For girls: Identify if he is in love
He's dated his fair share of women and has always enjoyed keeping his options open, but
lately there's this one woman that has him wondering if she's 'the one.' In order to help
him figure this out, we have compiled the following list of the top ten ways to know he's in
1. He starts thinking about the future and she's in it
It used to be that the future with a woman meant his date on Saturday night, but with this woman,
the future seems infinite. Not only does he plan to see her this weekend, but he wants to see her
a year from now as well.
When planning his next holiday, he knows he wants to spend it with her, and not a random beach
bunny he happens to meet while he's there. And when he gets an invitation to a wedding that
takes place three months from now, he asks her to be his date without thinking that it's too far
away to tell if they'll still be together.
2. Other priorities take a back seat
He used to train religiously, but lately, if she's free for dinner, he doesn't mind missing a workout.
Not only that, but his workaholic tendency of bringing work home at weekends to get ahead
seems a bit excessive to him lately.
His ever-important 'to do' list seems quite stagnant these days, as being with her always
manages to render his other plans and obligations obsolete. What was it that he absolutely had to
do by four o'clock again?
3. He doesn't mind compromising sometimes
There was a time when it was his way or the highway, but with her it's different. Not that she asks
him to, but he doesn't mind missing a night out with the lads to be with her. And he finds himself
trying to incorporate her into his plans or altering them to accommodate her.
He also finds himself not putting up a fight when she wants to go to Shakespeare in the Park.
Although his friends find this very amusing, he knows that deep down, they wish that they had
found a love like his.
4. He loves spending time with her
This one is pretty obvious but important nonetheless. He looks forward to seeing her, and doesn't
care much about what the two of them will be doing. Lately, just going for a walk with her sounds
like the best way he could possibly spend an evening.
Furthermore, when they're not together, he misses her and wishes they were spending time
5. He doesn't notice other women as much
Did he see that gorgeous blonde who just walked by? What does he mean, 'no'?!? Although he
can't help noticing a beautiful woman when one walks by, when he's in love, some of them tend to
slip under the radar, while others just pale in comparison to her. Furthermore, he doesn't seem to
be flirting half as much as he used to.
He is slowly realising that she's often the only woman in the room that matters, and for some
reason that suits him just fine.
6. They have great chemistry
He can't be in love with someone that he has no chemistry with. If he seems to always be on the
same wavelength, and think in similar ways, that's a great sign. If they also generate enough heat
to set off a five-alarm fire bell, then she is probably someone that he could fall in love with, if they
aren't there already.
7. He finds her quirks charming
The fact that she carries her passport with her everywhere she goes - just in case and that, when
she's eating, she can't help but construct every forkful so that it's the perfect blend of ingredients
fills him with an inexplicable feeling of happiness.
She does and says things that make her different, and he likes it. He can't quite put his finger on
why, but it doesn't even matter. He likes her just the way she is.
8. He cares about her
There is a reason why he doesn't really want to know too much about the chick he had a onenight
stand with: he didn't love her. When he's in love with a woman, he wants to know all about
her: who she is, what she thinks, what makes her laugh. He truly cares about her and his
If he truly loves a woman, he feels bad if she had a bad day or is upset about something. He
doesn't try to cheer her up because he has to, but because he can't help it.
9. He can't stop thinking about her
Instead, he is consumed by thoughts of her. She just pops into his head for no apparent reason,
and he wonders if she thinks of him half as much as he thinks of her. He wonders what she's up
to and even considers calling her (but should refrain from doing so for fear of looking overeager).
But it gets worse. He's out with his friends and he sees something in a shop window and thinks
about how much she would like that particular item, or he notices a poster for a show that she
would love, but normally wouldn't even have looked twice at it.
If she's the last thing on his mind before he goes to sleep and the first thing on his mind when he
wakes up - and he's even dreamed of her on a couple of occasions then he doesn't really even
need to read on to know if he's in love (but should anyway, just to be sure).
10. He's forgotten his ex
More often than not, a break-up is followed by a significant amount of time spent thinking about
his ex and wondering whether or not he made the right decision in going their separate ways.
Depending on how long the two of them were together, these doubts can resurface again and
Ever since he met this new one, however, the thought of getting back together with his ex is the
furthest thing from his mind. Come to think of it, he barely recalls what he found so great about
her in the first place.
She's the one
If he is currently dating a woman who makes him act in any of the ways mentioned above, then
he is seriously falling for her. It's time for him to put away the little black book for a while and
enjoy the ride.