5.1 Conclusions
Researcher finds that in Class 1A there are 30.95 % get scores below 5.9 (unsatisfactory score), 33.33 % get scores in range 6.0 – 7.9 (adequate score), and 35,72 % get scores in range 8.0 – 100 (good score). While in Class 1B there are 46.67 % get scores below 5.9 (unsatisfactory score), 37.78 % get scores in range 6.0 – 7.9 (adequate score), and 15.55 % get scores in range 8.0–100 (good score).
After analyzing the data by using t-test at the level of significance () 0.05, is got tratio is bigger than ttable, that is tratio = 2.833 > ttable = 1.992, it shows that there is a significant difference between the students’ learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment. It can be seen from means of the two classes, mean of the class with portfolio assessment is 70.31 and mean of the class with traditional assessment is 60.00.
It can be concluded that the student learning achievement with portfolio assessment is better than the student learning achievement with traditional assessment at the level of believe 95%.
5.2 Suggestions
This research describes the student’s learning achievement with traditional assessment and portfolio assessment. Based on the result of this research, researcher has the recommendation as follows:
1. In using portfolio assessment, teacher should have well preparation for the materials, assignments, and another activity, which is appropriate with the time allocation.
2. Portfolio assessment is better implemented in small class because teacher will be easier in managing the class.
3. Government should take a close look at teacher’s salary because this is out of proportion to teacher’s duty in complementing portfolio assessment.