Premature Ejaculation Remedy - Discover a Simple Step by Step Remedy You Can
Use Today!
By John Jaworski
Are you looking for a premature ejaculation remedy that can help you last longer in
bed? You probably already know that there are several options available that claim
to help with this issue. The main question, however, is which ones actually work?
I should know...over the course of the last year I have tried several premature
ejaculation remedies in an effort to solve this humiliating problem. It got so bad at
one point, that my girlfriend threatened to leave me if I didn't take action and find a
Fortunately, I discovered a key secret that helps me last longer in bed and gave me
greater confidence in the bedroom. This secret is a powerful mental control
technique that you can start using right now as a premature ejaculation remedy.
Meditate Your Way to Success
Practicing meditation is one of the best premature ejaculation remedies and will
train you to possess greater control over your mind as well as your body's
responses, like psychological and chemical reactions and climax. I've got a basic
meditation technique that I recommend, that's actually pretty simple...even to this
day, it's pretty much all I do. Just follow the steps outlined below:
1. Set a timer or alarm clock for about ten minutes.
2. Sit down, cross your legs and close your eyes with your hands on your knees.
Make sure you are relaxed.
3. Make sure there are no distractions (turn off your cell phone and/or pager) and
clear your head of any thoughts.
4. Now breathe in deeply and slowly for about a count of 2-5 seconds...really fill
those lungs up...and take the same amount of time to exhale.
5. Focus completely on your breathing and nothing else. Your total focus should be
on the physical sensation of breathing.
6. Meditate in this manner until the timer goes off.
Now, you be asking, how does this help me during sex?
As you know, too much mental stimulation during sex can send a signal to your
nervous system to ejaculate too quickly. As soon as you can attain a very clear,
meditative state of mind for extended periods of time, you will discover it gets
MUCH simpler to control your thoughts during sexual intercourse...and last longer in
bed. As a remedy for premature ejaculation, meditation is hard to beat.
So what about a total premature ejaculation remedy? During my search for a
solution I eventually found a premature ejaculation program that actually works.
After a few weeks of 5-10 minute per day workouts I started to see results and
discovered a Premature Ejaculation Remedy that worked for me.
Everything you need to know about how to get started, how premature ejaculation
training works, what type of results you can expect, and even my own story can be
found at