How to love a girl
In today’s relationships men seem to have problems with how to love a girl. I say this because most of
what is said about dating revolves around playing hard to get and never revealing all your emotions.
This can be really contradicting if you want to show a woman that you really love her.
A lot of men will be reluctant to demonstrate their love for a girl because they claim it shows a sign of
weakness. This fear is not really about weakness, but rather the fact that they fear that they will be hurt
if the girl doesn’t reciprocate the feeling.
If you’re going to love a girl, love her for who she really is, including her qualities and her faults. This
usually means that you will have to get to know her before declaring your love which is a step that
many guys skip. In fact, if you truly know the girl in question, you’ll already know how she feels.
Once you know, and you feel the moment is right, just tell her directly. There’s no sense in playing it
safe, you’re either all in or you’re not.
Best of luck !
How to pick up women
If you’re here, then I’m going to assume that you’re determined to learn how to pick up women. I’ll
tell you right away, the fastest way to learn is to hang out with guys that are already successful at
attracting women on a consistent basis.
Assuming you don’t have any of these friends around you, let’s move on to the second fastest method
to learn, practice.
There are a few concepts that you should master in order to successfully engage
and “pick up” a woman. First, I don’t really like that the term pickup, because it automatically
puts the guy in a situation where he’s chasing the woman. Now this might often be true, but ideally,
you don’t want to come off as a guy who’s hunting for women.
The right attitude to adopt when you’re going to meet women is to think of it as a
mutual selection process. You’re going to go talk to her to simply find out if you would like to
know more of her. Likewise, she’s going to assess if she wants to know more of you or not. Kind of
like when you go shopping for a car, you need to investigate, ask questions before committing to a
certain choice.
That way, when you do make a choice (ask her number, kiss her, etc), it will seem natural and logical.
The problem with most guys is that they see an attractive woman, decide RIGHT in an instant that
they want to sleep with her, and then go to talk to her caring about nothing else but getting her into
From the woman’s perspective… a random guy approaches you and you KNOW he’ll say anything to
please you and will likely DO anything you ask him as well. Immediately, for no reason, she has
complete power of a man who’s throwing himself at her.
Don’t throw yourself at her.
Instead, ask her interesting questions that she won’t hear every day, tease her whenever she answers
wrong ( according to your standards ) and try to see if she fits your mold of the ideal woman. She
might not even know it, but she’ll be doing the same to you!
So let’s break this down into simple steps.
1) Figure out what you want in a woman (preparation)
2)Approach a woman, say something interesting / captivating / entertaining.
3) Referring to Step 1, speak about topics that will allow you to know more about her while telling
herself about you.
For example, if in Step 1, you realized that you wanted an adventurous girl in your life, then in Step 3,
you could mention a story where you did something adventurous yourself… from that, see how she
reacts. That’s normal conversation! When you supplement light conversation with smiles, teasing and
light touching (kino), it becomes flirting.
To recap, the absolute best way to learn about how to pick up women is to hang out with guys that are
good at it already. If you don’t have this luxury, then the next best thing will be to practice. The best
book I can recommend on picking up women would be one written by David D. He’s one of the guru’s
on the subject and his book is currently the #1 book on the seduction charts.
What attracts women
When men think try to list what attracts women, they usually mention looks, money and power. Those
things help, but as we will see, there exists many more powerful traits that will attract women. The
same thing applies to men, who in general will be attracted to a seductive smile, good body language
(posture) and signs of healthy genes.
In general, women are much more perceptive and search out for personality more than just
good looks. This is fortunate for most men because, let’s face it, we’re kind of rough looking.
However, rough is good, it alludes to strength and reliability… it shows that you care more important
things than looks. So if you look rough, that’s fine. Just don’t look like a pansy.
Attractive Body Language According to studies, upwards of 90% of communication is nonverbal
and is done through body language. This is why you must have good body language if you are
to attract women. So how do you get good body language? Well, you could fake it for a little while…
sit up straight. No… not THAT straight, you don’t want to look like a stick. Shoulders back as if a
90km/h wind was pushing you. Head up! Make sure your head is UP ! If you’re doing all this right
now, chances are you are as tense as a pole. The key to attractive body language is to be relaxed all
while having good posture.
Stop faking attractive traits!
Now does this seem difficult ? Well it is… and its really not supposed to be. The reason its difficult
for many people is because you are faking it! So the solution? Don’t fake it ! Our bodies are naturally
prone to take this position when are muscles are exercised properly. Go bench press weights for an
hour, workout your shoulders by doing rows and do 20 minutes of abs. Your body will naturally take a
very attractive posture and you won’t have to think about it. Humans were never intended to think
about body language and I strongly recommend you don’t. Work out once a day and that will solve
Now the second thing that attracts women is the social status of the man. How valuable is he
to society, to his friends, to his family, to the human population in general? Its no surprise that
someone who is valuable will be attractive to others. That’s almost the definition of the word! But how
do we define value ? That depends on the individual. For some women, a powerful man who
overlooks others is attractive. Others prefer a man that is loved by all his friends. Some women,
actually… a LOT of women are attracted to rock stars because they are seen as valuable by tons of
other competing women.
The concept of value is all relative as well, an nomad tribe will have an individual seen as
more valuable than others, and he will be more desirable. In our modern culture, the boss, or CEO of a
company is seen as valuable. Presidents are also seen as valuable, as Clinton clearly illustrated. The
big problem that guys run into is that they try to fake value. They try to impress women by TELLING
them they have value, “Look at my car”, “I do this and this”, “I’m important because”, etc. This is
counter-productive. Trying to prove that you have value just makes you less valuable.
In order to gain value and ultimately attract women, you must do so naturally. Accomplish
something! Be occupied with your life. Set goals and achieve them. When you look back on your life,
think: “Would I want to date myself?”. If you’re proud of yourself, then you are valuable. People who
are valuable don’t need to tell others that they are, it shows. Being valuable can go from getting the
highest grade in the class (yes, women like smart men) to taking pride in having the nicest garden. I’m
taking a really wild example here… but if you are really passionate about gardens and you spend all
day perfecting your garden, then at the end of the day you will glow of pride and confidence. This
makes you valuable, to yourself.
Feeling valuable leads to others finding you valuable and consequently attractive as well.
Lastly, women respond to energy, laughter and honesty. Energy is contagious, and it
sparks (literally) interest. If you are genuinely happy with life, and are excited to live it with her, then
that in itself will be attractive. People want to be where the action is, they want to live their life to the
fullest. This might be spontaneity one night, and a passionate night the next. If you’re where the party
is at, then people will want to join you.
If you are a funny man, then you are definitely one step closer to being successful at attracting all
kinds of women. Who doesn’t to laugh ? Hell, there are some guys I would want to date just because
they are fun to be around, just as long as I get to be the big spoon. Laughter comes from not taking
things too seriously, from teasing, from saying inappropriate things or exaggerating scenarios and
stories. A funny man is considered to be ‘quick’, and strangely enough, cardiovascular activity
increases the ’sharpness’ of the mind. So does reading novels. So pick up a book, go for a jog, watch
some funny videos and you’ll be set.
The last, and most difficult thing to find in a human being is honesty. Women are extremely
attracted to genuine men. If you don’t fake your life, and tell it how it is, then this is the most attractive
asset you can have. The reason is that people who are genuine are comfortable to be around with.
Being genuine shows that you have fully accepted yourself and that you are proud to be who you are.
If you dislike something, then say it! Chances are the other person is feeling the same thing as well.
One of the most attractive things is seeing someone genuinely excited about something, its contagious
and people will want to be with you to share your level of enthusiasm. Be genuinely excited about
your life, its the only one you have.
These categories are only SOME the answers to what attracts women. For the complete list of the most
powerful triggers to attract women, you MUST read David DeAngelo’s Double Your Dating. It will
change your life, seriously.
How to make a girl fall in love with you
The thought of learning how to make a girl fall in love with you is a disturbing one.
Love is a huge emotion that can radically and completely dictate someone’s life. If it was possible to
perform a few magical steps in order to make someone fall in love with you, we would live in a harsh
world of broken hearts. Uh oh… don’t we already?
You cannot make anyone do anything and you certainly cannot make anyone love you. The more you
try to make someone love you, the less they will. Its kind of a catch-22 in that way but fortunately
there are two aspects you can concentrate on to help you along the way.
What do you love in life? Usually its the things that make you happy and the things that we
attribute the most value to. Keeping in mind these two aspects of human nature, we can therefore
conclude that in order for someone to love us, we must make them happy and we must be valuable to
Let’s work on making them happy first, its really simple and is overlooked by most people.
The simple rule to making someone happy is to be happy yourself. Being happy is contagious and
people in your presence will automatically feel similar to you. If you’re happy about life, then the
people around you will want to have you around them as well. If you’re always down, depressed or
angry, then you are making yourself very hard to love.
Example #1: Think of someone that you love or loved. Imagine them in your mind until you can
see a picture of their face. In this picture, are they happy or sad ? Its very likely that in the mental
picture that you have, they are smiling or happy. If it worked for you, then it should also work for
The concept when pondering about how to make a girl fall in love with you is value. The things you
love the most consequently have a lot of value. Can you really fall in love with something that has no
value? Things that are replaceable, or are easily attainable have little value in our lives. So make
yourself valuable and people will love you. Being valuable isn’t as hard as people think.
The concept of value is relative, in an organization, the most valuable person is the boss even if in
another situation, he could be completely insignificant. This is why so many secretaries are attracted to
their boss. He has the most value. Let’s take this concept and apply it in practical situations.
Example #2, If you’re in school, then the most valuable person will be the person that is most
respected by his peers. This can be the football star among cheerleaders, or the smart guy who gets the
best grades. He can also be the guy who makes the girls laugh the most, or the guy that has the best
house parties that everyone wants to attend.
In a work environment, the most valuable person can once again, be the social funny guy that
everyone wants to hang out with, or the boss, or the sharp guy that the boss respects the most.
But… what if the girl I like doesn’t know about these social situations ? Well then… Tell her about
your day! Although not as efficient, just telling her about your daily interactions (in a non-gloating
way) can be an effective way of communicating your value.
The Double Your Dating book explains in detail exactly how to be perceived as the most valuable
person while building massive attraction.
In the end, the concept of learning how to make a girl fall in love with you is a flawed one because
as soon as you try to make someone love you, they won’t. So instead, concentrate on being happy and
valuable, the rest will come naturally.
How to Talk to Girls
As a guy, learning how to talk to girls can be one of the most challenging and rewarding skill he can
acquire during his lifetime. Would you agree that being able to carry a proper conversation with a girl
would solve a LOT of problems ?
I know many guys agree that this is one of the most neglected aspects when it comes to dating advice,
and yet, it is so critical to succeed!
One of the biggest issues among men that are struggling with women is that they “Just don’t know
what to talk about!”.
I feel you.
I’ve had that awkward silence too.
The moment where something SHOULD of been said, but it was not.
The moment where you both kind of look at each other and think… “ok this is not good”
When this happens, women will often think: “We just don’t connect” and it’s at that point that the
date goes downhill.
Actually, that’s probably one of the biggest fear that men have and it’s the reason why a lot of guys
won’t even go start a conversation!
The reason is that most people try to figure out the “ideal topic of conversation” beforehand. As if,
if you were to introduce this ideal topic, you would both have a wonderful time talking about it for
hours and hours and eventually the woman would fall in love with you, just because you had the right
topic of conversation.
Sound silly?
That’s because it is.
Yet people STILL try to find that ideal conversation topic!
So do yourself a favor, do ME a favor, stop it and just start off with any conversation topic. Usually
bad ones will do, and as the conversation progresses, you can steer the conversation to any topics you
wish to discuss.
Alright, because we all like to be spoon fed information, I’ll break it down even more.
I realize that saying “Any Topic Will Do” will not help most guys because you’re probably still
wondering.. “OK, but what do I talk about?” Well start by things that are relevant to you first.
It’s really hard to be relevant to other people, and people with high value tend to think of themselves
anyways, so STARTING with a topic that is relevant in your life is always a great way to start a
conversation. At the same time, it will sub-consciously convey values of self-worth and confidence
which are both attractive.
For example, if you’re on your way to go grocery shopping, start with that!
“Hey, I was just watching the cooking channel and I was inspired to make some , so now I’m going to
get the secret ingredient at the grocery store”.
Now it’s likely that she doesn’t really care about you going grocery shopping, but if the story, your
thought process, is interesting enough, then it will be entertaining to talk about. When in doubt, talk
about your thought process about an activity and it will ALWAYS provide natural conversation.
People are bored, stories about your life can be as entertaining as watching that last episode of Lost,
House or even Desperate House Wives.
Conversations are like fires, once they are ignited with the right kindling, there’s no stopping
them. Trust me when I tell you, you’ll KNOW when to change topic, it will come naturally. Until
then, just continue talking about what interests you the most, because if it’s interesting to YOU, you’ll
talk about it in an enthusiastic and entertaining manner.
The next thing you wonder how to talk to girls, just keep in mind that conversations are like fire, they
need to be slowly started with little light pieces before you can move on to the heavy stuff!
Related articles include: What to Talk About With Girls (Probably the best article on this site!) and for
day time specifics, Talking to girls during the day