiest variant - reduce the diameter or number of the
openings through which the air flows. This strains your breathing muscles according to the
resistance in air flow. You can also use extra containers in the glass jar or create a situation in
which you have to breathe through a thin layer of water. This is an extra intensive form of
training because before breathing in or out you first have to blow the water away.
During such lung training sessions one has to follow the following principles:
a) train once a day (random time) and not more than 30 minutes (for people aged 55 and
older one session should not last more than 20 minutes during first three months)
b) only breathe through your mouth using the tube, hold/squeeze your nostrils
c) load should be increased very carefully. You can go to the next level only if the
current level is not difficult anymore or in other words you have reached normal free
breathing, which usually comes after 2 to 4 weeks
d) bigger load than with a 2 liter jar is not recommended (actually it is forbidden). For
children of 10 to 12 years the jar should not be bigger than 1 liter
e) your training has reached its goal if with a 2 liter jar the number of breaths per one
minute has decreased to four and with every calm and slow breath taken in ca 3 liters
of air pass through your lungs. What does that mean? It means that before you get the
one extra liter from external air you would have to breathe in the two liters of carbon
dioxide inside the jar. Those two liters are like simple ballast to your organism.
Actually you will get the needed amount of oxygen from this 1 liter. And if you
breathe 4 times per minute then 4x1 = 4 liters of air with the oxygen in it is your
practical need for one minute. And as in regular life (away from training) you do not
have your breathing ballast with you, you can get along breathing slowly and calmly
with ONLY 4 liters of air per minute and that keeps the consistency of carbon dioxide
However there is one limitation to the breathing exercises that use mechanical or artificial
tools. Everything is otherwise perfect but it lacks another important component - moving
YOURSELF. All human organs/muscles are created for movement - stretching, contracting,
flexing etc because MOVEMENT - THAT'S LIFE!
And all the above mentioned limitations are eliminated in oriental medicine. Almost 5000
years ago yoga became active in India and after ca 1000 years Chi (Qi) Qong with its
breathing systems came as an addition to the previous.
General terms of yoga
Yoga is one of the six orthodox philosophical systems in India. An Indian sage called
Patadžali summarized and systematized the long development of yoga in 1st century BC in his
classical "Yoga-Sutra." Patadžali defined 8 steps in learning yoga as means of self-perfection:
1. Ijama - general moral codes
2. Nijama - a codec of personal behavior on the basis of self-discipline
3. Asanas - positions. Purifying the body (external and internal)
4. Pranajama - controlling your breathing through a system of breathing exercises
5. Pratjahara - freeing the mind from emotions (backing away from emotions)
6. Dharana - concentration
7. Dhijana - internal look (meditation)
8. Samadhi - a condition of ultimate mind as a result of deep internal look
Ijama and Nijama form the independent Krija Yoga. This is a preparing step through which
one has to go to learn and practice yoga as the religion of wisdom. There are hundreds of
religions in the world some of which consider themselves the one and only. However, yoga
only acknowledges one religion - the elementary truth. The philosophy of yogis is not based
on the personal, the godly or the secular. It is based on principals. First of all yoga has to
avoid arguments and unproductive discussions. To illustrate they bring the following
example. Once someone brought an elephant to three blind men. One of them touched it and
said - "Oh, it's like a wall." Another one touched its trunk and yelled - "It is like a snake."
Elephant lifted the third man up using its trunk and the man announced - "You are mistaken -
the elephant is like a bird - it flies." After that they started an endless argument over the
elephant in which all three where sure-fire on their opinion.
All physical activities like eating, sleeping, breathing etc that are physiologically necessary to
stay alive are considered secret in yoga. Special attention is paid to correct breathing. Correct
breathing is mentioned in Raija Yoga as well as Hatha Yoga; however, PRANAJAMA Yoga
proposes a separate training system.
During the period when Yoga was still forbidden in the Soviet Union (officially allowed in
1988) but there was an urgent need for researching breathing possibilities during space flights
where there was little oxygen K. P. Buteyko tried to create a whole breathing system based on
the teachings of Yoga. He succeeded and the findings have been applied for over 40 years.
And as his ideas and researches changed our understanding of breathing and its effect on
human health it is wise to give an introduction to his work:
A person who is scantly familiar with the breathing exercises in Yoga feels like Pranajama
only deals with thorough ventilation of the lungs - deep breathing. Actually to whole topic is a
bit different. "Pranajama" means "prana" or control over cosmic energy. According to the
teachings of yoga people do not live for days, months or years - they live by breaths this
means the smaller the number of breaths per time unit (for example minute) the healthier the
person is and the longer he/she will live. Every cycle of breath with the full capacity of lungs
will decrease our life by 5 seconds. Here comes the final goal of all the rules of Pranajama -
reduce the frequency of breathing to a tolerable minimum and try to breathe consciously for a
couple of minutes each day. During conscious breathing, concentrate on the air moving from
the tip of your nose to your lungs. Imagine breathing in light-blue prana and out either red
illness sprouts or yellow benevolence. A couple of minutes of conscious breathing every day
improve our breathing system notably making it possible for us to direct the movement of
prana step-by-step.
Oxygen is the carrier of emotions and our heart reacts to it immediately. The more oxygen we
breathe in the faster our heart will beat, the higher will the blood pressure be, the more
pressure our organism will be under. Here comes the simple truth - to earth all emotions we
have to breathe as slowly and as little as possible. After some seconds the strain (stress) is
gone, heart will start working normally and slowly, blood pressure will drop and the whole
organism has restored the calmness and harmony so necessary for us.
Lungs and brain are directly linked to the mind and will. It is possible to disrupt breathing and
thinking on purpose, you can make breathing faster, give it a random rhythm, make it subject
to conscious or unconscious will, and create a certain harmony between two types of
breathing: one is automatic breathing, which is directly controlled by the sympathic nervous
system, the other one responds to reflexes from the brain, which have again become
In the same way you can hasten, slow down and re-rhythm thinking. The unconscious game
of the spirit can be controlled. Liver treacle, blood distribution by heart and arteries,
metabolism, assimilation of substances in our internal organs cannot be controlled, stopped or
Most modern scientists consider oxygen, ozone or carbon oxide the "cosmic energy" or prana
of the yogis. Dr. Buteyko has built his theory on the effect of the latter. He calls the institution
he leads the laboratory of clinical physiology and its main assignment is mathematically
processing the physiological processes of human organism. They are trying to prove
objectively that modern medicine does not cure or preclude 70% of diseases - it only makes
the patient more ill. On the basis of that Dr. Buteyko recommends new totally reversed
According to his researches about 150 different diseases are caused by deep breathing. The
scientist claims that he has discovered a "deep breathing disease," which is so widely spread
that it could be called the plague of this century.
Approximately 80% of people die because of deep breathing. Dr. Buteyko promises to prove
this fact to all people - sick or healthy - within a couple of minutes. He verifies that he has
developed new methods of diagnosis, cure and prophylaxis for cardiovascular, lung and
neural illnesses. The patients should be fed, treated and guided in a totally reversed manner.
Dr. Buteyko promises to eliminate hypertension crisis within five minutes and chest pains
within a couple of minutes. 10-15 years of chronic pneumonia can be cured with reducing
breathing frequency within 6 months to 1 year. Cholesterine stains (common for people
suffering from sclerosis) that were up until now removed surgically will disappear within 2 to
3 weeks using this method. It has been proven that this method reduces and cures sclerosis.
Earlier it was not noticed because the patients were often told to breathe deeply and so the
illness got worse. Deep breathing worsens the course of the illness; decelerated breathing
makes it noticeably better. From 1962 to 1970 Dr. Buteyko and his coworkers have cured over
10 thousand people suffering from asthma, hypertension and stenocardia. The patients were
not only cured but they became more enduring than the people surrounding them. Dr.
Buteyko and his coworkers value the mental harmony, ability to tolerate hot and cold as well
as famine and infection of the yogis very highly. They think that all the patients that pass
through the new method will attain the same values after a couple of months of training.
Within a few months they will get used to normal breathing under the supervision of trained
professionals. The above mentioned scientists discovered a common rule: the deeper breaths
people take the worse their health is. The shallower they breathe the healthier, more enduring
and longevous they are. Dr. Buteyko claims that the whole theory is based on the amount of
carbon dioxide in human organism. The more carbon dioxide, the healthier we are and if the
carbon dioxide goes we will perish. For better understanding of the facts Dr. Buteyko
recommends specifying the terms. Firstly he notes the so-called "external breathing." This
consists of the functions of two parameters: breathing frequency (the number of breathing
cycles per minute - breathing in and out makes on cycle) and breathing capacity. The amount
of air breathed in equals the amount breathed out. We have to give up the term "correct
breathing" and use "normal breathing" instead like "normal temperature" or "normal blood
pressure." The thing is that the advocates of deep breathing understand deep breathing by
"correct breathing" and recommend a bigger breathing capacity for both healthy and ill
people. The apologetes of deep breathing also mix up the "total breathing" of yogis and deep
Those who know the teachings of yoga superficially think that yogis constantly breathe
deeply. This of course is a mistake. It is true that during some "pranayama" exercises the
yogis do fill their lungs as much as possible but they take very slow breaths and also hold
their breath for some time periods with both full and empty lungs. If we then measure the
amount of carbon dioxide in the organism it becomes clear that the intensity of lung
ventilation has decreased and the amount of carbon dioxide increased. Physiologically the
total breathing of yogis is equal to shallow breathing i.e. the breathing amount is below
normal. Keep in mind that "pranayama" is breathing control. The ultimate purpose is always
reducing the breathing frequency and capacity as well as temporary suspending the breathing.
So let's talk about normal breathing, deep breathing (breathing over the norm) and shallow
breathing (below the norm).
We have to find out how deep breathing and shallow breathing affect the organism. Normal
breathing just guarantees the normal functioning of the organism as deep breathing makes
illnesses worse. The deeper the breathing the more illnesses we have.
To explain the point I will bring out excerpts from the lectures of Dr. Buteyko:
3 to 4 million years ago the atmosphere of our planet consisted mainly of carbon dioxide,
there was no oxygen. Life was formed during that period. All living organisms make air out
of carbon dioxide. Nowadays they are made from the same substance. The only source of life
on earth is carbon dioxide. Plants feed on it using solar energy. Animals feed on plants and
humans in turn on both plants and animals. This means that we also are the products of carbon
dioxide found in air, we were also made with the help of solar energy. For milliards of years
metabolism took place in an atmosphere with a high consistency of carbon dioxide - like it is
now on Venus, which is a lot younger planet than ours. There is over 90% carbon dioxide and
only 2% of oxygen. Later when numerous plants were formed they used up almost all of the
carbon dioxide, perished and formed coal loads. Currently our atmosphere consists of 20%
oxygen and only 0,03% carbon dioxide. If this small amount disappears the plants do not have
anything to feed on, they will perish and our planet is destroyed. If we place a plant under a
glass dome where there's no carbon dioxide it will die fast.
Embryology verifies that carbon dioxide is important for our organism. Latest findings
ascertain that human embryo stays 9 months in the womb in seemingly horrific conditions.
There is 3 to 4 times less oxygen and 2 times more carbon dioxide in the blood of the embryo
than after being born. It is clear that these seemingly "horrible" conditions are necessary for
the embryo to develop. The mother organism creates the conditions that were present
milliards of years ago. Modern researches have identified that our brain and kidney cells need
approximately 7% carbon dioxide and 2% oxygen. However air only contains 230 times less
carbon dioxide and 10 times more oxygen. This means that air has become poisonous for us.
Air is especially poisonous for the newborns who are not adapted to the environment. We
have to admire the instinctive wisdom of mothers who wrap up the thorax of the newborn
very tightly. In such capsule newborns will sleep very well and soon adapt to new living
conditions. What is our modern medicine doing? A newborn child is taught deep breathing
and he/she is taken to an oxygen chamber with 100% oxygen. After three deep breaths
oxygen triples but it is continued until the oxygen level is 10 times higher. As a result
newborns started to lose eyesight. Two-three days and the infant went blind. Americans
conducted tests with rats. They were placed into an oxygen chamber and the rats went blind.
So we conclude: a newborn child has never been in an environment with so high oxygen
consistency. 21% is maximal and it still is poisonous.
Now the importance of carbon dioxide should be clear. It is the most valuable substance on
Earth. It is the source of life, health, endurance and beauty. If people learn how to store
carbon dioxide the mental abilities will increase notably. Students will start studying and their
discipline will better significantly as nerves are not so aroused anymore. Children who take
deep breaths are similar to monkeys - they are rampant. Yogis support this view: monkeys are
so restless because they breathe quickly and deeply. Teachings of yoga directly connect the
nervous system and breathing. Carbon dioxide also improves physical abilities even for the
Dr. Buteyko admits that a long time ago he had an interest for yoga. He could not
understand the terms of "pranayama" and learned to breathe deeply. As a result he got
hypertension and almost died. Most of the inhabitants of the western hemisphere do not
understand the breathing of yoga correctly. Probably as the result of this propaganda many
people think that they have to breathe deeply, frequently and forcefully.
Dr. Buteyko thinks he has found the secret cosmic energy - "prana." He thinks it is just
carbon dioxide. If you know how to store it you get endurance and good health. Lose it and
you perish. Yogis have numerous exercises that reduce the breathing amount. "Sintandala":
raise your eyes, the breathing will lessen. Curl your lips and the breathing will also lessen. If
you twist your joints either on hands or on feet the sense of pain will stop your breathing. Dr.
Buteyko thinks that the lotus position reduces breathing for the same reason. Same goes for
the snake position. Most yoga positions and other methods like fasting and giving up protein
food reduce breathing. Fasting reduces breathing intensity. Dr. Buteyko claims that he is now
able, with the help of carbon dioxide, to cure 150 diseases. Finally he reaches the
understanding of one and only disease - deep breathing. This disease has 150 symptoms. Only
the oblivious can consider them different illnesses. 90% of all illnesses are the results of deep
According to the big encyclopedia of medicine air contains 79,01% nitrogen and other inert
gases (argon, neon, helium), 20,93% oxygen, 0,03% carbon dioxide and a various amount of
water vapor. In normal conditions human alveolar air contains 5,6% carbon dioxide, 13,5-
15% oxygen and approximately 80% nitrogen. The air we breathe out contains a mixture of
alveolar and the atmospheric air in respiratory paths. It contains approximately 16-18%
oxygen, 2,5-5,5% carbon dioxide.
All are talking about a balance between carbon dioxide and oxygen. In fact there is no such
thing. Carbon dioxide regulates metabolism. Oxygen is needed for burning organic
substances. So it would be pointless to think that we need a lot of oxygen and a little carbon
dioxide. Carbon dioxide is necessary to stay alive and create a normal living environment;
however oxygen acts as an energetic. In ancient times when cells were formed and movement
started there also formed the need for oxygen when breathing.
But cells only need approximately 2% oxygen. Because of that we are located in the
hypertonic center: there is too much oxygen. As a result of many long-term researches we
know how oxygen affects us.
If we give mice pure oxygen they will die after 10 to 12 days. A lot of tests have been
conducted on humans as well. If we breathe pure oxygen our lungs will be injured -
pneumonia of oxygen will start. But our medicine cures pneumonia with oxygen. If we
place mice into an oxygen environment under 6 atmospheres of pressure, they will perish
after 40 minutes. In Moscow and Kiev there were special wards for patients where they were
treated under pressure with oxygen. How to comment on these facts? They are the total
ignorance of the fantastic achievements of modern medicine. Such disaster can only be
caused by a lack of knowledge. Now it should be clear why people live longer in mountains.
The amount of oxygen is lower there. It is completely clear that the optimal oxygen amount
for human organism is 10-14% not 21%. These perfect conditions can be found 3-4 meters
above sea-level. People living there have a lot less stenocardia, schizophrenia, asthma,
strokes and hypertension. If we move patients to such high places they will feel a lot better.
So the amount of oxygen in newborn blood will increase sharply and if we add breathing
exercises we will get disturbed metabolism. The results can include diathesis, pneumonia or
People should be cured of deep breathing. The attitude towards carbon dioxide is
interesting. It is commonly considered as poison but at the same time people try to swallow
this poison as much as possible. Soft drinks like beer, root beer, lemonade, mineral water etc
although these drinks contain a lot of carbon dioxide. Instincts tell us that it is useful and
necessary. If these drinks were poisonous how would our internal organs react? Quite
predictably we would constantly suffer from gastric ulcers. Actually the result is the exact
opposite. If a person who breathes deeply has got gastric ulcers as the result of a lack of
carbon dioxide then it can be cured with it. The thing is that our cells were formed in the
womb where there is a lot of carbon dioxide and we are adapted to this environment. If we
reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in a cell under 7% a disaster will follow. The less
carbon dioxide the faster it goes. And deep breathing removes carbon dioxide. That is the
main reason behind its harmful effects. Our blood meets the consistency of lung air in
normal conditions: 6,5% carbon dioxide and 12% oxygen. This consistency should be
considered optimal. If we hasten or slower the breathing we can destroy this norm. Deep
and frequent breathing causes a loss of carbon dioxide in our lungs. This is the main cause
behind severe distress of the organism.
Dr Buteyko claims that deep breathing causes epilepsy, neurasthenia, severe insomnia,
headache, migraine, irritability, decrease of mental and physical abilities, weak memory, lack
of attention, defects in peripheral nervous system, chronic influenza, chronic pneumonia,
bronchitis etc. People who breathe deeply usually get tuberculosis because their organism is
weak. Deep breathing also expands veins in the nose and feet where the hydrostatic pressure
is bigger and we get hemorrhoids, metabolic disorders, a number of sex organ disorders.
Deep breathing causes flu, rheumatism, and chronic inflammations. The cause behind
podagra is also deep breathing. Fat formations, infiltrates, crumbly nails, try skin and
dropping hair are mostly caused by deep breathing. So far these processes cannot be cured
nor prevented - there is no theory to explain them.
Dr. Buteyko's theory explains the formation and development of the above mentioned
processes. It is based on patterns and proved using axioms. Although this theory was first
published in 1962 it has not been publicly criticized so far. However newspapers have
written about it.
It is easy to prove that this theory is correct as all know the symptoms of deep breathing:
dizziness, weakness, headache, nervous shaking, fainting. So deep breathing is a horrible
poison. Even a strong athlete will lose consciousness after 5 minutes of deep breathing. I
think all of us have heard the command "breathe deeply." For sensitive people such
command can make the illness even worse. If we know the physiological rules related to
breathing we can affect all human functions: the nervous system, bronchus, blood vessels,
metabolism etc. The deeper the breathing the more severe the illness is. People should be
hired by checking how one breathes. If somebody can hold breath for only 15 seconds then
this person is ill but if 60 seconds then healthy. One cannot be mistaken. Difficult processes
have receded on using easy methods. However it is very hard to cure inveterate deep
breathing. One should be very careful here. All breathing exercises are dangerous without a
good teacher. Breathing is one of the three powerful self-development methods which we
can use - but it has to be used capably. Too many people have lost their health or even life
because of incorrect breathing.
1. Deep breathing does not increase the amount of oxygen in arterial blood because in case of
normal breathing the blood is already completely enriched with it. One can take an infinite
number of deep breaths but the amount of oxygen will not increase. This is a well-known rule,
which was proven by Holden and Priestly in 1915. There is another danger to deep breathing -
it eliminates carbon dioxide from the organism (lungs, blood, and tissue).
What are the consequences?
a) a lack of carbon dioxide in nerve cells arouses us and the arousal level of cells will
decrease. It is known that carbon dioxide works as a sedative. People who use deep
breathing are easily aroused. It should be clear why deep breathing induces arousal of
the nervous system, insomnia, bad memory etc;
b) if the amount of carbon dioxide decreases (if dissolved in water we get a weak acid) it
will turn the environment of cells alkaline. This disturbs the activity of ferments (over
700 have been discovered) and vitamins (over 20).
Human organism, it is a complex machine in which all processes are regulated using
ferments. Decrease in carbon dioxide and excess amount of alkaline disturbs metabolism in
every single cell. Now it should be clear why deep breathing hurts every human being and
animal already within a couple of minutes (in 1967 Henderson killed all test animals within
10 minutes). The ill person goes to a doctor - he/she is sent from one specialist to another until
a stroke follows. Now it is ok to start treating. Everything is clear and the patient cannot walk
anymore. This all is the consequence of not knowing the first symptoms of deep breathing. A
disease cannot be found because the doctors even do not have a table on the basis of which to
measure breathing. They do not even know the symptoms which are induced by deep
2. We only have to wonder how endurably and well we are constructed. The inhabitants of
the western hemisphere have tried to introduce deep breathing within centuries i.e. they have
tried to destroy humankind. But humans are still alive, although not feeling very well. Our
defense systems are so strong. The first defense mechanism against deep breathing is the
spasm of smooth muscles. If one runs oneself breathless one gets a sharp pain in the right part
of the body. This is the spasm of smooth muscles. If we rest a bit and reduce the amount of
breathing the pain goes away. Currently there is a war against spasms - people are looking for
resources to expand the vessels. However, spasms cannot be controlled. If we give
nitroglycerin to a hypertonic in crisis a disaster will follow because the spasm is a defense
mechanism against a catastrophic decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide. The bronchial
spasm is induced by bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, emphysema,
pneumosclerosis and even tuberculosis. Carbon dioxide is the main regulator of the bronchus.
The amount of carbon dioxide was measured in people who have bronchial asthma, other
illnesses and in the completely healthy. The healthy were chosen very carefully. The sick had
4-4,4% carbon dioxide (norm 6,5). For half of the asthmatics, regardless of how long they had
been ill, the asthma fits stopped right after the implementation of our methods. Other
medicines like adrenaline, camphor, ephedrine, caffeine etc that were used to stimulate
breathing were stopped immediately. Years ago when these resources were unknown
asthmatics did not die during fits because their bronchus was not expanded. Nowadays the
statistics show that deaths are not at all uncommon. This is caused by wrong treatment based
on a lack of knowledge. Bronchial spasm is just a defense mechanism against deep breathing.
An asthmatic breathes three times more than the norm. If we expand the bronchus the
breathing frequency will not decrease and this causes the catastrophic loss of carbon dioxide.
The consequences include shock, collapse and death - death as the result of incorrect
Hypertension, gastric ulcers, colitis and constipation are all caused by deep breathing. It is
possible to induce an asthmatic fit after 40 to 60 seconds of deep breathing. And it is very easy
to eliminate it. Just hold your breath up to one minute after breathing in and the asthmatic fit
is gone.
Now the real reasons behind liver and kidney stone colics also become clear. The smooth
muscles contract, push onto kidneys and cause pain. As the breathing amount decreases the
muscle spasms lessen, the pressure goes away and the pain stops. This is not science fiction -it
is reality. It is possible to get rid of kidney pains by reducing the breathing amount within 2 to
4 minutes. Same goes for the pains caused by gastric ulcers. Heartburns are also caused by
deep breathing and it is possible to cure them quickly.
The next defense mechanism is sclerosis. This stops the already small amount of carbon
dioxide from disappearing and it can easily be proven. If hypertension forms in a very young
person it usually becomes relatively severe. A constant loss of carbon dioxide takes place.
One of the defense mechanisms of the organism is the hyper functioning of the thyroid. The
thyroid starts functioning very energetically to increase metabolism and produce more carbon
dioxide. If this happens to a deep breathing asthmatic then the breathing will lessen, asthma
will disappear and thyroid functions will regulate.
3. Cholesterine is a biological isolator. By covering the cell casings, the walls of various
vessels and nerves it isolates us from external environment. In case of deep breathing our
organism produces more cholesterine to reduce the loss of carbon dioxide. Dr. Buteyko
conducted the following experiment: 25 people suffering from both hypertension and
stenocardia (their cholesterine levels were high and the amount of carbon dioxide 1,5% under
the norm) changed their diets (they had been vegetarians for many years) and no medicine
was given to them. They were allowed and even forced to eat meat and fat but at the same
time they had to reduce the breathing amount. Depending on how breathing lessened and the
amount of carbon dioxide increased the amount of cholesterine decreased. Even a certain
pattern was established: if the amount of carbon dioxide decreases by 0,2% the amount of
cholesterine increases by 10%. This work was presented during the congress of Siberian
therapists in Irkutsk in 1965 and it has been published in the materials of this congress.
Phlegm - what is it? If the amount of carbon dioxide generally decreases an energetic
disposal of slime from the throat, bronchial tubes, stomach, intestines etc will start. That is
why deep breathing causes influenza i.e. phlegm will start forming in lungs. Actually this
phlegm is useful. It is an isolator. Earlier it was said to asthmatics: "Cough it out. Clean your
However coughing damages the lungs, it causes emphysema, damages the bronchus, burdens
the heart, causes fainting, makes breathing deeper and the deeper the breathing the more
severe the illness, organs will start producing more and more phlegm. A patient has to be
recommended not to cough because phlegm saves from losing carbon dioxide. Breathing has
to be reduced and when it reaches the norm the patient will cough the now unnecessary
phlegm out. Biochemists have proven that our organism is capable of creating protein and
adding its carbon oxide to it.
If we somehow increase the amount of carbon dioxide in animal organism it is possible
increase the live weight by 50% without increasing food amounts on the account of the
amount of carbon dioxide in their organism.
Animals do not like protein (meat, milk, consommé etc) because it is more useful for the
organism to build protein from more simple elements than using alien protein, which has to be
crushed and remade. It is easier to build on an empty spot using new material than remodeling
the old. Now it should be clear why yogis feed on plants.
If patients reduce their breathing amount below norm they will feel dislike towards meat:
will become vegetarians - eat less and cheaper food.
4. Narrowing of the bronchus and vessels lessens the loss of carbon dioxide. But oxygen
accesses our organism through the same vessels. Nature has operated very economically: it
did not know that our environment would change so radically and did not create separate
channels. If carbon dioxide is cast out from our organism using deep breathing and it induces
spasms in the bronchus and vessels and so the oxygen flow will also decrease. An oxygen
famine will form in the cells, brain, kidneys etc. So there is both no oxygen and no carbon
dioxide in the organism of a person who uses deep breathing. To collect oxygen, breathing
has to be reduced - the bronchus and vessels will open and oxygen can access the organism.
This is a physiological law. It has been well proven in a doctoral thesis of B. A. Kovalenko
(1967). It is ascertained to us: "Breathe deeper, you'll get more oxygen." This is stupidity,
ignorance! This is the exact opposite of truth. Dr. Buteyko claims that his theory has no
contradictions with science. True, it is supported by the greatest achievements of biology,
biochemistry and physiology. The only contradictions are with dull preconceptions. For 200
years people have been taught to breathe deep however there are no scientific experiments
that would prove it necessary. Every one of us who has taken deep breaths 5 minutes in a row
will lose consciousness and may die. The theory can be proven pointless within 5 minutes.
People have just started believing in deep breathing. Science confirms that it is poison,
preconceptions teach us to use deep breathing. The physiological dullness should be removed
amongst doctors and regular people.
5. The oxygen famine in cells forms as a result of deep breathing. There is a small amount
of oxygen in venous blood and all veins will contract (even in the nose). So from that we get
stuffy nose. It is like a valve that protects the organism from deep breathing. Instead of
reducing breathing we will open our mouths and breathe even more. And then they all wonder
why they cannot cure chronic cold. Those who know the real needs of the organism will close
the mouth to reduce breathing and within 4 minutes the cold is gone.
6. The oxygen famine caused by vessel spasms will increase the arterial pressure causing
hypertension. This has been well justified by a scientific researcher called Mursenko in 1967.
It dawns that hypertension is very useful. It increases the blood flow in contracted vessels
rescuing the organism from oxygen famine. Currently there is a notable psychosis among
medical staff: high blood pressure is dangerous! But actually we know that weightlifters have
a blood pressure of 240 at the critical moment but then it will decrease to 120. Blood pressure
is a very variable indicator. It increased by factors like excitement. A medicine that reduces
blood pressure was developed in the west. Americans gave this medicine to the severely ill
suffering from hypertension. The pressure decreased but they did not know that hypertension
and vessel spasm are caused by deep breathing. Breathing was not reduced and the vessel
spasms continued. The pressure decreased and the brain, heart and kidneys got less blood. A
third of the patients died immediately. Then this medicine was abandoned. The first phase of
hypertension is hypotension. By reducing the amount of breathing we can cure both
hypotension and hypertension.
7. If the oxygen famine in cells gets too great the breathing center will react and positive
feedback will stop. We will sense oxygen famine like a lack of air. Wrong information! An
average human being breathes for three, already choking, but there is not enough oxygen for
the brain, heart, liver and kidneys and that is the consequence of deep breathing. The person
will start taking even deeper breaths and perish. Practically most of the people living on Earth
are suicidal. The healthy learn deep breathing to become ill and the ill to die faster. Doctors
are teaching us how to breathe deeper, even give us medicines that increase breathing. So
those who use deep breathing will feel a lack of air and as a result they will breathe even
deeper. However, it is very hard to give up the habit of deep breathing, to change it. Dr.
Buteyko and his coworkers were looking for methods to replace the oxygen famine. They
developed a new method for controllable normalization of breathing. All people are relieved
by reducing the amount of breathing. Originally it was of course unknown that reduced
breathing can stop and cure illnesses. This method can be especially well used for the severely
ill. The longer a person has been ill the deeper the illness. The older a person the faster and
more completely he/she can be cured. The slightly ill do not respond well because reducing
the amount of breathing is very hard. That is why patients call it "the Siberian method,"
draconic self-suffocation. It is a
really agonizing and hard method. During the hours of the first days the patient has to retard
breathing with the help of doctors. A coil will be made around the chest of the patient; a
corset will be used to stop the person from using deep breathing. If a child has an asthmatic fit
it is recommended for the parent to hold the child tightly and reduce breathing in any way.
Then the asthmatic fit will stop.
Breathing will lessen only if the patient limits the breathing amount at least 3 hours every
day. The more severe the illness the more time should be spent training. At first when methods
had not yet been developed the patients came and the direct connection between the disease
and deep breathing had to be demonstrated. "Take deep breaths" - asthma fit, stenocardia,
hypertension. Breathe less - no asthma fit. And this lasted until the patients started to realize
that they are inducing the illnesses and then cure them within a couple of minutes. Now they
understood that it is necessary to reduce breathing. Normal breathing, normal diet, normal
regime guarantees health.
How does reduced breathing affect human health? All people can try this. Reduce the
amount of air you breathe in. The nervous system calms down and toughens. If a person is
aroused he/she will immediately calm down. If one did not get any sleep he/she will
immediately fall asleep. If we reduce the breathing amount even more you will fall asleep and
have no dreams. Reduced breathing helps if you want to sleep. Deep sleep is shorter; you will
wake up faster and feel more vivacious. If there is a fight amongst family (it is caused by
deep breathing), breathe out and hold your breath. Half a minute - the amount of carbon
dioxide increases and the fight is over. It is recommended to count to 20 or 30. This also calms
the situation. Not the counting itself but reduced breathing. The amount of carbon dioxide
increases, the bronchus and vessels expand, the organism gets more oxygen and this creates
new sources of energy. If there are any spasms they will vanish immediately. For example if
your feet are cold during winter reduce the amount of breathing and you will soon feel hot.
All metabolic processes will improve.
In January-February of 1966 Dr. Buteyko and his coworkers tried their method in
Leningrad at an institute called Uglov. The most severe patients were treated - candidates of
death who had been ill for more than 20 years. All medicines were stopped and the patients
were cured. Only two cases gave no or little result. The results were officially acknowledged
as positive for 950 patients. This number includes people who suffered from up to 70 diseases.
Doctors wanted to conduct a breast surgery on one woman as they had discovered a precancer
condition. The patient refused. Luckily she also had asthma and therefore met Dr.
Buteyko and his coworkers. Asthma and all the other diseases were cured. The oldest patient
was 52 and had bronchial asthma. He had got chloride poisoning during the First World War
on German front. He had 40 diseases. After three months he was capable of holding his
breath for 180 seconds when walking. At the end of the treatment he met a 32 years old lady
who was suffering from asthma and they got married.
One more interesting fact prevailed. A person who learned to control breathing did not get
influenza. The whole family suffered from viral influenza but this person remained
untouched. As the symptoms formed he got rid of them within an hour. The influenza virus is
afraid of acid environment and develops well in alkaline conditions, which means those who
use deep breathing. If a person who uses deep breathing gets influenza he only needs to
reduce the breathing amount, increase the amount of carbon dioxide and the influenza retreats.
A patient starts to reduce the breathing amount and within 5 minutes the cold is gone. One
more minute and there's no headache. A couple of more minutes and there are no chest pains.
After 25 minutes the patient can already run. Now it should be clear why the most severely ill
can be treated faster. The positive results are there to see and examine.
For decades treatment gave no results and now suddenly the various diseases are gone
within minutes. During the treatment Dr. Buteyko tried to discover the secrets of yogis. If the
patient regulates breathing the whole pathology will disappear. If it is regulated below the
norm miracles will start to happen. The tissues store more oxygen than the norm and this
makes it possible to hold your breath longer and longer. And holding your breath is the main
control of the given method. A severely ill person can stay 3 to 5 seconds without breathing.
Why? This person has no oxygen. Patients will continue reducing the amount of breathing.
Soon they will be able to hold their breath for 180 to 240 seconds without any trouble. A
person who can stay without breathing for 100 seconds is already a yogi. 30 seconds - a deep
breathing person. Dr. Buteyko recommends: breathe out and while holding your breath run,
walk up the stairs or do some other fast work. Earlier patients were taught: if you walk up the
stairs, breathe in deeply, fill your lungs with oxygen and then start walking. However, this
meant that the person got an asthmatic fit or stenocardia and there was no need to go
anywhere anymore. The correct way of action is breathing out when approaching the stairs
and then run up the stairs while holding your breath. One who cannot do it should at least
reduce breathing as much as possible. This gives fantastic results straight away. Holding one's
breath and reducing breathing is always hard and unpleasant but the final result is stunning.
You step over the threshold and asthma is gone but yesterday you weren't able to rise to the
third floor. Patients who have acquired this method reduce their breathing step by step, reduce
the amount of food they eat and they see how their troubles leave one after another. By
reaching the norm of holding one's breath for 60 seconds we have managed to restore health.
But we go even further. So it is possible do hold breath for 3 minutes after breathing out and
5 minutes after breathing in. A person who can do that is healthy, completely healthy. While
observing these people it became clear that their sleep was deeper and the sleeping time
shorter. They saw no dreams. They fell asleep immediately and after 5 to 6 hours of sleep
they felt wonderful.
At first insufficient attention was paid to the small amount of food. Before the person just
sat, did not move, ate a lot but now he runs around all day and eats three times less.
For a long time people could not understand the reason but in 1968 Dr. Buteyko held a
lecture about breathing at Kiev Institute of Biochemistry. The lecture was recorded and after a
couple of months academic Gulõi, a biochemist who has studied the qualities of carbon
dioxide for over 30 years, listened to the tape. He was amazed discovering that not only
plants but animals as well feed on carbon dioxide.
Human organism can also use carbon dioxide, feed on it i.e. add it to simple compounds
and synthesize protein.
The disease will not retreat so easily. There has been a severe disorder in the metabolism
of all cells. All systems are out of order. Becoming healthy is the exact opposite process of
falling ill but it is 10 times faster. Everything has to reappear, reach the climax and then
disappear. Then there is the moment when the maximal break is 20 seconds. However this
period is not easy for doctors. If children have pneumonia then the process of becoming
healthy goes along with a fever of 40° and even more. This is not an inflammation - it is antiinflammation.
This lasts 1 to 3 or even 8 days. Sometimes we try to treat the fever. Psychosis?
If the temperature does not go up during an illness the patient dies. Fever is a defense
mechanism, the metabolic processes become faster, and immune spots start forming. The
temperature becomes dangerous at 41° but 40,5° is still good. A general reaction will follow -
headache, pains in muscles, limbs, especially old bone fractures, wounds etc. Patients can
barely move. A cleaning reaction is in process. All cells are getting rid of the unnecessary
substances that have been stored in them during years. That includes a lot of sweat as well as
tears, slime (phlegm). Asthmatics excrete black phlegm, then yellow and then frothy - this is
the final phase of cleaning lungs. Diseases that have been mentioned here have never been
cured, nobody has seen them being cured. Only the doctors who treat patients using the
abovementioned method have seen it. If there have been damages to the digestive system we
start vomiting. Sometimes it lasts up to 6 hours, we excrete choler and gastric juice but the
vomiting fits are slight and pass without difficulties. We also start excreting more urine. The
urine can be brick-red or greenish with unpleasant smell. Diarrhea is also common. All
secretions can be bloody. This can last one or three days or even a week. This is the reaction
of recovery. In case of mediocre illnesses this reaction passes insensibly: shivers, headaches,
one night awake, painful muscles and that's it.
Recovery reaction is a serious thing. That is the reason why self-treatment without medical
control is forbidden. The patient is scared during this period. Breathing becomes faster and
everything is ruined, we have to start from the beginning. The patient starts reducing
breathing - headache becomes worse. This is a recovery reaction. During this period we have
to reduce breathing all the time - the organism has to become acquainted to the new
conditions. Such cleaning process works if we can hold our breath at least 20 seconds,
sometimes 40 to 60 seconds and rarely 80 seconds. If we reduce breathing further and a
recovery reaction does not follow the organism has already cleaned itself.
Now a couple of words about the battle against weariness. Yogis eliminate it very fast.
They increase the amount of carbon dioxide while resting. There is no need for lying down.
Reduce your breathing during 5 minutes while sitting. This is resting. Everything works on
the basis of increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in our organism.
Carbon dioxide is the basis of life and Dr. Buteyko with coworkers invites us to collect and
store this essential gas in the organism. A few words about sport. Most of the people who
write about sport do not know the physiology of breathing and so we get the impression that
sport and physical load work like the described method of reduced breathing. The patient
starts limiting the amount of breathing, the amount of carbon dioxide increases, he feels hot,
starts sweating, turns red - seems like he's doing hard work. In fact our patient sits still and is
only reducing breathing, its amount. Physical load becomes physiologically much more
effective if we increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the organism. With that we stimulate
the breathing center and strengthen breathing. However breathing will only increase so that
the amount of carbon dioxide does not increase. If a worker has enforced breathing it means
that this person has more carbon dioxide in blood stream than the non-working person. In case
of physical load metabolism and the amount of carbon dioxide increase faster, breathing
lessens and becomes shallow.
Patients should not think about breathing frequency. By thinking they start breathing
sparsely but still take deep breaths and this makes their condition worse. It is necessary to
reduce every breath, try to stop breathing. The movement of the chest cavity has to be
People often ask what normal breathing looks like. We cannot show it, we cannot see it.
Normal breathing is breathing with nerves. Deep breathing however works without pauses
and is clearly visible. Animals use normal breathing: dogs, cats, mice. There is no need to
learn something not natural - on the contrary we have to get used to the natural. Natural is the
way animals breathe. For example we have to watch a cat really closely to see that it is really
Deep breathing expands the chest cavity and obesity follows. We have to fight it. Let's
breathe out and give our lungs the opportunity to return to their normal position. Pause is the
main phase of breathing, it is recreation. The lungs are breathing in this phase. Breathing in
and out is only necessary to exchange air. Deep breathers have one more cycle of breathing in
and out instead of the pause. If we reduce the amount of air we breathe in our breathing will
naturally become sparser and the pauses will spontaneously appear. However, if we start
using deep breathing we increase the amount of air breathed in and the pauses will
automatically disappear: "Air is poisonous; we have to remove it from our lungs and breathe
as sparsely as possible." If we increase physical load, move and work, then we have
something to increase - we can calmly breathe more frequently. The chest cavity of a deep
breather is expanded. If the physical load increases the person has nothing to expand anymore
and he starts panting and choking. In case of normal breathing the pause appears naturally,
even during sleep. Deep breather has no pause. Many people think that deep breathing is
sparse i.e. slow and shallow breathing is frequent i.e. fast. Actually it is the exact opposite. If
breathing is enforced it will become deeper as well as faster, if it weakens it will become
slower and shallower. Those who breathe shallow breathe sparsely. Those who breathe deeply
breathe frequently. Attention has to be focused on reducing the amount of air breathed in. The
last indicator - maximal pause is very informative and accurate, it is the basis for measuring
the amount of carbon dioxide.
This is the curing effect of physical load. Stenocardia and hypertension are not treated.
Somebody ran, stenocardia lessened and now many tend to run. Running increases the amount
of carbon dioxide. That is why it cures. If we breathe too much while running we can faint
like our Olympic athlete in Mexico. Our athletes are still taught to breathe deeply. Sport is
useful for those who do not breathe deeply. The breathing amount of those athletes is smaller
than for regular people and they also have more carbon dioxide. The breathing pauses are
usually longer than 60 seconds, some even 2 to 3 minutes. But if an athlete breathes deeply he
will not achieve any records, he will faint and might die because of cramps. All that deepens
breathing should strictly be avoided. Why is it that currently 2/3 of humankind breathes too
deeply? Firstly they are taught to do that. Secondly there are a number of factors that enforce
breathing - for example caffeine in condiments and medicines; adrenaline, camphor etc. All
those substances enforce breathing and they should not be used without a special need. Hard
coffee and tea enforce breathing and that is why people who have low blood pressure are
recommended to drink them. For an half an hour the patient will feel fine but then the
condition will become even worse than before.
Severely ill people have to give up caffeine: 20 minutes after drinking coffee they will get
an asthmatic fit. Chocolate and cocoa also contain substances that enforce breathing. Oranges
and tangerines contain some allergens: one orange induces an asthmatic fit or an allergic
reaction within 20 minutes. Lemons are also harmful in large amounts. They contain a lot of
vitamin C but they have to be consumed in small amounts.
Before we trust someone to drive a car or fly a plain Dr. Buteyko recommends checking
breathing. Those who breathe deeply are not able to carry out tasks that demand fast reaction.
Breathing is enforced by proteins that are easily assimilated by our organism like chicken
bouillon, milk, cottage cheese. Those substances are nutrient but they increase the breathing
amount. Excess protein is harmful. Children need a lot of protein. The older the person the
less he needs it. This especially applies to vegetarians and asthmatics. As we get older our
organism grows less suitable for assimilating dairy products. Milk contains a lot of protein
and they are meant for an organism that is growing fast. That is why milk diet for the elderly is
totally forbidden. A child gets chronic bronchitis quite easily. Now the child is wrapped into
cloth and that enforces breathing. But the illness gets worse. Lying, especially on your back,
enforces breathing. Fits of asthma and stenocardia attack us just then. If a patient has to lie
down it should be done on stomach. This reduces breathing. Children automatically turn onto
their stomach. Asthmatic children turn on their stomach and hide their head under the pillow.
Parents guard by the bed and fight with the instincts of the child. The little patient is trying to
save oneself by reducing breathing and increasing the amount of carbon dioxide. However,
the parents are turning the child over all the time and try to increase breathing using all
means. This goes on for days and nights. All reversed!
Breathing can be reduced by physical work, vegetarianism, limited fasting. Now it should
start to dawn why people are cured with fasting. Starvation increases the amount of carbon
dioxide in the organism. That is why all fasters breathe less.
Breathing can be increased by negative emotions, efforts, creative work. That explains why
those people who do creative work fall ill 10 times more often than those doing physical
work. This has been proven. Some time ago a piece of writing called "Scientists, take deeper
breaths!" was published in a Russian newspaper. It recommended taking deep breaths after
every 10 minutes. Those who followed these instructions only created illnesses for
themselves. How to fight the lack of carbon dioxide, how to collect and store it? Most
importantly we have to reduce breathing, move around, fast a little bit, and take care of your
balance and calm mindedness etc. Real life is the exact opposite. Automatics, elevators,
public transportation and private cars take us everywhere. There is no need to chop trees,
bring water or heat the furnace. However, 50% of our body consists of muscles and they need
to work. There should be minimal norms for physical work like there already are for the
amount of water, vitamins and calories. A human-being needs 3 hours of hard physical work
each day. If that is not possible then we need 3 hours of breathing exercises trying to reduce
the breathing amount. Nicotine enforces breathing - it is one of its harmful effects. Those who
do creative work do not move enough, easily get nervous and smoke a lot. Every person
should give a certain physical load (like walking 10 km) to the muscles each day. That would
be the most certain prophylaxis against illnesses.
People often ask whether it is possible to live in unaired rooms. Dr. Buteyko investigated
this problem and came to the conclusion that the amount of carbon dioxide in unaired rooms
is three times greater than for example in a pine forest or near the sea. There it is 0,03% and
in unaired rooms 0,13%. But using deep breathing we need 2%. So it is not enough. There is
1-2% less oxygen in unaired rooms, in extreme conditions 6-10% less. In addition to that this
air contains positive ions and other components that make us ill and are unnecessary. We are
created to work and live in the conditions of clean and normal air. To breathe in stuffy air is
equal to eating food that has once already been chewed. That is why stuffy air is harmful for
us. It is not because of carbon dioxide or oxygen. The same thing can be seen on the streets of
major cities where the amount of carbon dioxide is 3-4 times higher. This would be
acceptable for the human organism if the amount of carbon monoxide, tar and other harmful
substances was not so great. Many asthmatics like unaired conditions. Figuratively they see
the tube from which smoke, tar and used air flows and they either hold their breath or reduce
breathing noticeably. This however improves their condition. Now when they drive to the
countryside they want to breathe the fresh air and fall ill again. The same thing happens to
asthmatics in health resorts and spas. Health resorts are the bases for illnesses because there
people are taught to take deep breaths. Gymnastics based on deep breathing as a very harmful
practice should be prohibited.
Normal breathing goes like this: breathe in, breathe out, pause; breathe in, breathe out,
pause. Every phase varies in length. For example breathe in 2 seconds, breathe out 3 seconds,
pause 3 seconds. You can try to breathe in during two steps, during three steps breathe out
and holding your breath during three steps. The whole point is to avoid taking deep breaths.
Important is how much air we pull into our lungs. The aim is to constantly lessen the length of
every phase of breathing in and out. "If we are able to stop breathing we can reach
immortality," the yogis say.
Breathing frequency
per minute
Max. pause
Norm 6-8 60 6,5
I 9-11 50 5,4
II 12-15 40 5,0
III 15-21 30 4,6
IV 21-25 20 3,8
V 26 10 3,6
Using this table we can find out the amount of carbon dioxide in our organism without
complex apparatus. These are the results of researches conducted on thousands of patients and
healthy persons during 9 years. These empirical data, brought out in the table, were calculated
by a computer. There are no mistakes and they have been used for many years by hundreds of
doctors and patients.
How to assess the maximal pause, which is the main indicator of breathing? Holding your
breath is applied in medical sciences after breathing out and not after breathing in, because the
latter means that your lungs contain a lot of oxygen. In case of deep breathing we have little
oxygen - we don't hold our breath. In case of shallow breathing we have a lot of oxygen
because we hold our breath longer. In other words the more oxygen our lungs contain (bigger
capacity) the longer we can hold our breath. Therefore if we hold our breath after breathing in
our lungs will first of all expand, but we are already taking too deep breaths. This can cause
emphysema. Second of all lung capacity (oxygen in the lungs) affects the indicator (look at
the table). What we are interested of is oxygen in brains, tissues, heart etc. but not lungs.
Holding your breath after breathing out is more natural. Both humans and animals hold their
breath if they are listening to something attentively, on guard or raise their eyes. All
instinctive pauses in breathing are after breathing out. Therefore we measure the maximal
pause (MP) after breathing out totally but not enforcedly. Maximal pause is the basis for
breathing and treatment using this method. Both sport and medicine measure breathing as
follows: you are told to take a deep breath, breathe out and then hold your breath. This means
one more extra breath blown out before measurements. Dr. Buteyko has calculated that one
deep breath shortens life by 5 seconds. Why should we do that? After that we hold our breath
as long as possible, which is followed by approximately 1 minute of constant panting. This is
harmful. Deep breathing takes place before holding your breath and after that. That has to be
What is the correct way of acting? It is necessary to breathe in superficially, then breathe
and hold breath until first unpleasant sensations start surfacing. Continue breathing
shallow as before. Dr. Buteyko calls such breathing pause with empty lungs maximal pause.
He strictly
differentiates it from the option of holding your breath in case of deep breathing.
Maximal pause is measured in seconds and it is 180-240 for former patients. It has to be
mentioned that maximal pauses should not be considered training. They are just there to
measure breathing for finding out the amount of carbon dioxide in the organism.
Maximal pause lessens if you take deep breaths and increases if you constantly reduce your
breathing amount. Of course it is bad if a person is forced to take a deep breath after holding
breath to the extreme limit. Then the maximal pause is only used to get used to deep
Facial muscles have to be relaxed, eyesight pointed to the ceiling and stomach pulled back
while standing straight when measuring deep breathing. Deep breathers feel pain and cannot
raise their eyes while doing that. This is one of the symptoms of deep breathing. Raising your
eyes automatically stops breathing. It is forbidden to check the clock during this. You can
check time only after the end of measuring maximal pause. MP has to be measured once a
day, either in the morning or at night before going to sleep. If measurements show that MP
is constantly reducing by 3-5 seconds, then this is the omen that death is near. So it is
possible to follow how life is slowly extinguished. Those who elongate the maximal pause
also elongate their life.
Maximal pause can be used to slow down fast breathing. For example in case of a headache
the breathing just has to be slowed. Start with maximal pause. It is the most effective method
for increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in your organism. Breathe out, MP. It makes you
want to take a deep breath, stop yourself and strictly reduce the amount of air breathed in,
hinder your breathing. 1-3 minutes go by, breathe normally and repeat the maximal pause.
Soon you will notice that the headache is gone and you feel a lot better.
How do yogis breathe? We know this from the literature under the subject "Hatha yoga"
which only means breathing exercises: complete breathing, purification breathing, treatment
breathing and other means. However, those exercises are only applied during a short period of
time, for example 3-6 minutes. But how do the yogis breathe during the rest of the day? They
use shallow breathing, use a lung capacity, which is much smaller than for regular people.
Because of that they are capable of holding their breath for 10 to 15 minutes. This acts
without hard work because the amount of air used is 3 to 5 times smaller than usually. Such is
the pattern. This is one of the main bases for the supernatural powers of the yogis.
If the patients reduce the amount of breathing they can bring their pulse frequency down to
30-40 beats per minute (earlier it was 160). The deeper the breathing is, the faster the pulse.
This has to be considered a discovery. If we apply these basic facts in treatment the results
could be near 100%.
To sum up all the things said before we get a simple truth - the main curing effect is
through breathing.
If we add the special exercises and poses (asanas) that give physical load to the breathing
exercises we have ALL we need - BREATHE YOURSELF HEALTHY
As mentioned above ancient yoga teachers were convinced that everyone has a certain
number of breaths prescribed for their life and those who use them faster live a shorter life.
Examples from the nature
Tortoise - 4 times a minute - lives over 200 years;
Elephant - 12 times a minute - up to 150 years;
Human-being - currently they have reached 18-20 times a minute - a few years.
When I was young (ca 40 years ago) we used to breathe 15-16 times a minute.
The best poses for (Yoga) breathing exercises
Corpse pose - savasana
Pleasant pose - sukhasana
I hope that the reader has had the sense to take recommendations and explanations mentioned
above seriously and has pass a training cycle and reached the result in which the length of the
breathing cycle (breathing in + breathing out) is not less than 50-60 seconds. If so, it is
probably time to continue with the secrets of breathing.
The slogan of the first part was BREATHE YOURSELF HEALTHY! And if we followed
the training cycles carefully we have reached the all that the regular or the so-called external
breathing which is only based on the oxygen of external air has to offer. This is an aerobic
type of breathing - a process in which we get energy in the mitochondrion of cells using
oxygen. In regular conditions this is the prevailing type.
I also briefly mentioned the breathing type where there is not enough oxygen for cells and
lactic acid formed. This is called anaerobic breathing - a process in which we get energy in the
cytosols of cells (a part of cytoplasm) without the help of atmospheric oxygen. This is a
backup mechanism for our organism, which starts if we don't get enough energy using the
aerobic method - "the second breathing."
But there are even more breathing secrets!
Now we start exploring the possibilities - MAKE YOURSELF NEW AND BETTER!
Because there is also a third kind of breathing - the so called endogenous breathing. This is
used in case of small physical loads and is achievable through special training and using the
above already mentioned apparatus - Frolov's inhalator (TDI-01). Its advantage compared to
others is the fact that the air from the inner chamber flows through small holes and does not
create big bubbles, which form when using TDI-02. And the breathing tube is flexible, which
makes it possible to hold the jar in vertical position more conveniently.
Complete set TDI-01 = FRTD -01 (old model)
1. Breathing tube 1 pc.
1а. Mouthpiece 1 pc.
2. Lid for the glass jar (training with CO2) 1 pc.
3. Lid for the plastic jar 1 pc.
4. Plastic jar 1 pc.
5. Inner chamber 1 pc.
6. Net bottom of the inner chamber 1 pc.
1. Pour 12 ml of drinking water on room temperature to the plastic jar (4).
2. Attach the net bottom (6) firmly to the inner chamber (5) and place it into the plastic
jar (4).
3. Put the breathing tube (1) through the opening in the lid of the plastic jar (3), connect
it to the inner chamber (5).
4. Close the plastic jar (4) using the lid (3), push it down along the breathing tube (1).
5. Put the mouthpiece (1a) on the open end of the breathing tube (1).
Attention! If you have correctly assembled the apparatus the inner chamber (5) together
with the net bottom (6) attached to it sits firmly in the plastic jar (4) and does not move
up and down. The lid (2) for the jar is not used for this breathing training.
Before using the breathing apparatus for the first time and before each training session wash
all parts of it with warm water and chemicals, which are used for washing up. If necessary the
New model
details can also be disinfected - advisedly 30 minutes in a 3% solution of hydrogen super acid
together with a 0,5% washing chemical solution in 18-24 C.
1. Let's start with training sessions during which we breathe through the inner chamber
filled with 12 ml of water.
2. Length of the training session - 20-30 minutes every day (10 minutes for the 1st week).
3. Position - sitting - advisedly behind a table with the apparatus held so that it is
convenient to breathe through the tube and completely in a vertical position.
4. Breathe through your mouth with your nose open but the process of breathing in and
out is completely based on the work of the diaphragm which descends when breathing
in and rises when breathing out.
5. There is also an element of yoga - RHYTHM. It can also be called self control or
whatever and it should go along either clock ticking or counting seconds so that every
phase would be with a certain length. For simplicity use a clock with big second
So, let's try once again diaphragmatic breathing!
• Place the palm of your hand on the abdomen. Breathe in and try to push your palm
outward with your abdomen.
• Breathe out, slowly pressing with the palm on the abdomen toward the spine.
• Repeat several times without involving your chest in the breathing process.
Did it work? If so, let's begin our sample exercise with TDI-01!
Take the device in your hand or put it on the table. Make sure that the water level inside the
device always remains horizontal. In order to accomplish that, always keep TDI-01 in the
vertical position. Place the breathing tube in your mouth. With the tube, breathe in and out
through the mouth. In order to prevent the air coming in through the nose, you can pinch the
nose with your free hand.
Children and individuals with health problems may breathe through the nose at the beginning
stages of the exercise. Afterwards, you want to move to the desired method of breathing with
the mouth.
Take in active breaths during 2-3 seconds. Again, abdomen is moving forward. Breathe out
slowly and smoothly and your abdomen is traveling back toward the spine. Make sure to
begin exhaling as soon as you complete your inhaling step.
Tightly gripping the breathing tube with your lips to exclude another source of air intake, try
breathing in this manner for about five minutes. Mark down how many seconds you can
breathe out without feeling uncomfortable. Then, add the length of your inhalation stage (2-3
seconds) to the exhalation period. Now, you have the time of your complete breathing cycle.
Congratulations! Your first lesson has been successful! Follow our instructions and you will
soon see the results!
After completing the exercise, take apart the device, rinse out the parts under the warm tap
water and dry the parts on the towel. Keep the TDI-01 away from the sun or any objects
emitting heat.
The methodology developed in this exercise will serve you as a base for all of your future
• Pour water into the outer container. See Table 1 to determine the amount to be used.
• Correctly assemble the device.
• Pick the setting that is most comfortable for you. Remember that the outer container
must always remain in the vertical position.
• Place the breathing tube into your mouth and begin breathing. Use the length of the
breathing cycle you developed during the sample exercise (inhale for 2-3 seconds plus
the time you took to exhale). Remember that your breathing must always remain
• The length of the exercise should be about 10 minutes.
You want to do these exercises every day. Try to have at least one session per day at the time
most convenient for you. We recommend to do it at night before going to bed.
As you progress in your development, the length of the breathing cycle, the amount of water
used and the duration of the entire exercise will gradually increase. Make sure to follow our
instructions with respect to these changes.
In the course of your exercises, the duration of the inhalation stage will not fluctuate. You
will always try to take rapid, short breaths lasting two or three seconds. We achieve the
increase in the breathing cycle through prolonging the length of the exhalation stage. The best
results are reached when the increase is introduced gradually. To do that, every two or three
days, add one second to the duration of your initial exhalation stage. As you show more
progress, your exhalation stage will eventually reach 50-60 seconds.
However, notice that when your breathing cycle reaches about 13 seconds, you may
experience some discomfort. This could be a result of the fact that, at a certain time during
exhaling, your stomach will have moved very close to the spine. At that point, the diaphragm
becomes stationary, preventing the natural flow of air, which leads one to feel discomfort in
that area (Graph 1).
There is a way to get around this problem. You can divide the long exhalation stage into two
shorter periods of about 6 seconds each. This will allow you to relax the muscles of your
stomach and thus avoid feeling any discomfort (Graph 2).
• Breath in for 2-3 seconds - stomach is moving forward.
• Begin slowly breathing out for the first 6 seconds - your abdomen moves back toward
the spine.
• Stop the exhalation for 1 second and relax abdomen.
• Resume exhaling for the next 6 seconds - abdomen continues to move toward the
• Breath in again and repeat the entire cycle.
In this manner, your breathing cycle will consist of one inhalation of 2-3 seconds and two
exhalation periods of 6 seconds each, between which you want to relax your abdomen.
Further increases in the duration of the breathing cycle are accomplished by increasing the
duration of the last exhalation by one second every two or three days. When the last
exhalation reaches 13 seconds, divide it up into two shorter intervals of six seconds each. And
do not forget to relax your abdomen between the intervals!
So, now, your breathing cycle will consist of one inhalation stage of 2-3 seconds and three
exhalation stages of six seconds each (Graph 3).
As you get more comfortable using the device, try to increase the duration of the breathing
cycle based on the capabilities of your body.
With the increase in the length of the breathing cycle, the amount of water poured into the
outer container should be gradually increased from 12 ml to 18 ml. See Table 1 for further
IRCT (initial respiration cycle time), in sec 5-9 10-15 16-20 More 20
Water volume, in ml 12 14 16 18
Start out with a session lasting for 10 minutes, then slowly increase its length to 30 minutes.
The best way is to increase the length of the exercise by one minute every one or two days.
Children and people with health problems can begin with sessions of 5 minutes each.
The total time of each session should not exceed 20 minutes.
• Try exercising when you are in a quiet, relaxed state of being.
• If you are not feeling well on the day of your next session, do not increase the length
of the exhalation stage, the amount of water used or the duration of the complete
exercise. Try practicing your breathing using the same variables as during last session.
• About 1-1.5 hours before and after your breathing exercises, do not consume any
food. The digested food fills up the stomach and restricts movement of the diaphragm.
This will lead to an acute sense of discomfort and reduce the effectiveness of the
If you have diabetes, please consult with your treating physician about your food
consumption patterns.
• It is very important to exercises regularly, gradually increasing your workload. Do not
rush to get immediate results, let your body adapt to your new breathing method.
• Consult with your doctor about taking vitamins and dietary supplements. Taken in
proper amounts, they will assist you to reach better results in your exercises. During
exercises, you may observe that the water in the outer container is bubbling, or
you may notice that you are producing an unusual amount of saliva or mucus.
These are visual signs that your body is cleansing itself from the foreign
elements. Simply change the water in the outer container and continue to
practice your new breathing method.
If you suffer from chronic illness, and you notice an improvement in your
condition after a number of practicing sessions, please consult with your doctor
whether or not to decrease (or terminate) the amount of your regularly
prescribed medicine.
• During the entire course, we recommend keeping a diary to note changes in your
health during exercises as well as throughout the day. Keep track of such important
factors as the duration of the exercise, the length of the breathing cycle, pulse rate,
blood pressure, body temperature, body weight (your weight can be checked once
every ten days).
Example of Exercise Diary
Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Session Time
Length of Exercise, in min
Breathing Cycle Duration, in sec
Water Amount
Pulse Rate
Blood Pressure
• The goal of our breathing program is to improve your health as soon as possible in
each individual case. It is equally important to keep the newly acquired good health
over the long haul. To accomplish that, continue practicing with TDI-01 even after
you notice improvements in your condition.
Regular breathing exercises with TDI-01 will ensure that you will remain healthy
for the rest of your life.
The training method mentioned above and reaching 65-70 seconds in the length of the
breathing cycle have guided us to the threshold of THIRD breathing (this is followed by
fast development - minute after minute).
Endogenous regimen of breathing implies a more efficient and economic process of
breathing in the body. Endogenous regimen of breathing includes reserve mechanisms of
breathing - anaerobic (without oxygen) breathing on the cellular level. The more trained an
organism is the longer it can use cellular (internal, or endo) breathing - and so the title of the
regimen "endogenous". Respiratory trainings in the endogenous regimen are reasonable to
start once you have reached 50-60 seconds respiratory cycle time (RCT = inhalation +
exhalation) as for further RCT increase little atmospheric oxygen admitting the body is
necessary. Endogenous breathing technique provides extra admission of oxygen into the
lungs through micro leaks-in of very small portions of air through the nose.
The structure of respiratory cycle in the endogenous regimen is based on the respiratory
technique in the hypoxic regimen - active inhalation and short 6-seconds exhalations with
micro leak-in after every exhalation. Breathing is of the phrenic type as it is in hypoxic
Now let's try it.
• Take a comfortable position (preferably sit at a table or in an armchair).
• Put the mouthpiece of the breathing tube into your mouth so that it excludes
admission of air except through the training device. You should not stop your nose.
• Make an intensive inhale through the mouth within 2-3 seconds - your abdomen is
being relaxed and moving forwards.
• Start exhaling - your abdomen moves back to your spine, your chest and shoulders go
1-1.5 inches down.
• At the very end of 6-seconds exhalation relax your abdomen and at the same time
during 1 second actively raise your chest and shoulders up to the previous position.
This movement lets very small amount of air into the lungs; it is called micro leak-in.
• Exhale the next portion of air during 6 seconds and all the following portions in the
same way.
• After the last portion of exhale breath in and go on exhaling.
Attention: when you breath your nose always stays passive. The air admits your lungs itself.
This process is called micro air leak-in, there is no breathing in as such (as it is commonly
understood). You shouldn't feel the air moving through your nose, this happens beyond our
will due to respiratory diaphragm work under the motion of chest and shoulders during
With the correct respiratory technique the respiratory cycle time (RCT) is gradually
increasing, on average about a second daily. If it increases more than 2 seconds at a time it
means that the air is leaked-in very actively - consider your chest and shoulders movement
amplitude (you probably work too intensively), and also check if you substitute the micro
leak-in by breathing in through the nose.
Active training of endogenous breathing usually starts at 65-70 seconds RCT. It can suddenly
increase, for instance from 65 to 90 at one training, from 90 to 120 at the next one. It testifies
to high-level fitness in case of following the technique of endogenous breathing precisely.
RCT increases in progress and can reach 60 minutes in 2-3 weeks.
When you have 60 minutes RCT at three successive trainings you can start parallel
trainings of regimen without the training device.
Endogenous breathing without the device is better trained with slow walking. The breathing
should be phrenic. A short active inhalation and a slow calm exhalation after it. Due to long
time exhalation there is some air stored in the lungs, it should be relieved - "bled" - at times in
small portions. The portions are exhaled within 3-6 seconds each with 2-3 seconds intervals
between them. It is recommended to force the air out uttermost economically through the
occluding lips with the resistance like when breathing through the training device. You
mustn't breath with the resistance higher than the respiratory device produces!
The breathing stereotype is changed. Gradually endogenous breathing takes the place of outer
breathing in daily regimen. But the duration of daily breathing with resistance should be
increased gradually: 10-15 minutes a month with starting RCT of less than 16 seconds, and
20-25 minutes a month with initial RCT of 16 seconds and more (initial RCT is RCT at the
beginning of trainings with the device). Then you use the new breathing all the time except
when you are sleeping. During sleep your organism will choose its breathing regimen.
As you saw the energy of external breathing reduced to basic energy circulation. But basic
energy circulation - this is energy that a person needs in a TOTALLY CALM state, it is the
minimal amount of energy for staying alive. In case of third breathing the energy is produced
on the account of "internal" oxygen supplies. If during regular breathing we discharge carbon
dioxide then during third breathing only water molecules. The efficiency of such breathing is
enormous because the whole energy exchange works in cells this means at the same place
where it is consumed.
The process of becoming old and ill starts from the fact that there is not enough energy in the
cells when we need it. And as we have learned and know in case of regular breathing there is
a centralized energy supply for the cells. And as the paths are long and other mechanical
obstacles are also present then this energy supply is always somewhat late. But in case of third
breathing the needed energy is produced on spot at the right time and there are no problems.
Of course we can not say here that third breathing will completely supersede external
breathing (while sleeping) but we can create an original symbiosis of two systems that
complement each other while awake.
In addition to that our daily external breathing is especially harmful if we have not indulged in
regular physical activities. In a relaxed state 90% of cells do not get enough energetic
stimulation. At the same time even in a relaxed state 1-2% of cells have excess load on them
and usually these cells are the most important ones for the organism. As the load increases
even more the deficiency becomes worse.
However... in case of the third or internal or endogenous breathing we are capable of
supplying the needed oxygen for the cells. This process starts when the cells are stimulated on
a high frequency by electrons and this stimulation brings erythrocytes. So it can be said that a
cell has normal functioning if it regularly gets external stimulation. Erythrocytes in turn will
get their energetic stimulation in the capillaries of lung alveoli.
To conclude, breathing is still breathing and what can this a little bit different breathing
through Frolov's apparatus change.
But as for many things in life just a little bit can be unthinkably important. Theory, as you
noticed, is long and complex but I will try to compile a short summary.
First of all - OXYGEN - what is it? We need it for energy but on the other hand, as mentioned
above, the greatest destroyer of cells. The most common saying - breast forward and breathe
as much as possible is a clear propaganda for self-destruction. The air bubbles with oxygen in
human lungs go to capillaries through the cracks in the alveoli. If lungs expand 65% relatively
large cracks will already form and big bubbles with large amounts of oxygen enter our
bloodstream. Such big bubbles carry with them what is called "hot" energy, which destroys
more on the way than fixes. If on the first half of our breathing practice we fought that in two
1. Reduce the amount of oxygen in the air we breathe
2. Increase the amount of carbon dioxide,
then now we will again see what this little change (fragmentary breathing) gives to us. During
regular or external breathing the suction of air bubbles into the alveoli takes place when the
lungs are under pressure. Within a regular breathing cycle it is ca 15-20% of time. But this
shows that in case of regular breathing with every cycle (3-4 sec) there is only one suction i.e.
one portion of air oxygen bubbles. This process only lasts about 0,1 seconds and only 2-4% of
erythrocytes will be stimulated. But now in case of endogenous breathing we have several
portions that follow each other.
Let's return to the construction of our lungs. It is clear that there are different possibilities for
receiving air bubbles in the upper and bottom part of lungs. In the upper part of our lungs the
alveoli network is developed better but the blood flow itself and pressure are smaller than in
the bottom part - that is the exact opposite of what is logically needed. And it has been proved
that if we breathe out with just a small resistance present, the working capability of different
lung parts equalizes.
Now when adding three actions together -
1. Diaphragm breathing (small cracks of the alveoli)
2. increasing the pressure in lungs
3. elongated and fragmentary breathing
we will get that what will change the energy cycle of our cells radically.
In case of endogenous breathing we will get a large amount of very small air bubbles with
microscopic oxygen particles that will in turn stimulate 8-12 times more erythrocytes than in a
normal situation. Those move along the capillaries crashing into each other and the walls of
the vessels losing the harmful "hot" energy and carrying "cold" energy instead. They also
generate the essential electronic oscillation that creates the chemical process with fat that is
not saturated in free radicals. As a result the oxygen needed for metabolism starts forming in
the cells that need it.
The formation of air bubbles in Frolov's apparatus is called barbotating. The air bubbles
created in the inner chamber basically have two functions: first of all they moisturize the
inhaled air, which can be used for inhalation of medicines; secondly as the air bubbles
explode while being inhaled and as the air goes through the bronchus there will be an active
air micro vibration in closed spaces and this gives a supplementary positive effect. The
Frolov's apparatus has already been improved. The bottom is three-layered for better
regulation of load. Every one of them has holes with different size and density in it and
the general capacity is 300 ml. This apparatus has a new name: ITI Inhalator-Training
To conclude, if you use endogenous breathing - organism, when using a minimal amount of
air oxygen, has the ability to generate the maximal amount of energy in cells raising the
intensity of all biochemical processes in the organism like synthesizing new substances and
utilization of the products of metabolism that are unthinkable without energy. In the
conditions of endogenous breathing the energy exchange of cells gains a new quality creating
the possibilities of optimal work for all organs and systems. The structures and functions of
organs that have been damaged for many years will also rehabilitate.
With this breathing we maintain a high level of good health, develop our physical and mental
abilities and notably hamper aging.
Maybe it would be expressive to bring out two examples of how different external breathing is
from the internal. You can choose, which you want to be
Horse - typical example of external breathing - and the horse is very easy to "scare away" a
horse or...
Herring whale - internal breathing - can chase flocks offish for hours with the speed of 90
km/h without getting tired. However, if we force the whale to breathe "hot energy" by
eliminating the needed pressure on lungs or in other words we drag the whale on the shore.
How ever much "good" air enriched with oxygen it gets - the whale dies.
If anybody knew why Mother Nature has given human beings the chance to restore
economical and healthy internal breathing during those millions of years?!
The organism rehabilitation through breathing with the Frolov's training device
Stage I
1. Blood / Sanguis (cells energy increase)
2. Lungs
3. Heart / Cor
4. Vessels / Vasa
5. Encephalon
6. Thyroid gland
7. Kidneys
8. Adrenal glands
Stage II
9. Stomach
10. Intestine
11. Uterus, ovaries
12. Mammary glands
Stage III
13. Pancreas
14. Spleen / Lien
15. Liver / Hepar
16. Gall bladder
17. Urinary bladder
18. Prostate
19. Spinal / Marrow cord
20. Peripheral nerves
21. Spinal / Vertebral column
22. Joints
23. Skin / Cutis
24. Hair
25. Sense organs
To finish the breathing subject lets talk about why we still recommend fresh air
If in a closed space you still feel a lack of air, your head gets heavy, you are sleepy etc then do
not straight away blame excess carbon dioxide and too little oxygen. There are no such
hermetic rooms in which you would be capable of consuming all the oxygen. Furthermore -
the oxygen percentage for inhaled air is ca 20,8% and ca 16% for exhaled. So the lungs do not
immediately consume all the inhaled oxygen. Air can be defaced by other substances in the
air we breathe out. It is known that the organism of a relatively healthy person can change
about 600 substances into gases and discharge them through the lungs. Illustrative example -
measuring alcohol in exhaled air.
Air in our living quarters is also damaged by other substances besides carbon dioxide like
bensol and formaldehyde as well as carcinogenic substances that can be found almost
anywhere in our living quarters in large quantities. The authors of the research conducted by
the Agency of Environment Protection and Energy Saving (ADEME) in Nor-Pa-de-Kala
region came to such conclusion.
Since formaldehyde is found in adhesives, polish, paints, cosmetics and domestic chemicals it
was no wonder that this substance was detected in all the 60 houses researched. To avoid
harming human beings the consistency should be less than 10 micrograms per one cubic meter
of air. But in all the houses researched the average was 17 micrograms.
Although the use of bensol is strictly limited it was found in every third house. Most of it was
in the houses which were next to garages but also near people whose hobbies included various
paints. In addition to that ADEME researchers found that the risk of allergies and respiratory
illnesses is greater in rooms with mould or where blowers - the creators of carbon oxide and
burnt dust particles - had worked for long time periods.
This is the reason behind the need to open windows more frequently (in case, of course, the
air that comes in is cleaner) and not to close ventilation openings. Though this excess oxygen
is harmful for us the extra air still dissolves the consistency of unpleasant or poisonous
substances around us and it is the main killer of bacteria in all living quarters.
Relax yourself healthy
Life span and its "quality" i.e. the ability to work and act have been the most important
indicators of self-regulation for a long time. From this point of view it is clear that for
example sport is harmful - athletes usually do not live to become very old. This is caused by
traumas, stress not to mention all the consumed hormones and other substances. Bodybuilding
is better but the mental side, emotionality and energy of a human being are still abandoned.
Oriental systems (yoga, Qi/Chi Qong..) turn significantly more attention to the general
harmony of a human being where the body is important only on the bottom level. Almost all
systems note that people who practice them will avoid diseases and live a longer life. The
most curious raised the question whether it would be possible to live forever!! Therefore
already in ancient times the search for "life-elixir" started and quite likely all possible and
impossible substances from both mineral and living nature were tried. Various elixirs of
immortality were melted, mixed, simmered, burnt, pressed, soaked and tested in caldrons and
ovens. An especially valued original substance was what is now called calomel. It is clear that
those things eaten were not always healthy or safe and the number of people testing
continuously decreased until one person by the name of Vei Bojan came to the conclusion that
they had all searched from the wrong place - immortality has to be found within oneself.
And so all this "alchemy" transferred to the human being, discovering its interior.
So let's start discovering ourselves.
Like you might have noticed two ancient oriental systems have been mentioned above: Yoga
and Chi Qong. The history of yoga goes back more than 5000 years and in its development it
creates almost perfect system of self-development. In modern times we have self-appointed
"yoga masters" who are not able to (what can a 20 hour crash course give?) or do not bother
to learn the original. They invent more and more new yoga systems and exercises. Everything
is wonderful up to the fact that they have not bothered to learn the little truths that make these
regular aerobic movements real yoga. People are still talking about those infamous chakras
that they are "opening or cleaning" but they have not noticed two little things. One is the fact
that yoga teachers from the previous century wrote: "Yoga teachers imagined like there were
such energy paths in the human organism." For the grandmasters of our time however they
practically exist. The theory of chakras is from the time when Earth stood on three elephants.
Interesting is that we have given up the elephants but not chakras. Secondly, already 3000
years ago when Chi Qong appeared it was clearly and accurately defined how energy moves
in the human body. It is crystal clear and accurate that modern acupuncture is also based on
that. Nobody is arguing against that. We can also add a third fact. In old records great
attention was paid to the rhythm of the exercises. Heart beats were the basis for it. However
the heart of a modern person is so fat and the nerves so numb and the blood vessels so weak
that they are not capable to feel or hear the heart beats. In some cases it is even hard to
measure pulse straight from the jugular. But the thing that gave the rhythm to heart beats was
coefficient three. The exercises had to again and again be made with this coefficient may it be
9, 24 or 36 or ... times per minute.
Luckily in modern times there are also real masters next to the self-appointed. One of them,
as mentioned above, lives in St. Petersburg and is the most important healer in Russia as well
as valued in the whole world as HUMAN-CREATOR. You can read about him through
internet in both Russian and English: Andrei Levšinov http://www.levshinov.ru
Although his area is vast I was particularly interested in one of his directions - deep research
and practical use of "savasana" to cure almost all illnesses.
Savasana is an interesting exercise/pose because it is basically the only one that is common
for both yoga and Qi Qong. In one it is called "corpse pose" and in the other "dead pose;" in
one the palms have to be held downwards and in the other upwards. Practically there is no
difference if the energy comes from space or mother earth - both of them have enough for
humans. In both systems this exercises is like introductory - necessary to relax your body
before going to the main exercises. In yoga it is also the final exercise - rest after asanas.
Andrei Levšinov's favor is that by adding elements from others to this exercise he turned
savasana into a serious MAIN EXERCISE.
But in the mean time:
As partly mentioned the modern civilization has not only given us the television, the
computer and the car but also inactiveness and stress: our body does not get enough load, but
our psyche is overloaded. To fight the first problem western world has invited sport and
physical culture. Although sport the aim of which is being better than others and achieving
victories is exciting to watch, prestigious and raises one's self-esteem, it does not raise the
level of physical and mental health. However there is nothing that western cultures can do to
fight stress if we do not mention various medicines. Ancient oriental wisdom will again help
here - methods of self-regulation as they were in their original phase - JUST SIT STILL and
follow certain rules.
"Sitting still" is not sitting without doing anything, you have to work with your conscience
(as in sports you have to work with your body) and as a result you will get various special
subjective feelings.
"Sitting still" - a fairly simple and effective variant - was also created by western researchers
at the end of the previous century. It was especially popular in The States but in German it got
its name - transcendental meditation - TM. It was recommended to practice twice a day up to
20 minutes sitting in a silent pose with the mind relaxed and calmed down. A state, which was
not sleeping or awake, had to be achieved. It was extreme abstraction which was called "the
fourth state of the psyche."
In Japan Dr. Kava developed "the three-minute method of dampening the hypersensitivity of
the mind" on the basis of Buddha sitting meditation which was aimed to calm the heart (soul),
harmonize the tsi-energy, clean the brain which will make it possible to solve such problems
that are unsolvable in regular situations.
"Sitting still"
All this self-regulation consists of three phases:
1. "Regulating the body" - taking the needed position. It is recommended to sit in "Turkish
style", half lotus or lotus.
However, as these poses are not familiar to Europeans it is also possible to exercise while
sitting on a chair, which is used for the static exercises of Qi Qong.
Sitting straight
Just choose a hard chair with such height that your knees and hips make a 90 degree angle.
Of course your back has to be straight, shoulders relaxed, chest "pulled back" and mouth as
well as opened just slightly. The tip of your tongue is against the palate behind upper teeth.
According to Chi Qong theory this connects two extremely important energetic meridians -
middle behind "leading canal" and first middle "activity canal." Hands are slightly on your
knees, stomach is relaxed and only a third or a half of the bottom leans on the chair. The pose
has to be both harmonized and stabile.
Feet are placed parallel; knees are separated by the width of the shoulders and located two
fist widths away from each other. The place and time of the exercise has to be chosen so that
there are no disturbing factors.
To conclude - the pose has to feel like both convenient and weakened; the ability to relax the
facial muscles is the most important.
2. "Regulating" the breathing - using the correct breathing method. Usually people start
with natural breathing but after 2 to 3 weeks one should try to cross over to "stomach
breathing." The general demands to breathing are still the same - it has to be natural, not
enforced - so that it would be possible to breathe very long without getting tired according
to 4 main rules: breathing subtle, even, deep and long. "Subtle"- this means only slightly
noticeable and quiet. "Even" - this means without twitching and smooth. "Long" - this
means deep breath in and long breath out - and all this without force, freely. "Deep" - up
to the bottom part of your stomach (chi/Qi base).
3. "Regulating" the heart - organizing the psyche and the mind. In this stage people try
to attain maximal relaxation or the so-called "internal static" during which thinking
basically stops. This way the brain can rest as much as possible. It is clear that it is not
at all easy to get rid of our regular and chaotic thinking where thoughts jump from
branch to branch like monkeys. So firstly we use mind concentration by replacing
thousands of thoughts with one single. Mind is usually concentrated in a zone that is
located a couple of centimeters below the navel. It is called the "chi/Qi base/vault". But
for those who are not able to concentrate on a certain body part it is recommended to
start learning the art of concentration by simply counting the breaths in and out. Once
you reach ten (or hundred) start from the beginning. You can take the next step if you
are already able to count without any distractions. During the next phase you can
"observe breathing." In your mind follow the air moving in the body - through the
nose downwards and imagine the spot below your navel. It should not be very hard as
the pressure on the stomach from diaphragm gives the direction. While breathing out
imagine the same path from opposite direction.
In the next phase you have to start holding your breath. In the beginning do it after
inhaling - this gives the effect of storing energy. Breathing pause after exhaling works
on the direction of giving energy away, which is necessary when you feel irritated or
in case of asthmatic and other spasms.
While hold your breath say phrases like "I will calm down and sit still" or "my body is
feeling better" etc in your mind. Those who can make longer pauses can say the
phrases many times in a row.
Old masters of Chi Qong still considered holding your breath after exhaling the most
important factor of breathing regulation. In one of their books they recommend lying
down, closing your eyes and stopping to breathe (stop the movement of Chi-energy) as
well as counting to two hundred in your mind. This is supposed to strengthen both the
mind and the body. The breathing pause has to be elongated each day and once you
reach 250 your "ears and eyes will become smart" and all diseases are gone.
You can practice "Sitting still" as much as you like. The best option however is twice
a day - morning and evening, 10-20 minutes a time.
Practicing Savasana even 5 minutes a day cleans your energy better than any soap can do with
your body. Here it has to be said that all systems of psychophysical training use the same
takes regardless of their origin. Most importantly the method of complete relaxation where
your mind gets to the state where all operation systems of the body, that usually stop the
organism from acting normally, shut down. Once they are switched off systems that guarantee
the restoration of nerve cells start acting like it happens in deep sleep. At the same time the
innate self-regulation mechanisms of the organism, which automatically harmonize the work
of the organism as a whole, start applying themselves.
What has to be known about energy.
Energy is the force that makes the world move. It moves along the world from infinity to
infinity. It is present both in macro and micro space - in the human being. Regardless of the
fact that all people have energy they are not all capable of using it usefully for improvement.
Both external and internal energy exist. Internal energy moves in the human being along 14
canals (meridians), 12 of which are paired canals. That what was known for the masters of Qi
Qong thousands of years ago got its scientific explanation in 1962 when the scientists of
North-Korea discovered a system of pipe-like tissues with subtle cover which was named
"system Kenrak." This system is in its essence totally different from both the nervous and
blood-lymph system. From the viewpoint of physics this system is the conductor of highfrequency
And human health is defined by the energy that moves along those canals. Energy makes a
full circle in its movement in 24 hours whereas every meridian has its maximal activity span
which lasts about 2 hours - it is the optimal time for stimulating this organ.
Internal biological clock
Meridian Maximal energy span Maximal energy span
Lungs 3 - 5 15- 17
Colon 5 - 7 17- 19
Stomach 7-9 19-21
Spleen-pancreas 9- 11 21 -23
Heart 11 - 13 23- 1
Small intestine 13- 15 1 -3
Urinary bladder 15- 17 3-5
Kidneys 17- 19 5-7
Heart ventricles 19-21 7-9
Triple warmer * 21 -23 9- 11
Choler 23- 1 11 - 13
Liver 1 -3 13- 15
* This meridian does not have an anatomical representative but it is functionally very
important. The term "triple warmer" includes: upper, middle and bottom warmer. The
upper part includes lungs and heart - it controls breathing and blood-flow, conducts checkups
on skin cavities. The bottom part includes spleen and stomach - it controls
metabolism. The bottom part includes kidneys, liver, small intestine, colon, urinary
bladder - it organizes the filtration and dumping of excessive and unnecessary substances.
All the three parts of the warmer connect and harmonize the work of five dense and five
hollow organs.
According to the understandings of Chinese medicine the triple warmer is the organ of
vaporization in human organism through which every dense organ is linked to a hollow
- heart with small intestine
- lungs with colon
- spleen with stomach
- liver with gall bladder
- kidneys with urinary bladder
Human energy consists of three parts: physical, astral and mental.
Physical energy consists of physical body: skin, hair, bones, muscles, nerve vessels etc. Astral
energy formulates our emotions: love, happiness, hate, fear, our attitude towards other people
and the world etc. Mental energy is our thoughts. By developing which-ever energy type it is
possible to achieve amazing results. For example working on astral or mental energy we can
change the condition of physical body.
So we have finally reached the point of applying savasana technique! Savasana consists of
three phases, which should be followed step-by-step.
First phase - this is relaxation, which is achieved through certain self-suggestion by using
accurate and elaborate formulation.
Second phase - brainwork on the essential parts of the organism (we concentrate our thoughts
on those spots that stop the free flow of energy).
Third phase - washing the organism energetically using the perception of energy.
Do not even try to do all those phases in the beginning. In most cases it would not work
anyway. Therefore it is recommended to try to attain all the phases separately and only after
that putting them together into a joint set. As savasana demands that your mind takes part in
the exercises all the three phases have to be practiced with active perception. Or in other
words - you must not fall asleep during the exercises. If it still tends to happen it means that
you have chosen a wrong time to do savasana or that you are simply too tired. In such case it is
better not to do savasana and instead examine your schedule, find another time for the
exercises and if needed go to bed earlier in the evening. Savasana has no contraindications!
First phase:
Relaxation through the usage of word-formulas of self-suggestion: Lie on your back, relax,
close your eyes, calm your senses and cast away all disturbing thoughts. Hands are next to
your body but not against it. Leave a space of about one palm-width between your feet. While
holding the pose slowly start uttering the formulas of self-suggestion. To keep the muscles
completely relaxed those formulas have to be said as monotonously as possible with the voice
of a dead-boring lector.
Attention - those of you who are "lazybones" and do not bother reading the formulas can also
record them onto a tape or CD. Of course here you have the chance to find a person with an
extremely boring voice to record.
Some important rules of self-suggestion formulas:
The formulas are repeated three times. In the beginning focus your attention on a certain part
of the body like for example right foot and tell to yourself: "My attention is focused on the
right foot." Then you return to your internal condition and utter the next formula: "I will calm
down, I am calm." The third formula is the last. This verifies the relaxation of muscles in the
given body part: "My right foot is relaxed." All those three formulas have to be repeated 3
times after every 3 seconds. Those formulas help you concentrate the attention on the body
part you wish to relax.
Rule 2.
MAKE your imagination work. To make it easier to concentrate imagine for example how a
ray of light follows your formulations and lights up the body part you are currently trying to
Rule 3.
Relaxation should be start from the bottom moving upwards step-by-step - from feet towards
the head.
Formulas of self-suggestion
Repeat the following phrases, change them (the first of the three formulas) to relax all your
body parts.
My attention is focused on the right foot. Everything is relaxed from the ankle to the thighs.
Muscles are not dense. I will calm down, I am calm. My right foot is completely relaxed.
My attention is focused on the left foot. Everything is relaxed from the ankle to the thighs. I
will calm down, I am calm. My left foot is completely relaxed.
My attention is focused on the right hand. Muscles soften. I will calm down, I am calm. My
right hand is completely relaxed.
My attention is focused on the left hand. Muscles from the palm to the elbow are relaxed. I
will calm down, I am calm. My left hand is completely relaxed.
My attention is focused on the back. I will calm down, I am calm. My back is completely
My attention is focused on the stomach. I will calm down, I am calm. My stomach is
completely relaxed.
My attention is focused on the shoulders. I will calm down, I am calm. My shoulders are
completely relaxed.
My attention is focused on the neck. I will calm down, I am calm. My neck is completely
My attention is focused on the face. My face is completely relaxed; my forehead is smooth
- without wrinkles. My cheeks and lips are relaxed. I will calm down, I am calm. My face is
completely relaxed.
Comment on the first phase
In the beginning this phase of savasana will take about half an hour. But as you get used to the
exercise and memorize the order you can do with 10 minutes. Internal peace, the feeling of
relaxation, indicates that you are doing the exercises correctly. And you can continue with the
next phase only if you start feeling this internal peace and warmth.
Second phase:
Concentrating on those body parts that stop energy from flowing freely. Ancient oriental
medicine knew that our body has certain points that stop energy from flowing freely. Now, by
stimulating these points we can relax certain muscles to regulate the movement of energy in
our body. If we have acquired the art of relaxation it is possible to relax those body parts with
little effort. You just have to imagine how this part of your body becomes soft, melts and then
slowly disappears.
There are 17 energy blocks in human body:
1. Toes
2. Ankle joint
3. Knees
4. Groin area
5. Anal area
6. Palms
7. Navel area
8. Elbows
9. Stomach area
10 Heart area
11. Shoulders
12. Neck, throat
13. Lips
14. Tip of the nose
15. Point between the
16. ePyaeteb raorweas
17. Tip of the pate
Formulas of self-suggestion
Here are exact formulas. Like before, each of them has to be repeated three times after every
3-4 seconds.
My attention is on the toes. The toes are melting, dissolving, disappearing.
My attention is on the ankles. The ankles are melting, dissolving, disappearing.
My attention is on the knees. The knees are melting, dissolving, disappearing.
My attention is on the groin. The groin is melting, dissolving, disappearing.
My attention is on the anus area. The anus area is melting, dissolving, disappearing.
My attention is on the palms. The palms are melting, dissolving, disappearing.
My attention is on the navel area. The navel area is melting, dissolving, disappearing.
My attention is on the elbows. The elbows are melting, dissolving, disappearing.
My attention is on the stomach area. The stomach area is melting, dissolving, disappearing.
My attention is on the heart area. COOLNESS, FRESHNESS and LIGHTNESS are in the
heart area. (With your heart do not use words as dissolving, disappearing)
My attention is on the shoulders. The shoulders are melting, dissolving, disappearing.
My attention is on the neck, the throat. The neck and the throat are melting, dissolving,
My attention is on the lips. The lips are melting, dissolving, disappearing.
My attention is on the tip of the nose. The tip is melting, dissolving, disappearing.
My attention is on the point between eyebrows. The point is melting, dissolving,
My attention is on the pate. The pate is melting, dissolving, disappearing.
My attention is on the tip of the pate. The tip is melting, dissolving, disappearing.
I am completely relaxed. I am completely relaxed. I am completely relaxed. All blocks have
been eliminated, all the disturbing blocks that stop energy from moving freely. All blocks
have been eliminated, all the disturbing blocks that stop energy from moving freely.
Only my mind and body as sensing the shell around the psyche are left.
Comment on the second phase
After you have learned to concentrate your attention on body parts you spend about 15-20
seconds to relax each of them. So the whole second phase of savasana will not take longer
than approximately 5 minutes.
Third phase:
Energy "washes " the body.
So you are now completely relaxed. Nothing disturbs the free flow of energy through your
body. At that your senses are still active. Breathe in and imagine how the energy circulates in
your body - enters through the feet and palms and heads towards the head. It rises along the
shanks, goes through the knees, thighs and enters your body. Energy goes higher through the
palms - to your shoulders and unites the rest of the energy flow. While breathing out imagine
how the energy pours out through the point between your eyebrows.
Now, regardless of the rhythm of breathing imagine that you are breathing smoothly and
sensibly. The energy flow enters through your feet and palms and exits through the point
between your eyebrows - this flow is washing your body.
Try to feel the energy flow. Maybe you feel like ants were running around in your body or
maybe your muscles are twitching slightly. This is a good sign because it shows that you have
correctly followed the instructions and there is an energy flow in your body.
What can one feel while practicing savasana?
What is happening with the body? The reaction to savasana can vary for different people.
Some may feel light, for others the body may be filled with power and freshness.
Here are some reactions that should and may occur:
- Excess saliva. This is a reaction that should occur when correctly doing the
exercises. This is the first sign of energy and its movement along the body. This
saliva should not be spitted out but swallowed occasionally. The masters of tsigun have
even developed methods for swallowing the saliva.
- Sweating. This is completely different from regular sweating - maybe just on drop
from a random spot. There may be very gentle drops of sweat on some spot. This often
comes with a wave of warmth on the same spot.
- Wet eyes. This may indicate the release of suppressed emotions, tensions and surges
of negative energy. But excess water may indicate that there are too much unnecessary
or harmful substances including water in your tissues. In case of regular training the
amount of liquids should decrease (except saliva).
- There might be a sweet taste of try feeling in your mouth.
- Your stomach might growl as a result of peristaltics.
Coming out of savasana
After following the three stages of savasana you can end up in a half-hypnotic state, which is
similar to sleeping. Therefore, after finishing the exercises you have to come out of it step-bystep.
You must not stand up suddenly! Breathe in and out. Your eyes are still closed. Now
breathe in very slowly and deeply and then deeply out. Your eyes are still closed. Now pull
the toes of both feet at the same time and while taking a deep breath in open your eyes.
Breathe out. "Lock" your hands together and slowly raise them up behind your head at the
same time stretching them. After that stretch your whole body and sit. After a couple of
minutes you can stand up and go to your everyday activities.
Move yourself healthy
By the definition of World Health Organization (WHO) health is the psychological, social and
physical well-being of a person. This can only be achieved through a harmonic life respecting
the rules of nature, which includes considering the following factors:
- positive thinking
- not too harsh physical exercises, timely relaxation
- using fresh food that has all the necessary elements for staying alive
- sun and air baths, fresh air
- using clean water for food, cleaning and washing oneself
In this part I have brought out the practical teaching for doing the exercises of Hatha Yoga. It
is meant for people who wish to improve or retain their health but I believe that the instructors
of yoga groups can find something interesting here as well as I have brought out a complex
and systematic approach to a certain set of exercises which really accomplishable for an OLD
AND INFELXIBLE (at first) PENSIONER (retired).
At first I did not plan to write about Hatha Yoga exercises because literature about Yoga is
freely attainable everywhere. But while reading this literature I thought that although the
books are good and smart, they still have on small but important problem - they are too smart.
It is said in the introductions and epilogs that the authors have practiced for a number of years
and achieved a lot but for some reason they do not share their experience. All authors who are
not professional yogis by their body and soul have tried to illustrate their books with pictures
of fabulous poses. If they themselves are already older than the age of natural flexibility they
have used sketches of poses - the main goal is beauty. They have forgotten that most people
need the exercises when they cannot compare themselves to the beautiful and flexible models
in the pictures. And while watching those pictures it seems that the situation is desperate for
people who are not so perfect looking. Because of that they put the book away and leave the
great idea of doing yoga behind and choose stick walking instead consoling themselves with
the following: at least I can do that!
Stick walking itself is a fun and useful pastime but as I have noticed elsewhere - the value of a
great thing is defined by its small details. Let's analyze the activity. I presume that all have
heard or read that trainings are divided into two large subgroups: dynamic and static. Stick
walking belongs to the dynamic ones but yoga is in its essential nature (asanas) a static
training. How do they differ? They differ by their effect. During dynamic training the less
trained the organism is the more lactic acid there is in the muscles. However, during static
training even with big loads there is practically no lactic acid.
Lactic acid is pure poison for the elderly - it hastens the aging process. Do we need that? We
want to slower the process. If we imagine that each day we age a certain number of aging
units then to fight it we should at least use unit of same value to fight it because then there is a
hope for reversing the process. You do stick walking - what do they recommend? "Don't
force yourself." A good recommendation but do you really believe that it is possible to
glue with a half-dried glue, that it is possible to boil an egg in warm water or that it is
possible to start a car with half-empty battery? For some reason I doubt. So stick walking
should be practiced with such strain and intensity that the number of heartbeats increases,
sweat starts to pour and the metabolic processes in cells cross to a new level. But you
cannot do that as your body and heart are not ready to take such load. However, training
that is based on the idea "don't force it" is the same as starting a car with an empty
battery. After some tries the battery is completely empty. This pointless dragging of
sticks after you has no other result than the most common tiredness - the emptying of the
"battery" that consists of your cells. Maybe you lost some calories during such training
but your organism will take them back with the next meal. Also those people who use
"protection" from sweating following the irrational TV adverts cannot do training with
big intensity. Is it really that hard to understand that human skin IS the largest human
organ, that about third of the total amount of our blood is constantly circulating in it and
disturbing the naturally encoded work of the organ induces defects in the work of the rest
of the body? The sweat of a person who every day drinks the needed amount of pure water
is almost tasteless and odorless. Our own unhealthy life style makes the sweat repulsive.
If people can and even consider it right to be tolerant towards various perversities then
why can't (or won't) they be that towards sweat? Static training is however capable of
giving body the same and even greater load. To compare do a small and simple test. Lie
in your bed or on the floor on your back. Now raise your head only so much that the
support is gone. For that you do not need to raise it more than a couple of centimeters. I
do not believe that you can hold this position for even meaningless five minutes. In other
words - within a couple of minutes you can give a bigger load to your body (especially
the heart) than during an hour of intensive stick walking.
And now yoga is such static training that prepares your body for stick walking or even
skiing, skating etc, which are really more fun to collectively do than sitting in asana by
yourself. But there is one more valuable thing which is usually forgotten especially by
those who are still stuck on chakras. Actually most of yoga poses stimulate on of the
practically most important energetic point - the huei-in. If this point was not so valuable
then nature would not have gone through so much trouble to hide it to the most hidden
and protected spot. In this spot two main things start and end - the big and small
heavenly energy circles, in this point yin turns into yang and the opposite.
So let's go to yoga.
Being currently 64 years old pensioner and reading some available Yoga books I started to
think if it would be possible for an old and stiff person like me to become "young" and
flexible with the help of these books. I researched and looked and came to a conclusion - it is
NOT possible. It was written almost everywhere, not only for the "old," that if you feel any
pain or discomfort during the exercises you should stop immediately. I can assure that in the
beginning an elderly person cannot do any flexibility exercises without feeling pain or
discomfort. The training of an elderly person is a journey towards achievements through 2-3
months of pain. However, "old" people should have that much knowledge and wisdom to
distinguish which pain is harmful from the health point of view and which is not. If one is not
capable it is always possible to consult a doctor. Those pains start from the simple fact that if
one lies on ones back on the floor then at first this floor seems to be so tough and painful. But
after a month or two one won't even notice what's under the back - tough floor or soft carpet. I
was introduced to Yoga a long time ago - in 1952.I started reading and practicing it with big
enthusiasm as there were two reasons: firstly - interest as Yoga was forbidden in the Soviet
Union; and secondly -I practically needed it as my lungs were weak. After about eight
months of training (full and rhythmic breathing) my lungs were cured and I was able to hold
my breath for 3 to 3,5 minutes. There started the belief and commitment towards the
possibilities of Yoga systems.
Another big problem of Yoga books is that they do not link Yoga to everyday life. They only
introduce exercises, delve into the world of theories, add a long list of what a true Yogi should
know and do and consider it for granted that after practicing according to those smart books
1 Uretra
2 Navel
Energy meridian Žen-mai
4 Point Bai-huei
Meridian Du-mai
8 Anus
you will automatically become a Yogi. Here I have some bad news - you are not. It may
happen that most of you will never become a Yogi. I also do not believe that all those authors
themselves are Yogis. Just as not all sports coaches are practically not able to do sports. It is
clear that we cannot call a person who sits behind the piano a pianist. There is something
missing and that something is SKILL, PRACTICE and UNDERSTANDING OF THE
Therefore - Yoga is a lifestyle where most (if not all) actions go according to the demands and
principles of Yoga. However, practical life is something else - there are duties related to
family and work or other living conditions where there might be a lack of conditions needed
to constantly follow this lifestyle.
So I want to introduce PERIODIC Yoga to you. The way of life I have been following. In my
case the 6-12 months long Yoga periods have been followed by about 5 years long "lazy"
periods as "sinful" life also needs living. Let's look at the life of a Yogi who goes to work
every day. He wakes up 5 am; indulges two hours in Yoga and from 8 am to 5 pm has to stay
at work. Then he drives home, does daily stuff and goes to sleep around 22.30 to 23.00
because otherwise he would not be able to wake up at 5. Here rises the question - when do
you get to "live" like normal people?
Up to the age of 40 one month of training was needed to restore flexibility and physical
abilities. In my previous period as a 55-year old it already took two months. Now as a
pensioner I planned 3-4 months for doing that.
To illustrate the exercises that follow I have used both sketches (to show how the pose is
supposed to look like when done by a young person) and pictures of myself (to convince you
that this flexible young person is only about half a year ahead of the inflexible "billet").
We will start learning and practically using hatha-yoga. Although it is the bottommost step of
yoga systems, it is still a very important one. Hatha-yoga includes practical methods for
creating a healthy body and psyche using special exercises, special procedures and relaxation.
The set of exercises described below should guarantee the training of the most necessary
muscles and limbs. The sequence should not be changes very much as they have been put
together so that every previous exercise could make it easier to continue with the next one and
at the same time give time to rest. For example, exercises that strain the knees are located in
the beginning, at the middle and at the end of the set.
And only from the moment when you have attained the needed flexibility to stay in some pose
for a certain amount of time you have the right to say that you are doing Yoga. Until that
moment you are an apprentice.
For me the signal to start doing Yoga again when I cannot tie my shoe laces as my stomach is
in the way.
Before the training ... and three months later
During the apprentice period your body only loses the amount of weight that is needed (5-15
kg) attain the flexibility for doing asanas. When you get to the phase of real yoga your body
will lose ca 1 kg each week until it gets to the natural optimal state which is for example for
1.XX m height, the number XX in centimeters. This is not in accordance with "modern
fashion" but the internal confidence provided by Yoga frees you from the need to depend on
some external etalons of perfection. When you have reached the point of balance you have
attained your ideal weight. TRUST YOUR BODY! However to reach the phase of "real"
Yoga faster I will offer a very good piece of advice, which I have never met in other books.
And it is nothing else than a regular clock with a clear numeric display and a big central
second hand and... strong as well as clear ticking sound -one sound per second. Usually the
cheapest and simplest clocks meet these demands.
What does this clock give to you? Not more or less than it makes it easier to keep the rhythm
that is so necessary in Yoga. You can do that by counting the ticking in your mind or by
following the movement of the hand with your eyes.
The teaching for memorizing the rhythm of your heart by counting your pulse is good but
let's be honest - it is practically impossible for a modern person who plans on practicing Yoga
because of health issues. The person is stressed, every thought and emotions slightly disturbs
the rhythm of the heart - the pulse is not constant... what should one memorize? 60 beat per
minute or 65 or even 80??
Even if a person has a quite constant number of heartbeats we still need something more
stabile. The explanation is very easy. A person without great will is basically a self-deception
- an easy quitter. If there are some exercises that need a slight effort like when holding ones
breath and there is a wish to reach some number then the counting of numbers automatically
hastens - people forget the real rhythm. However the clock does not take sides - it honestly
tells you if you managed to hold your breath for 100 or 150 or... seconds.
This in turn can be a great stimulus as it is objectively possible to follow the development.
How joyful must be the finding that today you are able to be in that position already for ...
seconds when 10 days ago only... seconds.
The accuracy of time is also necessary for many other exercises - especially for those where
one has to be a certain amount of time shorter than the other.
And to conclude - whether counting seconds or pulse beats - basically it is all the same.
Rhythm is still guaranteed. If we imagine that within 10 seconds your heart beats 12 times and
within 5 seconds 6 times then the clock rhythm 10 -5 -10 -5 equals to heart rhythm 12 -6 -12 -
6. However it might happen that during the "apprentice" period the rhythm of your beating
heart will automatically start copying the rhythm of the clock and will stabilize to one beat per
second for a certain time period. Later, when you get to the phase of real yoga the heart beat
frequency will gradually become slower than the clock as it becomes stronger. But by that
time you have already learned to feel or sense your pulse with the whole body.
Boldly forward:
The content of exercises and procedures:
1. Exercises - these are asanas, dynamic exercises and breathing exercises. Asanas -
poses through which we affect our nerve centers. With the help of certain asana sets
we stimulate groups of nerve centers; with the help of set systems we positively affect
ALL nerve centers, the whole endocrine system affecting and stimulating every cell,
every organ in our body. Dynamic exercises - these are movement exercises, which
hasten the excretion of toxins and create a beautiful healthy body. Breathing exercises
- equipping the body with energy.
2. Procedures:
Water procedures
Cleaning procedures
In relation to procedures it is suitable to remind such thing as -
INURING and its nature.
Inuring - a set of procedures to increase ability of the body to fight against unsuitable climatic
conditions (too high/low air temperature, changes in atmosphere pressure etc). There is a
constant acidification process in our organism in which quite a lot of energy is freed. And
those processes of creating warmth and giving it away are regulated by a special warmth
regulation system according to the limits of its recreational ability. Skin capillaries that
contain about 1/3 of the total blood mass play an important role in the warmth regulation
system. When cooling down the capillaries contract, the flow of blood decreases and the
blood supply for internal organs and deep tissues increases. After a short contraction of
capillaries they will expand and fill with blood. The skin will turn red, warm up and the body
feels good. So that would be the mechanism of warmth regulation system that applies when
inuring the organism. If we use inuring procedures constantly the training of contraction and
expansion preserves the flexibility and activity of the capillaries. This increases the feeding
and work of cells as a result of which we get better metabolism in the whole organism.
Inuring has three main rules:
1. Constantly increasing the inuring factor
2. Being systematic and steadfast
3. The effect of inuring factor must not supersede the warmth regulation ability of the
skin or in other words: suddenly splashing oneself with ice cold water or jumping to a
ice hole is pure self-destruction - not inuring but an enormous stress. The shell of
suprarenal will immediately produce glycocorticoids - corticosteroids, which while
passing the blood, will start the mechanisms of producing energy in cells. But those
mechanisms realize with the help of the free-radical oxidation of the lipids in the cell
membrane. So vessels will suffer.
However there is another hormone that forms during stress before corticosteroids -
adrenaline, which induces the feeling of euphoria but in case of a high concentration of
the above mentioned suprarenal hormones there is a big danger of thrombosis.
Additionally the inducing of such stress also carries another serious and negative
effect. Those corticosteroids are antagonists for human immune system and if they
systematically enter the blood they slowly destroy the whole immune system - it
does not improve it as it is usually expected when indulging in inuring.
Simple means of inuring:
1. Rubbing. This is the softest inuring procedure. It is done using foam rubber or a towel
that has been made wet in water at room temperature. The water temperature should
be decreased by 1 degree each day until you reach the temperature of tap (well) water.
At first you rub your torso, and then you dry it and rub it with a towel until the skin
turns pink and you start feeling warm. Then the same thing is done with the rest of
your body. The whole procedure including dry rubbing takes 4-5 minutes.
2. Air baths. Those should be taken half-naked (even naked if possible) and done at the
same time with morning hatha yoga exercises indoors or outside. According to the
surrounding air temperature they divide: cold (10-14 degrees Celsius), cool (14-20
degrees), medium (20-23 degrees), warm (24-30 degrees) and hot (over 30 degrees).
The air baths should be started with warm or medium air and 25 minutes a time (in
case of slight wind). After every 2-3 days the procedure should be lengthened by 5-10
3. Over pouring or shower. If you do not have a shower it is possible to just use some
bowl or hose. The length of such procedure is 2-3 minutes. The water should be on
room temperature. At first you shower the head, neck, shoulders and then the rest of
the body. This should also be followed by drying and rubbing with a towel. Of course
shower is a lot better because it also guarantees thermal load and fills the hygienic
function as a result of which skin breathing will increase because the skin and layer
below it is massaged. The best option is contrast shower: hot water - cold water and so
three cycles. The time for hot water would be 20-30 seconds and 8-9 seconds for cold
water. The "orange skin" will disappear without the help of various lotions.
4. Homemade baths. The cooler the bath water the more it inures. Water temperature is
decreased every day by 1 degree until the temperature of tap water is reached. The
time spent in the bath should also be constantly increased up to 2-3 minutes starting
from 30 seconds. Together with the rubbing, that follows, the procedure should not
take more than 4-5 minutes.
5. Natural bodies of water. Their inuring effect is increased with the help of air, wind,
sun and physical load (swimming). The amount of time spent in water depends on
individual health, weather conditions and training level. It all ends with rubbing.
6. Local inuring. This includes cold water baths for feet or walking barefoot on snow,
which should not last more than 1-2 minutes in case of snow.
Before going to Hatha-Yoga exercises let's remind human anatomy.
In texts we quite often meet SUN BRAID - shortly said it is a nerve knot in stomach cavity
from which originate nerves that affect basically all internal organs.
We also meet the term thyroid gland: endocrine gland that is located on the neck in front of
the trachea and throat, which includes hormones that contain iodine that stimulate the
differentiation of tissues, regulate metabolism, the growth of the organism and the processes
of the nervous system.
1 throat 23 curved a.k.a. sigma colon
2 left internal jugular 24 rectum
3 left common carotid 25 vermiform appendix
4 left unnamed a.k.a. brachiocephalic vein 26 blind gut
5 left collarbone-under vein 27 ileum (flowing into the colon)
6 aorta arch 28 right ureter
7 left lung artery 29 stomach aorta
8 pulmonary pleura 30 bottom vena cava
9 pericardium cavity 31 duodenum
10 pericardium 33 gall bladder
11 parietal pleura 34 common bile duct
12 stomach (cross-section) 35 portal vein
13 spleen artery and spleen vein 36 liver (partly cross-sectioned)
14 spleen 37 diaphragm
15 pancreas (cross-section) 38 cross-section of the heart
16 pancreas canaliculus 39 branches of the right main bronchus
17, 32 crosswise colon 40 upper vena cava
18 the beginning of small intestine 41 unnamed artery a.k.a. brachiocephalic trunk
19 left kidney 42 right unnamed a.k.a. brachiocephalic vein
20 left ureter 43 trachea
21 descending colon
22 testicle artery
Schema of internal organs
Waking up in the morning
a) Right after waking up you have to insert happiness and joy to yourself: "I am happy, I am
fresh and joyful. I will immediately start doing the exercises to strengthen my health and fill
myself with energy for the coming day" - and let's do that first exercise in bed.
Starting position: Lie on your back, legs together and hands next to your body-
Process: Pulling legs by turns
1. Pull the left foot toes forth, fixation 3-6 sec, relaxation
2. Pull the right foot toes forth, fixation 3-6 sec, relaxation
3. Pull both feet, fixation 3-6 sec
Exercise should be repeated 3 times. Therapeutic effect: normalizes the blood flow in the
morning, normalizes sympathetic nervous system, reduces (if there are) backaches.
b) This bed period should not exceed 2-3 minutes because the 5 minutes after waking up has
to contain drinking some water - right after getting out of the bed you should drink 0,5-1 glass
of water and then empty the intestines.
c) Now you have to take a shower: hot water, cold water and three times like that. This is both
hygienic and inuring procedure. At the same time such contrast shower prepares your limbs
for Yoga exercises.
d) The Yoga exercises are carried out before breakfast (or in the evening before supper). The
exercises are made with full concentration on certain organs - almost for all exercises the spot
of concentration is shown. If you feel tired then before the exercises, between the exercises
and after the exercises rest in savasana.
A set of exercises suitable for a pensioner
1. Corpse pose - savasana
Starting position: lie on the floor, hands on the side but not against the body, palms face
upwards. Here we should talk about lying on the back. Usually people think that everything is
simple and clear here. However, let's see how one usually lies on the back. Firstly one sits,
and then lowers the upper part of the body. True, you end up on your back but an important
point in Yoga is ignored - the back is not straight. The back is curved. To understand the
difference - while already on your back raise your legs and buttocks i.e. curl yourself up. And
now when you again lower your body you will find that it is much closer to the floor. Only
now is the back as straight as possible.
Process: complete relaxation as in case of the above mentioned savasana exercises or using a
shorter method. Let's use the according formulas and start the relaxation from bottom
1. "The toes are relaxed, soles are relaxed, calves are relaxed, thighs are relaxed." "Your feet
are relaxed, warm, heavy."
In your mind look at the body, check if your legs, thighs, knees, calves, toes are relaxed.
2. "Back and chest are relaxed."
3. "Your heartbeat is steady and calm. The liver is relaxed, urinary bladder is relaxed, spleen
is relaxed." And again in your mind check if your spleen, liver, urinary bladder are relaxed.
4. "The fingers on your hands are relaxed, your palms are relaxed, your elbows are relaxed,
your shoulders are relaxed." "Your hands are relaxed, warm and heavy."
5. "Your neck is relaxed."
6. "Your face is relaxed, your jaw is hanging, your eyes are relaxed."
The length of pose ca 10-15 minutes.
Therapeutic effect: is good for the nervous system, heart, blood flow - an ideal rest for all
Actually it is possible to do lung training (or development control) with this exercise. When
lying on your back start breathing slowly in and out and make pauses with the same length
between them. The relationship between breathing stages 1-1-1-1 is the standard first phase
for Pranajama breathing training. Although the numbers show as if the first part would be
breathing in, then every breathing session actually starts with breathing out the length of
which does not have to be equal to the breaths made during the training session. Check with a
clock if all the parts are of same length. After every breathing turn try adding one second. For
example, you started with 4-4-4-4 seconds. I offer such lengths because I hope that you have
already trained breathing with the exercises mentioned above. (If you have not then
Pranayama breathing training for beginners looks like that. Firstly there's only breathing in and
out 1-1. Both parts of the same length. If reach the phase when breathing in and out can be
divided by four i.e. you are breathing 4-4 or 8-8 seconds then add a pause after breathing in.
At first it should be a quarter of time: 1-1/4-1 or with seconds 4-1-4. If that does not cause
discomfort then the pause should be lengthened: 1-1/2-1 or 4-2-4 and so forth 1-3/4-1 and 1-
1-1. If that already goes well then add a pause after breathing out and again at first a quarter
of breathing time then XA then 3A and so we reach the full cycle where all parts are of the same
length.) New cycle would be 6-6-6-6 sec, the following 8-8-8-8 sec etc. Try to stretch the
breathing as long as possible.
If you reach the point at which you are already almost capable of breathing 15-15-15-15 sec
then I want to give you a practical example or comparison to prove for yourself that the
increased consumption of oxygen limits your abilities.
To compare make rhythmic breathing (we will talk about it later). In rhythmic breathing for the
length of the breathing pauses to be 15 seconds, the inhalation and exhalation have to be twice
as long - so we get a lengthened cycle: 30-15-30-15. And you feel that you are able to breathe
this lengthened cycle and that these last 15 seconds after exhalation, which you actually reach
30 seconds later compared to the current exercises - is much easier to tolerate. How would you
explain that - again with the need of oxygen? But the amount of it per one time unit is smaller.
Let's continue with that 15-15-15-15 again until you develop and for example get to 25-25-
25-23 i.e. you are not able to hold the length of the last pause then again start from the shorter
times for example 10-10-10-10 or stop raising the load for this time. Before ending the
breathing training take a few calm breaths in and out and after the last deep, but not forced
breath out, try to hold your breath with empty lungs as long as possible. You held as long as
you could - 10 or 20 or 30 or 50 seconds but the condition is that when you start breathing
again there should be no panting. And then take a couple of more breaths in and out. Now,
once a week, after this point, you can do a control breath holding - for that AFTER
BREATHING IN hold your breath as long as possible. This breath taken in should not be
some attempt towards the maximum as this does not add any seconds to the pause (it may
even reduce the number) as you are wasting pointless energy on straining the chest muscles
and you will notice that even this direction that, as mentioned above, does not have any
importance from health characterization point of view, has raised your ability of holding
breath from for example 50 seconds to 120-150 seconds within a couple of months. The point
of this control breathing is comparing the results of two different styles. At first you should be
able to hold your breath with empty lungs for a time period that is 50% shorter than after
breathing in. Later this difference should decrease.
Do both breathing pause exercises only ONCE or you may damage the lungs. And this
breathing training as a whole should not last more than 15-20 minutes.
2. Diamond pose - Vajrasana
This pose is used as an initial pose in many hatha yoga exercises.
Process: sit on your heels, head, neck and body on one straight line (but an elderly person can
have a slight curve on the back as a result of hard work); hands on your knees; breath deeply
and slowly in and out. Hold the pose for 1-2 minutes.
Therapeutic effect: eliminates the accumulation of salts, strengthens the knees, increases
metabolism, and strengthens confidence.
3. Snake pose - Bhujangasana
Initial position: lie on the ground on your stomach, hands on the width of the shoulders
palms facing the ground.
Process: strong breath out.
Simultaneously with yoga full breath in we raise our head as much as possible. While
straining the back muscles we pull back our shoulders raising them without the help of hands
(hands are only used to stop the body from slipping on the floor); your stomach is pressed
against the ground (the navel does not rise from the floor).
At the topmost position we strain the bottom muscles and stop breathing (with full lungs) for
7-12 seconds during which the bottom muscles are constantly strained.
Relax the bottom muscles, slowly breathe out and at the same time descend to the initial
position. Exercise has to be repeated 3-5 times. (An elderly person should do more.)
Concentrating the attention: during breathing in, according to flexing - the attention slides
from the thyroid gland to the bottom along the spine. When you breathe out it slides along the
same path to the opposite direction.
Therapeutic effect:
1. Gives a new life to organs in the chest cavity, eliminates stones from kidneys (during
the effort blood is pressed out of the kidneys and during relaxation fresh blood
replaces it washing possible dregs away - imagine this all while doing the exercise).
2. The exercise develops self-confidence and eliminates the feeling of worthlessness.
3. Eliminates cystitis.
4. Makes the spine flexible.
4. Pranayama nr. 4 Pressing hands on the floor
Initial position: practically the previous exercise ends in the initial position of this exercise -
you are lying on your stomach, face downwards and hands next to your body.
Process: one option - take full yoga breath in. During the pause after breathing in we put the
palms next to the shoulders and push yourself off the ground (the body is straight) and then
back to the ground. Repeat this as many times as you can. On the last time when putting the
body on the floor we open the mouth and breathe out sharply with the sound "ha" and through
our hands forward.
Another option: initially straight body is supported by stretched hands and toes. Now we
deeply breathe out and during the breathing pause try to do as many pushups (without letting
the body touch the ground) as possible. On the last time we let the body touch the ground and
breathe in at the same time trying not to start panting.
The though is in both options aimed at the sun braid.
Therapeutic effect: strengthens all muscles, normalizes the work of the breathing system.
5. Palm
Initial position: legs by the width of the shoulders. Head, back, neck - straight line.
Process: breathing in while smoothly raising your straight arms, stretching the spine and
rising on toes. Look aimed vertically up. Hold yourself in such position while on your toes for
3-6 sec (like you were trying to touch the ceiling with the fingertips). Repeat this 3-6 times.
Concentrating attention: on the spine.
Therapeutic effect: generally toning effect on the organism. The perception of balance will
6. Roll
Initial position: sit, pull both knees against your body, heels against the bottom, rims
together, grab them with both arms (with your left hand grab the wrist of the right hand - for
men, women can do the opposite).
Process: make your back curved and suddenly push yourself to the floor and then again
suddenly resume the initial position. Breathe freely. Do this 10 to 100 times. Beginners - up to
10 times.
Therapeutic effect: makes the spine more flexible and stronger. Cures brain diseases; makes
you sleep better; predisposes getting rid of gases. Roll is the only asana, which can be done
before sleep (it is also useful to do yoga full breathing before sleep).
Note: for doing this exercise you can put a thicker or softer carpet below your back as
otherwise your spine will press the skin on your back black (blue) and you'll walk around
with a dark stripe on your back although this stripe does not hurt.
7. Yoga Mudra
Initial position: sit in the "diamond" pose but your legs are so far apart that you can sit
between them. Put your hands behind your back and with your right arm grab the wrist of
your left arm (men - with the left hand the wrist of the right hand).
It is said below that this exercise increases self-confidence. True, but only if you reached the
initial position of this exercise - sitting between the feet because if you have managed to "kill"
your knees then you need many months of willpower to get closer to the goal a couple of
inches each day by ignoring the pain in your knees.
Process: while breathing out, slowly bend yourself forward trying to touch the carpet with
your forehead (do not raise your bottom from the floor!). Keep this pose as long as possible.
During the exercise concentrate your attention to the sun braid. While breathing in raise to the
initial position. Do this 1 to 3 times. To give additional load to some other muscle you can try
to put your chin to the floor instead.
Therapeutic effect: reduces the accumulation of fat, is good for the spine; increases selfconfidence.
8. Exercise for strengthening the abdominal muscles
1 option
Initial position: stand straight, toes-heels together, hands hanging down, back is straight,
look right in front of you.
Process: while breathing out through the nose pull your stomach as in as possible; then, while
breathing in, push your stomach as forward as possible.
At first the exercise should be done slowly, strictly following the synchronic movement of
breathing and the stomach. Only after getting used to the exercise you can hasten the speed of
stomach movement.
2 option
Initial position: like in the previous variant put bend the upper part of your body forward by
ca 45 degrees and put your hands on the belt big fingers forward. Look in front of you, the
back is straight, shoulders pushed back. Process: do the same movements with your stomach
as in the previous exercise.
3 option
Initial position: hold your feet by the width of your shoulders, slightly bend your knees and
your body and put your hands on the knees ("fisherman pose"). Look in front of you, hold
your shoulders back i.e. straight. Process: move your stomach (see option 1).
4 option
Initial position and process: copy the 3rd option, but:
besides moving the stomach we breathe out through the nose as many times as possible while
holding the breath; slow breath in, relaxation during regular breathing and again. Therapeutic
1) This exercise is good for the sun braid;
2) Gets fat away from your stomach;
3) Strengthens the muscles of the bottom part of your stomach;
4) Is good for nerves that guide the movement of internal organs;
5) Practically rejuvenates the organs;
6) Eliminates sagging of stomach, intestinal tract and sex organs;
7) It is said in old Yoga scrolls that a person who does this exercise each
day at least 10 minutes defeats death and holds eternal youth.
Contraindications: in case of cardiovascular illnesses this exercise should be done carefully
at first (this also goes for sick stomach).
But those whose organs do not operate normally should do this exercise both before lunch and
9. Mountain pose - Tadasana
Initial position and process: stand straight, legs together. Pull your stomach as back as
possible; chest forward. Hands are hanging loosely by your side. Breathe freely, calmly and
slowly. Attention is focused on the waistline. Keep this pose for 1-3 minutes. Therapeutic
effect: pose makes it possible to control your muscles, it makes the carriage better and is an
initial position for many other exercises.
10. Viparita Karani
Initial position: lie on your back, hands next to your body.
Process: while breathing in raise your feet to the angle of 90 degrees, then lift your hips with
the help of your hands. Fixate your toes above the eyes. Your body is only supported by
elbows (supporting the bottom with hands). You must not raise your head from the carpet and
touch your chest with the chin. Breathing is free and not to think of breathing through the
stomach - pull the stomach in.
Concentrating attention: on the buttocks. If someone wishes to make the skin on the face
look better - concentrate the attention on the face.
Therapeutic effect: increases metabolism, cures the internal organs located in the pelvis,
makes the color of the face more beautiful.
11. Candle pose - Sarvangasana
Initial position: lie on your back, stretch yourself and relax the muscles.
Do a full breath out and while breathing in lift your bottom and feet from the ground (the feet
do not have to be straight - otherwise it is hard to do for an old person)
Rise to the position supporting the body with hands.
Legs are stretched straight up, crossways to the floor.
a) chest is pushed against the chin (do not lift your head from the floor);
b) shoulders and the bottom part of the neck touch the floor
Slowly breathe with your stomach.
Beginners should not hold this pose for more than 30 sec but after a while the time should be
increased by 6-12 seconds each day taking the length of the pose to 1-5 minutes. While
finishing the asana bend your legs from the knees and slowly descend to the carpet and start
sitting slowly. Right after Sarvangasana, to make it as useful as possible, one should also do
the "fish pose" as the opposite pose of this exercise, but before leaving this exercise, while
sitting relax your neck by doing 10 circles with your head both ways (at first you will surely
hear how the neck "cracks"). Concentrating attention: on the thyroid gland.
Therapeutic effect: trains the blood vessels in the brain; heart gets some rest; lungs and
organs that are located in the throat area get additional blood, which means additional food.
The asana is good for the nervous system and people who suffer from insomnia get some
relief. The work of the stomach and other organs of abdominal cavity normalize.
12. Fish pose - Matsiasana
Initial position: sit in Vajrasana.
Process: With the help of hands and elbows tilt your body back until your head touches the
carpet. Breathe out; curve your back, lift the neck and chest and try to put your head as close
to the toes as possible or in other words - try to touch the carpet with your forehead. Put your
hands into "praying position" aimed vertically up. Attention is focused on the sun braid and
heart area. Thanks to above conducted exercise (no. 7 : Yoga Mudra) the tension in knees is
nothing now and it does not distract your attention but for an old person to curve the back
backwards - that takes a lot of time. While doing the "fish pose," as a separate exercise, stay in
the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Breathe in, resume the initial position, then lie down
and relax (see exercise 13).
Therapeutic effect: stimulates the work of organs in the abdominal cavity, strengthens
abdominal muscles and knees, helps curing sciatica, constipation, metabolic disorders, cures
the defects of the spine, and activates the work of nervous, endocrine and blood flow systems.
Fish pose is usually done after reversed asana. Then the time spent in fish pose is half the
length of the time spent in reversed pose. For example, if you spent 2 minutes in the previous
exercise - candle pose, then you have to stay one minute in the fish pose.
13. Supta Vajrasana
Note: Just in case I will not recommend
this exercise for an elderly person if no
one's around because it might be hard to
get out of this exercise alone. There's no
strength to use the elbows. Because of
that start bending one leg as seen on the
Initial position: using the final pose of the previous exercise we do not need more than just
descending onto the back, placing hands under the head or next to the body. While doing this
exercise separately sit in the diamond pose, push your legs wide and sit on the floor.
Process: with the help of elbows and arms we descend onto our back and place the hands
under the neck. Lie calmly and relaxed, breathing is free.
Attention is focused on the sun braid.
Stay in the pose until signs of tiredness start to appear. Or just 2-3 minutes. Resume the initial
position - with the help of the elbows get to a sitting position.
Therapeutic effect: is good for thigh organs. And at the same time it is the reversed pose of
the next exercise (plough pose) as the tension on back muscles is the exact opposite.
14. Plough pose - Halasana
Initial position: lie on your back, legs together, hands next to your body palms downwards.
Process: while breathing out slowly lift straight legs until they are in right angle with the
floor. Then bend your body and put your legs down behind the head touching the carpet with
toes. Stretch your legs as far back as possible at same time trying not to bend them from the
knees. Legs can be together or separated. That way your weight is transferred to the upper part
of the spine. Hands stay in the initial position stretched to the opposite direction from feet. This
guarantees complete stretch to the back. Attention is on the spine. Stay in the pose for 30
seconds to 1-2 minutes.
And when it is already easy to put down your toes and hold them there, you can try to put
your knees on the floor next to your head.
Therapeutic effect: normalizes metabolism, is good
for sex glands but also for other internal organs.
15. Padahastasana
Process: during a full breath out bend forward (do not bend your knees); we put the palms
onto the soles of feet; put the head close to the knees. At the end of breathing out we try to
touch the knees with our forehead. After breathing out we keep this pose while holding breath
as long as possible. Together with yoga full breath in we stand up whereby hands are slipping
along the feet. A warm-up for this exercise could contain bending forward a couple of times
and putting hands on the floor (only fingers or even better - palms). Concentrating attention:
on sacrum. Therapeutic effect: is good for organs in abdominal cavity, makes the spine
more flexible.
16. Tree pose - Vrikasana
Initial position: Tadasana
1) Bend the left foot from the knee, grab the sole of the foot with your hand, put it onto
the right thigh (the flexed knee should be on the same level with body).
2) Palms should be together (praying position) and located above the head. Attention on
Hold this pose 1 to 2 minutes.
3) Resume the initial position. Repeat the exercise with your right foot.
As at first the leg does not want to stay up and keeps slipping downwards, you can hold it with
a hand until one day you suddenly notice that there is no need to hold it.
Therapeutic effect: strengthens the vestibular apparatus (a balance organ in the ear),
develops self-belief.
17. Pašimottasana
Initial position: sit with your back straight, legs together.
Process: during a full yoga breath in we lift straight hands (as well as palms) up. During a
yoga full breath out and flexing the groin area we try to touch the knees with our forehead, we
can touch toes with our hands at the same time (grab the toes with out hands). Do not bend the
legs from knees. Now, during a pause after breathing out, we try to hold the pose as long as
possible. During a slow breath in we resume the initial position.
Concentrate attention: on sun braid.
Therapeutic effect: is good for the organs in the pelvis, cures prostatis, strengthens the work
of the sun braid.
18. Hero pose - Virasana
Initial position: diamond pose.
Process: separate the soles of the feet and sit so that your bottom touches the carpet and the
soles of your feet are located next to your thighs. Toes are aimed back, palms located on the
knees and back straight. Attention is focused on feet. It is recommended to pull the stomach
back. Hold the pose for a minute or two. This pose is commonly used as an initial pose for
breathing, concentration and meditation exercises.
Therapeutic effect: helps to cure rheumatism, flat-footedness, the accumulation of salts in
the soles of the feet and removes the pain in your knees.
19. Vakrasana
Initial position: sit on the floor with your legs stretched.
Process: pull back the right foot so that the knee is pressed against the chest, lift the right foot
over the left thigh and put the sole of the foot onto the floor next to the thigh.
Turn the torso to the right; put the right hand behind your back and try to grab the left hand
but the left hand comes forward so that the knee of the right foot is located under the oxter of
the left hand. Now we stretch the left arm and grab the toes of the right foot.
Attention is focused on the spine. Hold this pose for 20-60 seconds.
Do the same thing to the opposite direction.
As at first it will be hard to grab the other hand with the hand located behind your back then it
is pointless to even try in the beginning. Instead use the back hand as a support to make it
easier to hold the pose. However, if the exercise seems too easy you can also bend the straight
leg, which makes the effect stronger.
Therapeutic effect: improves the curves in the spine, is good for the liver, spleen and gall
20. Side-angle pose
Initial position: Tadasana.
Process: during yoga full breath in, with a slight jump, put the feet by the width of the
shoulders and lift the hands on the height of the shoulders with palms downwards. The right
sole turns 90 degrees and the left 60 degrees. Bend the right leg from the knee up to 90
degrees. While breathing out put the right palm onto the floor next to the sole as the left hand
stretches upwards behind the head. Do not bend the right foot from the knee.
Attention is on sacrum. Hold the pose for 20-40 seconds. During breathing in resume the
initial position. Then do the exercise with the other foot to the opposite direction.
Therapeutic effect: reduces the layer of fat on the waistline and thighs, reduces pain in case
of arthritis and the inflammation of the bottom nerve.
21. Star pose - Baddha konasana
Initial position: sit on the floor; bend the feet from the knees, palms against each other.
Process: put the hands together and grab the feet. Try to separate the thighs with the help of
elbows so that the feet would bend until the knees reach the floor. However, this will remain a
distant dream for most elderly people and so we go to the second half of the exercise. During
a yoga full breath out we bend ourselves forward and try to touch toes with the head. Hold the
pose for 15 to 40 seconds. While breathing in resume the initial position.
But this exercise should be made harder according to the level of flexibility. In the initial
position where heels are at the most comfortable distance from the body they should be
constantly brought closer to the body to attain the correct position and later the exact opposite
can be done until you can put your head between the legs onto the floor while holding the
hands upon or under the feet.
Attention is on sacrum.
Therapeutic effect: has a curing effect on the prostate gland, kidneys, urinary bladder.
22. Vibratory exercise
Exercise 1. Initial position: Tadasana.
Process: raise onto your knees 5-6 cm. And after a pause of one second forcefully descend
with your feet soles against the floor. Repeat this 30 times. After a rest of 5-10 seconds do this
exercise another 30 times.
Exercise 2. Initial position: Tadasana.
Process: during a jump we spread our legs (land on full feet) and put hands aside. Then with
another jump we put our legs together and hands against thighs etc. Do 10-15 jumps. If we
compare this exercise to a regular gymnastics exercise then in case of the gymnastics exercise
it is done slightly and resiliently but in our case with a contusion.
Therapeutic effect: exercises 1 and 2: lessens or cures venous blood barrage, generally good
for the organism.
23. Patjansanshansudhra - an exercise for the gastrointestinal tract
Initial position: lie on your back, look straight up in front of you, hands are next to the body,
heels and toes are together. Relax your body.
Process: lift your left foot up as high as possible without bending the knee. The right foot also
remains straight. Put your left foot back to the initial position. The foot should be lifted and
put down again quite fast; breathing is free - through the nose. Repeat the lift 5-10 times.
Then to the same thing with the other foot and do see to the fact that your knee does not bend.
If you have done this with both feet 5-10 times then in the initial position do another lift but
this time both feet together - they are still straight and lifted to an angle of at least 90 degrees.
This part should also be done 5-10 or more times. Therapeutic effect: improves the work of
gastrointestinal tract.
24. Lake - Tagadi Mudra
Initial position: lie on your back, relax.
Process: full yoga breath out and then hold your breath. At the same time pull your stomach,
especially the upper - chest - part of it, back as much as possible. There will form hollow
similar to a lake; hold the pose until you feel that you cannot hold your breath anymore. Then
take a VERY slow breath in through your nose and resume the initial position.
However, during this exercise you should not let the maximal breathing pause be so long that
after ending it you have to consume an enormous amount of air through nose and mouth.
Therapeutic effect: by doing this exercise correctly one gets rid of diseases and defects in
the gastrointestinal tract; the functions of internal organs improve and the amount of gastric
juice will increase.
25. Maha mudra
Initial position: sit on the floor, feet spread as wide as possible.
Process: put the heel of the left foot to perineum area (between your legs), sole along the
right thigh. While breathing out bend yourself forward and grab the big toe of your right foot.
Hold your breath for 10-15 seconds. Then change the foot.
As your flexibility develops you can bend even more until your head touches the knee of the
right foot.
Attention is on the thyroid gland. Resume the initial position. Repeat the pose by changing
Therapeutic effect: is good for the liver, kidneys, spleen and suprarenal.
26. Half-lotus - Ardha Padmasana
Initial position: sit on the floor, straight legs forward.
Process: slightly lift the left thigh and put the rim of the right foot under it. The heel of the
left foot touches the stomach. Body, neck and head are located on one straight line. Put your
hands into the "praying" position. Look straight on front of you. Hold the pose up to 1 minute.
Then straighten the legs. Repeat the exercise by swapping the position of the feet.
Therapeutic effect: same as for the diamond position.
27. Pleasant pose - Sukhasana, with rhythmic breathing
Initial position: sit on the floor, straight legs forward.
Process: bend the left foot from the knee and press it sole forward onto the thigh of the right
foot, as close to the groin as possible. Bend the right foot from the knee and put it onto the
floor parallel to the left one. Knees are on the floor and hands either on the knees - palms
upward - or on the level of chest palms together. Hold the pose for 2-3 minutes. Therapeutic
effect: this pose helps you relax. It creates good conditions for the work of internal organs.
Adding rhythmic breathing. I hope, that with the help of breathing exercise described above
you are able to breathe in the rhythm of 10-5-10-5 i.e. 10 seconds breathing in, 5 seconds
pause, 10 seconds breathing out and again 5 seconds pause whereby at the beginning of the
pause pull your stomach back and hold it like that during the entire pause i.e. 5 seconds. Then
relax the stomach and start a new cycle. Such rhythmic breathing notably improves the
therapeutic effect of the given exercises. Continue breathing like that for 6-12 minutes.
Rhythmic breathing
Everything in nature from atoms to the planets and stars are in constant vibration. There is no
such thing as absolute peace in nature. Energy keeps the matter in constant movement -
endless amounts of new matter forms are created but these forms are not persistent. Even the
atoms we are made of are in constant vibration. There are constant processes and changes
taking place in our body. During a certain amount of time the total rejuvenation of matter
takes place in the body leaving only a few old atoms in place. Roughly said - the skin of a
young person changes during ca 2 weeks, ca 2 months are needed to change muscle tissue and
pone tissue rejuvenates during 2 years.
Every vibration has its individual and certain rhythm. Actually the rhythm exists in our world
as a whole. Therefore breathing is nothing else than another evidence of rhythm. Our
assignment is to strengthen and improve the breathing rhythm.
And so the yogis have developed the system of rhythmic breathing, which is capable of
improving the processes taking place in our organism. The body is like "catching its" rhythm
with the help of which it is capable of equipping itself with energy and which can be
controlled by will. Rhythmic breathing strengthens the effect of psychic and magnetic
treatment. The main goal in rhythmic breathing is mentally sensing the rhythm - the ability to
count it in your mind. Yogis use their heartbeats as the units for counting the rhythm. The
heart of different people beats differently but each person should use own heartbeats as the
basis. If you have already learned and are capable of it then control your heartbeats by
"listening" to the pulse with your hand and counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc until
you memorize the rhythm and are capable of following it. However, if you still cannot do it
then use clock ticking.
For beginners (healthy) inhalation is approximately 6 pulse beats, which constantly gets
longer. The rule of rhythmic breathing of yogis demands that the processes of breathing in
and out are of the same length and that the breathing pauses (holding breath) after inhaling and
exhaling are half the length of breathing time. However this means that the additions to
inhalation and exhalation times should be of even numbers.
Do not strain yourself with the wish to lengthen the breathing time. The main focus should be
on the rhythm, which is more important than the length of breathing times. By constantly
practicing rhythmic breathing you finally reach the point where breathing becomes calm and
almost undetectable but the whole body starts sensing the rhythm of vibrating movements.
Rhythmic breathing has many variants - one of them, which is sometimes called treatment
breathing has a rhythm of 1-4-2, where one is the length of breathing in, 4 is the breathing
pause four times longer than inhalation and 2 is breathing out two times longer than breathing
in. For example: breathing in 6 seconds, holding breath 24 seconds and breathing out 12
seconds. It should specially be observed that inhalation starts straight after exhalation without
a pause. A beginner should choose such time for breathing in that it is possible to pass the
whole cycle without strain and only 1-2 times a day at first.
28. Lotus - Padmasana - the most complex and perfect sitting position in Hatha-Yoga
One of the best poses for training breathing, meditation and attention focusing.
Initial position: sit on the carpet legs forward.
Process: bend the right foot, grab the sole with your hand and put it onto the left thigh
so that the heel touches the bottom part of your stomach. The same has to be done to
the left foot, raising it over the right foot so that it lies on the right thigh, toes out and
heel aimed towards the groin. Knees have to be on the carpet. Spine, neck and head
have to be on a completely straight line. Hands are on knees, palms upward, but they
can also be in the "praying position." Hold the pose for about a minute then rest with
straight feet and repeat the asana swapping the position of feet.
Therapeutic effect: the same as for half-lotus; makes it easy to relax and creates
favorable conditions for the work of internal organs.
29. Savasana - final relaxation
The same as in the beginning of the exercises but without breathing practice.
If the yoga exercises described above are unachievable for you because of age or weak
health then tsigun will offer you the opportunity to do easier exercises while sitting and
these should be suitable for all. This set mainly consists of 10 exercises that were for a
long time used at a tsigun sanatorium in Shanghai. I hope that by practicing these and
improving your health you will soon want to expand the set of exercises.
Knocking with your teeth. Knock, by connecting the upper and bottom teeth, at
first 24 times with eyeteeth and after that 24 times with front teeth. This helps
concentrating the attention and is also good for strengthening the teeth.
"Making the sea turbid" and swallowing saliva. Slip or drag your tongue over the
outer side of upper and bottom teeth, over the inner side of upper and bottom teeth
first from left then from right and without pressure. Then raise the tip of your tongue
against upper palate and observe the area beneath the tongue. If the amount of saliva
increases "rinse" your mouth. with it 10 times and swallow. In case of constipation this
can soften the intestines, help metabolism and remove bad taste from the mouth.
Stomach massage. Rub your palms against each other until they
become warm and then put them on top of each other (usually
the right arm is on top of the left). With the central part of the
palm circulate around the navel, up from the right side and
down from the left. Do small, medium and bigger circles - 12 each.
This helps regulate the functions of stomach and intestines.
Wash your face, play drums. Again rub the palms. During
washing rub the sides of your nose with the middle finer and
reach the forehead. The middle fingers separate over eyebrows;
palms together with other fingers slip over the cheeks and
move downwards along the sides. Repeat this 9 times. It helps
the circulation of tsi-blood on the face and prevents cold.
"Play drums," - cover your ears and press the nape. While
closing the ears with palms you count to nine in your
mind breathing through the nose. Then index fingers are
put onto the middle and with index fingers 24 times pet
your nape while listening to the humming sound of "dundun"
in your ears. In case of regular practice avoids
dizziness and buzzing in your ears.
Looking left and right. At first look straight in front of you.
While turning your neck left look towards the left shoulder
then, while turning neck to the right, look towards the right
shoulder - both variants should be done 6 times. This activates
neck and back. Movements have to be smooth.
Massaging the lumbar area. Rubbing the palms warm, rub
the soft spots located in the bottom area of your back: left and
right hand go up and down, both directions 24 times. This can
relieve back pains.
Stretching hands horizontally. Palms are clenched. "Fist
eyes" (openings near the big finger) are aimed upwards, fists
themselves are in front of the chest from where they are slowly
moved to the sides. This is repeated 24 times. Strengthens
energy for lungs and reduces chest pains.
Vertical circles for hands. Hands clenched, stretched
forward, "fist eyes" looking at each other - do circular
movements aimed forward like rowing a boat - 20 times. This
makes it possible to stretch upper limbs and muscles.
Supporting the sky from left and right. One hand is on the
belt, the other lifted above. When the movement reaches the
level of eyebrows the palm will turn so that the central part is
aimed upwards. When the hand reaches head level it stretches
out whereby eyes are looking at the back of the hand. Firstly it
is done with the left hand, then right and in turns both hands
should do it 5 times.
It regulates the activity of spleen and stomach, improves
metabolism but also stretches the upper part of the body.
Hands pulling the sole. Sit straight, legs stretched out, toes
aimed upwards. Bend your body forward, grab your toes and
pull the sole. After each draw slightly spank the thighs.
Repeat the exercise 7 times. It helps relaxing bones and
muscles, strengthens kidneys and the sacrum.
It is not compulsory to sit in cross-legged position in the
exercises described above - you can sit legs straight like
in the last exercise.
To conclude:
"Do something - at least try, not much at a time but the FIRST STEP is important because the
first achievement will surely lead you to the following."
Cure yourself with water
It is of common knowledge that the largest area (71%) of planet Earth is covered with water -
seas and oceans, the territory of which is 2,5 times bigger than planet Mars and almost 10
times as big as the Moon. The total water supply (100%) is ca 1454300 cubic kilometers, only
360 thousand cubic kilometers (0,025%) of which is fresh water. But if we talk about clean
and healthy water suitable for drinking then the number is almost nonexistent. Humans sense
the disorder in water balance very sharply: losing 6-8% of water induces a severe condition,
similar to fainting. And already after losing 10-12% of water the heart will stop beating. Liver,
kidneys, skin and lungs are constantly purifying blood and the whole body of harmful and
unnecessary substances and therefore we should avoid burdening them with the need of
purifying drinking water of salts, organic substances, industrial chemicals or agricultural
A person needs a certain amount of water to stay healthy. People who consume small amounts
of water almost all suffer from blood insufficiency, they look pale and anemic. Their skin is
almost always tried and they sweat very seldom. Almost all of them suffer from metabolic
disorders but this in turn induces various other diseases. Their intestinal tract is practically full
of poisonous substances, which cannot be removed by the organism using regular means -
kidneys and skin - because there is not enough water. In case of lack of water the amount of
gastric juice and saliva also decreases - totally messing up normal metabolic processes. This
deficiency also affects the formation of blood. During the day, between meals, a person should
consume 800 - 1000 ml of additional water. Water temperature should be 12 degrees and it
should be kept in some receptacle (glass, jar etc) for 24 hours. Drink this water with small sips
holding each mouthful in the mouth for a couple of seconds and slowly imagine how this
water also brings energy to your organism.
This is applies when we drink REGULAR (tap, well) water but we have the opportunity to
improve the quality of water and give it curing effect:
Melted water
1. Melted water cures
Tap water contains heavy hydrogen: usually the atomic nucleus of hydrogen contains one
proton but heavy hydrogen also has a neutron i.e. its mass is twice as big. It is called
deuterium (D) and when it joins with hydrogen not regular H2O but heavy water D2O.
According to one hypothesis aging is nothing more than the accumulation of heavy hydrogen
atoms in the organism. If it is like that then by substituting only a small amount of D2O
molecules with the molecules of normal water should induce the rejuvenation of the organism
(or at least make the process of aging slower). At that, when we boil food, then with water
vapor we lose a great amount of light hydrogen and increase the amount of heavy hydrogen -
deuterium - in our body. The above described might explain the rejuvenating effect of raw
Water - an important factor. Keep in mind that hydrogen enters the DNA molecule and
therefore the effect of hydrogen type is passed on. Or in other words - it depends on us
whether coming generations have smaller amounts of harmful deuterium or not.
Below I will offer a simple means for making drinking water that does not require any special
or chemical methods. It has to be said that Mother Nature has taken care of the possibilities
for purifying water and improving its qualities - it just has to be frozen sometimes. This
method is based on the quality of water (salty also) to form crystals of pure ice, which have
the ability to grow. At this point water, with the salts and other harmful substances, stays out of
the crystals and as the amount of ice increases it turns into a small amount of "salt-water."
Therefore the basic material can be regular tap water although quality spring water would be
better. Remember - before starting any processes the water stays on room temperature for one
The receptacle is not completely filled with water as the fact that the volume of water
increases when it freezes should be considered. A slippery plastic vessel wider from the top
which can be covered with a cap can also be used. In the refrigerator the receptacle should be
put onto a base that isolates warmth (cardboard, plywood etc). This is necessary to get an
equal (in the sense of height) and slow regime - to prevent the bottom from freezing before
the process starts from the top.
At first it should be observed and memorized how fast and how the water freezes. Then later
all operations can be done with the help of a clock.
And the operations go like this:
- wait, look until an ice-layer 3-5 millimeters thick forms. This layer should be
removed because it contains dirt around which the first ice-crystals started to
- wait, look until 2/3 of the water is frozen. Take this ice out and put it into
another receptacle to melt as this already is PURE ice from which we will
get the needed melted water.
- the 1/3 of water that was left to the receptacle should be thrown away as this
also contains harmful substances.
The pure melted water should be consumed as follows:
- the best temperature is at 0 degrees (water contains small ice particles)
- all should be consumed at once, not with small sips
- 1 hour after drinking - no eating, no drinking
- the nominal norm is 3/4 of a glass 2-3 times a day, 4-6 g per one kg of body
Note. In case of early morning (on an empty stomach) the amount of water is smaller - 2 g per
one kilogram of bodyweight.
The use of pure melted water lightens the work of all internal organs, blood will become
cleaner, which in turn will guarantee the efficiency of cardiovascular and nervous system,
normalizes muscle activity and makes you feel better as a whole. Internally healthy person
accumulates and uses food better and therefore can do with lesser amounts of it. True, it might
happen that at first as result of better metabolism, increase in work ability and energy the need
for food is bigger but stay calm - this is only a short-term feeling. A healthy person who
constantly uses melted water does not have any need to take some kind of medical substances;
he does not suffer from allergies or feeling ill as melted water strengthens the immune
systems of all organs. Elderly people will regain clear mind, the memory will improve and a
fresh interest towards life will form.
Melted water does not only work for humans but is effective on all the representatives of
living nature. Because of that many scientists have the opinion that migratory birds do not fly
to other places that much because of warmth but during the periods of maximal melted water.
Regardless of all the things described above I am far from the idea that only melted water is
enough for guaranteeing an active and healthy life. I recommend using all this parallel to the
other natural curing methods described here.
I would like to bring your attention to one interesting detail. We know that human-beings will
die when their body temperature rises above 42. Because of that medical thermometers only
go up to 42. But this is the exact temperature where healthy melted water turns into unhealthy
un-melted water. Here rises the question: maybe people who have high fever die because the
water in their cells turns harmful.
"Alive" and "dead" water
Alive and dead water is created on water electrolysis: there will form an acid environment
near the anode (dead water) and base environment near the cathode (alive water). For those
different liquids not to mix when the power is switched of there is a wall that leads electricity
but does not let water through between them. Nowadays special ceramic plates are used.
The physical-chemical qualities of electricity activated water
In the process of electricity activation of salt solvate it will separate into two fractions. In the
anode zone (acid fraction) hypo chloride acid, hypo chloride, chlorate and sodium perichlorate
and hydrogen peroxide. This solvate has antiseptic and antibacterial qualities. In the cathode
zone gaseous hydrogen will separate and basic will form. In addition an excessive amount of
hydroxyle ions will form in the catholitis, which are the growth stimulators for both animals
and plants.
Characterization of electrically activated solvates
Atholith pH 2... 6 where 2,5 -3,5 pH is best for using.
It is a transparent liquid without dregs; the taste is tart, slightly viscose and has a smell of acid.
During the reaction atholith gets a positive electric potential - 1,0 to 1,25 volts.
Useful qualities:
• very active antibacterial qualities - is an antiseptic and preservative because it can
completely destroy durable viruses and microorganisms including spore forms
• it has the ability to decelerate the processes of living organisms
• it is in the role of an inhibitor (decelerating the process or reaction) in various
technical processes.
The qualities are active for 1-2 weeks (if held in a closed vessel - dark bottle - and away
from sunlight).
Catholith pH 9... 12 where 9,5-10,5 pH is best for using
Catholith is also a transparent liquid but during the reaction some dreg can form the amount of
which depends on the purity of used water. The water does not have a smell and it tastes like
rain water. During the reaction the water will get negative potential.
Useful qualities:
• is biologically active, is the growth and development stimulator of living organisms
and plants
• it can easily dissolve
• it has the qualities of catalyst of processes
• it has qualities of extrahation
• it neutralizes the corrosion-aggressive qualities of gaseous-liquid environments
• it has increased absorption-chemical activity
• it has decreased surface tension and increased wetting ability.
The qualities are active for almost a week (if held in a closed vessel, in a dark place
where air has no access to it). However, I do not recommend preserving this water as the
best usage time is the first 30 minutes after preparation, although water held for up to two days
is still good. When boiling living water it loses at least half of its qualities, but considering
the fact that it is still CLEAN it is applicable for a nice cup of coffee or tea.
Catholith solvates that are activated in an electrolyze apparatus cathode chamber equipped
with diaphragm have the opposite qualities when compared to anolite solvates. Electrically
activated catholith solvate, like mentioned above, has its qualities for 48 hours. That way
without any chemical additions, only through appropriate electrical activation, water will turn
into a highly effective antioxidant that is capable of normalizing the functions of cell
membranes of plants and animals. The choice of parameters for catholith solvates makes it
basically possible to normalize and even stimulate the energetic balance and metabolism of a
random organism.
Additionally, catholith has very good cleaning qualities.
Cathode electric activation also guarantees the direct neutralization of non-charged cations of
heavy metals as a result of which the ions of the metals cross over to inert form and become
harmless and do not settle in human organs.
As it could be understood from previous text - the device with the help of which "living" and
"dead" water is created is called electric activator and many variants have been developed for
home use. Below you can see a Russian product called "VITA" where new types have been
1..Ecologically clean ceramic diaphragm.
2. Special cathode-electrode, which does not
dissolve during electrolysis.
Created water fractions make it possible to:
1. Decrease sugar consistency in blood and
arterial pressure.
2. Sterilize and disinfect living quarters, foot
utensils, laundry, house-hold facilities as
well as body parts.
3. Effectively cure wounds, burns and abscesses.
4. Perform prophylactic and medical rinsing of the oral cavity and throat (in case of cold and
tooth as well as gum pains).
5. Use it as a compress and disinfectant for various inflammation processes; cure parodontosis
and prostatitis.
6. It can also be used when fighting against garden parasites, increasing the sprouting of
seeds and for curing domestic animals, birds and bees.
7. The device can also desalination of sea water.
The device consumes 200 W of energy at 220 volts.
Chamber volume - 1 liter. Average activation time 5 minutes.
Belarus produces models AV-3002 and AV-3003
(main model AP-1) for home use.
Electric activators can be used on air temperature
5-33 degrees Celsius and at relative humidity
not more than 80%.
Construction and work principle
A - anolith "dead water"
K - catholith "living water"
Electric activator consists of 4 main parts (see illustration):
- adapter (pos 1)
- chamber (pos 2)
- ceramic bowl (pos 3), which is put into the general chamber
- removable upper top (pos 4) together with electrodes.
Adapter (pos 1) is a transformer of direct current with overload protection. Main chamber
(pos 2) is made of catering plastic. During electrolysis catholith - living water - forms in it.
Ceramic bowl (pos 3) fills the role of a diaphragm between cathode and anode. Anolith - dead
water - forms in it.
There are isolated electrodes in the bottom part of the top (pos 4) - two anodes with special
chemical resistant precious metal cover (black) and two cathodes made of stainless steel
allowed in catering (light).
Ukraine produces
Six types of water electric activators from firm "EkoVod,"
that are designed for cleaning, disinfecting and enriching water
with Silicone ions.
These new generation activators use specially developed anode
material "ECOSIL" that contains Silicone compounds.
The devices are produced under the supervision of the authors
of inventions.
The decisive individuality of EAW is the fact that regular water from your tap becomes clean
of harmful salts of metals as well as heavy metals and harmful organic compounds where at
the same time all micro organisms are destroyed. Water attains a bio-energetic potential,
enriches with Silicone ions, which turn it into a CURING WATER. EAW type devices are not
expensive, they are durable, easy to use and do not demand any expenses during the
exploitation period.
Main technical indicators of EAW
Characterization Unit 3AB-3
(ЭАВ-3 К)
(ЭАВ-6 К)
(ЭАВ-9 К)
Productivity l/hour 3 6 9
Durability years 5(7) 5(7) 5(7)
Cleaning ability from coarse salts, not less than % 80 80 80
Cleaning ability from substances:, not less than
- iron, zinc, tin, nitrates (catholith) % up to 97 up to 97 up to 97
- nitrites % 98,5 98,5 98,5
- micro organism % 100 100 100
рН: level anolith/catholith, ca pH 3/11 3/11 3/11
Supply voltage Volt 220 ± 15% 220 ± 15% 220 ± 15%
Average consumed power kWh 0,4 0,7 0,9
Measurements, not more than cm 24*16*20 30*25*22 30*25*28
Different from other known water cleaning systems the water got using EAW type
activators guarantees:
• the possibility to enrich the water with Silicone ions in its best accumulated way
• the possibility to prevent various illnesses and stay healthy
• the possibility to use activated water without boiling and in conditions of complete
food safety guarantee
• the possibility to make various drinks at 70 degrees Celsius (tea, coffee, medical
drinks etc) without boiling the water
• the possibility to use it when disinfecting rooms, medical instruments, utensils but also
meat and vegetables etc
• the possibility to effectively use the activated water in cosmetics - for washing skin
and hair, making masks etc
• possibilities for taking care of breast children washing them in catholith
• the possibility to use it in agriculture - processing plants for disinfection but also to
stimulate their growth and as food and medicine for birds, animals and bees etc
• the possibility to see the dreg, that forms every time when processing water, that has
descended to the bottom
Using EAW for the purpose of curing
Microelements of natural origin that are in our drinking water can form sand and stones in our
kidneys, liver and pancreas. Strontium, calcium and magnesium salts are the most dangerous
especially if there is a deficiency of Silicone in the organism.
Strontium is the most active element among the mentioned. Its appearance in the organism
immediately starts the substitution reaction of calcium and other less active elements. Where
there is no Silicone calcium will take the place.
Calcium - the main element of bone structure.
Silicone - the element that determines the qualities of flexible structures, tendon tissue, the
walls of vessels and intestines, bone shell.
If there is a deficiency of silicone in the organism then calcium does not accumulate well and
strontium fills its places in bones tissues. But strontium does not stay in the organism very
long. Doing its destructive work in human bones it tries to get out to the free nature again.
Calcium and magnesium accumulate on the inner sides of blood and lymph vessels and make
them tough reducing the internal opening. Medicine has nothing for curing the calcification of
vessels. The only possibility of protection - prophylaxis i.e. using quality silicone enriched
drinking water. And exactly such water is got with the help of EAW type electric activators.
I myself use 6-liter EAV-6 K device with New pattern with taps instead of tubules:
silicone electrode:
Using electrically activated water for curing
Preventing 1.1. illnesses
Strengthening the immune system, making
the process of aging slower
Drinking and making food of water
enriched with silicone
1.2 Flu epidemic Rinsing the throat with anolith, spraying
anolith in the apartment
Preventing the formation of sand and stones
in kidneys, liver and elsewhere.
Drinking and making food of water
enriched with "silicone."
Curing illnesses
2.1 Burns, wounds, concussions Disinfecting with anolith and compress
with catholith
2.2 Fungus diseases Bath with warmed anolith
2.3 Toothache Disinfection with anolith and compress
with catholith
2.4 Parodontosis Disinfection with anolith and compress of
beeswax extract and catholith
2.5 Flu, angina Rinsing the throat with anolith and
2.6 Food poisoning Drinking anolith
2.7 Hypertension Drinking catholith or plant extracts made
of it
There are a number of reasons the most important of which are the vibration and magnetic
field of the refrigerator that is not very big but enough for ruining the water quality.
In many of the recipes described below it is recommended to warm the activated water. Here
one has to be careful. The water has to be warmed on a small fire (but not on an electric
cooker) in an enamel-coated or ceramic vessel. Do not boil the water as it practically loses its
useful qualities this way. If you mix "living" and dead water they neutralize each other and
lose their activity. Because of that - if you need to consume both water types then between
consuming each type there should be a pause 1,5-2 hours long. The same thing applies for
external use but here the pause has to be 8 to 10 minutes.
On consuming activated water the average dosage for adults and children older than 12 is Vi
of a glass (if not specified otherwise in the recipe). For children aged 2-5 the dosage is Vi of a
glass and 1/3 of a glass for children 5 to 12.
For maximal effect it is recommended to make the consuming procedure long. For example -
drink one glass of water during 8 to 10 minutes.
If not specified otherwise in the recipe then generally before meal means 0,5 hours and after
meal 2-2,5 hours.
Using activated water against various illnesses
1. Angina and catarrh of upper respiratory
During 3 days rinse the throat 6-7 times a day with warmed dead water. After (10 minutes)
every rinse drink Vi glass of living water. Result: fever decreases and within 3 days the illness
is gone.
2. Benign tumor of the prostate
During 8 days take Vi glass of living water 1 hour before eating 4 times a day. The 4th - last
time - before going to sleep. If blood pressure is normal then in the last part of the cycle it is
allowed to consume a whole glass at a time. During treatment it is useful to massage the
perineum. For nights put a compress of "living" water soaked with "dead" water onto the
perineum. Result: after 3-4 days slime separates, urination is seldom. For the 8th day the illness
is gone.
3. Pain in limbs
Drink 1/2 glass of "dead" water during 2-3 days 3 times a day before eating and put
compresses of the same water onto painful spots. Warm the compress water up to 40-50
degrees. Result: the pain is gone after 1-2 days.
4. Inflammatory processes, excrescences, furuncles
During 2 days put a compress of living water onto the ill spot. Every day before (5-6 minutes)
putting the compress moisten the spot with warmed dead water and let it try. Before going to
sleep drink Vi glass of living water. Repeat the cycle if necessary. Result: the inflammation is
gone within 2 days, festering wounds try and heal within 4-5 days.
5. Headache
If the headache is caused by a blow or a concussion moisten the painful spots with "living"
water. In case of a regular headache moisten the head with living water and once drink V2
glass of dead water. Result: after 40-50 minutes the pain is gone.
6. Flu
8 times a day rinse the mouth and nose cavities with warmed dead water. Drink V2 glass of
living water before going to sleep. It is recommended not to eat on the day of treatment.
Result: usually the flu is gone within a day but it might take two.
7. Hemorrhoid
During 2 days wash the laceration with dead water in the morning and then place tampons
with living water changing them as they dry. Result: the bleeding ends, clefts are cured within
2-3 days.
8. Toothache. Paradontosis.
Rinse the mouth with warmed dead water for 15-20 minutes after eating. When brushing the
teeth use "living" water instead of regular water. If there is tartar use "dead" water for
washing and after 10 minutes rinse with "living" water. Only brush the teeth in the evening
and do it on regular basis. Result: the pain goes away quickly and the tartars as well as
paradontosis also leave after a while.
9. Smelly feet
Wash the feet using warm water and soap, rub them dry, then moisten with "dead" water but
after 10 minutes with living water and then let them dry. Rub the footgear from inside with
"dead" water, dry it. Moisten socks with "dead" water and dry them. Repeat the procedure
during 2-3 days. Result: the smell is gone.
10. Heartburns
Drink 1/2 glass of living water before eating. Result: heartburns are gone, the disposal of
gases increases.
11. Cough
During 2 days drink XA glass of living water after eating 4 times a day. Result: the cough is
12. Eczema
Before treatment "steam" the ill spots and during 3-5 days moisten them with "dead" water in
the morning. Then let them dry and after 10-15 minutes do the same with "living." Moisten
the spots with living water 4-5 more times. Before going to sleep drink V2 glass of "living"
water. Cycle - one week. Result: the eczema is gone within 4-5 days.
13. Vaginitis
Warm dead water up to 37-40 degrees. At first rinse with "dead" water before the night but
after 15 minutes repeat the procedure with "living" water. Do it with "living" water a couple of
more times a day. Result: vaginitis is gone within 2-3 days.
14. Burns
In case of water blisters they have to be first of all broken, injured spots have to be moistened
with dead water and after 5 minutes with living and on the following days only moisten with
living water. Repeat 2-3 days. Result: burns heal within 2-3 days.
15. Diarrhea
Drink 1/3 glass of dead water and if the diarrhea does not go away within 1 hour repeat the
procedure. Result: pain and diarrhea go away within 20-30 minutes.
16. Slash marks
Wash with living water. Bandage. Result: heals within one day.
17. Festering wounds
Wash the wounds with dead water and after 3-5 minutes with living. After that, within one
day, wash them 5-6 times only with living water. Result: with the help of dead water the
wound will dry and with the help of living water a shell will break away (neutralization will
take place).
18. Radiculitis
Three times a day, before eating, drink % glass of living water. Result: pains are gone within
one day.
19. Varixes, bleedings
Wash the edematous and bleeding body parts with dead water then put tampons with living
water onto them. Drink V2 glass of dead water but after 2 hours start taking 1/2 glass of living
water 4 times with 4 hours long pauses. Repeat 2-3 days. Result: pains are gone within a day.
Varixes disappear and wounds heal.
20. Sterilizing and disinfecting
Random objects are made wet with dead water and dried. The body is rubbed with a tampon
that is moistened in dead water. Result: complete sterilization.
21. Making yourself feel better, normalizing the organism
In the morning and evening after eating rinse your mouth with dead water and drink V2 glass of
slightly basic living water. Result: you will feel energetic.
22. Removing dead skin from feet soles
Steam your feet in soapy water and rinse in warm water. Then, with out swiping them,
moisten with warmed dead water. Rub the spots with dead skin using your hands, remove the
skin. After that wash your feet with warm living water and dry. Result: dead skin is gone.
23. Cold of the throat
Make a compress of dead water on the neck and drink V2 glass of dead water 4 times a day
before eating. Result: pain goes away.
24. Hepatitis
During two days take 1/2 glass of activated water 4 times a day whereby on day one only
dead water and on the rest - living. Result: pains are gone.
25. Face hygiene
In morning and evening after washing wash the face with dead water and after that with living
water. Result: face will become white, pimples go away.
26. Allergy
Three days in a row, after eating rinse your mouth, throat and nose with "dead" water. 10
minutes after every rinse drink V2 glass of "living" water. If there is a rash on the skin it has to
be moistened with "dead" water. Result: the disease is usually gone within 2-3 days. It is
recommended to repeat the procedure for prophylaxis.
27. Bronchial asthma, bronchitis.
During one day, 4-5 times a day, after eating rinse your mouth, throat and nose with warmed
"dead" water. 10 minutes after every rinse drink V2 glass of "living" water. If there is no effect,
take 1 liter of "dead" water and warm it up to 70-80 degrees and for 10 minutes breathe in its
fumes. Repeat 3-4 days. Result: you will not cough as much and general feeling will improve.
28. Hepatitis
Curing cycle lasts 4 days. On the first day drink V2 glass of "dead" water 4 times a day before
eating. During the rest of the days drink "living" water on an analogical regime. Result: pain
goes away and inflammation disappears.
29. Colitis
On the first day do not eat anything. And during the day drink "dead" water with "intensity"
2,0 pH 3-4 times a day. Result: the illness is gone within 1-2 days.
30. Gastritis
During three days 3 times a day, half an hour before eating, drink "living" water. On the first
day drink Vi glass and on the rest of the days 1/2 glass. If needed, the cycle can be lengthened
by 3-4 days. Result: the pain in the stomach goes away, acidity decreases, appetite will
So far the story about activated water is very pretty and correct, however all things have their
details. This also applies here. First of all one has to understand that activated water has two
principally different methods of consumption - external and internal.
In case of external appliance one has to use the maximal intensity of water but internal
appliance has its rules. It has been identified in research that "living" water the reduction
potential or electric potential of which is significantly bigger or smaller than -400mV has no
special curing ability. And in case of dead water, if its potential is bigger than +700mV, it can
even cause bad reactions. Therefore I should provide a formula to get water with correct
How to get water the electrochemical indicators of which are equal to regular drinking
water (usually -200mV)
Example. You wish to get drinking water the acidification-restoring potential of which is -
200mV using apparatus EAV-6 (like I myself own) where you get 4,0 l of "living" and 2,0 l
of "dead" water. To get such water you first have to determine the quantity of "dead" water
that has to be poured into 4,0 l of "living."
We use the following formula: (The formula applies to freshly made water.)
where тМ1 is the amount of "dead" water to be determined
тж "living" water, in this case тж= 4,0l
a1 given reduction potential a1= -200mV
аж- reduction potential for "living" water, аж = -800mV;
ам - reduction potential for "dead" water, ам = +1000mV;
If we put the data into the formula we get mM1=2,0 l.
The same formula has to be used if you want to determine how much and which kind
of water has to be poured where to get either -400m V or +700mV.
My consumed dosages are:
Living water: 60ml of dead water mixed with 90ml living water = 150ml water -400mV Dead
water: 60ml of living water mixed with 120ml dead water = 180ml water +700mV
Rejuvenating the organism
with the help of electrically activated water along the method of V.V. Volkov.
Russian scientist V.V. Volkov found a method for elongating life. This method has been
verified with the clinical researches of Russian National Health Institute where electrically
activated water was used to achieve to goal.
Doctor Volkov discovered "The Biological Clock of Earth" (patent no 2123198) i.e. the
natural mechanism of human life and death. He solved the puzzle of reasons behind the aging
and death of living organisms. He created the theory of Universal Medicine that makes it
possible to successfully fight against diseases and stop the process of aging using cheap and
easy to get electrically activated water. Mostly all who offer this option try to claim that
LIVING water (maybe because the name is prettier) is the thing that our organism needs but
mister Volkov says that one needs to drink dead water to fight death and elongate life because
our body needs the positive atoms of hydrogen i.e. protons located in it. He claims the
We just consider the main problem that awaits us if our organism has a lack of protons -
finally we will all die as a result of hydrogen deficiency. Because of that we have to rely on the
proton in our fight against aging, diseases and death.
1. Already in 1911 researcher Bronštein showed that hydrogen ions (protons) regulate the
breathing center in the brain of warm-blooded animals. In other words - protons decide
whether we breathe or not. And this is absolutely logical. We constantly breathe in air
oxygen, which is the greatest oxidative and without neutralizing it we would have died a
long time ago. Consequently we are obliged to own such element that prevents oxygen
from burning us. And such element is proton!
2. For more than three decades world scientists have been investigating such harmful
thing as free radicals. Free radicals - these are either molecules or parts of them that
have one non-paired electron on the outermost atomic orbit. By looking a partner for
themselves, they express great aggressiveness by breaking cell membranes,
threatening to insure the cell kernel and its hereditary material. Hydroxyl (OH) and
oxygen (O) radicals are considered the strongest. Free radicals are blamed for such
illnesses as cancer, sclerosis, liver diseases, hypertension etc. There even exists the
Harman theory of aging free radicals. It is estimated that about 2% of air oxygen that
we breathe in goes for creating free radicals.
This ascertains one more time that breathing air oxygen is the cause behind death. In that
case substances against oxidation (antioxidants) are the means for fighting aging and
diseases. But these antioxidants can only fill their function because they have one
hydrogen atom that is loosely tied to a carbon atom, which can easily given away to fight
free radicals. And by owning no electrons at all the proton joins the free radical and
"deletes" it. Shortly said - the common id of antioxidants or their only antioxidant is
hydrogen ion.
3. For normal work every cell in the organism has to produce energy and use it. The
main energetic substrate for a cell is adenosine triphosphate (ATP or ATF) - that as an
energy source takes part in the metabolic process. No cell will work without ATP.
ATP fills and regulates functions. ATP is also a source for the synthesis of nucleic
acids but the chromosomic hereditary apparatus of a cell is built of that. And if there is
no ATP there is no energy, regulation or heredity. Synthesis takes place in special cell
structures - mitochondrion. But those functions there are again fulfilled only if there
are hydrogen ions in the membranes. No protons - no ATP. Nobel award of 1978 was
given for the proof of ATP synthesis with the help of hydrogen.
4. With most human illnesses comes the increase in acidic reaction of organism
(acidosis). Without acidosis there is no cure. The acidic reaction is induced by a
proton. No proton - no acidic reaction, no health!
5. Like a known French researcher A. Polikar thinks - the acidic level of cell surface is
about 5,0. This is high acid concentration! But the surface of the cell - it is the cell
membrane that is the simplest biological filter and on the normal work of it depend the
work of whole organ-biofilter and human organism as a whole. The needed acid
concentration for the normal work of cell membrane is again given by protons.
6. During time people lose water from their organism, turn wrinkly and die. Russian
botanic and biochemist V. Palladii showed where the water goes. It goes for the
oxidation of glucose. Six water molecules are spent on one glucose molecule whereby
24 protons are made. Therefore, not to lose water, not to get old, not to fall ill and die
we need protons.
7. In 1996 doctor-surgeon G.N. Petrakovitš published sensational materials about
hydrogen ion: Cold thermonuclear synthesis takes place in cells as a result of which
the cell is capable of forming whichever element from the periodic table and
neutralizing all harmful elements. Proton is on the key position in nuclear synthesis
and cell bioenergetics. Thereby mitochondria play the role of proton hasteners that
could be compared to syncrophasotron (a device for hastening charged elementary
particles). Shortly said, a person has the ability to focus the energy of protons into
powerful sets thereby demonstrating incredible phenomena: moving and lifting
extremely heavy things, walking barefoot on burning coal, levitation, teleportation,
telekinesis and a lot more. Besides, powerful flows of protons form holograms in all of
us that flow out to the noosphere turning into the energy information field of Earth.
Therefore, to stay healthy and strong we need protons.
8. If there are protons the organism synthesizes carbonic acid - the best antioxidant.
9. Supplementing hydrogen loss takes nerve-reflector and sclerotic blockade from our
organs i.e. the illness is gone.
10. And finally - proton is completely harmless for human organism!
Human organism is built from cells. Cell membrane has the quality of selective permeability.
This means that it lets some things through but some things not. But that is exactly how all
filters work. In case of a cell its membrane is called bio-filter. United cells with common
assignment and function make an organ that is also a bio-filter. Illness comes if the bio-filters
are for some reason not capable of fulfilling their tasks and departing harmful substances from
the organism. And first of all the lack of water causes the blockage of bio-filters and other
pathologies. What role can hydrogen play here? It simply does not let oxygen burn the biofilter
system, reducing it to neutral water.
Talking about eternity I should remind one more discovery. The thing is that, as physicians
recently proved, our world mainly (96%) consists of black energy and black matter but the
part that we can sense and measure is only 4%! But all elements in the world are linked to
each other and also change their form. This makes it possible to draw the conclusion that we
are constantly in contact with eternity and all its symptoms without understanding it or
sensing it! But Chinese in ancient dao monasteries and yogis from old India already learned to
change and sublime black energy calling it prana, tsi, ki etc. Now we have an enormous
amount of publications where methods like peace in movements, movements in peace,
internal smile etc are described. However, success in those can be achieved only through
years long and everyday exercises. But the result is great - I'M WORTH IT!
Activating water with SILICA (firestone)
or Absolutely natural method for getting healing water
The above pictured small piece weighs ca 150 g. And if we put this piece into water.
Then processes start, that are indicated by the formation
and departure of small gas bubbles on the stone.
Before we start talking about activating water with silica I should describe what miraculous
substance this silicone is:
Silicone (Silicium) - ELEMENT OF LIFE
"Not a single organism can exist without silicone... "
said V. I. Vernadski (1863-1945) - acknowledged Russian mineralogist, the founder of
geochemistry and biogeochemistry, the developer of noosphere teachings, the leader of many
self-founded institutes of scientific research (including the Institute of Radium).
The realms of stars, sun, moon, Earth - all have similar chemical components. Life has existed
on Earth for milliards of years. There is a constant evolution taking place i.e. the development
from simple towards complex. Life on Earth has its individuality that is different from star
systems. But still, people have understood a long time ago that cosmos affects our lives. A
system and interest of "What sign was I born under?" has existed for a couple of thousands of
So what connects the realm of stars, Sun and Earth as well as the lives of human beings?
It is already said in chemistry books for school children that: "... silicone - especially
important semiconductor material that is used in microelectronic devices and for making
various microcircuits. It is used in solar batteries because it can turn solar energy into electric
energy and for making different screens, monitors etc. Silicone has a special part in the 104
elements of the periodic table. It is a piezo element. It can transform one type of energy into
another. Mechanic energy into electric, light energy into heat energy etc."
Silicone is the basis for the exchange of energetic information both in cosmos and on Earth. If
we look at the chemical components of stars, Moon or Earth then the most popular element is
oxygen - 47%, silicone takes the second place with 29,5% and the role of rest of the elements
is significantly smaller. As human beings are one part of nature then there is a justified
question - how much silicone should there be in human organism?
From the data of spectral analysis: in everyday products, that a healthy person excretes, the
consistency of silicone is 4,7%. As silicone takes a eight time part in processes of the human
body then this hidden involvement process gives: 4,7x8=37,6% i.e. almost 38% of our health
or lively activities is directly based on silicone. If there is a lack of silicone the metabolic
process will be disturbed as the accumulation of over 70 elements is energetically unregulated.
Silica - the most common silicone compound found in nature. It is silicone dioxide - SiO2. In
pure form it is black but with the help of various metals - iron, copper, chloride etc - the color
can go up to light yellow. It is a whole row of minerals and semiprecious stones: rock crystal,
chalcedony, agate, jasper, firestone, amethyst, citrine, topaz etc.
Black silica was already formed in Cretaceous when the colonies of living organisms died,
preserving their skeletons and shells. It was born in warm waters, during the epoch of big
changes when the ancestors of the organisms known to us were born. So "The living
substance of Earth" tempestuously formed.
Black silica has retained its original forms even nowadays and brought to us the "memory" of
the water of this epoch. Stone is capable of giving homeopathic silicone dioxide and the
dosages of water compounds to water, creating the conditions that are needed to guarantee the
processes needed to stay alive. Nowadays this water is called silicone water.
Scientists ascertain that this organic residue in silicone is a unique biocatalyst that is capable
of transforming light energy and ten times hastening the oxidation-recovering reactions in the
water solvates of our body. Those biological substances are the bases for building complex
organic compounds - the groundwork of human organism - chlorophyll and hemoglobin.
Those water solvates that form around silicone play an important role in the development of
all living and are good for the organism. In silicone water the formation of structural water
system with the electrical network of liquid silicone crystals takes place so that there is no
room for pathogenic, non-symbiotic microorganisms and strange chemical elements. Those
strange substances and mixtures are forced to exit the water. This water is different from
regular tap water because its components are balanced. According to hydrogen indicators and
other parameters it is similar to blood plasma and the liquid between cells.
Silicone water links the taste and freshness of the spring water flowing through silicone layers,
the purity and structure of melting water and the bactericidal qualities of silver water. People
drank such water from springs and natural water bodies or even from vessels made of silica.
The tradition of covering well bottoms with silica is still extant in many places.
Why are we, people, so careless towards ourselves - why don't we research or consider the
knowledge collected about "Life Substance - silica" through hundreds of years? Why don't
we consider its existence and use in water, nature and our body? Maybe there have been no
fundamental researches about silica. Maybe no-one has bothered to evaluate the importance of
silica as a factor that has an enormous effect on human health. In fact some time ago - during
the Soviet Union - one group of scientists conducted fundamental research about Si and its
role in human organism creating a whole field of science that gave direct answers to
questions. But questions were about concrete and severe illnesses that are common in the
modern world. The work of Soviet scientists has found confirmation among the scientists of
other countries - silicone is the element of life. Its normal consistency in human organism is
the natural key of health.
A little bit about history: already in 1912 a German doctor named Kuhn identified that
silicone compounds are capable of preventing the development of atherosclerosis. In 1957
two French scientists described the facts that confirmed that usually the people suffering from
atherosclerosis compared to healthy people had only a small amount of silicone in the walls of
blood vessels. They also confirmed experimentally that leading silicone compounds to human
organism would stop the development of atherosclerosis and help to restore the normal
functioning of blood vessel walls. When investigating the blood vessel walls of
atherosclerosis patients Russian scientists M. G. Voronkov and I.G. Kuznetsov came to a
surprising conclusion - in case of a deficiency of silicone in blood, the silicone consistency in
blood vessel walls immediately decreased. But silicone guarantees the flexibility of blood
vessel walls and only silicone is capable of receiving the command from the brain to expand
or contract blood vessels. And as soon as silicone goes comes a replacement - calcium. And
calcium does what it can - it makes the blood vessel walls stiff. Additionally, calcium is "deaf
and mute" - it does not "hear" the commands given by the brain with electric impulses not to
mention fulfilling these orders. The only piezoelectric element in human organism - siliconeis
capable of this. Calcium does not only make the blood vessel walls stiff but also rough -and
now cholesterol starts accumulating on those harsh spikes. And there is an excessive amount
of cholesterol because without the needed silicone the organism does not assimilate it and does
not use it to create new body cells. But with all this the amount of fat acids in blood starts
increasing. If silicone is completely gone from blood vessel walls the vessels will become
incontrollable, they lose the control that comes from the control center - brain. In case of
preventive insertion of silicone compounds into the organism the amount of cholesterol does
not decrease but this cholesterol now takes part in the normal process of cell regeneration. If
one starts to consume silicone compounds when the process of atherosclerosis has already
started then the amount of fat acids in the blood stream will sharply decrease - the process of
atherosclerosis is stopped.
It is common to determine someone's age along the condition of blood vessel walls. So it
seems that the expression "See, that one is so old that the "sand is already dropping"" has a
complete biochemical point - the organism is losing silicone. According to the conclusions of
biochemists silicone is used eight times in human organism as it takes part in different
reactions as a catalyst, "energy giver," that guarantees life. After using it eight times the
organism dumps silicone. If the silicone consistency is not constantly supported by food and
water then life will leave that organism. Silicone deficiency in food and water - this is a
serious factor in developing many illnesses. First of all they contain vessel illnesses -
atherosclerosis. It means - atherosclerosis and as a result strokes are the natural consequences
of silicone deficiency in human organism. But as people age the silicone consistency can
decrease often as the result of wrong diet - drink milk!
The greatest destroyers of silicone in human organism are lamblia and fungus. Multiplying in
large amounts they practically exist in all cells. They use our organs and blood as a living
environment and buffet table. To give their offspring information about themselves and their
qualities, the parasites also need such element as silicone - energy converter, piezoelement. If
there are too many parasites they start eating excess amounts of silicone causing a sharp
deficiency of silicone in our organism - the pattern of the brain giving energy to the body is
ruined, the control over lively processes is lost. Healthy processes are replaced by chaos.
The amount of parasites in our body can be so big that our own existence becomes impossible
- the worms are eating human beings alive. The first object that parasites attack is usually the
liver - organ of blood filtration. Blood suckers of vast variety dig their way into the tissues
filtrating blood and drink and drink and drink and... multiply and multiply... until finally they
close the filtration channels with their bodies. At the same time all the waste that comes from
them is channeled into our bloodstream poisoning it. The consistency of blood can change so
that it becomes poisonous for the brain. Yet another disease forms - epilepsy. Bilirubine that
is not filtered out of the liver because of that suddenly changes the qualities of blood that will
in turn lead to illnesses. Well... it's not better in the blood either - there are freely migrating
small parasites. Those are also terrible bingers of silicone. To conclude - everywhere in the
body where there's liquid - blood, lymph, plasma there is everything that parasites need to live
and multiply.
The connection between parasites and silicone was noticed when fighting against parasites.
Numerous facts (almost 2000 participants) ate pumpkin seeds to kill parasites. Already after
4-5 days the parasites started dying in large amounts and the ability of liver to filtrate blood
increased 8-10 times. Clean blood in turn started to kill parasites living in it and after 7-8 days
the blood was completely clean and its silicone consistency had increased to the norm. To
check it the control group had to eat special subtle clay what we will talk about below in
relation to Health School. Result was similar - parasites were destroyed. There is even a
special institute of silicone in Russia.
Silicone - atomic structural unit in the relationship brain-body. If the amount of silicone is
small then the connection is defected. But the result of a ruined connection is nothing else
than a disease.
It is so simple and understandable. Imagine a modern electronic device, for example a TV. Its
chips have a certain amount of connection elements and transformers. Most of them are made
of silicone crystals. But now throw some silicone crystals out of the chip - does your TV still
Then, why don't we notice (or do not want to notice) that strokes and heart attacks are
common for people whose silicone consistency is only 1,2% instead of the normal 4,7%.
Diabetes comes along many ecological factors to those whose silicone consistency is 1,4% or
less, hepatitis grows if silicone consistency is below 1,6%, cancer comes at 1,3%. Such
diseases can be named endlessly because we, modern people, are used to washing and taking
care of ourselves only externally - an endless amount of all kinds of pointless protections 24/7
- but internally we let it rot. We forget that dirty intestines give about 10 thousand different
diseases or disease seeds to the bloodstream. To absorb those diseases we need silicone
colloids but these can only form if there is a certain concentration of silicone in our intestines
and blood.
Silicone, thanks to its chemical qualities, creates electrically charged systems. They have the
quality to "stick" viruses and microorganisms that cause viruses - those that are not common
to human organism and do not live in symbiosis with it. The selective "sticking" ability of
silicone colloid systems is absolutely unique. Flu virus and many others but also yeasts and
other microorganisms that induce pathological situation in the organism are sucked to those
colloid formations with the help of electric gravitation in both blood and intestines. Meaning,
all illnesses, which are caused by a number of factors could not live and develop in human
organism if we had the needed amount of silicone. The situation on Earth, natural and living
conditions are constantly changing. Civilization makes our life easier. However, if we do not
consider the most important demands of our organism (like the needed amount of silicone)
then civilization pointlessly makes our life shorter. Because exactly civilization is the thing
that led us to water cleaned with chloride, dairy products with radionuclide, processed and
refined food from which the parts that contain silicone have been carefully removed.
Typical inhabitants of human organs do not have the ability to stick to silicone colloid
systems and they calmly stay in the organism. This is very important for the normal
functioning of gastrointestinal tract. In case of antibacterial treatment when using medicines
we ruin the balance of human symbiosis - among others we also kill the useful bacteria and
other illnesses may develop.
The first big blow that prevents the formation of normal microflora can occur when we are
born - the child is put into a "sterile nursery" and even when fed "artificial food" on the basis
of cow or whoever's milk - this is already the first source of infection as all these dairy
products are certainly enriched with radionuclide, herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers and
biological stimulators that animals have consumed with their food.
There is the most urgent need for silicone in pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding
and children. Their need for silicone is many times bigger than a regular grownup person
because in a young and growing organism the connection system brain-body is just
formulating. Silicone - it is the main connective structural element in human organism. Many
scientists ascertain that silicone takes part in the metabolism of calcium, chloride, fluoride,
sodium, sulfur, aluminum, zinc, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt and other elements. About
70 elements will not assimilate in the organism if there is not enough silicone. For children a
slight defect in silicone metabolism can induce anemia, softening of the bone structure, falling
hair, joint pains, tuberculosis, diabetes, skin diseases, stones in liver or kidneys - and all this
on the basis of fighting bacteria.
Human body is built analogically to "Earth living substance." Our chemical consistency
mainly includes oxygen, then comes silicone and only after that all other elements. On the
part of living nature the most researches and therefore the most information is about carbon
but its part is only 10% while for silicone it is 29,5%. When we learn human anatomy and
physiology then we turn attention to calcium. The consistency of calcium in human organism
really is big but by its content and qualities it is long behind silicone - there is 2,96% of
calcium in an human being.
Calcium - it is the main element in the tough bone structure of the moving apparatus. Silicone
is the element that determines the qualities of flexible structures. The most sensitive tissues -
flaps, sphincters, the back-flow flaps of the venous system, heart flaps - silicone is
everywhere where there is an especially subtle flap automatics taking place. Nails, hair and
skin are enriched with silicone. Practically all illnesses of the mentioned organs occur if there
is not enough silicone in the organism. Calcium and other 74 elements are simply not
recognized by the organism if there is a silicone deficiency.
Once more about the consistency of earth crust
Silicone - 29,5%, calcium - 2,96%. Silicone is found in sand, clay, water, mud, plants.
Silicone is also everywhere in the soil. If there is no silicone in the soil then the land is barren.
Such soil cannot accumulate the solar energy and pass it on to growing plants. Only silicone is
capable of doing that.
Like simple people so the specialists - caterers, medics have all their life heard that to stay
healthy we need calcium. And the best place to get it from is milk. But is it really like that? If
we think about it then most of us have learned a little bit of chemistry at school. Do all really
think that chemistry has only been switched to the curriculum to irritate students or was there
some other purpose? Maybe to help us understand the processes, which surround us? In the
line of active elements (electrochemical line) calcium is far more behind than silicone i.e. it is
more active than silicone. In situations when there is not enough silicone in the organism
calcium will take its place. The description of developing atherosclerosis proves it easily. And
not only atherosclerosis but also atony (a lack of density in the organs), osteochondrosis, poly
arthritis (severe inflammation in many limbs at the same time), the calcinations of heart flaps
etc. Shortly said a number of various diseases with Latin names are formed. There are long
descriptions about them - how they form and develop how to relieve symptoms - but the
cause is never named - the deficiency of silicone in the organism.
Our time is characterized by another factor that in case of a silicone deficiency makes the
condition even worse. We live in an atom century and catering specialists who have the
education of radiologists consider MILK the product that is the guiltiest. This characterization
has been given to milk and without exception to all dairy products because they contain the
most radionuclides (when compared to other products). The special role of milk in destroying
human health is related to strontium that cows produce with milk. Nowadays there is no
region on Earth where we could find clean and radionuclide free grass or drinking water for a
cow, a goat or... How did this all happen? Richer countries built atomic energy plants but also
atomic bombs and tested them below ground, under water but also in the atmosphere. And the
result was... there were in fact many results but we only need to stop on one. A known
element for us, strontium, got a brother - radioactive strontium (Sr-90) that is not found in
nature and the half life of which is over 20 years. And the small particles circulated in the air
surrounding us for decades (maybe even nowadays) slowly descending to the ground.
Practically the whole mainland has got some part of this Sr-90. Entering the soil, Sr-90
together with calcium solvate compounds ends up in plants and thereafter - cow - milk -human
being. Entering human organism strontium mainly accumulates in bones and has a long-term
radioactive effect on us. The fact that those particles radiate is only one side of the problem,
although not small, because they are capable of starting the generation of cancer cells.
However... this Sr-90 has induced another change in nature. Many common weeds that did not
notice regular strontium in the soil have now, as the result of radiation, started taking it into
their menu or in other words - plants have started to use regular strontium raising the amount
of strontium that ends up in milk significantly.
The mechanism of the biological effect of strontium is the fact that strontium ions eliminate
calcium ions from the crystal lattice of connective tissue or the structural elements of bones.
But strontium ions do not stay there very long - they exit the human organism so that fresh ions
could take their place. Strontium does not only eliminate calcium but zinc also. It has been
found that strontium can even be bad for the chromosome apparatus and affect hereditary
qualities. It is considered that water should not contain more than 7 mg/l strontium.
Regular strontium is common in nature: there is 7 to 50 mg/l of it in sea water. In many places
its high concentration has been found both on land and in surface water - tens of milligrams
per liter. Although there is quite a lot of strontium in nature (0,008%) and more than for
example copper or zinc, we have not found a special industrial function for it.
As an entr'acte one could mention that America has another problem. In one of LKA reports to
the Congress, regular water was declared no 1 national security threat. And it all started from
the one time when scientists-chemists found a relatively high concentration of a certain
medicine that was difficult to produce and that was meant for decreasing the cholesterol level in
blood. Shortly said, when investigating the situation, it was found that all medicines, chemical
quack remedies and food additives - exiting our organism in a natural way, do a circle in nature
and with drinking water yet again end up in our organism. However, now they are transformed
and mostly strong poison.
On all continents animal milk contains the substances they have acquired through water and
grass. Active radionuclides, including strontium, get to human organism with the help of dairy
products. Grains and fruits that grow above the ground contain a minimal amount of
radionuclide. Additionally, grains are capable of eliminating those nuclides from human
organism. Consequently porridges and breads are, at least from the point of radionuclides, food
product defenders. Vegetables that have grown below ground contain hundreds of more times
radionuclides than those above ground. However, we clean vegetables, we remove their crust,
wash them etc and with that we reduce the level of radionuclide to almost minimal. And fish as
well as meat that we process and consume separated from bones are mostly radi onucli de-free.
So only one product - milk - can not be cleaned from radionuclides. If we make cottage
cheese from milk then the concentration of radionuclides will increase almost three times.
However, if we make cheese then it increases even more. And this extends to all dairy
products - yogurt, ice-cream, kefir, butterfat etc.
If we line up strontium, calcium and silicone according their activity and assess their role on
the health of the consumers of dairy products then strontium is the most active element. Its
appearance in human organism automatically causes the elimination and substitution reactions
of all elements less active. And if there is not enough silicone in the organism then the calcium
pushed out by strontium will automatically go to places where silicone should go. This is a bad
option as we already have too much calcium anyway. Many modern medicines are also made
on the basis of calcium.
It has been written about the deadly effect of strontium on human organism under the name of
a local illness - Urov illness. In Baikal region in the valley of river Urov both animals and
people developed an illness during which their bones deformed and became fragile. It was
found that on the upper part of the river people had started digging strontium and some of it
ended up in the river water that was used for drinking by local people. And as they also had a
lack of silicone in their organism, calcium did not accumulate well and strontium took the
space in all bones. But strontium did not stay very long. Active as it is, it took the natural way
out. However, the destructive task was already done.
Milk and milk rivers are similar to strontium-rich Urov River but their presence in the region is
far more common. But we do not take any care of the amount of silicone in human organism.
On the contrary - we do all that's possible to eliminate it. The processing of fruits and
vegetables is aimed at refining, at the so-called ballast separation. Together with fruits cells
silicone goes to the waist piles. The technology of grain processing foresees the removal of the
grain cell that includes silicone. So strange is the situation that the cell containing silicone is
especially carefully cleaned in case of wheat, which is used for making manna. But who are the
main consumers of it? Children! And they need 3-5 times more silicone than grownups. So
there is no silicone in manna nor in the cream of wheat boiled from it and what do we use to
boil it - oh dear - milk. That way we force the calcium already in a very young organism to go
to places where it should not. And still we wonder why young people suffer more and more
from atherosclerosis and a variety of other diseases common for "old" people. However,
children, trying to get away from the harmful effect of strontium and calcium, subconsciously
refuse dairy products. But we, older and "smarter", try to forcefully declare norms like 0,5 to
1,5 liters of milk per children a day. And as if our strontium-calcium was not enough - our
possibilities are unlimited - the whole European Union is on our store shelves and even more.
About how it affects raising kids was honestly written about by radio physicians already in the
50s but they were laughed at. So lets see what modern school children are like - they are not
ready (actually not capable) to READ or STUDY by themselves. For them, the student books
that were easy years ago have too difficult text. Books have to be made easier. Simply said -
most of modern school children are still capable of receiving information passively like it is
served by radio, television, internet and even cell phones.
It should not be hard to understand how much our children lose because of the following
formula: "Kids, you have to drink milk to stay healthy!" The organisms of modern children,
who have been fed according to official recommendations, have a silicone deficiency of 50
and more per cents. But if we add the damage cause by various junk foods... On the
elementary level of human organism silicone "hears" brain and controls the "technology" of
growth and development starting from creating the cell membrane up to formatting the
connective tissue, bones etc. The part of silicone in those synthesis processes has been verified
by scientists.
If there is not enough silicone in the diet of a child (but this is common nowadays) we get
anemia. This is expressed by rachitis, illnesses of the lymph system and skin etc. Damaged
tissue will not heal as fast either. For example, silicone is especially active on bone fractures
and intensive formation of cell tissue - its amount on those spots is almost 50 times greater
compared to regular conditions.
Energy informational exchange in the world surrounding us gives a perfect picture to
understand what a great mistake is not considering the importance of silicone in human health.
To understand that, we have to look closely at the formation of the godly intelligence of nature
in all its phases - the world of minerals, the world of planets, the world of animals and the
world of humans. By researching all those groups it is not hard to notice how much nature has
given space in the earth living substance exactly for silicone. And then researching the human
living substance without silicone does equal total absurd.
A number of natural compounds form the foundation of the world of minerals the main
importance in which is on silicone oxides. Silicone is the main element in the crystal lattice for
those minerals that consume solar energy with the help of the crystals to generate it for earthly
processes. Those simple stones are the bases of the world of minerals. Stone-kings are at the top
of the world of minerals. Their ingredients are absolutely different when compared to the stones
in the foundation. Stone-kings mainly consist of carbon and its compounds like diamonds. And
although their amount is insignificantly small, they are all visible, known and famous.
Energy informational exchange in each group actually has the same proportions. However
human beings, when researching the nature of human "Living Substance," have completely
preferred carbon (10-20%) and its compounds and have totally ignored silicone (29,5%) that
rejuvenates and emotes the whole living world. "Human beings are the salt of Earth." They are
the products of Earth. Earth is our mother. And all beings living on it can only live according
to the laws that Earth itself lives according to. Fields and expanses that do not include silicone
are fruitless. Life in human organism degenerates if silicone consistency decreases and it is not
increased with the help of food and water.
What should a simple person do now to refill the organism with silicone? Where to start from?
In Russia at a certain Health School a student, who came to learn purification from worms and
other parasites (who, as mentioned earlier, are the greatest destroyers of silicone), was given
250 grams of white lotion - a natural medicine that supplies the organism with silicone already
on the first lesson of the first day. Kaolin clay KgOA12 03 SiO nН2О is regarded eatable if the
dimensions of its particles do not exceed 2 mmkr. It has to be clean of microbes and
radionuclides. Usually this clay is white, slightly pinkish or light blue and is found 7-9 m
below ground. The non-organic compound of silicone - kaolin easily transforms into an
organic form with the help of certain ferment in human organism that comes from the stomach,
duodenum as well as small intestine. Do not mix up kaolin clay with chalk that is identified by
СаСОЗ nH2O. Chalk supplies organism with calcium. Often pregnant women as well as
children, not understanding that their organism is looking for silicone, intuitively start eating
Such consumption of clay, which has even been sold in Russia under the name of
,,KaorcHjia," makes it possible to enrich the organism with silicone quite fast. In about 7-8
days the consistency of silicone in the organism will increase to 4-4,5%. Cleaning the liver
with capital dehelmintisation (elimination of Lamblia) takes place with the dissolving of the
tough formations in the gall ducts of the liver just because those tough formations are caused
by a lack of silicone. Already the next day after liver cleanup the silicone consistency will
increase to 4,5-4,6 %. But how could it not! Blood will become 8-10 times cleaner, bilirubin
consistency will drop and the usage of silicone on the adsorbing of dross will lessen.
How can we additionally increase the amount of silicone in our organism? First of all of
course with the help of normal food, but if that is not possible because of excess refining, then
we can always turn to regular plants. Best plant for it is field horsetail that we will talk about
below. Tie 50-60 grams of field horsetail into cheesecloth or other slight cloth and put it into a
larger saucepan (5-10 l). Heat the water until it starts to boil and let it wait 3-4 hours. Use this
water for cooking.
Now then about activating water with silica. Our alternative pharmacies sell many variants of
bulked pieces of silica. All of them claim that the products have certificates but when trying
one option, after soaking the stones in water for 10 days, the water laboratory of Tallinn could
not detect any more silicone compounds than in the control bottle - clean tap water.
Practically all dealers have the same instructions. And one point in that text is - DREGS will
form. Therefore it is easy to check - if there are no dregs then you have bought pointless
stones. It is the same as soaking pure sand in water that you can get free of cost everywhere.
Another simple control method would be... in all the types of the endless variants of silica
only ONE has those curing and other qualities and that stone is BLACK SILICONE -
FIRESTONE - therefore if the piece is large enough then when hitting with a metal object
beautiful fire sparks should form. During Stone Age (sporadically even Iron Age) firestone
was the main tool material because of its toughness, tractability and wide spread. Firestone
was also used to make fire. Firestone (for example in Krzemionki, Poland) mines are known
from Neolithic and their products spread far. In old times, when I was young, there was a
firestone at almost every farm and every hiker had a firestone and a touchwood. People did
not go far without those things. Now we have forgotten all about that, although it might
happen that someone still has them. Modern military shops also sell firestones, but... Those
are not silica any more. Modern firestones used in lighters - ceric iron - were invented by C.
Auer von Welsbach in 1904.
Räni Tõhus vee aktivaator
Netokogus: 10g
Ranil on tugevad bakteritsiidsed omadused Puhastab
vett keemilistest ühenditest ja pisikutest. Räniga
aktiveeritud veel on meeldiv maitse, puhas ja värske,
säilib pikka aega. Räniga aktiveeritud vett kasutatakse
abivahendina paljude haiguste ravis ja profülaktikas, nt
Angiin, paradontoos, aneemia, mao-ja seedetrakti
haigused jne.) Valmistamisviis: Räni tuiab eelnevalt
pesta asetada 3-5I veemahutisse, katta marliga ja lasta
seista toatemperatuuril 6-10 päeva, seejärel tuleb vesi
ettevaatlikult mitte puudutades sadet, valada üle teise
anumasse ja hästi sulgeda Peale igat kasutamist räni
tuleb hoolikalt pesta NB! Räniga aktiveeritud vett ei tohi
keeta ega jahutada alla +4"C Säilimisaeg ei ole piiratud
Tootja Venemaa, FIE Konjuhov ArteniovsK,
Tšaikovskogo.87 Maaletooja O Ü Kagro group
tel. 55 66 40 79
You can use the third control method if you do not even believe that there can be dregs in
relatively clean (tap) water. Take dirty water instead - some brownish-yellowish tap water -and
silica should make it clean and white in 7-10 days.
And yet another control method - put the water with stones in it to a warm place where it
should go bad quite fast. In case of correct stones the water will NOT go bad. Famous
Cleopatra, when traveling in desert, had pieces of silica in all water vessels and for months the
water stayed fresh in extreme heat.
Another small note... Nowadays all people have the possibility to travel; one resort prettier
than another. However, beaches can be divided into two groups. One type is the so-called
"black" and stony beaches that we usually do not like. And another group is "white" or even
"golden" beaches.
But let's compare them a little bit. Walking along a BLACK beach, along a beach that is
richly covered with black silica, both the water and the air are enriched with silicone and
people can get it from the earth, the water as well as the damp air one breathes in. It is a true
health paradise.
However, stones enriched with calcium prevail on "white" beaches. Those beaches have a
smaller amount of silicone compounds than in the organism of the vacationer. And if this
vacationer already has some kind of a disease that is caused by a silicone deficiency then it is
more than probable that after such vacation the illnesses will get worse.
Silicone water can be made on regular room temperature. It is best to use either some glass jar
with a top or enamel-coated vessel. If we are making this water for cooking or an enema then it
is enough to keep the stones in the water for two days. For curing purposes the stones have to
be soaked for at least 5-7 days. Every time after the water is poured out the vessel and the
stones have to be washed carefully under flowing water. Big pieces should be broken into
smaller ones to get a larger contact surface. For example, about 50-60 grams of silicone
should be put into a three liter glass jar. To make the amount of dregs smaller the tap water
should stay for one day previously, and then boil it, cool it down and after that start the
activation. During 7 days silicone dumps many minerals as well as amino acids; it adsorbs
and neutralizes harmful mixtures.
Black silicone - practically everlasting natural material. It "works" and does not need
changing or a rest. Silicone water can also be used for drinking, cooking, washing,
compresses, rinsing the mouth or throat etc. The purpose of this water depends on the needs
of an individual - whether one has a bigger or smaller silicone deficiency. But to use it, the
water has to be poured into another vessel, away from the stones. Do not pour stones into the
vessel instead of water when cooking - this "soup" is unhealthy.
After holding 10 days the water has its curing qualities very long because within 10 days it
practically conserves. This water can be stored in a closed vessel on room temperature. If you
wish to hold it for a long time put it to a dark place.
If you make herbal tea with it then this tea is far more effective than with regular tap water.
Flowers stay fresh longer with silicone water.
Already in old times people were familiar with many minerals and were able to use their
wonderful qualities. Silicone has always had a special place among those. It is the oldest and
the most true-hearted friend of a human being. Starting from the Stone Age it has always been
with us as firestone, as a tool, as a weapon and as a medicine.
To conclude one might say that water activated with silicone becomes free from bacteria, kills
the flu virus, reduces tooth ache, cures angina and cold and helps in case of stomach problems.
It also reduces the blood sugar level and normalizes metabolism in the organism. Additionally,
as many people believe, there are quite strong reasons to believe that it is an effective helper
when fighting against cancer.
The usage possibilities are endless also in industry - it can be used for cleaning pipes of
corrosion, for neutralizing and cleaning technical water of harmful substances - it is
practically everlasting and cheap catalyst. It has been researched in labs as an alternative
power supply and some results supersede the capacity of regular batteries. It is said about
agriculture that by using silicone water it is possible to get larger amounts of meat, hasten the
growth of plants, and notably lengthen the storage life and use of canned products.
A number of metals like aluminum, iron, cadmium, cesium, zinc, galena and strontium dreg
intensively in the system "silicone - hydrosols of non-organic salts."
Silicone water affects the adsorbing capacity of radionuclides. In theory this should make it
possible to clean territories severely contaminated by radionuclides. At least that is what
Belarus hopes.
Starting from the fifth day silicone water has the ability to strengthen the homeopathic
qualities of blood, it will increase its coagulation ability, decrease the amount of cholesterol
especially for overweight people.
Water activated with silicone can be recommended for reducing wrinkles, curing wounds with
compresses, but also for washing hair to strengthen the roots and improve the growth.
Interesting experiments have been conducted with silicone water, which prove, that silicone
prevents the accumulation of strontium in the organism. Test animals were given drinking
water that contained strontium. One group got regular water, the other silicone water. The
group that got strontium with silicone water had a 2,5 times smaller accumulation of
strontium than for regular water. Second time the test animals were injected strontium to their
veins and only then they drank - one group silicone water and control group regular water. In
case of silicone water strontium departed from the organism 3 times faster than it happened
with the control group animals consuming regular water.
Silicone water even has its radiation protection effect that directly depends on the time we
consume the water. If healthy test animals drank silicone water before total gamma radiation
then there were significantly smaller radiation damages than for the control group - their postradiation
lifespan was significantly longer. Why silica has such qualities is not completely
clear yet but it is thought that it contains the organic remains of the microorganisms from
Cretaceous - that it is nothing else than biocatalysts, which can transform solar energy and
hasten the acidification-recovering reactions by tens of thousands of times.
The consumption of silicone water is useful for both healthy people as a prophylaxis and for
curing the sick including increasing the natural resistance those suffering from cancer.
But if you do not have silica and you do not know where to get it or if you do not believe in
the pieces of stone sold in alternative pharmacies then... let us again turn to Mother Earth and
see what the wise books say.
Field horsetail
The glorious days of horsetails are over - it is a botanic relict now. Tree-shaped horsetails
lived on planet Earth together with dinosaurs, 270 million years ago. Nowadays only 29
representatives of this family are known. Although this is a small amount, they draw a lot of
attention - they include giants. Equisetum giganteum grows in South-America like a liana
reaching up to 13 meters along the trees.
Horsetails are characterized by a special quality - together with silicone they collect more
gold into themselves than any other known plant (in case there is gold in the soil nearby).
Here we should make a small excursion into the world of plants:
German biologist Roland Megnet has researched and bred plants that can consume especially
large amounts of heavy metals and poisonous chemicals from the soil. For example - Siberian
buckwheat is capable of consuming almost 1,3 kg of cadmium, 24 kg of galena and 322 kg of
zinc from a territory of 1 ha. However, plants have their own favorites: if Alpine pennycress
likes cadmium and zinc, then Indian mustard prefers galena and chrome instead. Russians
have practically used Siberian buckwheat for removing arsenic from the soil of military
polygons of chemic weapons - and this has been done with great results.
The family of horsetails includes annoying weeds, food and medical plants as well as
poisonous species - therefore be careful when differentiating species! Because of big silicone
consistency horsetail pedicles are good for making washrags and burnishing. Nowadays
horsetail is used in China for burnishing wood. The Japanese boil the buds of field horsetail
for food. The buds of European greatest - 2 meters high Equisetum telmateia are juicy and
sweet. Pedicles are strong and baskets can be made of them. Horsetail pedicle baskets are
especially famous among the Indians of North America because the mentioned species grows
naturally from Alaska to California. In Norway people make yellow colorant from the dried
pedicles of wood horsetail. In England field horsetail is considered an effective organic
fungicide that eliminates parasites from garden plants.
Horsetails are known in our country as herbs as only diuretics on the purpose of which we
have usually used field horsetail. The capacity of excrete urine is greater for field horsetail
than for diuretic or urine excretion tea. Frog and swamp horsetail, who are both common in
Estonia in damp places, are considered poisonous.
Possibilities of horsetail poisoning:
Poisoning can occur as a result of consuming a large amount of wrong horsetail type and its
primary symptom is the notable expansion eye apples but in very severe cases paralysis might
follow. There have been no severe poisonings with human beings but it has happened with
Field horsetail as well as other types is perennial. It can be found as weed on fields,
wastelands, slopes covered with sand or clay and sandy beaches, almost everywhere where
the soil is acidic enough. In spring a pale spring sprout without chlorophyll will develop that
will dry as the buds are ready and later a green fir-like summer sprout will grow from the
rootstock. Springtime high and branchless brownish sprout will grow to the height of 20 cm,
summertime fruitless sprout to 40 cm. The name of the plant in Latin - Equisetum means
horses tail (equus + seta). Those sprouts will be supplied with food by a long black root. Its
length can be 5-7 meters and upwards from its nodal points are aimed a number of rootstocks
with sprouts. Bulbs, which store food for spring sprouts, usually form in those knots in
autumn. Those are hard to find because the horizontal root is quite deep. Those bulbs are
enriched with starch and taste sweet. Because of that pigs dig them up and eat them. Those
bulbs can be boiled as potatoes, although they are not very big. However, this does not ruin
the taste if one has bothered to dig them up from so deep.
FIELD HORSETAIL (Equisetum arvense) as an herb:
Field horsetail was used as an herb already a long time ago. Even Avicenna (X-XI century)
noted its medical abilities. Like then even now the upper part of the summer sprouts are used,
which can be found in case of a nice dry weather from June to August. The sprout is cut down
5-10 cm off the ground and it has to be immediately dried as a layer of 5-10 cm in the attic,
pavilion or in the drier. Damp horsetail, when it is put as a thick layer, and not dried
immediately will turn black and lose its curing qualities. It can be stored in a dry space - bag
or wooden vessel - for four years.
Ready to use dried field horsetail is also sold in pharmacies. Pieces of the sprouts are tough,
rare, grayish green, and have a slight scent and tart taste. Field horsetail contains about 5%
saponine (glycoside) compounds, up to 25% silicone acid, organic acids (aconitine [the
alcoloid of which is very poisonous but used as a painkiller in medicine], linol acid,
ethanedioic acid), flavonides, tannins, 3-3,5% oil fat, tar substances, proteins (up to 16%),
traces of alkaloids, vitamin C (30-190 mg), carotene (up to 4,7 mg), potassium, calcium,
magnesium, iron, copper, zinc etc.
- Field horsetail has the qualities of curing inflammations, removing microbes,
stopping bleedings and curing wounds. It strengthens the immune system and
prevents bladder stones from forming. The herb is consumed for excretion of
urine in case of edema caused by diseases of the heart and lungs.
- Field horsetail is capable of removing galena from human organism and
therefore it is used in case of galena poisonings.
- Field horsetail. 4-5 tbsp of dry chopped herb to be boiled with 2 glasses of
water for 15 minutes, debilitate and add the amount of water that boiled away.
Use externally in case of wounds in the mucosa.
- Perfect plant for fighting against the calcification of blood vessels
- Extensively used in case of inflammations of bladder and bladder stones
because field horsetail increases the amount of urine and at the same time it
contains a lot of silicone acid.
- Organically linked silicone increases the amount of white blood cells thereby
strengthening the immune system. Therefore field horsetail has been used as a
supplementary medicine in curing tuberculosis.
- Field horsetail can also be used as chlorophyll flour in case of a mineral
deficiency in the organism.
- Externally it is good do baths of field horsetail in case of edema. Length of
the cycle max 2 weeks.
And field horsetail has all those good qualities because it contains a lot of silicone but
additionally also acids, minerals, vitamins and salts. Only rough horsetail (Equisetum
hyemale) contains more silicone than field horsetail.
It was already valued highly by old Romans.
- The powder made of sprouts is still used in case of bleedings of the nose or
- The tea has been consumed in case of chest problems, tuberculosis, anemia,
blood loss, kidney and bladder diseases.
Fresh juice cures wounds in the mouth, edema of the glands and inflammatory
Field horsetail tea can also be made with cold water: the drug has to be in the water for 1-2
hours, and then it is mixed carefully, let it wait for another 10 minutes and finally drained.
Drink as lukewarm 1-2 glasses a day.
Field horsetail - summer sprouts are usable as a medicine.
Field horsetail - in veterinary as a wound powder.
Field horsetail - summer sprouts can be fed to horses.
Field horsetail - the plant's nut-like bulbs are eatable, they taste sweet for children.
Lea horsetail and forest horsetail are similar to field horsetail. The side branches of
forest horsetail spread but in case of field horsetail or lea horsetail they don't. Field
horsetail feels rougher when touched (although softer than rough horsetail), lea horsetail
is softer. Small leaves form a calycle around the pedicle. The number of calycle teeth
varies between types. Field horsetail has 8-12 calycle teeth, lea horsetail 12-18 and forest
horsetail 2-6. If you are not sure about the type of a horsetail ask a specialist or a
botanist for advice.
Forest horsetail, rough horsetail - are used as diuretics;
lea horsetail, forest horsetail - summer sprouts have been used as horse food.
It wouldn't do bad to add other herbs, both singularly and mixed, to field horsetail:
field horsetail - contains silicone and strengthens the tissues of plants and the resistance to
illnesses and bacteria
VAREMEROHI - contains potassium and nitrogen
yarrow - contains copper
hen plant - contains nitrogen, phosphor, magnesium and potassium
dill - contains potassium, sulfur, sodium
dandelion - contains copper
quack grass - contains potassium, silicone
The following mixtures are common in our pharmacies:
Mixtures that clean the organism and cure inflammations:
1. Field horsetail (weed) - 35 g
2. Nettle (leaves) - 35 g
3. Whortleberry (leaves) - 30 g
Dr Jairus recipe for curing prostate, generally good mixture:
1. Field horsetail (weed)
2. Calendula (blossoms), equal parts
Pour 20 g of mixture over with 300 ml of water, boil for 3 minutes on a weak fire, cool down,
drain. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before eating within one month. This tea
dissolves and removes stones from urinary vessels, reduces the amount of protein in the urine
and edema of different kinds as well as improves the metabolism.
Field horsetail is good for cleaning the organism. It used in case of old and rotting wounds,
edema and bone diseases. It works effectively washing out, dissolving and burning all old
substances. It is indispensable in case of diseases of the urinary vessels and kidneys. The
boiling water of horsetail is used as a compress but also as a washing liquid for cleaning the
stomach, reducing pains in case of diseases caused by stones, it helps removing salts, sand
and dissolved stones.
Increased silicone consistency makes it possible to use for strengthening teeth, nails, bones and
Herbal tea from horsetail as a universal herb can be made in many ways and all of them
are effective:
Pour 200 ml of boiling water onto 20 g of field horsetail, wait for one hour and drain.
Consume 1-2 tea spoons 3-4 times a day or put it onto wounds or rinse your mouth.
Soak 50 g of field horsetail in 500 ml of boiled and cooled water for 24 hours, then drain. Use
it for baths, washing wounds and compresses.
Pour 200 ml of boiling water onto 25 g of field horsetail, boil on weak fire for 30 minutes,
drain. If the amount of water has decreased then add boiling water. Consume 1 table spoon full
3-4 times a day after eating as a mean for excreting urine but also for rinsing the mouth,
washing wounds...
But to get all the valuable substances from field horsetail the horsetail should not be
boiled less than three hours.
Field horsetail lotion. Field horsetail extract is mixed with Vaseline or cream butter in the
relationship 1:4. Use it on wounds that do not cure, festers, eczema...
Field horsetail powder. Make powder of dried horsetail and put it onto wounds. The powder
can also be mixed with water (as thick as sour cream or mayonnaise) and put it onto wounds
as a compress.
Field horsetail juice. The most active curing method. Wash fresh horsetail carefully, chop it,
crush it and press the juice out. Hold this juice in a dark and cold place. Consume 2 tea spoons
3-4 times a day. Externally: clean, wash wounds. You can drop some 2-3 drops to your nose in
case of frequent nose bleeds.
Field horsetail medicaments are not recommended for people suffering from nephrites and
nephrosis because they can irritate the kidneys. In such cases it is recommended to consult the
doctor prior to consumption.
FIELD HORSETAIL (Equisetum arvense) in the household:
- In the household the boiling water of field horsetail roots has been used for coloring cotton
cloth to grayish-yellow.
When there was not enough clean rough horsetail then field horsetail has been used for:
- cleaning ceramic and metal vessels
- even cleaning stone objects, wooden details in China.
FIELD HORSETAIL (Equisetum arvense) as food:
Primarily we eat its buds and pedicles in early spring. Researches on those eatable parts
showed that they contain: up to 8 mg% nitrogen compounds, up to 2% fat, pedicles are
enriched with sugar - up to 14 mg% carbohydrates and up to 100%mg ascorbic acid and
carotene. There is up to 37 mg% of vitamin C left in the boiling water of field horsetail.
Buds can be used for soups, meals with dried mushrooms, meat, casseroles, fillings, fried with
butter, cooked with sour cream etc. Children often like to eat the buds straight from the field.
The nutritive value of this plant is quite high. Foods made of field horsetail have a specific
pleasant taste and it notably extends our feeding possibilities in the spring as a natural gift.
The spring sprouts of field horsetail can be preserved both dried and salted either in a jar or a
barrel or... The belowground root parts or as sometimes called earthnuts are very rich of
arrowroot and therefore taste sweet. Kids especially like them. They can also be eaten raw,
boiled or cooked.
The salted sprouts of field horsetail: The young buds of field horsetail are washed clean,
tightly put into a glass vessel. Then dill, blackberry leaves, horseradish roots, garlic are added.
On top we pour cold (boiled and then cooled) salt solvate (1 table spoon full of salt per 1 liter
of water). It can be used as an addition to meals or one can flavor soups, especially cabbage
soups with it.
Casserole with cottage cheese and field horsetail: Cottage cheese is mixed with egg and
carefully chopped field horsetail, salt and flour are added, sour cream is poured on top and
baked in the oven. Cooking time - 35 minutes.
200g of cottage cheese for 100g of field horsetail (buds), one hardboiled egg, 2 table spoons
of sour cream, 2 table spoons of flour, 1 tea spoon of cream butter, add salt as much as you
Field horsetail sausage-meat: Boil rice until it is soft, mix it with chopped horsetail and egg,
add salt, roll it in bread crumbs, fry until it is covered with a golden shell. 0,5 glass of rice
and 1 egg for 2 glasses of horsetail buds.
Field horsetail rolls: Review the green and fresh sprout of field horsetail, clean it, wash it,
chop it to small pieces and mix with semolina porridge that has been made with milk. Shape
the rolls, roll them in bread crumbs and bake in the oven.
100 g of young green field horsetail, 100 g of milk, 20 g of semolina, 10 g of bread crumbs, 10
g of margarine or butter.
Field horsetail sprout pie: chop young sprouts to very small pieces, put them onto a pan
rubbed with butter. The egg has to be whipped with sugar, add milk and sour. Pour the pastry
onto field horsetail and bake it in the oven. Cooking time 35 minutes. 1 glass of milk, 4
glasses of flour, 1 glass of sugar, 4 eggs, as much salt as you like for 200 g of sprouts.
Field horsetail soup: Clean the buds, chop potato to small cubes, boil it together for 10-15
minutes, add grated and baked carrot, boil an additional 2-3 minutes. Serve it with sour cream.
Cooking time 20 minutes.
1 liter of water, 1 carrot, 3 potatoes, 1/3 glass of sour cream, 1 table spoon of cream butter for
300 g of buds.
Field horsetail custard: Clean the buds, chop them, fry with butter for 4-5 minutes, pour eggs
on top and fry until it's ready. When the eggs start fattening put some chopped green onion on
top. Cooking time 10 minutes. 3 eggs, 2 table spoons of green onion, 1 table spoon of oil for 2
glasses of buds.
Field horsetail thickened juice: Clean 70 g of sprouts, wash them and chop to about the size
of rice. Pour to a pot, add 160 ml of water, heat until it boils and boil on a small fire about 30
minutes. Drain. Take some of the product and add 8 g of potato arrow root. The rest of the
product has to be again heated until it boils and while constantly mixing it pour the prepared
arrowroot into it - boil 5 minutes and cool. If you use a slightly diluted juice instead of water
you will get a very tasty and healthy food.
Vinaigrette: Clean 150 g of bud pedicles and chop them. Clean 50 g of buds and boil in
boiling water for 3 minutes, chop to small pieces. Clean one onion, chop, clean 50 g of young
green branches and chop them to small pieces. Mix it all, add 10 g of chopped raw sauerkraut,
add salt and pour a small amount of vegetable oil on top.
Epicure's vinaigrette: basically like the previous one but do not add onion and salt and
instead of vegetable oil add honey - you will get an enormous energy set.
Pie filling with field horsetail: 3 eggs, 150 g of bud sprouts, 50 f of rice, as much salt as you
like. Boil the rice, wash under running water, let it drain and pour it onto a plate. Chop the
sprouts of cleaned horsetail to small pieces together with boiled eggs, mix it with rice and add
salt if needed and mix again. Fill the pies. Bake.
FIELD HORSETAIL (Equisetum arvense) as a cosmetic:
1. In case of dry skin on the face wash the face with horsetail impression: pour 2 glasses
of boiling water on top of 2 table spoons of dry chopped grass, boil it on a small fire
for 5-10 minutes, cool and drain. After washing (in the evening massaging the face
with the impression) it is recommended to put some lotion on the damp skin and 20-30
minutes after that wipe the face with a paper towel. The skin will become more subtle
and flexible.
2. It is recommended to rub greasy face skin: table spoon of chopped horsetail to be
poured over with half a glass of water, boil for 5 minutes and wait 30 minutes. Then
drain it and rub the skin with it 2 times a day.
3. The impression is also good for rubbing greasy skin: 1-2 table spoons of dried
horsetail grass to stay in one glass of cold but boiled water for 24 hours.
4. In case of greasy skin it is additionally recommended to make an impression like in
points 1-3 that has to be mixed with a spoon full of cologne or vodka. The mixture can
be used as a compress or for rubbing.
5. One can also make an after-shave for cleaning the skin: horsetail tincture with vodka
(1:10) or white wine (1 table spoon full of dried horsetail to be poured over with a
glass-full of wine), leave it to a dark place for 20 days.
6. In case of pimples pour a table spoon-full of dried grass over with 2 glasses of boiling
water and leave it for 10-15 minutes. After draining the impression can be used for
rubbing the face as well as a short-term compress.
7. Compress for greasy skin: take a napkin, fold it to 3-4 layered ribbon, dampen with
warmed impression (see point 3) and put it onto the face quickly so that the center of
the compress ends up on the tip of your chin and the edges are covering the cheeks.
Change the compress at least 4 times starting from hot and ending with cold.
8. In case of faded and loose facial skin use a vapor bath: 1 table spoon-full of chopped
horsetail for 1 liter of water, boil it on a small fire for 15 minutes and then hold your
face over the vapor.
9. Freshly made impressions and tinctures (see 1-3, 5) are used as compresses before
shaving to soften the hair.
10. Mask for greasy skin. Crush dried horsetail to small pieces, boil as much boiling water
on top so that a porridge-like substance is formed, firstly heat it up to 60-70 degrees
then let it cool a little bit so that it is not too hot to put on the skin. Rub this warm
mass on clean skin and let it stay there for 15-20 minutes, wash it off with warm water.
This mask as an effect that is against inflammations and grease. Length of the
treatment 15-20 masks, 2-3 times a week.
11. Moistening the eyelids: pour 2 glasses of water on top 2 table spoons of horsetail, boil
it for 30 minutes. Soak either a piece of cotton wool or cheesecloth in the boiled water
and put it onto eyelids, hold it a little bit. The procedure refreshes your eyes and
removes the bloating around them, calms down the twitching nerves.
12. It is recommended to rub some of the cooled impression of horsetail into hair roots.
For that pour a glass of water onto 2 table spoons of chopped weed and boil it for 30
minutes. Then rub the skin on your head and later rinse your hair with the water. The
procedure is good for skin, improves the circulation of blood and regulates the
functions of fat glands.
13. In case of excess dandruff it is recommended to rinse the hair with horsetail
impression: boil 2 table spoons of the weed in 2 glasses of water on a small fire for 30
14. If your hair fall our easily it is recommended to rinse your hair in the impression after
washing them: pour 1 liter of boiling water onto 3 table spoons of horsetail, leave it for
30 minutes. Drain the impression before using it. Do the procedure 5 days in a row.
15. For washing greasy hair: pour 1 liter of boiling water onto 2 table spoons of horsetail
and boil it on a small fire for 10 minutes, leave the impression for 15-20 minutes and
drain it.
16. To improve hair growth: leave 100 g of horsetail into 1 liter of hot water. Add 0,5
liters of vinegar to the impression. Rinse your hair with this mixture after washing.
17. In case of defects in the work of fat glands rub horsetail tincture (1:10) made with
vodka (or 30-40% spirit) into the skin on your head 3 times a week. Cycle - 15-20
procedures. Repeat after a month if necessary.
18. Using the after-shave on greasy hair: pour 2 table spoons of horsetail weed over with
0,5 liters of boiling water, boil it on a small fire for 2-3 minutes, cool, drain, add a
table spoon full of vinegar or the juice of one lemon, 50 ml of marigold spirit tincture,
eucalyptus or camphor spirit.
19. If your legs are tired 15-20 minutes long baths of horsetail impression (see point 15,
no need for draining) will help.
20. Everyday baths with horsetail (point 19, but 2 liters of water) impression can stop your
legs from sweating. Rub the skin between your toes with boric acid after the procedure.
21. Another method for stopping your feet from sweating is if you add fresh birch leaves
and the bud pedicles of horsetail while making the impression in point 21.
22. In case of increased sweating of the armpits it is recommended to rub the armpits with
horsetail vodka tincture (1:10) 1-2 times a day according to point 5.
23. Blood circulation, if the skin has faded and loose, will be improved by a bath with
field horsetail impression: 1kg of fresh and chopped horsetail is covered with 3-4 liters
of cold water and left there for 5-10 minutes. Then put it onto a fire and boil for 5
minutes. After taking it from the fire leave it for 10 minutes. (If you do not have that
much horsetail it can be done with a smaller amount: 250 g of raw material to be
covered with boiling water, then covered with a cap and left there for 30 minutes.) The
drained impression is added to bath water. The bath is done once a week 1-1,5 hours
before going to sleep. The water temperature 36-37 degrees, length of the bath 20-30
minutes. Before the bath your body has to be washed with warm water and soap but do
not rinse your body after the horsetail bath.
24. Horsetail impression or tincture is also used for curing the diseases of the skin: washed,
dampened, compresses are done if there are wounds, furuncles, eczema, inflammatory
processes etc. But it can also be dropped to the nose in case of bleedings.
FIELD HORSETAIL (Equisetum arvense) as a magical helper:
Natural element - earth
Nature - cold, dry, slightly bitter
Occultist meaning - life energy
Magical usage:
Field horsetail - it is a weed like any noxious plant and has a great inner energy. Field
horsetail can be used in the rituals for increasing stoutness and life force. It is especially
necessary for people who lack decisiveness and self-belief. One should conduct a ritual that
attracts field horsetail and energy.
Such ritual should be conducted when the moon is growing. It is needed to go to the field in
the early morning and pick an armful of horsetail. When picking the plant it is necessary to
think that instead of one plant five times more will grow. At that same spot, on the field, the
picked horsetail has to be put onto the ground and then laid on it. While lying on that horsetail
mattress one has to imagine how energy, from this horsetail, is entering you. Whereby this
energy starts entering from the tips of your toes. When you feel that horsetail energy has
completely filled you stand up. The horsetail mattress must remain there. Pick three more
plants and go home. At home put the plants into water near the headboard of your bed. During
the day do your regular tasks but in the evening light a PURPLE candle. The candle should be
placed not more than half a meter from the plant. The same ritual has to be repeated two more
times every other day. But you have to count so that Thursday is not a ritual day.
It is additionally believed that if you pick horsetail while the moon is growing and put it under
the marriage bed, like shown on the sketch below, in the center, and keep it there not less than
two weeks then the couple should expect a growth in the family some time soon.
Some more about horsetails
If we do not consider the numerous usage possibilities of field horsetail and look at the plant
only as a source of silicone then we can make tea or impressions of the following types of
horsetail growing in Estonia:
Woodland horsetail Equisetum sylvaticum
One of the most common weeds in Estonia. It is different from other types of horsetail in the
way that it only consists of subtle pedicles and is especially flurry. The main pedicle can grow
up to 60 cm tall. The cells of the pedicle are enriched with silicone and therefore the branches
are harsh. But it is flurry because those branches spread one more time. Therefore remember
- woodland horsetail is a plant that has subtle spreading branches. Woodland horsetail tea
has been used for curing tuberculosis and increasing urine excretion.
Meadow horsetail Equisetum pratense
Meadow horsetail mainly grows in damper and shadier places. It does not like light very
much. Meadow horsetail is differs from field horsetail by the fact that its spring sprout does
not dry but slowly turns green and the trunk grows long harsh branches. Branches are subtle
and never spread and are not as straight as for other types of horsetail. But its pedicles are also
enriched with silicone and harsh. It is not considered an important herb nowadays.
Rough horsetail Equisetum hyemale
Our dry fields or drier forests often house beautiful green plants that are so harsh that you can
injure your hand when picking them carelessly. Rough horsetail contains the most silicone. It
differs from other types of horsetail by the fact that it can also be picked during the winter
because its pedicles grow two years old. During its long life the plant can grow relatively high
but the diameter of the pedicle remains modest: 4-6 mm. A good way for identifying rough
horsetail is the fact that its bud is sharp-ended and relatively short. As rough horsetail does not
have many branches the pedicle is seemingly bare with only striped knot spots. In medicine
rough horsetail has been used for increasing the excretion of urine but it is not as effective as
field horsetail.
Rest of the horsetails:
Marsh horsetail Equisetum palustre
And Water horsetail Equisetum fluviatile
That grow in wet places are poisonous and not good for using
Yoga-like recommendations and other useful for both curing and living:
A concentrate, but human organism is not used to accumulating pure concentrates. Great
usage of sugar can cause a number of diseases: diabetes, illnesses of the endocrine system,
sclerosis etc. Same goes for products made of sugar -jams, cakes, cookies, candies, ice
creams... all those should be consumed in small amounts. Sugar is so dangerous for health
that if it was some NEW substance and one should get an official permit for producing it then
such permit would not be given in any country.
The best substitute for sugar is honey. However, if honey is too expensive to consume then
one can make a synthesis of honey and sugar - artificial "honey." I believe that many of us
have bought it from markets thinking that it is regular honey. Such artificial honey can be
made: mix 100 g of regular sugar and 150-200 g of boiled honey, heat on a small fire up to 80
degrees, while constantly mixing it. Cool down a little bit and add 80-100 g of natural honey.
Pour the mass into a thermos and cover it with paper (in winter one can put it onto a radiator)
and keep it like that for 4 days. After 4 days see if a substance that is similar to honey has
formed. It is not recommended to consume more than 50 g of this substance within 24 hours.
Natural honey
Researches have proved that bees existed a long time ago - almost 56 million of years before
the first human being. In the documents of the old world many materials about using honey for
curing have been found - even in case of cancer, increasing the excretion of urine and
lightening the stomach. In the old Indian book of " Ayur-Veda" ("The book of life") it is noted
that human life can be lengthened through a proper diet that includes honey. It was noted that
honey with milk is the best means in case of tiredness and tuberculosis. Thinkers in old times
thought that internally honey and externally oil are absolutely necessary for keeping the soul
and the body alive.
Famous doctor Hippokrates used honey with great success for curing a number of diseases. It
was thought that fish fat mixed with honey can be good for contaminated wounds. Honey is
used in case of diseases of the upper respiratory - it is breathed in (sprayed) for 5 minutes
using a 10% solvate with water. In case of a cold honey with milk or tea helps inducing sweat.
Avicenna thought that honey with the crown leaves of roses is good in the initial stage of
tuberculosis. It was said to be especially effective in the morning before mid-day. It is also
recommended to use honey every day in case of heart diseases. In old Creek and Rome honey
was considered a sedative means. Honey is the best friend of stomach. When curing
ulcerations with honey the pains, heartburns and nausea will leave and the consistency of
hemoglobin will increase. The honey is consumed either 1,5-2 hours before eating or 3 hours
after eating - and for that the honey is dissolved in boiled water. The rout of honey particles to
bloodstream and thereafter to the tissues is much faster as a water solvate. Honey is a good
medicine because it can be consumed both by adults and children. It can also be added to
many foods and drinks.
Salt must also be consumed as little as possible. We must not add much of it to potatoes,
porridges, eggs, vegetables and salads. A number of things can be used instead of salt - garlic,
sea kale... But if one still wants to consume it then there is a reason for using PAN salt
developed by Finns. The consistency of this salt has been made much healthier.
There is a lot of literature about vitamins and therefore there is no need to stop at them for
long. However, I have to mention that those vitamins what people write and talk about are just
one part of the big world of vitamins. For example, the biggest number in group B vitamins
that is attainable everywhere and well-known is B-12. Now, research using the internet (for
example Google), if there are other vitamins as well. I found a bunch of them and like B-17
the most and now I am using it constantly (together with apricot seeds). Who like the fact that
they are not commonly known? Maybe some are afraid that the qualities of these vitamins are
too dangerous for the businesses of junk food sellers. However, if we talk about producing
vitamins naturally then nowadays sea buckthorn products have become popular. Sea
buckthorn contains a number of vitamins. Knowledge about it leads back thousands of years
but then it was forgotten for centuries - like many good things.
When composing a diet local climatic conditions, one's own life or nature of the work as well
as age have to be considered.
The level of energy usage is calculated like that: 1Kcal per one kg of body weight per hour.
While sleeping we spend ca 0,93Kcal, while reading 1,5Kcal, calm homework 2-3Kcal,
regular walking 4,2Kcal, fast walking 10Kcal.
1 g of carbohydrates gives 4,1 Kcal
1 g of fat gives 9,3 Kcal
1 g of protein gives 4,3 Kcal
The diet should be made so that each day (according to the need) we have 2000-3000 kcal -
this has to be balanced with energy usage, otherwise fat will accumulate.
But each day a human being has to eat almost 100 g of fat and at least two thirds of it should
be herbal fats (food oils).
Protein is necessary because it takes part in the construction of cells and keeps the nitrogen
balanced. If there are no big loads then we need ca 1,1-1,3 g of protein per one kg of body
Carbohydrates supply the organism with energy. We need about 400-500 g of carbohydrates
(pensioners 300-400 g) each day.
Putting various food together
Human organism contains enzymes that are catalysts at digesting food. There is a special
enzyme for each food type. Protein enzyme only works with protein, carbohydrate enzyme
with carbohydrate etc.
Saliva contains ptyalin that breaks arrowroot into sugar. Therefore one should understand how
important it is to properly chew food like bread, porridge, potatoes etc as the main part of
arrowroot transformation takes part in the mouth.
Gastric juice contains three enzymes: pepsin, which affects protein; lipase, which affects fat;
and renin, which affects milk.
Pepsin only works in acid environments and dissolves in alkali - so we need one environment
to dissolves arrowroot and another for protein.
I rule: protein and arrowroot do not go together. Weak acid dissolves ptyalin and arrowroot
will not dissolve when protein is near. Therefore - we should not eat protein and arrowroot at
the same times. But different proteins may not fit together either. You should not eat meat
with milk, meat with cheese (cheese sausage???), eggs with nuts, cheese with nuts, milk with
nuts, cottage cheese with nuts or meat.
II rule: acids and protein do not go together. For example, you should not eat meat with
tomato sauce or whichever sour sauce with meat. Sour fruits, including medicines-acids
(aspirin etc), ruin the digestive system, and decelerate secretion both in the stomach and in the
mouth. Eat protein and acids at separate times - separate meals. Nuts and cheese make an
exception. Additionally, cottage cheese can be eaten with sour products (apples, lemons,
III rule: fats and protein do not go together. Therefore fat meat is considered a difficult food.
IV rule: sugar and protein do not go together. You have to consider the fact that sugar only
dissolves in the organism; if it stays in the stomach very long it will induce a process of
V rule: arrowroot and fat do not go together. Therefore cakes are considered hard to eat as it
contains an excessive amount of both not mentioning sugar.
VI rule: arrowroot and sugar do not go together. Examples of harmful food: cakes, sweet pies
Milk should be consumed separately. However, sour berries and fruits are suitable with milk.
In practical life it is almost impossible to follow the rules but it is recommended to do as much
as possible. For example, eat different substances with different meals like meat and garnish
should be eaten separately; drink your milk before starting to eat.
But in case of some disease it is recommended to follow all the rules.
About making food
1. Careful washing significantly decreases the vitamin consistency. For example, grain
food loses up to 30% of its vitamins when washed.
2. Do not keep washed vegetables in water - washed, put it into a dry vessel and later
straight to the boiling water.
3. Frozen vegetables should not be melted; they have to be put straight to the boiling
water. If you melt them vitamin C is eliminated.
4. Only boil vegetables in enamel-coated or stainless vessels.
5. Do not allow the water to boil very intensively or the air to circulate i.e. do not lift the
top. Vegetables have to be boiled on a small fire and in a small amount of water or in
steam instead as vitamin B dissolves in water.
6. The food should be boiled as little as possible. Vegetables lose up to 20% and meat up
to 30% of the vitamins when boiled.
7. Meat should be melted before putting it into the water or it will lose a number of
useful substances.
8. Vegetables oils are the most suitable for frying. Keep the oil in a closed bottle because
otherwise vitamin A is eliminated.
The proper way for boiling meat so that the vitamins and enzymes are in place would be:
heat until it boils and boil for 5 minutes,
- take from the stove (covered with a top) and give it 15-20 minutes for "postcooking,"
repeat these phases 1-2 times.
It has to be considered that bouillon is a very tough food. Boiled meat is not considered diet
food with no reason because while boiled toxins, carbamide and other partly poisonous
substances, which survive in bouillon, are eliminated.
Raw juices
Raw juices of fruits and vegetables contain a lot of various vitamins and enzymes, which take
dross and toxins out of the organism (especially fruit juices).
Raw juices are used both for strengthening health and curing a number of diseases.
Let us remember that enzymes (substances with complex construction that make it easier to
digest and accumulate food) are found mainly in raw herbal products. Enzymes are sensitive
towards temperature higher than 47 degrees. At a temperature higher than 49 degrees
enzymes become inert but at 54 degrees most enzymes are destroyed.
Enzymes make our food living, organic. Lack of such food induces various diseases.
Fruits and vegetables consist of a large amount of cellulose/connective tissue, between the
cells of which are located the food elements necessary for us. And exactly those elements,
which are found in fresh raw juice, feed our entire organism.
Fruit juices clean the organism. Vegetable juices are the means for constructing and restoring
the organism. They contain all the amino acids, mineral salts, vitamins needed for human
organism only if they are used as fresh and raw.
One may drink as much juice as possible with a sense of pleasure without forcing oneself.
At curing, to achieve notable results, the every day consumed amount should be at least 600 g.
It has to be considered that the more juice we drink the faster we achieve the needed goals.
The cheapest vegetables are cabbage, carrot and beet. And it shows that juices made of these
vegetables are the most useful and precious.
Cabbage juice
Cabbage juice - an ideal means for cleaning, especially for fat people (those who want to lose
weight should use cabbage juice): cures the wounds in duodenum; is effective in case of
edema and even tumors; also used in case of rashes. A mixture of cabbage and carrot juice is a
wonderful cleaner of the organism, especially in case of infections causing gumboils. If there
form a lot of gases (because of the abnormal state of the organism) after drinking cabbage
juice it is recommended to previously clean the organism by drinking carrot juice every day
during two weeks - and also clean with enema. Maybe these two weeks seem as a torture but
those done it have not regretted a thing.
Cabbage juice is very nutritive (a large amount of enzymes, vitamins, minerals and salts). If
you boil cabbage the qualities of these substances will be destroyed. Fifty kilograms of boiled
or conserved cabbage cannot give such amount of living organic food as only three hundred
grams of fresh cabbage juice.
It has to be mentioned that adding salt to fresh cabbage or its juice (like it is stylish to do for
tomato juice) does not only destroy its value but is even somewhat harmful.
Carrot juice
Carrot juice helps bringing the whole organism to a normal condition. It is the main source for
vitamin A but it also includes notable amounts of vitamins B, C, D, E. The juice improves the
metabolism and the structure of teeth. Carrot juice is one of the means for fighting ulcerations
and cancer structures; is a good helper for improving vision; cures the liver and a number of
skin diseases.
Beetroot juice
This is the most precious juice for the production of red blood cells and generally improving
the consistency of blood. The juice is a great helper for cleaning liver, kidneys and stomach; it
is also used to lower the blood pressure, decreasing the deficiency of the heart and curing
menstrual problems.
Curing with raw juice
The first step in curing the body is conducting declaring absolute cleanness. Whichever
accumulation of unneeded or harmful compounds makes the process of becoming healthy
Before starting to use the juices you have to clean yourself. Who does not know better ways
then here is one fast and effective method:
Drink a glass of Glauber's salt (one table spoon for a glass of water) in the morning before
eating. After some time 3-4 dirt will flow out of you. This of course induces a lack of water in
the organism that has to be restored and for that you need to drink about the same amount: ca
2 liters of fresh juices (best if citrus fruits: 6 grapefruits, three lemons, and rest - oranges).
Dilute these two liters with two liters of water. The drinking has to be started 0,5 hours after
consuming Glauber's salt and continued after every 20 or 30 minutes until 4 liters are
consumed. Do not eat during the day (in the evening either a small amount of grapefruit,
orange or their juice is allowed). Before going to sleep an enema has to be done with two
liters of warm water in which you can add the juice of one or two lemons.
Such cleaning procedure has to be conducted three days in a row. As a result of this your
organism gets rid of 12 liters of toxic lymph, which will be substituted with the same amount
of healthy substances.
As your body is clean now, from the fourth day the curing process will start during which the
below mentioned raw juices will be drunk in the specified amounts. In case of every disease
the first consistency is preferred to the others.
1) carrot and spinach in the relation 10:6
2) carrot, fresh cucumbers, beetroot 10:3:3
3) carrot
(There is a possibility for avoiding the operation - constant enemas after every 15-30 minutes
have given the result.)
1) carrot
2) carrot, celery, parsley, spinach 7:4:2:3
1) carrot, spinach 10:6
2) carrot, celery, parsley, spinach 7:4:2:3
3) carrot, beetroot, celery 8:3:5
1) grapefruit
2) carrot, spinach 10:6
3) celery
4) carrot, celery 9:7
1) carrot, spinach 10:6
2) horseradish with lemon juice (1 lemon for 100 g of horseradish)
3) carrot, celery 9:
4) carrot, Raphanus or radish 11:5
1) carrot
2) carrot and beetroot 13:3 (beetroot with its tops)
1) carrot, spinach 10:6
2) carrot, beetroot, cucumbers 10:3:3
3) carrot
Eye conditions:
1) carrot
2) carrot, spinach 10:6
Gall bladder conditions:
1) carrot
2) carrot, beetroot, cucumbers 10:3:3
Urinary bladder conditions:
1) carrot, beetroot, cucumbers 10:3:3
2) carrot, spinach 10:6
Liver disease:
1) carrot, beetroot, cucumbers 10:3:3
2) carrot, spinach 10:6
3) carrot
Sex organs disease:
1) carrot, spinach 10:6
2) carrot, beetroot, cucumbers 10:3:3
Kidney disease:
1) carrot, beetroot, cucumbers 10:3:3
2) carrot, spinach 10:6
Prostate gland disease:
1) lemon
2) carrot, beetroot, cucumbers 10:3:3
3) carrot, spinach 10:6
1) carrot, spinach 10:6
2) carrot, celery, parsley, spinach 7:4:2:3
Heart disease:
1) carrot, spinach 10:6
2) carrot, beetroot, cucumbers 10:3:3
1) carrot, spinach 10:6
2) carrot, beetroot, cucumbers 10:3:3
1) carrot, spinach 10:6
2) carrot
3) carrot, beetroot, cucumbers 10:3:3
Gouty arthritis:
1) carrot, spinach 10:6
2) carrot, beetroot, cucumbers 10:3:3
Breaking teeth:
1) carrot, spinach 10:6
2) carrot, dandelion, turnip 11:3:2
3) carrot
During the curing period ca two weeks you should eat as little as possible and mainly herbal
Curing with lemon juice
The main cause behind such illnesses as chronic rheumatism, gouty arthritis, obesity, gall
bladder and kidney stones, conditions of hair and skin is the poisoning of the organism with
uric acid, which is caused by the unbalanced consumption of non-quality food. The excretion
of uric acid goes in several ways:
1) With such diets, which are free of uric acid (without products that contain this and
other similar poisons: meat, eggs, mushrooms, coffee, tea and cocoa).
2) Water treatment.
3) With the help of lemon juice.
Curing method with lemon juice does not demand a strict diet. However, to hasten the
treatment it is still recommended that the patient avoids food products and alcoholic drinks
that contain uric acid.
It is needed to use fresh lemon juice for the treatment whereby one should prefer lemons that
have a subtle cell and a lot of juice. Every time a fresh fruit should be used (fresh lemon juice
dissolves fast and therefore there is no need to make it in advance). While making the juice, a
cleaned lemon is cut in half and after that both sides are squeezed empty either with hands or
using a special device.
As pure lemon juice makes the teeth gentle it is recommended to drink this juice from a glass
through a straw. However, after consuming the portion the mouth has to be rinsed with a
water solution of cooking soda (1 tea spoon of soda for a glass of water) - this neutralizes the
citric acid left in your mouth.
Lemon juice has to be drunk pure without adding water, sugar or anything else. Also, the juice
has to be consumed before eating or one hour after eating.
The amount of lemons that is necessary for becoming healthy depends on how far your
disease has developed. In some cases the process goes faster and therefore the need for
lemons is smaller. However, if your disease is developed the treatment might last long and
take a lot of lemons (not less than 200).
The treatment is started from one or five lemons every day increasing the portion until you
become healthy. Then, during a couple of days the biggest amount is consumed and after that
the amount is decreased every day. For curing chronic diseases: first day -1 lemon; day 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - accordingly 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 lemons; day 10, 11, 12 - every day 18
lemons; day 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 - accordingly 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 lemons; 21st
day - 1 lemon. Therefore - 200 lemons within 21 days.
An alternative scheme can be used: day 1, 2, 3, 4 - accordingly 5, 10, 15, 20 lemons; day 5, 6,
7, 8 - every day 25 lemons; day 9, 10, 11, 12 - accordingly 20, 15, 10, 5 lemons.
In case of a severe chronic illness the symptoms of the disease can reappear after the curing
cycle. In such case another, shorter cycle should be done: day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - accordingly 1, 2, 3,
4, 5 lemons; day 6, 7, 8, 9 - accordingly 4, 3, 2, 1 lemons.
Consuming this big amount of lemon juice is not by any means dangerous to the stomach but
on the contrary - useful.
Cleaning joints and vessels
Taking salts out of the joints
During several weeks drink whortleberry leaf impression instead of regular tea.
Another effective method is using rice. Take four little jars (100-200 ml). On the first day put
1-2 table spoons of rice with water into the first jar, on the second day do the same thing with
the second jar and change the water in the first jar. On the third day fill the third jar and
change the water in the first two. On the fourth day fill the last jar and change the water in the
first three jars. On the fifth day change the water in all four jars and boil porridge from the
content of the first jar. Eat it as breakfast without sugar or salt and fill the jar with rice again.
On the sixth day boil porridge from the content of the second jar, fill it with rice again and put
it to the end of the line etc.
You must not eat or drink anything 4 hours after eating the porridge.
The whole procedure lasts 40 days and during that time you should not eat salty, spicy or fried
On the second half of the day eat like regularly but try to drink as much water (with small sips)
as possible between the meals.
Taking accumulated salts out of the vessels (including the brain):
Clean 300 g of garlic and crush it with a mixer or a meat grinder or... Of course all bacteria
have been killed in the device previously by pouring it over with boiling water. Put 200 g of
the porridge (mostly juice) into some jar-bottle and pour it over with 200 g of spirit (made
from food products). Let it stay in a closed vessel for 10 days in a dark room (or dark vessel).
Drain through double cheesecloth and let it stay another 3 days in some warm closet.
Consume 0,5 hours before eating with cold milk (30-50 g at once).
Pour the tincture into milk. The number of drops as follows:
The first day: breakfast - 1 drop, lunch - 2 drops, dinner - 3 drops.
The second day: breakfast - 4 drops, lunch - 5 drops, dinner - 6 drops.
The third day: breakfast - 7 drops, lunch - 8 drops, dinner - 9 drops.
The fourth day: breakfast - 10 drops, lunch - 11 drops, dinner - 12 drops.
The fifth day: breakfast - 13 drops, lunch - 14 drops, dinner - 15 drops.
From the sixth to the tenth day the number of drops is decreased analogically from 15 drops
1 drop.
Starting from the 1 1th day drink 25 drops in the morning, afternoon and evening and continue
until (about 3 months) the tincture runs out.
It can be repeated only after 5 years.
This method is effective in curing brain sclerosis.
Apple vinegar
Regular white food vinegar is actually dangerous for a human being. It destroys red blood
cells and induces anemia. Additionally, white vinegar ruins the digestive process, makes it
slower and prevents the assimilation of food.
Vinegar, which is got by fermentation of wine, contains approximately 3-9% acetic acid but
that is enough for causing cirrhosis or some other disease, which is characterized by
decomposing living cells.
However, vinegar that is got using living apples is very healthy because it contains
organic apple acid, which in turn makes it easier to digest food.
Acid, which is in apple vinegar, is a very precious constructive element, which unites with
basics and minerals in the organism. It forms an energetic reserve in the form of glycogen.
Glycogen makes the blood thicker, helps restoring the menstrual cycle, improves the
condition of blood vessels and stimulates the formation of red blood cells.
Apple vinegar contains an extreme amount of potassium - a substance, which is absolutely
necessary for the organism to attain and hold a certain level of energy but also for recovering
the nervous system.
Apple vinegar has amazing antiseptic qualities. By applying it directly to the skin we can get
help in case of many skin diseases. This vinegar is also often used for curing varicose veins.
For that you have to apply apple vinegar to damaged spots in the evening and in the morning.
At the same time you have to drink 2-3 cups/glasses of water with 2 tea spoons of apple
It is useful to remember that our feeling and entire life depends on the condition of blood that
is processed in bone marrow and circulates all through the body. A complete rejuvenation of
blood takes place systematically after every 28 days and disturbing this cycle has a very
negative effect on our health. To make the process of blood formation work effectively it is
recommended to constantly use not only juices of fruits and vegetables but also quality apple
Everyday consumption - 2 spoons of vinegar for a cup of water (2-3 times a day if needed).
Has a positive effect: excessive menstruation, bleeding hemorrhoids, nose-bleeds and for
other bleeding wounds.
Apple vinegar also helps getting rid of hypertension. A lack of salt acid in internal organs
worsens the digestion of protein, which in turn raises blood pressure. To fight it we have to
take 1 to 3 tea spoons of apple vinegar before eating. And as a result the blood pressure will
decrease notably.
The curing qualities of apple vinegar were known to people already a long time ago. For
example, Roman legionaries drank water mixed with apple vinegar during their campaigns.
This drink was good for fighting thirst under the hot sun and also a good prophylaxis in
avoiding infectious diseases. Apple vinegar was also known in old Egypt - it was a
compulsory medicine in the bag of an old Egyptian healer. Egyptians washed wounds with it,
drank it in case of infections and used it widely for culinary purposes. The famous ruler of
Egypt known for her beauty and foxiness, Cleopatra, considered apple vinegar the source for
health and beauty. During great feasts she did not restrain herself at eating, trying and valuing
all foods, but after the feast slaves brought a crystal vessel, which was filled with apple
vinegar diluted with water.
So what is it so precious about this apple vinegar that it has deserved the interest and respect
of so many nations for such a long time? Of course - its unique curing qualities and wonderful
Let's start from the fact that all the good and useful qualities of apples cross over to the
vinegar practically without losses. I guess there is no need to write how useful apples are. The
English have a proverb: "One apple a day keeps the doctor away." Apple vinegar contains 20
most important minerals and microelements, acetic acid, lactic acid, apple acid, and lemon
acid. It also contains valuable ballast substances, a big amount of ferments and amino acids.
A big part in curing the organism is played by pectin - a ballast substance found in acetic acid,
which improves the digestion of food and fills a whole row of functions important for our
organism: decreases the level of cholesterol in our blood, improves the condition of blood
vessels, keeps atherosclerosis and hypertension away etc. Apple vinegar also contains vitamin
E, which is considered one of the strongest antioxidants i.e. it neutralizes the negative effect
of free radicals on the organism. Free radicals may cause premature aging, defects of the
immune system, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
The national dishes of many countries have started to use apple vinegar instead of regular
vinegar for flavoring food because it activates the digestive process, stimulates the production
of gastric juices and the synthesis of a number of ferments. It also improves the
decomposition of fats and removing dross from the organism with effective results - LOSING
Everyday prophylactic (and weight losing) health drink - 1 tea spoon of apple vinegar for a
cup of water and 2 tea spoons of honey. Those who think that the mixture is too weak can use
a table spoon instead of tea spoon. Take this ca 20 minutes after lunch.
The electrotherapy of yogis
Using an ebonite plate or an amber plate - plate, which diameter is 110 mm and thickness 8-
10 mm - patients with surgical, therapeutic, infection or nervous conditions can be cured. The
above mentioned measurements are comfortable but not compulsory.
The nature of the method: by gently rubbing the skin for 15 minutes with an ebonite (amber)
plate we transfer supplementary non-plasma electric energy to the organism.
Polished ebonite plate
During the process the negative units of static electricity create a bio flow of 5-10 amps in the
organism, which in turn will stimulate the functions of cells and the whole organism. Average
curing cycle lasts 10 days. It can be repeated if needed. You can do the rubbing yourself but if
possible use the help of another person. Using the help of another person you have to consider
that the electricity goes through both bodies positively affecting them.
For better use of the plate a small handle can be attached to one of the sides. To keep the plate
"fresh" it has to be occasionally washed with hot water and soap. Do not hold it near light as
ebonite ages.
Curing method: during 15 minutes slowly rub your body with the plate (one move or circle
per second) without pressing it not to cause unpleasant senses. If such senses do appear stop
the procedure. All procedures end by putting the plate passively onto an ill spot. For example:
- in case of a backache tie the plate onto the spine where it hurts for the night
- in case of arthritis put it onto the point most painful for the night
- in case of a bone fracture - onto the fracture
- in case of an accumulation of salts, osteochondrosis - tie it onto the joint most
- in case of flu and respiratory illnesses - onto the chest or scapula
A 15-minute procedure goes as follows:
a) In case of a backache make circles on the painful spot near the spine but put the left hand
onto your stomach. If the plate does not slide well you can put some talc onto the skin. Curing
lasts 10 procedures, although it might have an effect already after the first.
b) In case of inflammations of the veins on the feet tie the plate onto the painful spot. During
the day one may or to be more exact should rub the whole foot or even body with circular
movements. For example, the calf is painful - the helper rubs (with right arm) the thigh above
knees but the patient grabs the toes of the painful foot with the left arm to form a closed
c) In case of pneumonia or a catarrh of the upper respiratory the helper will rub the patient's
back with circular movements put the left hand is under the chest.
d) One can cure flu by rubbing the face with circular clockwise movements. In such case there
are TWO 15-minute procedures every day. Other conditions related to the head - tooth ache,
headache, hypertension phase I-II... the rubbing is done once a day for 15 minutes.
As we are talking about massage I should bring out some recommendations from the medical
wisdom of one other eastern country. And this country is Vietnam where almost all home
pharmacies contain one effective and cheap balsam. Its industrial name from last decades is
Our pharmacies have sold the balsam for as long as I remember but during time the manual
with it has become shorter and shorter and people do not know how to use it correctly
anymore. Now we even have a situation where new western medicine with its powerful
adverts have started forcefully eliminating it as a result of which it is almost impossible to find
in some pharmacies (at least in Tallinn) - although I think it's pointless.
Vietnamese balsam "Golden Star" has been so far sold in most of the pharmacies and maybe it
will continue like that. The manual with it shortly says that the balsam can be used in case of
flu or seasickness; it eliminates headache and tiredness and it has to be applied to the front
and back part of the head. Sometimes it also says that it can be applied to bug bites and that's
about it. However, if we would research how Vietnamese themselves use the balsam then we
would find that it is used very widely. Practically said, there is no family in Vietnam that does
not have balsam "Golden Star."
What would the head of Ho-Shi-Minh Institute of Traditional Medicine Bui Tji Hibu, who was
one of the developers of this balsam decades ago, say about it.
The ingredients of the balsam are the results of long-term experiments and research. Four main
components have been identified in strict proportions - cinnamon, eucalypt, clove and mint
oils, which in such co-existence have an extraordinary effect on the organism. With this
balsam you can successfully cure flu, angina, backache, rhinitis, chest pains and ear pains. In
case of rashes the lotion loses the itching and also helps in case of toothaches.
Such wide usage area of "Golden Star" can be explained by the old curing postulate of eastern
countries. According to that, with the defective work of whichever organ, will form a lack of
blood supply, which in turn will create the sense of pain. An old Vietnamese proverb says:
"Health - it is the silence of organs." And if some organ has started to speak by signaling pain
then there the doctor, following traditional eastern medicine, starts to cure by affecting certain
points on the body (but they are all linked), which open the way for blood and lymph. Usually
acupuncture is used. However, it is not available (at least in our country) for all people.
Thereby, rubbing "Golden Star" to you through massage is possible for all. And this
procedure, like acupuncture, eliminates pain and tension as well as improves the blood flow.
Therefore this institute has developed special schemes for using the balsam for various
problems in addition to the ingredients. The balsam is used on very strictly identified points on
human body - here we will bring out 40 of them.
One has to do it like that: Take some of the balsam onto the tip of your finger and rub a gentle
layer of it to the skin slightly pushing and making clockwise circles. On those schemes the
points are guesstimate - you will feel the correct point when rubbing (usually it is slightly
painful or a tougher spot).
The history of "Health balls" reaches back centuries as they were first mentioned in the
beginning of Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Back then the city of Baoding started producing
steel balls, which are nowadays not only known in China but in many countries of the world.
Thanks to their different sound - one higher, the other one lower - people started to call them
the pair of "Roaring Dragon and Singing Phoenix." Often the impressions of these
mythological animals have been transferred to the enamel-coated or polished surface of the
balls. At first the balls were only used by a selected group of people for developing strength
and hand skills or eliminating the consequences of traumas. It was believed that with these
balls one can exercise supernatural abilities, concentrate attention and increase the energy
level of the organism.
Soon the balls became very popular. The exercises gave strength to the hands and legerity to
the mind for young people, for old people they helped getting rid of limb stiffness and even
digestive problems. Exercises with balls improve blood circulation, normalize the blood
pressure, remove cramps in hand muscles.
If you do the exercises on regular basis it helps keeping your mind clear and memory good,
dealing with tiredness and stress and avoiding unnecessary stress.
The exercises can be done at a random free moment wherever you want, regardless of age,
gender, skin color or health.
Their curing effect, according to the viewpoints of traditional Chinese medicine, is that there
are active points on fingers and palms by affecting which we can positively stimulate heart,
blood vessels and intestines. Modern medicine also accepts the tight connection between
hands and the nervous system as well as its direct effect on internal organs.
By their effectiveness the exercises with balls can be categorized under the best, simplest and
cheapest means that promote active aging and high work capacity. The balls have a certain
advantage in front of other medicaments - they are absolutely safe and do not have any side
General instructions:
You do not have to conduct any circus stunts for curing exercises - the simplest exercises are
also useful: roll the balls between your palms, on top of them, clockwise and anticlockwise.
Do the exercises on regular basis, not less than 10 minutes a day and step-by-step increase the
load. Change hands - use both hands equally.
Swap between exercises with rolling movements and pressure exercises. Avoid pain. Do not
strain the muscles not involved in the exercise or do any unnecessary movements.
Try not to watch the balls during the exercise, feel them.
If at first the balls tend to fall often then try to use not enamel-coated ones or exercise above
some soft spot.
After the exercise wipe the balls with a dry cloth and keep them in a dry place.
1. Energizing exercise "Coal on you palm" - dandle the ball constantly on your palm and
thereby the points in your palm will be massaged. (Fig. 1)
2. "Rubbing the peanut" (press with maximal pressure; relax without putting the balls away).
The ball is in the center of the left palm - put the center of the right palm onto the ball. Press
onto the ball with both palms like trying to crush it. It is also useful to roll the balls between
your palms under pressure by moving the palms in contrary directions. Notice how the balls
can get hot quite fast thanks to which you can use them for massaging painful spots.(Fig.2)
onto it very tightly so that you will get the feeling of stretching and breaking. (Fig. 3)
4. "Dragon claws are crushing the pearl" - take the ball between the tips of your fingers: all
five fingers are pushing the surface of the ball like shaping it. (Fig. 4)
5. "Monkey is grabbing the peach" - press the ball located in the center of your palm using
your full hand. (Fig. 5)
6. "Closing and opening" - the ball is in the center of your palm: roll it using your thumb from
the little finger to index finger, using the index finger roll it back to the original spot and
continue without interruption. For opening do the same thing but the movement back is done
with the help of the little finger. (Fig. 6)
7. "Spinning two balls" - do the "closing" part with two balls. (Fig. 7)
8. "Two-ball jumps" - take two balls: with the help of the bottom part of the thumb push the
closest ball towards the center of the palm, the palm will clinch. Using other fingers press the
second ball to opposite direction. Balls will change places; your palm will stretch out. Do this
without interruption. (Fig. 8)
9. "Spinning horizontally" - take two balls: with your thumb push the closest ball towards the
little finger, with your little finger push the other ball to opposite direction. The movement is
both clockwise and anticlockwise. The exercise has to be done under different angles. (Fig.9)
10. "Stork is clapping its beak" - one ball is located between the stretched index finger and
middle finger; put the second ball between the thumb and the index finger. Slightly hit the
balls against one another like clapping castanets. (Fig. 12)
11. "Dragon is playing with a pearl" - the ball is between the little and ring finger of the right
hand; then roll the ball with the help of the middle finger between the middle and ring finger.
Lengthen the movement by firstly moving the index finger from left to right and then the
thumb. The ball does not touch the palm. (Fig. 13, 14, 15)
12. If you happen to have two sets of balls then you can do "Horizontal spin" from exercise 9
with three balls. (Sketch 10)
13. "Magic pyramid" - three balls, put the fourth one on top of them, form a pyramid. Spin the
three balls; the fourth one will also start spinning. However, if there is even a slight
inaccuracy the pyramid will fall apart. (Fig. 11)
Yin-yang conception
The basis of old Chinese medicine is the teaching of two opposite sides - yin and yang.
According to this teaching: "Energy of the sky - it is the basis of life. This energy is nothing
else than yin and yang that give birth to all substances and objects."
A random whole (being, state etc) consists of two opposite foundations - yin and yang, which
compete and at the same time complete each other.
So yin is considered to be all dark, cold, weak sides (night, winter etc), but yang contains the
opposite (summer, day etc). Yin - black, short, thin, tears, woman, earth, moon, weak, heavy;
yang - white, long, fat, laugh, man, sky, sun, strong, light. Thereby yin and yang cannot exist
isolated from each other. The relation goes like this:
At this point I should write a bit about the shape that is visible on the surface of the ball
black spot on white background and white spot on black background:
• They try to repress each other.
• Both beginnings are tightly linked to each other and capable from transforming into
the other: "Yin consists of yang, yang consists of yin."
• Through fighting and transformation yin and yang create the source of development
and transformation for all that exists.
• Disturbing the harmony between yin and yang induces a disturbance in movement and
Yin and yang are in a constant state of competing, they limit each other. If one side dominates
then the other side develops a deficiency and the opposite. It is written in "Su Ven" that yin
fights inside while yang induces external changes as yin manages the internal environment but
yang external expressions. If yin and yang are in opposition both in the bottom and top then
we get the expressions of emptiness and fulfillment whereby yin and yang "substitute each
other." The constant fight between yin and yang, the attempt to eliminate one another, is the
force that creates development and changes.
Like polar oppositions yin and yang depend on each other: yang means the one on top, yin the
one in the bottom (without the one on top there cannot be the one in the bottom etc); yang is
the left side of your body, yin the right side (without the right side there is no left etc); yang is
heat, yin is cold (without heat there is no cold etc); yang is fulfillment, yin is deficiency
(without fulfillment there is no deficiency etc). Yin and yang are the basis of formation for
one another i.e. they induce one another: yin cannot create itself because it needs yang and the
other way around.
In human organism yin means the material ingredients of the body and yang its functions.
Bodily functions are yang but food is yin: yin is preserved inside us and yang is the material
foundation but yang works as the implication of yin activity.
Yin and yang are never in a calm state; they constantly change and supplement each other. If
yang pulls back then yin increases, if yin pulls back then yang increases.
In traditional Chinese medicine it is thought that organs (yang) function on the account of
consumed food (yin). At that point yang increases and yin weakens. At the same time the
digestion of the food (yin) takes place, which needs a certain amount of energy (yang). In that
case yin increases and yang weakens. In normal conditions those processes are balanced. If
the weakening or strengthening of one side exceeds certain limits then balance can be lost and
one side - yin or yang - can remain stronger, which in turn induces some sort of pathological
Yin can transform into yang and yang into yin and if the processes of increase and decrease
are in quantitative change then this process of changes is a change of quality. It is written in
book "Su Ven": "If yin reaches maximum then it changes into yang and the other way
around." However, yin cannot change if it does not already contain some part of yang i.e. for
the change to take place there has to be some amount of the opposite side present. This is
symbolized by the black spot on white background and white spot on black background.
The most important task of human organism is guaranteeing the balance of yin and yang, their
total harmony. Therefore the main goal of eastern medicine is restoring the balance of yin and
The scent of valerian does not only invite cats but mice and rats as well. Well... animal
organism senses its curing power.
Curing methods: valerian drops have to be clean - not on the basis of ether but on the basis of
spirit without any additional heart medicines. The method is extremely simple - you just have
to smell (not breathe in) valerian drops - 1-2 times with both nostrils. According to individual
experience every person can identify the needed dosage. If you have a headache on the
following day then the dosage was too big and has to be decreased. But the decrease takes
place by making the breaths shallower not by changing their number. Later gradually start
taking deeper breaths.
What does this method give:
within 3-4 months human organism will become healthy;
pains and uncomfortable feelings in chest area will stop; the
nervous system will become stronger; - the spasms in brain
vessels will decrease; your vision will improve; insomnia will
go away.
Notable improvement in health is already visible after a couple of weeks of smelling valerian.
fight against falling asleep can induce problems in the nervous system.
Curing method with vegetable oil
This method can cure a number of diseases without consuming medicines. At the same time it
can be used for prophylactic purposes. A severe illness can be cured very quickly: within 3-4
days. The treatment of old, chronic ones can be long, sometimes even years. With this method
you can get rid of the following illnesses: head- and toothaches, thrombosis, blood diseases,
paralyzes, backache, eczema, epilepsy, edema; diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, heart,
lungs and genitals; encephalitis and others. This method cures the whole organism and at the
same time stops and even removes small tumors and strokes.
The method is extremely easy, absolutely harmless, effective and has been checked and used
for curing various diseases through thousands of years. The temporary feeling of being
healthy in the beginning of the treatment is an indication of the fact that your organism
contains some disease sources that have started to disappear.
Curing method: vegetable oil (best if from your living area, pressed cold and with minimal
cleanse) in the amount of not more than a table spoon-full that is taken into your mouth and
compiled in the front part of it. After that the oil is "sucked" (like a candy) but do not swallow
anything. This "sucking" is done lightly and freely for 15-20 minutes. At first the oil seems
thick in the saliva but slowly it will start turning into a liquid, finally transforming into a
similar substance to water. Then spit it all out. The liquid that you spit out has to be white
(like milk). If the liquid is yellow then the "sucking" was too short and the period should be
lengthened. After sucking carefully rinse your mouth and that liquid should also be spitted out
as it is poisonous and infectious.
This procedure should be done once a day - best if in the morning on empty stomach but in
the evening before going to sleep is also possible. But if you need to hasten the curing process
then the procedure can be repeated more often.
The liquid that you spit out contains an excessive amount of various pathogens. During
sucking this, the capacity of your organism for activating processes, regulating metabolism
increases and you will become healthy. Repeat the procedure until your organism starts
feeling energetic and powerful and you have a calm as well as deep sleep. After waking up
you should not have bags under your eyes, you should have a good appetite and memory -
you should feel rested.
I will mention one more time that with this method during some periods the illness can get
worse especially for people who have "a bunch" of illnesses. If the sources start deteriorating
then the patient will feel worse. Such cases when a person feels quite alright but actually
already has a source of illness inside and starts feeling worse after starting the treatment are
not rare. This actually means that the source was reached on time and later it could have
become a deadly disease. And now it is important that even during those periods the treatment
should not be stopped - even when you are lying in the bed suffering from a fever.
In case of a severe backache the oil should be sucked almost CONSTANTLY and the person
is on feet after only three days and in most cases the ache will not be back for at least ten
Of course one can make forced breaks in the treatment but you should consider that the curing
takes place starting from the moment when you took oil into your mouth and started
Some more about vegetable oils
Certainly all are already familiar with materials and recommendations for healthy food, diets
etc where it is told to avoid fat and use vegetable oils. And that is about it - people do not
write why it is necessary.
60 per cent of human brain consists of FAT and this is a notably higher concentration than in
other parts of the body. Ironic is the fact that people do not know this and therefore try to
eliminate all the fats from the food but to keep the brain working properly it needs a certain
amount of fats. The only question is - which kind of fats?
Most fats come in the form of fat acids. They are divided into saturated and unsaturated. We
are not interested of saturated fat acids; our organism does not need them. Unsaturated fat
acids are in turn divided into monounsaturated fat acids and polyunsaturated fat acids.
This last group contains two indispensable fat acids - alpha linolenic acid, which is called
"Omega-3" in practice and gamma linolenic acid, which is called "Omega-6" in practice.
And they are called indispensable because at the current level of science it has been identified
that human body is not capable of producing those fat acids but all the other fat acids needed
for the organism are formed on the basis of those.
The oil choice in stores is seemingly large. People buy according to their taste, wallet or the
recommendations of friends (as well as advertisements). Only one food oil is missing. THE
MOST HEALTHY food oil from the health point of view. And this is nothing else than
LINSEED OIL. It is produced and widely used... but mainly for wrong purposes. Linseed
oil is got from linseeds and it belongs to the category of fast drying fats as it quickly
polymerizes near air oxygen. And our people can use only this one quality - therefore linseed
oil can be found in paints but not in the food of humans.
But as a food oil linseed oil is an absolute leader among food oils by biological value. It is
the best source for polyunsaturated fat acids. It contains twice the amount of unsaturated fat
acids of cod-liver oil. The consistency of linolenic acids (50-70%) and vitamin E (50 mg/100
g) is especially big. Linseed oil has a specific sour taste. The importance of Omega 3 and
Omega 6
Linolenic acids guarantee the flow of energy, which is necessary for transferring signals from
cell to cell. If we hasten the movement of signals we can think better and faster, store
information in the brain, and if necessary find this information. This group of fat acids is also
necessary for a child developing in mother's womb. The baby has a significantly decreased
learning ability if the diet of the mother did not contain enough linolenic acids, especially
Omega 3. This acid is also necessary for eye retina but also for the modern "illness" - stress.
Using linseed oil
If you have once opened the bottle then keep it in the fridge and use within less than
Prophylactic dosage is only 1 tablespoon-full a day. Curing dosage - 2 tablespoons and it can
be added to all COLD foods.
The qualities and usage of linseed oil:
• Increases the flexibility of eye parts, prevents the eye blood vessels from closing,
improves microcirculation, prevents vessel spasms.
• Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
• Prevents thrombosis from forming.
• Generally energizing substance for the young and the old.
• For pregnant women it should be compulsory to guarantee healthy offspring (the
normal development of the brain and the eyes of the fetus), reduces stress.
• For prophylaxis in the complex treatment of cardiovascular diseases: various sorts of
atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, irregular heart beats, varixes etc.
• Normalizes the work of digestive organs (problems with gastritis, colitis and
• Improves the functioning of the liver.
• In prophylaxis for illnesses of the thyroid gland.
• For help and prophylaxis in the treatment of cancer.
• To reduce the level of cholesterol and tri-glycerin.
• In folk medicine used for Lamblia, heartburns and various wounds.
• For improving the state of hair and skin.
• For losing weight.
Linseed oil is not recommended:
• in case of an allergy against it;
• in case of acute or severe chronic inflammations of the gallbladder;
• in case of bleedings;
1. You have to keep in mind that the curing effect of linseed oil becomes
visible slowly and you have to use it on daily basis.
2. Once more: when opened to not use more than one month.
3. In case of diabetes one should consult the doctor whether it is necessary to
take vitamin E.
Another strong oxidant that is used at home is potassium permanganate. It is a dark purple
crystal substance that is sold in pharmacies. It does not dissolve very well in water. Its light
purple solvate is used for washing the newborn and it can also be used for washing the
wounds of grownups. The solvate has to be pink as purple solvate turns the skin brown. Very
good helper in case of long term diarrhea. Make 100 ml of pink (a grain or two into the water
and mix) solvate with cold water. Before drinking pour the water to another vessel as the
grains should not end up in your organism - they can make a hole there. Drink 100 ml of pink
water in the evening and also in the morning and your stomach should be alright.
Finally one more curing method
All of you who have been able to teach your children (and grandchildren) without physically
punishing them and only using words have certainly attained the perfect ability of flattering
and dispraising. What follows should not be hard for you by any means.
This curing method is based on using the potentials hidden in our organism as the organism
really "thinks" on cell level.
Every cell or a cell group with similar functions has an independent bio field that
subconsciously leads the work of the organ.
A disease - it is the result of an unbalanced "thinking" in the cell when it gets wrong
commands from the "central apparatus" located above. Or maybe it is getting the correct
commands but just does not understand them.
Thereby if we force our cell to "think" correctly then the organ will be cured. In case of
correct use this curing method is fast and effective.
The method is based on the following understandings:
1. The command to the cells for normalizing their work is given with thought - actually
with a bioenergetic flow, which is then modeled with a corresponding thought.
2. Hands are used to give a signal and energetic push to the cell to make it think. This
is attained either by petting or gently slapping the ill spot.
3. Cell "thinking" is by its level similar to the thinking of an undeveloped child and
you have to consider it when turning to an organ. Our demands have to be expressed
firmly and clearly - like we were communicating with our capricious but still loved
child who has not fulfilled the demands. Of course cells cannot understand words.
They understand only visual or abstract patterns if we imagine normal functioning.
But words make it easier to form a thought and therefore symbolize a thought. And
in case of this treatment we need to concentrate all our attention to delivering a
thought of command to an organ by illustratively picturing the ill organ and
contacting it.
4. Organs greatly differ by the level of their thought development and suggestibility.
The most sensitive and wise one is the heart. It has to be turned to gently. It quickly
takes the command from central thinking. Digestive system - this is very patient and
obedient. Liver however is the exact opposite - its stupid and with inert thought.
Those individual differences have to be considered when curing the organism with
thought power.
5. Every day you should cure for 5-10 minutes and continue like that for 1-4 weeks
depending on the organ, its state and the nature of the illness but also on the
psychological state of your mind - the belief in a positive outcome. The positive
outcome will be visible after 1-4 weeks of treatment.
Before starting the treatment the diagnosis should be made by a professional - and you are not
Treatment should be done in a comfortable pose, relaxed, eyes closed.
Concentrate your attention on the sick organ and put your hand where the organ is located, pet
the skin and slightly tap with your finger tips. After you have the attention of the organ show
the cell "thinking" what you want of it. Talk to the organ like talking to a kid, who does not
fulfill duties. Discuss the subject, give commands. The thought command is given like that:
"Organ thinking (name the organ you are talking to) you are not behaving well, you act like a
spoiled kid. You know that you must not act like this and you will change your attitude (here
you have to list the demands). You must change yourself and you will! You have to restore
normal functioning. Thought, you are responsible for this organ and I will take it for granted
that henceforth you will exactly fulfill your functional duties."
The commands look something like that. Once you think it through you will quickly attain the
art of giving correct commands.
For curing whichever disease it is first of all recommended to treat the stomach as the
formation of many diseases is related to the state of this organ. Healthy stomach automatically
improves the state of other organs, most importantly the intestines. Once the stomach is cured,
turn to other organs.
STOMACH: Most diseases are related to wrong diet which leads to bad digestion and other
unhealthy situations.
The following method is used for curing the stomach:
The patient is standing straight or lying on the back. First of all slightly tap the stomach area
and say: "Thought, wake up!" The put the palm of your hand onto the stomach and say: "Well,
thought of the stomach, I wish you would wake up now and start taking care of this organ.
You have done wrong, you have not fulfilled your duties carefully enough and now I demand
correct attitude for the organ to become strong, healthy and functional. I demand you to work
like you should and you are obligated to follow the work of the stomach. You have to see that
food is digested properly and the whole body fed. You have to eliminate all ignorance and
piling of food and follow that a healthy organ acts lively and energetically while doing its job."
The words can be changed but you have to show the organ exactly what you mean. LIVER:
The treatment goes similarly to stomach. However - liver does not understand well and has to
be turned to positively but strictly as with a stubborn donkey. You cannot affect the liver by
being gentle, it has to be forced. Give instructions to the liver for proper activity, for excreting
enough gastric fluid, but not more, let the fluid drip freely and fulfill its duties etc.
CONSTIPATION: Start by treating the liver. Then move your hand clockwise along the
organs adding words: "Wake up thought of organs, fulfill your duties, move naturally and
freely like you are supposed to." Sometimes constipation is caused by a tight anus. In such
case put your hand to the spot (or through clothes), slightly press it to get attention and say:
"Take it easy or you will cause confusion. Let the movement be free and natural."
DIARRHEA: Similar to treating constipation i.e. stimulate the same organs but in opposite
form. Tell the organs to calm down but the liver to act like it should. Hand movements on the
stomach should be aimed upwards (anticlockwise) to calm the organs.
KIDNEYS: Treat like liver. Quickly and slightly tap the point where kidneys are located with
your finger tips and tell them to fulfill their duties correctly and naturally. In case of excess
urine tell the kidneys and urinary bladder to limit their activity and slightly decrease urinating.
If you wake up three times during the night give the command to reduce it to two etc and
finally there is no need for waking up.
The procedure has to be continued every day 5-10 minutes during one month. For curing
excess urine push your hands upwards from kidney area. Imagine yourself stopping the flow.
RHEUMATISM: First of all cure the kidneys. The kidney "thought" is told to remove all dirt
and urinary acid that is causing the illness from the organism. At the same time you have to
treat the body parts affected by rheumatism and turn to them with the command to throw out
urinary acid and get healthy for the problems to go away. Sometimes you can treat it like
HEART: It is the wisest organ only superseded by the brain. The heart gladly follows gentle
instructions; it is very sedate and gentle. If your heartbeat is strong and irregular put your
hand onto it and kindly say: "Calm down heart thought, calm down (3 times), work correctly
and calmly" etc. You will notice that your heartbeat slowly becomes calm and steady.
NERVES: For curing nerve conditions you have to first treat stomach and liver. Only then
start curing the spinal nerves by giving the correct instructions.
MAKING THE BLOOD CIRCULATION EVEN: Done with the help of bioenergetic blasts
i.e. moving your hands quickly from the head towards the legs. At that point you have to talk
to the thought of arteries: "Flow freely and evenly, calmly and constantly, flow, move, flow."
Making the blood circulation even is useful at treating practically all organs as it supports
restoring their activity.
HEADACHES: First treat the stomach, then make the blood circulation even and then start
local head treatment. At that point tell the nerve cells in your brain: "Well, calm down, cease,
calm down, cease" etc.
GYNECOLOGICAL DISEASES: First of all treat the stomach, and then local treatment
follows. Put your hands onto the bottom part of the stomach and tell it: "Give force, health, do
the correct thing" etc. If the uterus is falling out tell it: "Hold on, be strong, strong, strong" etc.
Beautiful body for all women
There is no such woman who would not want to be EVEN prettier. In the name of
beauty they are capable of going through diets, torturing themselves with all kinds of
physical jumping-pouncing exercises, eating (often harmful) various chemical
compounds meant for diet and god knows what else however natural they are called on
the paper. Even if they have some effect it is usually short-term or when used constantly
empties the family budget.
Those, who have read the first part of this book carefully have certainly noticed the term
- diaphragm breathing. Here I want to point out separately what a great force
diaphragm breathing has. And the breathing is FREE OF COST.
More than 20 years ago in 1981 a group of doctors from all around the world gathered in Italy
to conduct a scientific experiment. The experiment was called "Research of the dry state."
This group was lead by a world-famous physiologist doctor Arthur Guyton - the author of
many medical student books and scientific works. Up to 1981 all specialists thought that
physical exercises or muscle movement is "A SIP OF HEALTH," that this is the thing that
makes our lymph system active i.e. the system that eliminates the harmful side products of
metabolism from our tissues. They were certain of the fact but they wanted to identify the
physical load at which the lymph system is activated. The center of the lymph system is
located in the thorax. Once the lymph system is activated the lymph rises through a pipe-like
structure, which connects all lymph glands. Most lymph glands are located in the upper part
of the body and in the armpits, which are almost like kings for rest of the body parts. However,
modern people with pointless brains "protect" them from doing functional work by using
poisonous chemicals for the body cells 24/7.
But during this Italian experiment doctors put corresponding indicators onto the body of an
athlete and took a "picture" of the lymph system. Then the athlete was asked to move on the
exercise device. He walked, walked, walked... but there was no movement in the lymph
system. Then the doctors thought that this task was too easy and the man was asked to run.
Still no result. Next the athlete did various jumps, pounces and even hung upside-down. The
athlete did all that the doctors asked but the lymph system was still inactive. When after 45
minutes of torturing there was still no result the doctors were amazed. "Guinea pig" got tired
and they ran out of ideas. They allowed the athlete to sit down and rest to think other
exercises-tasks. And then, the athlete sat, took a couple of deep breaths with the diaphragm
and what happened? Lymph started moving along the vessels like they had removed a cap
from a fountain. The surprise of the doctors was great. So they discovered completely
accidentally that the thing affecting lymph system is not physical load and excessive breathing
but ONLY the work of diaphragm. But the correct work of the diaphragm - it is the timely and
optimal cleaning of the organism, it is HEALTH.
The whole world read about the experiment and the results were later used in medical books
but only one person in the world - Greer Childers - a lady from America immediately realized
its value for WOMEN and created the healthy training set "BODYFLEX" together with video
and DVD films showing the exercises and methodic instructions. Greer is 59 years old on that
picture and she is doing BodyFlex exercises on daily basis. But in the beginning, when testing
the device, she reduced her size from 52 to 42.
The secret of BodyFlex method is the fact that those
exercises are based on aerobic exercises of the
diaphragm with isotonic and isometric poses. Such
breathing enriches the organism with oxygen, which
will dissolve fat and at the same time guarantees the
immediate elimination of metabolic side products.
The exercises are selected so that they aim this
active blood towards certain body parts or muscle
Like a specialist on large intestines problems Alek Borsenko has written: "Bacteria, viruses,
parasites and especially cancer cells decompose when there is enough oxygen." "BodyFlex" -it
is one of the best methods for enriching organism with oxygen on the market for over 20
years. You will get the aerobic effect 5 times faster than with running (not mentioning stick
walking). If you run for an hour you will burn 700 kilocalories. If you do regular aerobics for
an hour you will burn 250 kilocalories. However, if you do "BodyFlex" exercises for an hour
you will lose 3500 kilocalories. Therefore aerobic diaphragm breathing activates the
movement of lymph, significantly improves the movement of venous blood, massages internal
organs all of which will increase the activity of digestion and improve your feeling. Another
important fact is that BodyFlex does not increase your appetite after the exercises like other
dynamic physical exercises do. Diaphragm is called the second heart of human body. It does
only 1/4 of heart movements within a minute but its chemo dynamic pressure is significantly
stronger than the contractions of your heart.
Nowadays millions of people in America and Europe do BodyFlex method. How are things
with Estonia? The situation seems very "miserable."
The main purpose of "BodyFlex" program is not losing weight but straining the muscles
that form your figure and raising the energetic level.
Aerobic exercises can be done by all people regardless of gender and age or the initial health
state. Those exercises-poses can be done while standing up, lying down as well as sitting.
All exercises are divided into three groups:
Isometric - these are the exercises that induce pressure in one muscle group. For example -you
clenched your fist.
Isotonic - that is when many muscle groups are working. For example - put your palms
together and start pressing them against one another.
Stretching - those are the exercises for muscle elasticity. It is not enough only to "pump" your
muscles it is important that the joints are elastic, that the spine is active and flexible for the
muscles not to get cramps. (Certainly all of you have had muscle cramps - a very unpleasant
feeling, sometimes even life threatening.)
There are no exercises based on JUMPING in the set.
BodyFlex diaphragm breathing: breathing in - through the nose, breathing out -
through the mouth and is divided into 5 phases.
1st phase: breathing out through the mouth. The thing that learning starts from - it is the
ability to properly empty your lungs. For these exercises it is important that the air completely
exits your lungs. Therefore you do not need to just breathe but press it our forcefully. To do it
correctly round your lips and push them forward a little like you were trying to whistle. Now
try to breathe out through your mouth slowly and calmly. If you find that there is nothing
more to breathe out stop the process and shut your mouth.
2nd phase: fast inhalation through your nose. Now focus your attention on the nose. From the
previous phase your mouth is closed. Forcefully breathe in through your nose as quickly and
completely as you can. Such inhalation should cause a sound effect - the stronger the sound
the better.
3rd phase: strong exhalation through the mouth with the help of the diaphragm. While
getting ready for exhalation open your mouth wide. Now strain your stomach muscles and
with the help of the diaphragm press the air out so that you feel your lungs contracting. And
again - the more noise, the better. You should get a sound something like: P-A-H H H.
4th phase: holding your breath. This is the most complex part of breathing exercises. Press
your lips tightly together. Do not let the air in through your mouth or nose. Your head is
slightly aimed towards the chest. Now focus your attention to the stomach. Note: in the
previous phase we only strained the stomach muscles!! Slowly start counting seconds and
start pulling the stomach inwards... as much as possible to get the feeling that all things inside
is rising and going under the ribs. At first you won't be able to count very many seconds -
maybe 3-4 but basically you should reach 12-15 seconds if you want to pass the preparatory
period. Therefore you need to practice, practice and... The longer you can hold your breath
the more efficient the exercise.
ATTENTION! All exercises-poses are done during this 4th phase - while holding your
5th phase: new breath in through the nose. You have counted the seconds from the previous
phase and can breathe in again. Relax the muscles and let the air flow into your lungs. This
inhalation should also be noisy.
For doing BodyFlex exercises you have to manage all 5 phases. Therefore carefully check that
you have fulfilled the demands of all exercises and breathings.
BodyFlex exercises are best done early in the morning before eating. There is no point in
doing the exercises with your stomach full as you might get unpleasant sensations - nausea, the
wish to throw up...
If you have perfectly attained all 5 phases of breathing, you can start using the poses.
You will be successful if you fulfill three conditions:
1. Regularity. The regular training of muscles and muscle groups gives results.
2. Choice of exercises. Before you go to a faulty body part choose exercises that train
bigger muscle groups as obese people do not have problems with a certain part of
the body but with the body as a whole because the fat tissue has spread to all parts of
the body.
3. To not pressure yourself with additional goals. For example strict diet or fasting.
Let one system do its work.
BodyFlex original set of exercises only contain 12 simple but effective exercises. The
following example poses are taken from BodyFlex methods and Hatha-Yoga. However, if you
get the point you can create pleasant exercises on your own.
Fig. 1: Initial pose for training breathing
In all poses you must strain or stretch your muscles as much as possible while holding
the breath.
That what has been written about above might seem to you like another "crap" has been
compiled. Might be true, but in life all things are relative - their value depends on the
knowledge and general mental development of people involved. The purpose of this piece of
writing is to give people something to think about because who knows - the TRUTH might be
somewhere close by your side.
Let's take a very simple topic. Nowadays there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of
people who are rich enough that in case of first signs of aging or illness they can allow the
best modern curing methods, the best food, the purest water, the most optimal chemical
elements, mixtures of vitamins and minerals, the most scientific diets, the best body care -
both internally and externally etc. We have hundreds of different food additives, which are
"capable of doing EVERYTHING." But regardless of using those "miracle medicines" for
decades for some reason there is no great army of aged, healthy and young-looking people in
the world. People are all similarly sick and similarly old. Movie stars try to deceive aging by
buying countless numbers of beauty operations turning their otherwise beautiful expressive
(maybe just slightly wrinkled) face into some zombie mask. So why don't they use "supergood"
and expensive anti-wrinkle creams as well as various nutritious and moisturizing day
and night masks? I think that all those "miracles" are miracles only in the advertisement not in
real life. Let's take another example. Many of you have probably seen the TV-show "The
Biggest Loser." Why do they train for months and only lose a couple of insignificant kilos
every week? Why don't they buy the "miracle machines" with which you only have to move
your hands or feet 2-3 minutes every day and already after a week or maybe a couple of
weeks the weight is gone and instead you have the perfect body?
At the same time miracles do exist - and in a completely other place. There are nations and
families who live long and do not have any health problems. They do not have any special
recipes but hard work and simple food. Those people usually live in mountainous regions.
And when researching them we find one interesting fact. If we divide the people into two
parts one of which lives on the foot of the mountain and the other on the height of 1500-1600
meters then there is a big difference in how long they live and how healthy they are. The
people living higher live significantly longer. What's the problem? As everything else is
similar - hard work, simple food, even the water has melted from the same glacier only
breathing conditions are completely different. What is the conclusion? BREATHING has a
decisive role in determining life-span and health.
Therefore I dedicated the first and the most important part of my book on breathing. Whether
we want it or not, when a human being breathes it is alive and if it does not it is no longer
alive. At this point we should understand that BREATHING is THE MOST IMPORTANT
FUNCTION of a living organism. And not simply breathing but CORRECT BREATHING.
We can go on and on saying that people automatically use correct breathing as living on land
we really do live the longest. The only exception is elephants but they do breathe slower than
we do. However, if we look at the inhabitants of oceans then their life-span is significantly
longer. Let's take the famous sea turtle. It lives a couple of hundreds of years. A primitively
thinking person immediately paints the picture of a turtle as the slowest and clumsiest animal.
Is it really so? In fact - big sea turtles travel the road of 2000 to 4000 km every year to their
hatching place and back. And they do that in an environment thicker than air in constant
struggle with currents and waves. How many people can be proud of traveling up to 4000 km
on foot each year? Not many, I think.
But if we compare the inhabitants of land and water there is another big difference. Practically
all inhabitants of land - birds, animals, bugs - have a COMMON DISEASE - CANCER. Such
illness has been discovered in none of the animals living in water. Why? The reason is one
and only - different breathing principle, which is based on a different amount of oxygen and
breathing method. The scientific researches from the previous decades have come to one
conclusion - CORRECT breathing is, regardless of the attitude of the patient towards it, the
most powerful medicine-free method for restoring health.
The described device TFI (TDI-02) is successfully used for imitating physical load. 20
minutes of breathing through the device gives the load of running 10 km - only a healthier
The idea of device prototype (TDI-01) is worth a lot because for years and years, health
organizations and their leading professors argued in court over the invention (modifications)
and its author. All wanted to be authors. Later this developed into two directions of breathing
training (TDI-01 or TDI-02 or using their modifications). The devices of both directions can
also be used simultaneously.
The work of TDI-02 (and its new variant TFI) is almost completely based on Dr. Buteiko's
breathing theory on the importance of carbon dioxide in human organism. For some unknown
reason people do not know much about this theory in Estonia. Luckily people in other
countries follow the development of science more carefully regardless of the birth country or
nationality of the author. For example, Buteiko's breathing theory is very much valued in the
world although he is already dead. Professor Buteiko calmly died at the age of 80 in Moscow
on Friday 2nd of May 2003. But he is mourned and remembered by millions of grateful people
all over the world - all those who have been helped by his method. Buteiko's method has
Buteiko's methods abroad:
Buteiko's Institute in Australia (Buteyko Insitute of Breathing and Health (BIBH)):
http ://www.buteyko. com
Peter Kolb's Buteyko site: http://www.wt.com.au/~pkolb/buteyko.htm
Or: http://www.wt.com.au/~pkolb/BPSN.HTM
www.buteyko-usa.com - USA
easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~buteyko/ - England
buteykonorthwest.co .uk - England, Scotland, Finland
www.buteyko.nl - Netherlands
www.buteykoitalia.homestead.com - Italy
www.atemweite.de - Germany
www.buteyko.net - England
www.buteyko.ie - Ireland
www.buteykosg.com/buteykopersonal.htm - Singapore
Another previously mentioned training device TDI-01 (Frolov's inhalator) finds use practically
all over the world for training THIRD BREATHING. This internal (endogenous) or third
breathing is also already respectfully called the breathing of THIRD MILLENNIUM. After
creating a test version of the device in 1962 Frolov wanted a patent for it. For almost twenty
years no-one wanted to give it, the idea was so new, but finally, after long and thorough
experiments, both clinical and practical as well as scientific research this device got a patent
and official permit in 1982. With later practical use the device even deserved the attention of
Russian government and on 17th January 2002 Frolov's inhalator was transferred to the list of
the most necessary products with medical purposes for human life. This means that the device
should be in every household and its everyday use should be as natural as brushing your teeth.
Nowadays people in Russia are gathered to "endogen clubs", they have a number of forums on
the Internet where they exchange knowledge and experience and where they can get practical
instructions from medical scientists and doctors of that field. In addition to Russia the
following countries believe in it and advertise endogenous breathing as well as Frolov's device:
USA, Germany, France, Canada, Spain, Sweden, New-Zealand, Italy, Czech Republic and
Ukraine, which is shown by the link www.intellectbreathing.com
Japanese scientists are carefully looking for their "elixir of life." They have come to the
conclusion that if we decrease the body temperature by 2 degrees we can live up to 200 years.
They try to achieve this decrease by stimulating the part of the brain that regulates body
temperature. For some reason I think that the way of ARTIFICIAL stimulation is pointless and
hard as in Russia there already are a number of people who have breathed in the endogenous
system for years and thanks to a change in energy formation they have automatically attained
a decrease in body temperature by 1,0-1,5 degrees.
What is the general condition like? Generally we have another proof of ignorance: "People
destroy each other." And if we cannot do it immediately we indulge in pointless activities or
suck out news from some single incidents. The news can be serious but the point does not get
to the minds of general public as it does not cause an adequate reaction from the people
reading the news or from the government.
For example, some time ago there was an article in the newspaper that in Finland fish (as well
as mushrooms) are poisoned with cesium. But are we better than Finland? Does anyone check
what radioactive substances our fish contain? No and once more no! People want to build
nuclear plants and it would be logical to be interested in the processes taking place in those
We have the opinion that Internet makes children smart. Why doesn't this knowledge reach the
brains of the people who "decide"? However, if we had a slightest interest we would find out
that nuclear plants produce almost four hundred different radioactive substances. True, some
of the dissolve within seconds, minutes or days: iodide - 133 (20 hours), iodide -131 (8 days)
but some of them do not disappear and are especially dangerous for all living
beings like: iodide - 129 (1,7 x 107 years), strontium - 90 (29,1 years), cesium - 137 (30
years), krypton - 85 (10,7 years), tritium (12,4 years), carbon - 14 (5770 years) etc. But we
read from the newspaper like there was a recommended norm for eating cesium?? I think that
such article is cause enough for immediately starting control measurements of the ingredients
of our fish. Is our food safe or not? There is no money for such purposes (or
people just do not want to find any money). Instead we have adds saying we should eat more
Actually the question is not only about fish but the attitude of political leaders towards other
people. If I mentioned earlier how harmful milk is and the role of strontium in it then this is
one small part of all possible dangers. No one wants to check this variant - confirm it or reject
it. Additionally, even the packages of weeds and other natural medicine do not have any notes
about radiation checks. Therefore we do not have the slightest idea what the herbs really
contain - whether it cures or kills.
With regard to previous facts there is one more thing which I wanted to bring out separately -
Silicone - the element of life. I think that if anything at all saves us from the harmful effects of
radionuclides then it is Silicone. This is an enormous field for scientists to research. One
example about Silicone: Scientists claim that Silicone keeps things flexible and soft.
Therefore they have developed and successfully used E551 in food. But silicone does the
same thing in human organism - keeps the vessels and joints flexible and clean. Why don't we
for starters consume it for that single purpose?
Introduction ............................................................................................................ 5
I Breathe yourself healthy .................................................................................8
Why should we learn to breathe ........................................................................... 18
Schema of stomach breathing................................................................................20
Phases of breathing when training, toughening the muscles .................................. 22
Breathing for lazy practicers ................................................................................... 23
General terms of yoga.............................................................................................27
Main points of Dr. Buteyko's theory....................................................................... 33
The best poses for breathing exercises .....................................................................43
The newest secrets of breathing - endogenous (third) breathing............................. 44
Third breathing without using the apparatus............................................................. 48
Why we still recommend fresh air ............................................................................51
II Relax yourself healthy .................................................................................... 52
Sitting still ................................................................................................................54
Internal biological clock ........................................................................................... 57
Savasana technique................................................................................................. 58
Reading formulas of self-suggestion........................................................................60
Coming out of savasana........................................................................................... 62
III Move yourself healthy ...................................................................................63
Inuring and its nature................................................................................................ 69
Schema of internal organs.......................................................................................... 71
A set of exercises suitable for pensioners ................................................................72
Rhythmic breathing ..................................................................................................91
Healthy movements while sitting .............................................................................. 93
IV Cure yourself with water............................................................................... 96
Living and dead water .............................................................................................. 98
Using EAW for the purpose of curing.................................................................... 103
Rejuvenating the organism....................................................................................... 109
Activating water with silica ..................................................................................... 112
Silicone - the element of life......................................................................................113
Field horsetail ............................................................................................................126
Field horsetail as an herb ........................................................................................... 127
Field horsetail in the household and as food .............................................................131
Field horsetail as a cosmetic ..................................................................................... 133
Field horsetail as a magical helper .............................................................................135
Some more about horsetails....................................................................................... 136
V ... And other things of use ............................................................................... 138
Curing with raw juice.............................................................................................. 143
Cleaning joints and vessels ....................................................................................... 146
Apple vinegar ............................................................................................................147
The electrotherapy of Yogis ......................................................................................149
Lotion Golden Star ................................................................................................... 150
Curing balls from China...........................................................................................153
Yin -Yang conception..............................................................................................158
Valerian extract for Yogis ....................................................................................... 159
Curing method with vegetable oil........................................................................... 160
Some more about food oils...................................................................................... 161
Curing with your mind...............................................................................................163
Beautiful body for all women .................................................................................... 166
Epilogue .................................................................................................................. 172