Name : Encu Syamsudin
Class : 4B
Subject : Seminar on ELT
Title : The influences of using Cooperaive Integrated Reading and Composition Reading (CIRCR) to students’ comprehension reading skill of a text.
Research questions :
1. What are influences of using CIRCR to students’ comprehension reading skill of a text?
2. How does CIRCR improve students’ comprehension reading skill of a text ?
3. What are differences between CIRCR and traditional reading ?
1. Background
Reading is necessary when students further their study, especially at the junior school level. They need good reading skill for acquiring knowledge and learning new information. However, we can see that most students’ reading abilities are not good enough to do so. Even reading comprehension skills of students at the upper secondary level are below the 80 percent criterion. (Youngjermjantra, 1994) This idea is supported by the finding of Aumpayap (1990) that reading strategies are not taught much in the secondary level; therefore, it is rather difficult for them to apply those strategies to improve their reading abilities. Many researchers have been interested in doing research to investigate appropriate reading strategies to help students have better understanding when they read.
Many reading methods have been used in classrooms alternately. The results show that some are successful with a particular group of students but some are not. Actually, what should be taken into consideration now is the way the knowledge is presented. As we know, teacher–centred approaches taking place in traditional classrooms do not produce active recipients and result in fossilized language learning. It is not effective enough to promote language acquisition. During the past decade, a new approach called “Cooperative Learning” seemed to attract a lot of attention and became popular. This conceptual approach is based on a theoretical framework that provides general principles on how to structure cooperative learning activities in a teacher’s specific subject area, curriculum, students, and setting. Teachers can use this approach to stimulate students to acquire the knowledge as well as create interpersonal and team skills. Traditionally, classes always consist of good students and weak students. The weak students sit in isolation as they lose confidence in their ability to learn English. Working in groups, therefore,is believed to help solve this problem. Shy students who don’t like to speak in a large class are more comfortable speaking out in smaller groups. Group members can complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses in English. Each student has a different background and ability in English, which he or she can bring to the group.
With these reasons, the researcher would like to study whether Cooperaive Integrated Reading and Composition Reading in enhancing students’ English reading skill of students at 7 grade of SMP N 1 Kadu Gede. In this study, three main research questions are addressed as follows:
1. What are the influences of using CIRCR to students’ comprehension reading skill of a text ?
2. How does CIRCR improve students’ comprehension reading skill of a text ?
3. What is difference between CIRCR and traditional reading ?
2. Objective of the research
Based on the research questions above, the man purpose of this research are to find ou he following :
1. To describe the influences of using CIRCR to students’ comprehension reading skill of a text.
2. To describe how CIRCR can improve studens’ comprehension reading skill
3. To find out the differences between CIRCR and traditional reading
3.Significance of the Research
The result of this research might be significant for education field, in the form of giving information to the teachers and the students about how Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition Reading (CIRCR) at school especially at SMP N 1 Kadugede. Furthermore, it might be able to help the teachers and the students understand benefits and weakness of using CIRCR. It also can be a reference for further research, especially a research about CIRCR methods.
4. Methods of the research
1. For Class 7A
a. Reading a Selection
The teacher first reads aloud the first part of a story as students track what the teacher is reading. As the teacher reads aloud, students hear the flow of the language and listen to its rhyme and natural rhythm. During a subsequent reading, students are encouraged to “whisperread” with the teacher. These two activities help trace a road through the text, to develop oral fluency and a sense of confidence before the real performance.
b. Partner Reading
In the original CIRC, students read silently before proceeding with partner reading. However, students do partner reading first. In partner reading, students sit in pairs, side by side or ear to ear, taking turns reading aloud. At first, partners read the story alternating sentence by sentence. After a few weeks, they alternate paragraph by paragraph. The smaller units ensure greater success, confidence, and engagement with partner and text. Often, after the first reading, they switch their starting point and reread so that each partner reads the sentences that he or she skipped the first time. Sometimes partners sit side by side, facing in the same direction, with only one book so that they can track the text for one another using their index fingers. Through multiple variations of partner reading, students learn to assist each other with the pronunciation and decoding of words. The final step is for each student to read the assigned text silently.
c.Story Retell
Students retell stories to partners within their teams, who use story outlines to evaluate their partners’ verbal summaries. Afterwards, students discuss with their partners what they liked about the story. Storytellers can go to the podium and tell the stories to the whole class. This helps the storytellers fine tune their speech skills and also model for other students the art of storytelling. Parent Listeners (volunteers at school) or parents/family at home are asked to listen to the “Story Tellers” as often as possible.
d. Giving an exercise
Students are given several questions to answer based on their understanding of a text.
2. For class 7B
a. Applying Traditional Reading
Giving an instructions to the students to read a text by using traditional reading method.
b.Give an exercise
Students are given several questions to answer based on their understanding of a text.
Finally, making comparition between improvement of students’ comprehensive reading of a text by using CIRCR and traditional reading.