Praise be upon to Allah SWT: The Lord of the Universe, that under his blessing and great guidance, I eventually able to complete this thesis as one of the requirements of achieving the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at English Study Program, Language and Arts Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Jambi University.
In accomplishing this thesis, I deservedly would like to acknowledge my deepest appreciation to the following persons who have helped and supported me to finish my thesis:
1. Drs. Yon Adlis, M.Pd, as the first supervisor who has given his charm ideas, suggestion and many other things which were useful in completing this thesis.
2. Drs. Marzul Hidayat, M.A., as the second supervisor who has given his correction, beneficial opinion and encouragement in the process of writing this thesis. He also gives his warm support and advises me to be more patient on finishing this thesis.
3. Drs. Syahrial, M.Ed, Dra. Rosinta Norawati, M.A., and Dra. Yelia, M.A. as the examiners team in the seminar of thesis proposal and in the thesis examination., for their time, contribution of thoughtful and ideas toward the development of this thesis.
4. Drs. Makmur, M.Hum as the academic advisor who has guided during the study in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.
5. All of English Study Program lecturers who had taught during the study in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.
6. All of her classmates in English Department. Thanks for the nice relation and enjoy class.
I would like to express my appreciation and faithful gratitude to my beloved mom, dad, brother and sisters, and also my beloved candidate husband, who voluntary spend their endless love and time for praying, take care of me and support me to finish writing this thesis.
Finally, researcher hopes the readers could contribute developmental criticism and suggestion to improve this thesis.
The Researcher