How to Stop Premature Ejaculation
Mike Wooten
Copyright 2009 -
I'm not a doctor. This pdf is for informational purposes only
and is not intended to treat, cure, or diagnose any disease,
health problem, or other medical condition. If you have a
medical problem or believe you do, consult a doctor.
Consult a doctor or qualified medical physician before
attempting any exercises or using any of the information
covered in this book. This book is not a substitute for
medical advice. Failure to consult a doctor, and/or if the
information here is not used correctly, may result in injury.
Do not attempt any exercises if you don't fully understand
them. Only a doctor can determine if healthy
enough to use this information.
Copyright 2009 -
Hi There!
I'm glad you're reading my little contribution to those
people affected by Premature Ejaculation and I hope the
disclaimer didn't discourage you: please understand that it
is necessary both legally and in fact. My aim with this
report is to shed some light on PE, its causes, and more
than everything else its remedies. I'm living proof that PE
can be cured with the proper methods and - naturally -
with the good will on one's part to actually take action on
the information that's been taught.
I'm not going to tell you that I couldn't stay up for 30
seconds, that would be lying and I don't really like so much
hype. I was probably in what most studies consider the
"average lasting time" window, that is: a couple of
minutes. Maybe three, maybe four. So if I would listen to
science alone, I wouldn't probably fall into the premature
ejaculators cathegory. But the real question is: was I
satisfied of my sexual life? Was my wife? Well....NO! And
this, my friend, is the whole point. I leave the scientific
definition a bit aside in my approach: I write for those
people whose bad habits (in concert with our long story
here on Earth, as you'll learn) have trasformed one of the
most joyful acts one can experience here on Earth into a
It doesn't have to be that way. Getting overexcited or being
unable to last enough to satisfy our partner is - in my
experience - largely a matter of finding our center, learn to
Copyright 2009 -
feel our body more deeply and to control our mental and
bodily reactions. You can really see it as a journey towards
yourself. I sincerely hope my words can help you and put
you in the right direction towards your sexual success!!
Mike Wooten
Copyright 2009 -
What Causes Premature Ejaculation?
Men who are plagued by premature ejaculation are
sometimes reluctant to talk about it. They may consider it
a problem that somehow makes them less than “a real
man.” The truth is that a huge number of men suffer from
this malady and that there are ways to stop it and regain
an active and satisfactory sex life.
The causes of premature ejaculation are many and
complex. If you’re suffering from PE, you must find out
what particular cause is making you ejaculate too soon so
that you can then choose a cure or method that works for
you to alleviate the problem. In my experience it is not
one single cause at work but really a mix of them; it is
therefore wise to know about all possible contributors.
Step 0 - Patterns
As a preliminary step, notice if there is a pattern to your
premature ejaculation. Are you getting too aroused and
overexcited just by thinking about your imminent
intercourse? Do you notice that you’re about to ejaculate?
What are your feelings and expectations during
intercourse? How do you generally go about sex? I know
for myself that a large part of my inability to last long
enough was actually my deeply engrained desire to climax
fast. I didn't really care about anything else: I just got
really excited really quick and wanted to reach orgasm. I
kept seeing me "there"and that was indeed the number
one mental condition I had to work on. If it weren't for
Matt Gorden's great Ejaculation Trainer, it would have
probably taken me years to figure out this all-important,
Copyright 2009 -
yet subtle condition!
Step 1 - Physical Causes
Sometimes and for different causes such as the aging
process or simply a natural tendency, the muscles
surrounding the prostate (PC muscles) become less elastic,
weaker and therefore more difficult to control. Since these
muscles are involved in the process of ejaculation, care
must be taken in strengthening them and bring them back
to top performance. However, as in most things, there's a
right and a wrong way to exercise PC muscles, and if you
aren't doing it properly, chances are to actually worsen
your control ability. You will find extensive coverage of
techniques and the exact modalities on how to perform
them in Matt's Ejaculation Trainer. As an incentive, I'm
going to reveal you a technique I learnt a long ago while in
my "esoterics" phase, which revealed to be a fantastic
workout for PC muscles and gives vigor and vitality to the
whole body. Just send me an email to
with the recepit of your purchase. And remember to buy
through my link!
Breathing properly is another huge factor: taking deep
breaths during love-making can also delay climax. Deep
breaths act as a relaxing element and can help you remain
sensitive, but in control.
Tip: Before sexual arousal, engage your partner in a fullbody
massage that includes the genital area. Take turns
massaging each other and exploring all body parts –
taking note which areas promote the most arousal. Just
take your time and don’t rush to the act of intercourse.
Copyright 2009 -
Step 2 - Mental Causes
Besides the overall picture of how you see sex and your
partners, there's also other aspects playing a role in the
climaxing process. Some studies report depression and
anxiety as important factors in premature ejaculation. A
sexual date with a new partner may constitute an anxiety
factor, and depression because of job or family issues can
also affect a man’s ability to control his ejaculation. These
mental states trigger some major changes in our bodily
functions who invariably lead to a faster climax. The good
news is that you can achieve mental control over your
actions and reactions as to keep your whole system in that
sweet spot where sex is pure pleasure and intimacy with
your partner. Really a lot of the game is being played in our
minds so that's the reason why Matt goes deep and wide
on this aspect in his Ejaculation Trainer.
Copyright 2009 -
Step 3 - Hormones
We're complex beings. Very complex. Without the need of
resorting to other spheres, the mere mechanics of the body
is still far from being understood. However, some
macroscopic facts are known and tested to be relevant.
One of these - in the scope of climax mechanism - is
hormone release in the bloodstream. The two interested
hormones are Serotonine and Dopamine.
Here, Dopamine is the bad one :-)
It is associated with getting overexcited and basically
driven by automatic mechanisms of reproduction (which
very understandably strive to be as efficent as possible,
thus to make you ejaculate as soon as you can) as opposed
to being relaxed, focused, happy and in control. The latter
state of mind is linked to high concentrations of Serotonine
in your blood. Okay, but how do we control the release of
those hormones? Well, again, most of it is a mental game,
and you simply have to assume control on your mind. This
is explained with lots of detail in Matt's ebook.
However, there also dietary products you can eat to
stimulate Serotonine production in the short term.
Tip: You can help Serotonine release by eating some
walnuts one-two hours before having intercourse. This will
certainily help however realize that this is NOT the
deciding factor on your performance, so don't go mad
about it, ok?
Copyright 2009 -
What Premature Ejaculation Prevention
Products Work Best?
There are quite a few products on the market today that
promise to prevent premature ejaculation. Let's fly over
some broad categories.
Some are targeted for specific issues, such as
antidepressants. “Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors”
(SSRI) are part of some antidepressants and have been
found to help in men who have premature ejaculation
Most antidepressants are consumed on a daily basis,
however if they’re being taken for PE, you can usually take
one a few hours before having sex for them to be effective,
just as In the case of the natural alternative of walnuts.
If a man’s premature ejaculation problem is because of
anxiety about having sex, a doctor will sometimes
prescribe a product such as the generic drug, Fluoxetine or
Luvox. Constant anxiety often doesn’t have a cause and a
product that contains one of these medications can help
soothe frazzled nerves and calm the body so that the man
is more relaxed during sexual intercourse.
Also available to help cure early ejaculation are
desensitizing creams that numb the penis thus retarding
climax. This is in my opinion the worst approach to the
matter! You basically take away the pleasure of sex in the
attempt to enjoy it for longer! Do you see the nonsense in
that? Moreover, the numbing effect may also transfer to the
Copyright 2009 -
woman and keep her from reaching a climax. My and
Matt's approach to this issue is to learn to cope with
increasing amounts of stimulation, being able to keep cool
while enjoying your bodily and mental sensations for longer
and longer.
This is not a fix quick. You will have to apply yourself.
However, the fruits you'll reap are so sweet, it is surely
worth the effort! Begin your journey right now!
Alright Mike! Take Me To The Order Page!
Another cathegory of products specifically designed for
stopping premature ejaculation are testicular restraints and
penis rings (aka cockrings). A testicular restraint prevents
the testicles from moving during intercourse.
The penis ring prevents premature ejaculation by using a
sort of squeeze technique. Basically, it consists of a rubber
or leather ring that is placed around the base of the penis
and during sex it squeezes the penis, slowing therewith the
bloodflow to the shaft and reducing for one sensitivity, for
another allowing a stronger, harder erection without you
needing to be highly triggered. The erection is purely
mechanic and having a hard one gives a sense of
confidence and contributes to keep you from getting
This stuff may work and maybe be interesting to some,
however not everybody is fine with wearing objects during
sex. I'm among those, for instance ;-)
Moreover, you can achieve the same and better results just
taking control over your bodily reactions and mind, like I
Copyright 2009 -
and many other people did. By the way, should you be
interested, you can read what Matt's enthusiasts have to
say by clicking here
Know Yourself!
This is my favourite one ;-) Really and honestly, I can't
praise enough what Matt has delivered in his 150 pages
ebook. It all starts with a thorough explanation of the
mechanisms involved in reaching climax. There are several
aspects to know about in order to lay down a proper
fundation and really have a grasp on what's going on
during those moments. Knowledge IS power, as the sayng
After you know your enemy thoroughly, you follow Matt's
unique three pronged approach, tackling the problem from
perspectives and you start getting results, TRUE, TANGIBLE
results right away. There's also a section of quick
techniques that can help you stay longer tonight, if you
need a hand today.
The whole process should last 1-3 weeks and I want to
stress again that it does require action and focus on your
part. However, this happens for all real things, doesn't it?
So, in the end, you have a real, tested product which works
wonders for real people like me. Are you struggling to
satisfy your partner? Are you a real man and decided to
take action and responsablitiy for what you are? Then...
Copyright 2009 -
Don't Wait Another Minute!!
Order now this amazing ebook and start lasting longer
I wish you all the best on your quest for total ejaculation
Mike Wooten
P.S. Remember to send me an email with the receipt of
your purchase and I will send you a little known powerful
exercise I came across some time ago, that works fantastic
to strengthen your PC muscles and rinvigorating the whole
Copyright 2009 -