Ejaculation Trainer review - ebook by Matt Gorden
Premature ejaculation is a genuine problem many men face.Ejaculation
Trainer offers a real solution. It teaches men how to last longer before
ejaculation. Not by decreasing stimulation, using lotions and potions or by
squeezing it off to stop ejaculation. Instead it instructs men how to rewire
how their body handles stimulation and the need to ejaculate. It is a
5-step process that lets men last longer during sex.
1. What Can The Ejaculation Trainer Do for You?
The idea is to reduce the incidents of premature ejaculation using the
proven techniques provided in the Ejaculation Trainer. It deals with the
mental side as well as the physical aspects. What goes on in the head
that effects what goes on in other parts of the body, including the when
and where of ejaculation. There are ways to use the 4 stages of arousal
and foreplay to last longer.
2. What Can You Learn With The Ejaculation Trainer?
There are sexual techniques that increase a woman’s pleasure but raise
the man’s Serotonin level. An increase in Serotonin levels will delay
ejaculation. This system instructs men on how controlling the levels of
Serotonin and Dopamine will actually delay ejaculation. The perineal
muscles can be trained to prevent premature ejaculation. Ejaculation
Trainer teaches the correct ways to delay ejaculation using perineal
Masturbation techniques or habits may be contributing to the problem.
Changes in masturbation can sometimes eliminate the problem of
ejaculating to soon. Even how a man breaths during sex can affect when
they ejaculate. This book shows how to control breathing and heart rate
to last longer before ejaculation.
3. Who Is The Creator Of Ejaculation Trainer? Can You Really Trust
Ejaculation Trainer is about gaining control of the mind and body.
The information in this book has been successfully helping men
last longer before ejaculation. Many men have had positive
results within the first day of trying the techniques provided.
This system was created by a man who was a premature
ejaculator but was also a sex educator. He suffered and
understood how the problem affected men, their self-esteem
and relationships. This is not about a gimmicks but a quick fix
for a problem 20% to 40% of men suffer from at one point in
their lives. There is no reason to continue ejaculation sooner
than desired.
Click Here To Get The Ejaculation Trainer Now
• How 4 stages of sexual arousal determine when you are going to
• Ways you can shift focus and enjoy sex longer.
• The truth about visualization and ejaculation.
• Sexual technique that brings woman more pleasure and at the
same time makes you last longer.
• “Heart rate” technique for delaying ejaculation.
• Safe and natural way of controlling the levels of hormones that
trigger ejaculation.
• 4-step breathing technique for fighting premature ejaculation.
• Simple exercises for muscles that control ejaculation.
Value: 10 out of 10
Ejaculation Trainer replaces the bad with new habits and techniques that
extends a man’s control over the entire ejaculatory process.
Click Here to Get Ejaculation Trainer Now and Control Premature
Ejaculation Starting Today